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Today in Palestine

by Tierra Insurgente / Intifada Al Ard (intifadaalard [at]
A summary of news about Palestine.
| Today in Palestine! 20 - Apr - 2005 |
| http://www.TheHeadlines.Org |

Outside View: Letter to President Bush
Dear President Bush,
On the eve of (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon's visit to your ranch in Texas, my son Khalid was playing football (soccer) near our doorsteps. In less than an hour, he was brought back in a bundle of blood. The Israeli soldiers have killed him and two other playmates of his.
While you were receiving your visitor, Mr. President, we were preparing for the children's funeral. I hoped you would condemn the killing, first as a father, and second as president of the world's greatest power.

Media Alert: Bil'in Continues to Resist & Court Victory for ISM
Thurday, 21 April, 2005, students from the Ramallah region village of Bil'in will hold a demonstration against the construction of Israel's Wall on their land. The residents of Bil'in have been holding demonstrations against the Wall several times a week for the past two months, since the construction first began.

Army to expel 27 residents from a village near Tubas
The families have to evacuate with 72 hours, or they will be forced out and lose these livestock and properties. Sami Sadeq, 50, head of the village council told the Aranbs48 news website, that the village of Al-Aqaba was announced as a closed military zone in 1967 depriving the residents from the basis services and needs.

Home used as a military post in Hebron
Ahmad Abu Arqoub, a resident of Beit Marsam, reported that soldiers broke into his home, near the northern entrance of the village, forced his family in one room, and used it as a military post.

Soldiers attack detainees Huwwara detention
Wednesday afternoon, at least 50 soldiers broke into Huwwara detention, north of the West Bank, and attacked the detainees, who were striking in protest to the bad treatment and living conditions they face.

Palestinian teachers' fight highlights their oppression
The job of Palestinian teachers is made harder by having no freedom to determine the content of education. For example, in history, they are not allowed to mention the dispossession and expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948. Most teachers earn a paltry $400 per month. This has barely changed since the Israeli occupation began in 1967.

The battle for the `fingernails'
While all the attention is focused on the highly publicized evacuation of the settlers from Gush Katif, the real battle for Israel's borders is taking place in the West Bank. It could be years before the eastern border with the Palestinians is finally settled, but meanwhile, the bulldozers and builders are at work - as has been the custom of Israeli greed for the last 38 years of occupation

Why we ask for a boycott
Israeli academic institutions are all implicated in their state's racist and colonial policies by providing the practical and ideological support necessary for the maintenance of the occupation. For example, they provide consultancy services to the military and security establishment and sponsor research that justifies ethnic cleansing, extra-judicial killings, racial segregation and land expropriation.,10551,1463752,00.html

Students stand up for progress
"On a larger scale we would like to see Caterpillar take responsibility for what it's doing to make money." Craig and Cindy Corrie, parents of American peace activist Rachel Corrie, are urging customers to boycott both the construction and clothing divisions of Caterpillar. Rachel Corrie was killed in 2003 while she was protesting the destruction of a Palestinian home.

My Name is Rachel Corrie — an inspirational play about Palestine
But overwhelmingly it is an inspirational, but deeply sad, story about a young woman who tried to make the world a better, safer place for everyone. We hear Rachel’s eloquent arguments for an end to the daily persecution and brutality endured by the Palestinian people, and her commitment to their freedom and self-determination.

IDF chief Ya'alon: Israeli press is shallow and ignorant
"If a tank is able to operate during the day and at night, we would prefer operating at night so that it cannot be filmed," he said. During his lecture, Ya'alon also claimed that the death of the Palestinian boy Mohammad Al-Dura at the Gaza Strip's Netzarim junction at the beginning of the intifada was not caused by the IDF. ( Arab boy haunts army from grave !!! )

Four arrested east of Bethlehem
A local source in the village reported that soldiers, supported by several armored vehicles and jeeps, invaded the village, broke into dozens of homes and conducted military searches. The four residents were handcuffed, blindfolded and transferred to an unknown location.

Palestine US exhibit stirs controversy
A unique art exhibition showcasing the works of 23 Palestinian artists is facing uncertain times in the United States, with major museums refusing to play host. Currently on display in San Francisco , t he opening attracted up to a thousand people. But alongside the accolades, it has also drawn the ire of some politicians. As a result, most museums are fearful that hosting an exhibit that is pro-Palestinian could cost them their funding.

