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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Day of Silence prompts so-called Day of “Truth”

by GLSEN Greater Sacramento
the Religious Reich, here in the name of the Eagle Forum of Sacramento among others, are sponsoring a so-called Day of “Truth” on April 14, the day after the Day of Silence.
From the Editor: Day of Silence prompts so-called Day of “Truth”

They’re at it again… the Religious Reich, here in the name of the Eagle Forum of Sacramento among others, are sponsoring a so-called Day of “Truth” on April 14, the day after the Day of Silence. These are people whose “truth” lies in a fantasy world of magical thinking, where all that science, medicine, and psychology have to offer are rejected in favor of narrow prejudices and ancient enmities. They intend to spread these “truths” to students on as many campuses as they can in response to what they believe is the encroachment of the “homosexual agenda” onto their once protected sphere of influence. Clearly, they have chosen to ignore the ongoing problems of harassment and discrimination against LGBT youth, in many cases because they are the very people who encourage the marginalization of sexual minorities. They’ve chosen instead to rail against what they perceive is the discrimination against their right to discriminate against gay youth. It’s how they look through their looking glass.

I’ve been asked how one should respond to these folks. I’m not sure that their form of bigotry is deserving of a response. But since people are going to want to respond, I’ll pass along some ideas from GLSEN mixed in with some advice of my own.

First, these folks probably have all the First Amendment bases covered, so unless they are a bunch of adults or they have students going into classrooms during class time and spouting religious nonsense, I wouldn’t attempt to shut them down or shut them up. Let them speak. The more they speak, the more nonsensical their “truths” will appear.

The Day of Silence uses the historical silencing of LGBT people as a way to protest anti-LGBT discrimination and harassment. Participants want to create safe schools for all, including LGBT students. In California, students are simply asking that existing laws (such as AB537 and SB71) be enforced in all schools in the state.

The Day of “Truth,” according to the Alliance Defense Fund, “was established to counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda and expresses an opposing viewpoint from a Christian perspective.” Once they’ve incorrectly framed what the Day of Silence is all about, they go on to elaborate on their familiar litany of “truths:” blaming the health crisis of HIV/AIDS on LGBT people, biblical injunctions against homosexuality, and opposition to gay and lesbian couples right to marriage equality.

In response to these “truths,” don’t even mention the “Day of Truth” by name. This “event” isn’t deserving of the credibility such an acknowledgement conveys. One can politely point out that the issue at hand is the bullying, harassment, name-calling and violence that LGBT students see and face in our schools. Opponents often protest, but rarely add anything positive to finding ways to end anti-LGBT harassment.

In fact, the anti-gay folks are often the very ones contributing to an environment of bullying and discrimination. I’ve never heard anyone disparagingly remark, “That’s so Christian!” But I hear “That’s so gay” all the time.

For more information, go to
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by Kathy Johnson (rockcrest [at]
I was pleased to read the article by GLSEN regarding the lies in the day of truth.

We could not be more proud of our daughter who is the president of the GSA at Del Oro High in Loomis. She is working hard to promote Day of Silence while her so-called "Truth" leaders tear down her posters.

If they speak the truth - why vandalize the GSA posters?
by RWF (restes60@earthlink.)
[Proud Mother
by Kathy Johnson Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2005 at 12:16 PM
rockcrest [at]

I was pleased to read the article by GLSEN regarding the lies in the day of truth.

We could not be more proud of our daughter who is the president of the GSA at Del Oro High in Loomis. She is working hard to promote Day of Silence while her so-called "Truth" leaders tear down her posters.

If they speak the truth - why vandalize the GSA posters?]

They tear the posters down because they are, as Sam Smith calls them, the "American Taliban"

By the way, do school authorities do anything about these people tearing down the posters?


by Brian Hayes
In the above article, the Right are referred to as "the Reich" (Natzis) the "Taliban", and bigots. let's look at all of these individually. Hitler put people in camps and burned them. The Taliban decapitated dissenters. No one on the far right is advocating that. All we want is an equal platform to share our views.
Does that make us bigots? Then you are indeed guilty of wanting "special rights"-unique to your sub-culture.
I know the agenda of GLSEN and others is "respect and acceptance."
My children will learn to respect homosexuals as people created in the image of God who have chosen a deviant sexual path. Because they are deviant, though, they will never be taught to accept their lifestyle.
You may recruit someone else's children into your movment under the guise of "tolerance and acceptance"-but not mine....
by RWF (restes60 [at]
. . . they reveal themselves for what they are

[In the above article, the Right are referred to as "the Reich" (Natzis) the "Taliban", and bigots. let's look at all of these individually. Hitler put people in camps and burned them. The Taliban decapitated dissenters. No one on the far right is advocating that. All we want is an equal platform to share our views.

