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Indybay Feature

Feds Target Bay Area Activists

by we will not be intimidated
Federal agents have been swarming over activists in the bay area - following them, detaining them, and most recently raiding two homes. At 6am, Sunday April 10th, members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, FBI, ATF, Secret Service, Coast Guard, and local police raided activist homes with guns drawn.
Since the arrest of Peter Young in Santa Clara County, after over 7 years on the FBI's WANTED list, there have been increasing levels of activity by the feds in the counties of San Francisco, Alameda, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz. This comes as no great surprise as the Department of Justice seems desperate to try and blame their failure to arrest Peter on some sort of vast consiparacy.

Under this thinly veiled excuse for harassment, federal agents have been swarming over activists in the bay area - following them, detaining them, and most recently raiding two homes. At 6am, Sunday April 10th, members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, FBI, ATF, Secret Service, Coast Guard, and local police raided activist homes with guns drawn. Items carried away in the raids ranged from blank unopened CDs and DVDs to cell phones,
computers, books, and a Conflict audio tape. At least the feds had some good music to listen to for a change!

During the federal occupation of the homes lawyers were denied entry and occupants of the houses were prevented from observing exactly what items the agents were actually taking. One activist was also arrested on an outstanding warrant she had never received any notice about, but was released from jail within hours. Local police indicated their reluctance in cooperating in this sort of blatant harassment of activists.

The scope of the warrants issued, and the receipt for items the feds
admitted to taking suggests that their primary emphasis is on targetting people who are doing support work for Peter. All materials related to his support campaign found at the homes were seized, and people who have visited Peter in jail, or attended court dates have been followed.

Peter's supporters will not let this intimidation campaign deter them. Within an hour, attorneys were present at both homes and a lawyer is currently handling the return of property and other legal motions.

It is more important than ever that we stand by Peter Young and show the Department of Justice that the animal liberation movement will not be swayed by this sort of harassment and guilt by association mentality. It is only by standing up for our rights and spotlighting this sort of misuse of federal authority that we will ever defeat it.


* Support Peter Young and all animal liberation prisoners:

* Exercise your right to remain silent when
approached by federal agents and contact No Compromise
if the feds are on your back:

* Educate everyone you know about the importance of
maintaining your rights and spotlighting government
abuse of authority to chill the free speech rights
of activists
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by .
yeah - that series of police department alerts that the CATIC California antiterrorism Information Center released, that was leaked out two years ago, indicated that there is a very strong emphasis on ALF type animal rights activism. This would include anything that would appear to resemble ALF affiliation to an outsider who gets information via search engines on the internet. They had hardly any alerts released about actual organized crime which runs rampant (just ask around at your job if they or anyone they know has had their identity stolen - it adds up to billions).
Craig Rose braugh was a big name, and also animal rights in Fresno. Secondly, they were interested in Direction Action to Stop the War, and Berkeley reclaim the streets, and sf.indymedia

where did those go. There were pdfs of these somewhere.
by !
are Cuban exiles whom blow up passenger airliners "terrorists"? Is the KKK or the Nazi party, whose rights are valiantly defended by the ACLU in court ? no, "terrorists" are people who try to save bunnyrabbits from having their genitals shocked by our nations great university professors.
by terrorism serves only the state
(1.) If you are a terrorist, it is because solely you have committed an act of terrorism Why you did it, to whom you did it, or who calls you a terrorist for doing it, are not determining factors. Only the act itself is a determining factor. If it is intended to bend people to your will by scaring them, it is terrorism.

(2.) The ALF are not "trying to save bunnyrabbits." They are trying to prevent sick and injured humans from getting the treatment that could save them. No, it is not progressive. It's evil. They're evil. Anyone who even *thinks* that innocent human beings should suffer and die so a rabbit can live, is evil. Wanting innocent human beings to suffer and die for *any* reason is evil. Don’t be evil. It’s bad for you. Get over it. Rejoin the human family. Show compassion for the sick and injured.

by Ann Throw Centrik
social movements that are truly trying to push for the overthrow of the social relations of capitalism should create great distance from the *animal rights* wingnuts. *rights* by the very nature are a bourgeois ideology. and there's something reactionary about *fighting* for animals while homeless humans suffer every day on the streets of the cities of the u.s.

