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Indybay Feature

Photos from Dog March Against UCSF Dog Experiments, April 10th

by Michelle T (noanimalexperiment [at]
To protest and draw media attention to UCSF's heartless cruelty, a dog march was held at which over 100 people and dogs were present. (Those who didn't have dogs were welcome, too!)
Despite many civilized attempts to dialogue with officials at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the university is still determined to perform cruel heart experiments on 750 to 800 dogs. They will suffer in great pain for a period of time ranging from several days to as long as six months before they die, depending on the degree of problems and injuries caused. These experiments are not going to advance human medicine because it is already known that dog hearts - both anatomically and at the cellular level - are very different from those of humans, and better results can be achieved using humane human-based research methods.

To protest and draw media attention to UCSF's heartless cruelty, we held our Dog March Sunday, April 10th from 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon at UCSF's Mission Bay Campus (corner of 16th St. and Owens St.) in San Francisco and it attracted mainstream television news coverage from three local channels broadcast the night of the demonstration.

The following is a link to the details of Dr. Jeffrey Olgin's dog experiments along with some of the most egregious experiments at UCSF recently uncovered:

KPFA 94.1 6pm news broadcast 4/10/05 MP3 stream:

Elliot M. Katz, DVM, president of In Defense of Animals, being interviewed for evening new broadcast.
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As a former inspector for the USDA under the Animal Welfare Act & as a former member of the Animal Control & Welfare Commission for the City & County of San Francisco; licensed Animal Health Technician; etc...
I am quite saddened that we as a society continue to go down as the choices we have with all forms of research have improved but that the cruelty to dogs, our best friends, is clearly needless !

I encourage those of the Animal Control & Welfare Commission to do all they are allowed to do & more for those critters need their help as they would help them out with no restraints.
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