Does that make us bigots? Then you are indeed guilty of wanting "special rights"-unique to your sub-culture.
I know the agenda of GLSEN and others is "respect and acceptance."

My children will learn to respect homosexuals as people created in the image of God who have chosen a deviant sexual path. Because they are deviant, though, they will never be taught to accept their lifestyle.
You may recruit someone else's children into your movment under the guise of "tolerance and acceptance"-but not mine....]

And in what image did God create you? Isn't it a little arrogant to act so superior? Could it be that God created you as someone who choose the deviant path of promoting hatred towards gays and lesbians?

After all, it's a legitimate question to ask, if you start assuming that you know God better than others. Others are going to start evaluating you in the same way, which is one of the reasons that I reject this fundamentalist nonsense, which really serves the purpose of providing a pseudo-spiritual basis for people to justify and promote their pre-existing bigotries.

by Brian Hayes
The broader issue is not homosexuality-but sexual activity before marriage in general. Though many of my generation were active in our younger years, yet we now carry the emotional and physical baggage of hurts, abuse, dissapointments, and in many cases, disease.
I have welcome homosexuals into my home, and defended them against those who tried to paint them as second class citizens.
I believe that sex should be for one man, one woman, in the context of marriage.
You and I can disagree all day long, but if one side can take it into the easily pliable young minds of middle-school children, so can the other.
I am not asking anyone to accept me as a right wing Christian and teach their kids my views are equal to theirs.
Why should you ask that of me?
what the religious right wants to do

[You and I can disagree all day long, but if one side can take it into the easily pliable young minds of middle-school children, so can the other.
I am not asking anyone to accept me as a right wing Christian and teach their kids my views are equal to theirs.
Why should you ask that of me?]

hence, abstinence based sex education programs and an insistence that gay and lesbian students stay in the closet

the whole purpose of these protests for "truth" is essentially to publicly stigmatize gay and lesbian students as "deviant"

just imagine if some students organized a protest describing Asians or Latinos as "deviant"

likewise, these protests are also aimed at trying to encourage school officials from not enforcing the law when it comes to acting against the harassment of gay and lesbian students, which has been pervasive

a law, incidentally, that the religious right opposed vehemently, and is now, as noted, trying to prevent from being enforced

this whole "truth" movement is really about closeting gay and lesbian students and permitting religious right bigots to harass, intimidate and, sometimes, violently attack anyone who strays outside of it without consequence


by Brian Hayes
I think that you misunderstood my position.

People are people (let's skip the image of God thing).

White, Black, Yellow, Red- skin color makes no difference.

Neither does the place on this earth upon which you were born.

According to Webster's dictionary, to deviate means "to stray especially from a standard, or principle."

So if I, as a parent, and our society as a whole, want to say that gay and lesbian sexual practices are deviant from our standards, that is not hateful or violent or anything.

It is just stating a fact. If someone made a car with 3 wheels, and I said it was "deviant from what I want for myself and my family" that is a very different statement than if I were to get a hammer and smash the windows out. Hate is always wrong. I can teach my kids to love people while being in disapproval of their behavior. No problem.

Your comparisons to ethnic groups are not relevant, and your logic is inconsistent.

In the beginning of your response you say that the right wants gays "in the closet" and then you say that they want them "open to harassment and violence." Which is it?

Yes, a few right wingers have done embarrassing things.

But to label us all as hateful bigots is untrue.

Seems to me that you are the one promoting hate, Richard.
by RWF (restes60 [at]
you can say whatever you want to your kids, and raise them however you want

and I won't call you a bigot if you publicly support including gays and lesbians within the reach of anti-discrimination laws related to housing, employment and education

and, if you also support laws designed to protect gay and lesbian students from harassment at school

but, if you don't, you are, just like the people who said they had nothing against blacks in the Deep South, they just didn't want to give them "special treatment"

just like in this Bee article about the "Day of Truth", where the promoters of the event claim to object to discrimination and harassment against gays and lesbians, but avoid the obvious response of the proponents of the "Day of Silence", who, state, legitimately, that the whole purpose of the event is object to harassment and discrimination

so, why aren't the proponents of the "Day of Truth" participating in the "Day of Silence" instead?