here i've gotta say i'm for humans first. sorry, but you middle class wankers can keep fighting to free the cute 'n cuddly critters and all you gonna do is get the heat of the pigs breathen' down yo necks.

fool, i say!
by ?
You should really reconsider your support for this kind of political oppression, nessie. These activists are being targeted for organizing prisoner support for someone facing a ridiculously extreme sentence for an act in which no one was harmed. Despite your well known visceral and long-winded hatred for animal liberation activists, I'm still surprised to see you supporting this kind of state repression.
by not so fast
do you even know what you are talking about? have you even read this post? do you even know what he was arrested for?

"If it is intended to bend people to your will by scaring them, it is terrorism."

he freed minks, and I seriously doubt anyone was scared by it, terrorized to be more specific, although there likely have been some financial damages as a result. since you don't even seem to know what he was arrested for, you likely have no idea if anyone was actually terrorized by it. mad, maybe, but terrorized, I seriously doubt it.

now, if you, like so many capitalists, are now defining terrorism as including economic sabotage, than you can have your newer definition and be proud of it, but it is certainly not putting people in real fear for their lives as terrorism has traditionally been defined.

he was not "trying to save bunnyrabbits," you're right about that.

again, it was minks, so you're whole cut-and-paste arguement about people suffering and dieing as a result of it is moot and not even worth debating here

to "Anne", what do you actually propose "social movements that are truly trying to push for the overthrow of the social relations of capitalism" should do then? maybe you think they should support mink farmers and the "bourgeois" elite that wear mink coats while homeless people suffer. yes, anti-capitalists, the time is now to support mink farming!

and to "?", don't be surprised that he supports this kind of state repression. it jives quite closely with his authoriarian nature. he's more than willing to fall in line with the fascists and capitalists and say this mink liberator and all of the activists being harassed now deserve it. when the armed might of the state harrasses activists in support of the capitalists, nessie cheers them on with glee
by .

The target list confusion

Hastily devised and error-prone, the list of potential terror targets baffles local officials. Meanwhile, not enough money flows to patrol high-priority sites.,1413,82~30235~2383973,00.html
by now you're talking
>social movements that are truly trying to push for the overthrow of the social relations of capitalism should create great distance from the *animal rights* wingnuts

Either you are part of the solution or you're part of the problem. They are part of the problem. These people make us look bad, very bad. They alienate the very people we most need to attract. Ergo, they prolong war and the capitalism that causes. Ergo, they are the enemies of peace and social justice. We must make it clear to the world that they do not speak for us, nor do we endorse their insane, anti-human agenda. Every time they speak out, we must speak out against them. Otherwise, the right wing propaganda mill will be able to continue to use their ravings to “prove” that people who work for social justice are dangerous lunatics who want ordinary working people and their families to die so a bunch of damn rats can live, and who would outlaw meat if given the chance, as well as take away their guns and cars. That’s what being around these people and not speaking out against them makes us look like.

by oh my
if you spent half as much time fighting for the poor and suffering of today's world, so that they might have access to even basic medical care, we're talking hundreds of thousands of premature deaths in this country alone, you'd help a lot more people than you do railing against supposed potential future deaths

if you spent half as much time fighting against greedy big pharma as you do railing against animal activists, you might help prevent the tens of thousands of deaths they cause every year by having the FDA under their thumb. again, real deaths today we never see you bat an eye over but the future, oh, my

instead you're worried about how you look

the superficial and hypothetical rile you up so much more than the real health care injustices of today, people dieing today, people being ripped off by a capitalist health care system today

perhaps it's because you don't really care about the suffering of others but selfishly are more worried that somehow you will be denied some future medical treatment for yourself.

and calling for real live vigilantism (i.e violence) against activists (i.e vandals) today to head off some hypothetical danger in the future, yeah, that's a giant step over supporting state oppression
by ann t. centrik
IF misanthropic animal rights activists would stop running round like chickens with their heads cut off trying to decide whether they're moral missionaries or volunteerist mercenaries, they'd realize the world would be a lot fucking better place with just a little mutual aid to the suffering of those nearest them, be they the homeless gulf war vet self-medicating in the storefront down the street or the undocumented latino couple next door trying to raise kids with NO FUCKING HEALTH CARE, despite both parents working 2-3 jobs. now don't give me your other malthusian misanthropic *breeder* line of hate or i might start agreeing with nessie.