Abbas to coordinate pullout with Israel
"We are ready for all types of coordination and we will begin meetings with Israel on this issue sometime next week," Abbas told reporters. Abbas said the talks "will tackle every single issue, including how to handle houses in the settlements left behind by evacuated settlers." ( Worst case Scenario! )

U.S. to provide $3 billion to assist pullout
The American Administration has agreed to give Israel a 3 billion-dollar financial guarantee until 2008 to assist the implementation of the disengagement plan, Israel Radio said Wednesday. Israeli delegates met with the U.S. officials in Washington on Wednesday to begin talks on financial aid for development in the Negev and the Galilee.

PLC expected to approve new election law Wednesday
The first and second readings were approved in previous sessions by the parliament. After the approval, the new law will be passed on to the Central Election Committee, which will in turn prepare for the elections, parliamentary sources said.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades threatens to kidnap Israelis
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed wing of the dominant Fatah movement, warned on Tuesday that it will kidnap Israeli soldiers and citizens if Israel doesn't fulfill its pledges to release Palestinian prisoners.

PFLP calls to turn elections into battle against occupation
In statements to the media, Jamil Majdalawi urged the Palestinians to go on re sistance in all forms against the occupation till regaining independence. "We have to run the elections to fight corruption and to build our institutions on the democratic basis," he said.

Palestinian leader discusses date for White House trip with US envoys
Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas met two senior US envoys to prepare for an expected visit to the White House next month and urged Washington to pressure Israel to stop expanding West Bank settlements.

Peres, Qureia to meet Thursday on Gaza pullout
Vice Premier Shimon Peres is set to meet Thursday with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia to discuss possible Israeli-Palestinian coordination during the evacuation of settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank, according to a senior political source. ( No Longer Unilateral?! Now it's Road Map!? )

Israeli Army Moves Gear Out of Gaza Before Pullout
The Israeli army began removing non-essential gear from Gaza Wednesday in a first step toward evacuating Jewish settlers from the coastal territory that it has occupied for 38 years.

Abbas blasts Israel for inciting against him
"Day and night, they are inciting against me in the Israeli media. I am not the complaining type, but, despite the instructions we have issued to halt incitement on our side, Israeli officials have not stopped inciting for a moment," said Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas

Putin arriving here next Wednesday
Russian President Vladimir Putin will arrive in Israel a week from today for a two-day visit, to be followed by talks with Palestinian leaders on April 29, the Kremlin announced yesterday. The Kremlin said that Putin was visiting the Palestinian territories at the invitation of Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

The helicopters are expected to be used to carry Abbas and other top officials of the Palestinian administration between the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jordan, indicates the weekly. The Palestinians, as the publication's web site says, asked Russia to provide pilots and maintenance staff to serve the helicopters.

Palestinian minister raps Israeli pullout intention
Palestinian Minister of Public Works and Housing Mohamed Atshe said Israel's anticipated withdrawal from Gaza expressed its ulterior intention to exchange the tiny strip for Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want as their capital for an independent state.

Dream of 'return' prevents refugees from joining Palestinian society
In a letter to the editor of Yedioth Aharonoth last week, a resident of Gush Katif requested his house not be destroyed. He is convinced, he wrote, that one day, not too far in the future, he will return to the home he is being forced to abandon.,7340,L-3075336,00.html

Anti-Israel attacks foiled
"There are a small number of individuals who are trying to sabotage the peace process (on the Palestinian side) just as you have in Israel where rabbis want to attack the al-Aqsa mosque in order to spark a new war," he said.,,2-10-1462_1692657,00.html

Travel ban on Vanunu extended
Mr Vanunu, who has been barred from leaving the country since he was released from prison last year, must remain in the country until at least April 19 2006, said Gilad Heiman, a spokesman for the interior minister, Ophir Pines-Paz.,2763,1463906,00.html

Fifty bodies pulled from Tigris river
Mr Talabani gave no details about when or where the victims were abducted or found, saying only that the interim prime minister, Ayad Allawi, would deal with the matter. However, he provided the information in response to a question about the search for hostages reportedly seized from the Madaen region, south of Baghdad.,2763,1464288,00.html

Blair faces Muslim backlash over Iraq war
The Muslim Association of Britain, a highly vocal body, has told supporters not to back any sitting MP who voted for the war and anti- terrorist legislation. If followed to the letter, this would mean Muslims voting mainly for some Labour backbenchers, Lib Dems and Respect, the anti-war party, which is fielding candidates nationwide.

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