answer: they don't support legal protections from discrimination and harassment for gays and lesbians, all of their artfully crafted rhetoric aside

there's no contradiction, contrary to your remark:

[In the beginning of your response you say that the right wants gays "in the closet" and then you say that they want them "open to harassment and violence." Which is it?]

let's look at my statement again:

[this whole "truth" movement is really about closeting gay and lesbian students and permitting religious right bigots to harass, intimidate and, sometimes, violently attack anyone who strays outside of it without consequence]

got it, now?


by Brian Hayes
Richard, we'll probabably never meet or talk again.
So thanks for your opinion and for clarifying.

I would generally be in favor of seeing that gays and lesbians have the same opportunities for housing, employment etc. that I have, that is outside of private organizations that have their moral values opposing homosexuality written into their mission statement. I would say that the government should stay out of private people's business.

So if I was renting a house, and the most qualified couple to rent were two gay men, I would rent to them and, and not to would be "bigotry."

If I had a non-religious organization, and the most qualified for the job was a lesbian woman, I would be foolish not to hire her.

However, if my organization was religious by nature, with values running in the opposite direction of the values of the gay/lesbian person, I absolutely do not believe the government should step in and force me to hire them.

You wrote, "if you also support laws designed to protect gay and lesbian students from harassment at school."

I would generally be in opposition to "laws designed to protect them."

When I was a kid, I was a fatso. That meant getting beat up once in a while, sometimes it meant beating the other kid up.
But I survived without Big Brother watching over me.

I am generally in disfavor of government stepping in and solving all our problems.

But this has nothing to do with my views in regards to homosexuality.

Thanks for your time.
by RWF (restes60 [at]
I know that you are on your way, but I thought that I would post this anyway. It's not meant as an attempt to one up you, or disparagingly get in the last word.

[I would generally be in favor of seeing that gays and lesbians have the same opportunities for housing, employment etc. that I have, that is outside of private organizations that have their moral values opposing homosexuality written into their mission statement. I would say that the government should stay out of private people's business.

So if I was renting a house, and the most qualified couple to rent were two gay men, I would rent to them and, and not to would be "bigotry."

If I had a non-religious organization, and the most qualified for the job was a lesbian woman, I would be foolish not to hire her.

However, if my organization was religious by nature, with values running in the opposite direction of the values of the gay/lesbian person, I absolutely do not believe the government should step in and force me to hire them.]

Generally, I agree with this. There is however, the thorny question as to the participation of religious organizations in the secular world, providing services, such as housing, substance abuse assistance, etc., frequently with the support of government grants or government referrals (such as, for example, from the courts).

Given that religous organizations are increasingly replacing the government in these areas, with either government support, or the, paradoxically, reduction in support for the public sector, I believe that religions that perform secular functions should be subject to secular rules.

[You wrote, "if you also support laws designed to protect gay and lesbian students from harassment at school."

I would generally be in opposition to "laws designed to protect them."

When I was a kid, I was a fatso. That meant getting beat up once in a while, sometimes it meant beating the other kid up.
But I survived without Big Brother watching over me.

I am generally in disfavor of government stepping in and solving all our problems.

But this has nothing to do with my views in regards to homosexuality.]

I understand this view to an extent. When I was young, things that would be considered grossly unacceptable today were commonplace. Taunting, bullying, fights, and children were expected to resolve these situations on their own, and often did.

But neither of us live in that world anymore, and, perhaps, I was insensitive to the consequences of what went on around me. In any event, one way for gays and lesbians to protect themselves is to seek and obtain assistance from the school district and the state, just as others have done.

Can you imagine if someone went around calling an African American student n----r frequently and getting his friends to follow them around and berate them?

It just wouldn't be tolerated. Likewise, people shouldn't go around harassing gays and lesbians in the same way.