you anti-human, liberal fighters of moral, middle class battles are not only part of the right-wing, your reactionary indifference to human suffering puts you up there with the nazis and hitler or the khmer rouge and pol pot.

the only true revolutionary fights to liberate themselves first. these volunteerist ideas of being the *defenders* of others are not only authoritarian, but counter-revolutionary.

working at a free clinic for indigent, poor or just working class humans is more an act of mutual than freeing a billion minks, bunnies or rats.

by heard it 100 million times
of course, you ASSUME that animal activists aren't already working to help the poor

sorry your mind is too little to hold two thoughts at once, with all your little rigid rules of what a revolution is on your terms only

if anyone's a misanthrope it's you, and you're bursting at the seems with it
by ann
*that animal activists aren't already working to help the poor*

o.k., prove it.

from my experience, animal rights/lib types are from pretty sheltered suburban middle class backgrounds who have the privilege to go fight like moral crusaders.

prove me wrong. i've yet to see a homie from hunters point slave in mcdonalds, save their pennies so that they can go up to minnesota to *liberate* a couple dozen minks.

or show me people born and raised in the 'loin who work for the coaliation to help down and out folks get the basic necessities, which they never do, who are weekend warriors and go in their freetime to *liberate* the downtrodden--critters, that is.

sure, there are probably some good people involved, but overall misanthropic ideologies drive away those with compassion and with critical minds.

by no misanthrope
I just got back from Arizona providing "mutual aid" in the fight against the Minuteman Project, the anti-immigration bigots. We served as watchdogs preventing their vigilantism against undocumented migrants. Next Monday, I'm putting on a speaker from Human Rights Watch to discuss the labor abuses prevalent at US slaughterhouses, primarily anti-unionism and physical injuries, mostly against undocumented immigrant workers. I volunteer at a legal clinic serving minority communities. And I'm an animal rights activist. Hitler? Gimme a break. Get to know an animal rights activist before you bring this nonsense.
by ...
"the only true revolutionary fights to liberate themselves first"

What kind of bourgeois line is this? Ayn Rand would love you.
by ann
so what is it? a real revolutionary takes on the mercenary badge, fights others fights for them--ain't that *volunteerism?*--and then the revolution trickles back to them.

or they deterministically sit back and wait for the revolution to conveniently fall into their laps and the relax in their armchair?

and anyone not agreeing with you is *ayn rand*?
by @A
why have cointelpro, when you have such lacivious activists attacking other activists... if you wanna give mutual aid, do it... dont tell others what they MUST do to bring the "revolution", cause I have yet to see you bring about the revolution with mutual aid...

And I think it has been proven that animal rights activists do other things than just focus on animal rights issues. In fact, I have worked with such folks and I am not an animal rights activist. I would much rather work with people who are willing to work on struggles in cooperation than folks who tell me what I need to do for some revolutionary program.

Oh, and btw, before you pull the middle class warrior BS, know that I focus most of my activism on working class struggles. Not from a privledged position, but as a wage slave in the class war.
by Kristina
You are a racist, I am an animal rights activist and i was raised on welfare. I work blue collar jobs. Read your own message again. Racist.
by confused
Pete busted a bunch of mink out of a fur farm. So how the hell did you get all riled up about bunnies in med ressearch labs? The mink weren't for science. They were going to be coats for a bunch of rich people who'd rather spend money on fur coats than to help out the poor people you for some reason think animal rights activists care so little for...
by Rack
What they don't tell is that those mink

1) could not adequately feed themselves because they were raised on farms

2) were competing with one another for limited resources, so many, many more were going to starve, even if they could adquately feed themselves

3) Farm animals were slaughtered by these little buggers

4) thousands upon thousands ended up squashed beneath the wheels of automobiles

This man was an idiot.

And as for illegal immigration, do you think it's cool that thousands upon thousands of Mexicans sneak across the border and consume state resources that might otherwise go to legal immigrant families? That they see themselves as better than those waiting in line?
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