In any event, if women and people of color have these legal protections, why shouldn't gays and lesbians? After all, if the "Day of Truth" scene believes that they should be treated with respect, then I don't see the problem.


by Stephanie (stephaniemstephan [at]
Christians across the country on the day of truth are only asking for the same respect as those on the day of silence ask for. We are americans too and are protected by the constitution, the constitution didn't say only those who's oppinions we want to listen to are given free speech it says all are given that right. As a christian, homosexuality is nothing new, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the wanton disregard to GOd's commands. A day is coming when He will return and the bible says"woe to those who cause any of his children to sin, it is better that they be weighted down and cast into a sea." my warning to all those who want to legitimize homosexuality in schools and across the nation there is a day of reckoning coming. Christians are being persecuted day in and day out, we know it's coming none of this wasn't already foretold in the bible. I pray that all who read this that you will hear from someone the Good news of Jesus Christ. It's not about condemnation but about love and forgiveness. It's about a Hope and that Hope is Jesus Christ. I pray that you will find God and allow him to change you. Homosexuality is as much of a choice as is giving into any of the other desires our sinful natures have. Homosexuals are just the only form of sinful nature that we as a society have started to allow. The problem is it won't end there, before long it won't matter who or what you want to have sex with if you have that desire then you must have been born that way so it must be ok. We as a society have opened pandoras box and we have lost our moral guidance. THis world is not going to be a better place by embracing homosexuality but instead it will continue into a world of moral depravity that we will never recover.
by Stephanie (stephaniemstephan [at]
Can you imagine if someone went around calling an African American student n----r frequently and getting his friends to follow them around and berate them?

{It just wouldn't be tolerated. Likewise, people shouldn't go around harassing gays and lesbians in the same way.

In any event, if women and people of color have these legal protections, why shouldn't gays and lesbians? After all, if the "Day of Truth" scene believes that they should be treated with respect, then I don't see the problem. }

The difference is there is no question whether a black or asian is born that way it's obvious they were, homosexuality goes down to the fact that everyone doesn't agree they were and furthermore who you sleep with shouldn't define you as a person. Somehow being homosexual is who you are, I'm straight that doesn't define me, I don't walk into a housing office and say hey I'm straight what do you have to offer me. Personally I think it would all be resolved if dating weren't allowed at all on school campuses.
. . . . a bigoted G-d, and it's sad that you do

if there is a Judgment Day, you might find yourself very surprised at what happens

by Stephanie Thursday, Apr. 21, 2005 at 6:36 AM
stephaniemstephan [at] 941-366-8795

[Christians across the country on the day of truth are only asking for the same respect as those on the day of silence ask for. We are americans too and are protected by the constitution, the constitution didn't say only those who's oppinions we want to listen to are given free speech it says all are given that right. As a christian, homosexuality is nothing new, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the wanton disregard to GOd's commands. A day is coming when He will return and the bible says"woe to those who cause any of his children to sin, it is better that they be weighted down and cast into a sea." my warning to all those who want to legitimize homosexuality in schools and across the nation there is a day of reckoning coming. Christians are being persecuted day in and day out, we know it's coming none of this wasn't already foretold in the bible. I pray that all who read this that you will hear from someone the Good news of Jesus Christ. It's not about condemnation but about love and forgiveness. It's about a Hope and that Hope is Jesus Christ. I pray that you will find God and allow him to change you. Homosexuality is as much of a choice as is giving into any of the other desires our sinful natures have. Homosexuals are just the only form of sinful nature that we as a society have started to allow. The problem is it won't end there, before long it won't matter who or what you want to have sex with if you have that desire then you must have been born that way so it must be ok. We as a society have opened pandoras box and we have lost our moral guidance. THis world is not going to be a better place by embracing homosexuality but instead it will continue into a world of moral depravity that we will never recover.]
by stephanie
you know the truth is that if I should die and find out that all I believed was wrong i've lost nothing, there is no other belief that is harder to accept then christianity. Christianity is the only belief that requires you to die to yourself and to live to be a servant, so if I die and find out that for example reincarnation was correct I still will be ok. I'm more concerned for those that stand before God on judgement day and go oops I'm sorry. True Christianity is about love and truth. "For I have not come to condemn the world but to save it" Jesus came so that all could have eternal life. If you trust in Him and put your hope in Him you can't go wrong.
I'm more saddened for those who believe in the lies of this world. IF you look at countries where Sexual Freedom has been completely expressed with no rules or regulations you will look at countries where God has been supressed and life is not as Utopian as everyone believes it should be. Look at Europe it is a very ungodly nation and is basicly a 21st century sodom and gomorah. I'm not sorry for myself, because I have no doubts of my eternity can you say the same. can you say with certainity without question that living the way you do will give you a good place for eternity. If you can then great but when you stand before God you won't be able to say wait no one told you...because Christians are telling you about the way the truth and the life, "no man comes to the father but through me" " For God so loved the whole world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believeth in Him will have everlasting life" I cling to that TRUTH...
by Stephanie (stephaniemstephan [at]
Everyone is an uproar of Truth because they think that they have an agenda, however doesn't day of silence have a private agenda. I am not tolerant of moletors, child abusers, rapists, thieves, I don't beat them but I don't sugar coat them and say well if you were born to do those things then go ahead and do them. I am so tired of everyone saying being tolerant of homesexuals, bisexuals, trisexuals is the thing to do. The problem is society has become so tolerant of everything yet we can't figure out why our the inmates outweigh the jailhouses, why divorce is on the rise, why more homeless roam the streets, I have heard well homosexuality has been around since the age of time, yes but we didn't tolerate it was in the closet we were ashamed of it, now we have gay pride, gay rights before you know it those who sleep with dead people, sleep with children and on and on and on will come out and say they should have a right too, Once society begins to condone one sinful act so many others will follow on the shirt tails. I am a parent of 2 beautiful children whom I have taught not to hate the person but the sin however they are to always be honest, if a person tells them that homosexuality is ok and that it's the way they are while they don't need to argue they do need to say that's not true, I believe it is a sin,we were all born with sin in our hearts it's up to us to accept Jesus Christ and to live a life that is blameless. IF my school wants to teach that children should accept homosexuality as ok, then my child will no longer go to that school, I will not force my child to accept society's lies as truth. If you say that makes me ignorant go ahead, I don't make my children read the satanic bible to say that it's wrong I just teach them. Truth is Truth you can't hide from it,. No matter what guise the homosexual world puts on it's lies it is still that a lie. YOu were not born homosexual you choose to give into a desire that is within you. We all have desires that are not what we were created for and I have to give myself to God daily to not act in the flesh. Homosexuality is all about sex it's not about anything more, it's not about who you are it's asking society to make it ok that a man sleeps with a man or whatever, you are asking society to accept what you do in the bedroom as a norm. and sexual teaching has nothing to do with the classroom and everything to do with parents. I'm sorry that our world has come to this point, and I actually fear for my children the things they will be forced to learn as truths as they are old enough to go to high school. This world is not going to get better it's just going to continue to spin out of control, until one day we will wake up and christians will have to meet in secret because all the deviants of the world have taken over. That is a sad but already predicted day. I am taking the opportunity now to prepare myself for that day. It is already becoming more and more of a reality now. I'm just so sad...
. . . if you actually took the time to know some gay and lesbian people, and learned about the emotional sincerity of their relationships, and then you'd discover that much of what you've written is condescending, bigoted nonsense


[Homosexuality is all about sex it's not about anything more, it's not about who you are it's asking society to make it ok that a man sleeps with a man or whatever, you are asking society to accept what you do in the bedroom as a norm. and sexual teaching has nothing to do with the classroom and everything to do with parents. I'm sorry that our world has come to this point, and I actually fear for my children the things they will be forced to learn as truths as they are old enough to go to high school. This world is not going to get better it's just going to continue to spin out of control, until one day we will wake up and christians will have to meet in secret because all the deviants of the world have taken over. That is a sad but already predicted day. I am taking the opportunity now to prepare myself for that day. It is already becoming more and more of a reality now. I'm just so sad...]
by not sure who iam
all this talk about bigotry and being a bigot. well i finally got fed up and looked up the word in a dictionary, after all, words mean things. It said, "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices."

can there be a bigoted God? if the god of the bible is really absolute goodness and that which is antithetical to his nature evil, then he cannot be a bigot, for he is only acting according to his nature (hating that which exists in rebellion to him in his universe). If he really is who he says-then he has no opinions, just factual knowledge.

as for us little earth people, by what standard do we call another person a bigot? because they are intolerant of us? Then we become bigots by our intolerance of their intolerance. after all, who says that intolerance is wrong? you may not like an intolerant person, but in a world with no god, no bible, and no objective standards we have only our opinions and prejudices to go on.

So when we are talking about your opinions I am a supposed to be tolerant or I am a bigot, but when we are talking about your opinions it's anything goes, right?

by Daniel
Hi, everyone I'm from Orange County California and currently living in Las Vegas with my wife 'Joy' that I just got married to. I must say I was moved to respond to this blog due to 'Richard.'
I've never been gay nor desired to however I had thoughts pop up in my mind before in the past. I can tell you dear 'Richard' that a couple years back I was gothic, into many drugs, listened to Marilyn Manson and excercised many other godless things. I was obsessively compulsive with many things such as fornicating, getting money, and even beastiality. I was practically & proverbially reduced to a puddle-of-ooz and felt like it inside despite being happy on the outside. Our hearts just know the difference between right and wrong don't they? Yes they do. I couldn't dismiss the fact that I felt deep down and knew the things I was into and saught after were wrong. In the zenith of my sinful life in the beginning of September 2001 before 9/11 I was at the Texas Station Casino with my girlfriend at the time named 'Mandy' and her friend 'Jino' while under the influence of acid for the second time I recieved a revelation that changed my life completely. I was put in my place after making a derogatory comment that reverberated and echoed throughout the entire bowling alley down there in the basement of the casino. I realized God heard what I was saying not just the people around me. I remember from my random studying of the bible and hearing the word from christians and most importantly the truth written on mine that there is a myriad of matryrs who's testimonies are convicting. I mean think about it why would so many endure such unimmaginable and unbearable torture and persecution for a lie? (The Muslim faith is not included because regardless of them being founded on the monotheistic truth and being possible descendents of Abraham their lineage was cursed. They abandoned the truth of their religion and perverted it. I believe they are included in the destruction that is to fall upon the cursed caananite tribe. It's empirically evident that they are cursed because their religion is virtually derverted completely from their undeniable roots and completely conflicts with Yeshua Ha'Mashiach [Jesus the Christ] or [Jesus the Messiah] command to love your enemy. God came down to Earth and is manifested to us through Jesus Christ and is how he had the authority to infallibly moderate the law. I am aware that the Muslim religion does recognize Jesus however not as the Messiah nevertheless the fact remains he is. The Holy Bible justly declares to judge righteously see Mathew 7:1-7 however by no means (as I know it) are citizens permitted to condemn anyone. Like Stephanie stated unquoted Judge the sin not the sinner. You must and shall believe in this!
So back to my story. I was sitting there almost unable to move and was totally speechless at this revelation/epiphony. It has compelled me up to where I am now. The hole in my soul was filled by Gods blessings that I don't deserve yet he grants me through humbility, faith, and good works in Jesus name! I was totally wretched and tormented in my life of sin and felt I basically fell to the bottom of the barrel and knew if I died at that moment I would have been damned forever to the fire of Hell and just the thought of Gods wrath makes me tremble with fear I would not wish on anyone! Damnation is not being in Gods presence it is eternal death and worse than anything I could ever imagine. I thought before that incident I wasn't affraid of death because I was ensnared in the perversion of atheism and came to the acceptance of being nothing but God showed me he exists and at that time I was trembling with fear at the mere thought of death because of the condition I was in. Now I believe in Jesus and serve him intrepidly. Don't believe others if they say Hell doesn't exist like Mormons that are Christians however there is a flaw in their doctrine because they don't believe in a fire and brimstone Hell they claim that belief originated from pagan cultures over in Rome or something but I'm telling you now the Bible acknowledges Hell Jesus acknowledges Hell Muslims and many others do and I can tell you for a fact I know there is a Hades and a Hell! I would declare and shout that from the rooftops along with Jesus saves because that is the good news. I was taken from my situation and forgiven quicker then I could say 'repent.' I am no longer affraid of death at all and eagerly wait for rapture because I know I'm saved because I am and will continue l intrepidly endure to the end. Think 'Richard' was Freddy Mercury at ease with the thought of death? Remember the song from 'Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody?' where he said 'I don't want to die I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all' how sad that looks and sounds? Well, I cannot say where he is going but I feel he did. I hope if you are in fact a homosexual that you would turn from your ways because in your heart you know its wrong the Bible is first book to say such among other things and now you have again been projected the message that it is sinful and will lead to your everlasting torment in the Lake of fire. Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

Respond if you want 'Richard' I hope you got something from this that homosexuals and promoters of the abomination are a minority and it shall never be tollerated. Your futile attempts to convince me otherwise or any other sensible living being is a lie thus another sin that you shall repent for. The evidence is suffice, please read it and weep of your ways and experience repentance. It's doesn't matter to me if you reply because what will happen will happen. Truth stands for itself and cannot be changed just like God. If you take this advice HALLELUJAH you are on your way! If not, I understand you have free will like all of us that are alive and I can only advise. I am going now. Thank you for reading this and if you are a believer God Bless you. Amen.
by Susie-Q
Homosexuality/same-sex love may have been seen as a sin because governments/leaders were trying to increase the population. The focus on procreative sex seems to indicate this.
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