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Indybay Feature


by La Raza Centro Legal/DLP
On April 17-18, a California delegation of immigrant rights and human rights
activists will be in Douglas, Arizona to respond to the presence of
vigilantes on the US/México border, and to their hate messages.

On April 17-18, a California delegation of immigrant rights and human rights
activists will be in Douglas, Arizona to respond to the presence of
vigilantes on the US/México border, and to their hate messages. This group
of 20-40 activists, in coordination with allies in Arizona, will counter
the national media coverage and international attention that the "Minutemen"
have received with our message: We will not tolerate vigilanteism against
immigrant communities! Immigrant rights are human rights!


APRIL 16: Vehicles will leave from Centro del Pueblo, 474 Valencia St. at 7
am. Riders will be expected to pay at least $50 for gas. Drive to Arizona
takes approximately 13 hours.

APRIL 17: Join ally organizations for border vigil.

APRIL 18: Peaceful march and press conference at the border, in front of
the vigilantes' posts. Return to California. Meeting place in Douglas to
be announced.


--We need vehicles to drive participants to Arizona! If you are able to
drive passengers to Arizona, please call Renee Saucedo at (415) 425-6575 if
before Tuesday 4/12. After 4/12, please call Mel Pilbin at (415) 902-8808.

--If you can go to Arizona, please join us! If not, please feel free to
make a monetary donation to the trip. We will need funds for basic
necessities like food and lodging.

--Help with the local press. Please contact Maria Poblette at (415)


--Participants must be able to pretty much cover their own expenses. We are
doing as much fundraising as possible, but limited time won't allow us to
raise too much.

--Participants must be documented. At the border, we expect to be near the
vigilantes and the Border Patrol. We consider this action to be too risky
for people without papers. Undocumented immigrants will be participating
from California, helping with the local media, etc.

--Participants must commit to practice non-violence. Absolutely no weapons!
We know that some of the vigilantes are armed, and we don't want to provoke
any unnecessary reactions from them. The group will conduct a peaceful
march and press conference at the border, close to the vigilantes' posts.


Organizers of the border action include La Raza Centro Legal, St. Peter's
Housing Committee, Heads Up Collective, PODER, SF Day Labor Program, Women's
Collective, Padres Unidos.

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by de mexico
los apoyo en nuestra lucha pero por favor ya dejen de llamarnos asi, que los realmente son inmigranes son los que vienen de tierras extrañas como China o Europa, no de este continente!!!

nosotros indigenas tenemos miles de años aqui, como vamos a ser "inmigrantes" en nuestra PROPIA TIERRA???
by John Damien
Here's the contact info for the Miracle Valley Seminary. They are hosting vigalantes. Send them some feedback! Make sure to tell them that their supposed perfect god made immigrants too.
9224 E Hwy 92
Miracle Valley, AZ 85615
Phone: (520) 366-1000
Fax: (520) 366-5829
Email: MiracleOffice [at]
by marc cooper (repost)
Lawn-Chair Militias
Surviving a weekend with the Arizona Minutemen

TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA — Unwittingly, for sure. Nevertheless, the organizers of this month’s Minuteman Project — a plan to deploy 1,000 or more volunteers to blockade a portion of the Mexican border — couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate staging ground than this movie-set town totally dedicated to Old West re-enactments.

Last weekend, mustachioed, six-gun–carrying Tombstone Marshals (as the local police call themselves), standing alongside tourist stagecoaches, gathered on the town’s main street with a squad of Wyatt Earp and Clanton Gang impersonators bedecked in period costumes. At their side was a group of dark-uniformed Arizona Rangers, a somewhat elderly auxiliary state police force. What they all had in common were sidearms. Some were real. Some, in the cases of the re-enactors, weren’t.

Completing the cast were the Minutemen. Some of them, a very few of them, were also armed. But all of them were re-enactors in their own right.

Indeed, the Minuteman Project of 2005, which brought out more than 200 reporters and a caravan of satellite trucks to this hardscrabble patch of southeastern Arizona desert, produced more than 1,000 press reports in its first few days, and was pumped up with millions of dollars’ worth of free pre-event hype by the cable networks, was, in fact, one of the great media simulacra of recent times.

Organizers promised that legions of mad-as-hell volunteers would show up this first weekend and spend a month staking out the border with binoculars, radios and guns (for self-defense only, please), doing the dirty work of plugging the border that the federal government refuses to do.

After spending all that money to get the TV trucks out to Tombstone, and after all those reporters had persuaded their editors to let them make the trek to grab the sexy story of yahoos running loose on the border with guns, and after all those editors had cleared the coverage with their desks, almost no one wanted to tell the real story once they got out here: The Minutemen were basically a flop. Despite organizers’ claims that 450 people showed up the first day (befittingly on April Fools’ Day), reporters visibly equaled or outnumbered the actual participants.

At no point could any reporter see evidence of more than 150 Minutemen gathered in one place — even though the first two days of activities were all about concentrating their forces in a pair of protest rallies. There were some notable exceptions in the coverage. The Chicago Tribune’s Michael Martinez was one of the few who dared to state that he could count only 150 participants. The Arizona Republic’s fine border reporter Susan Carroll also pointed out the degree to which the whole project was a media-inflated stunt.

But the bulk of the coverage continued to play along with the fiction that a mass of American citizens had come down here to stand against the immigrant hordes. Just as busloads of tourists cram into three shows a day and pay 10 bucks a head to cheer on the phony gunfighters at the OK Corral, the media, which had already invested so much in this non-story, deployed their most narrow lens magnifying the antics of a small fringe of a few dozen into a Matter of National Significance.

The story of an armed citizen militia was just too juicy to forgo. Even when most of this militia wasn’t armed and it wasn’t really a militia. It’s always dangerous to generalize, but the crowd of volunteers was so small that it reduces the risks of stereotyping. If anything, this was a lawn-chair militia — a disproportionately elderly, disproportionately male, all-white crew whose most ambitious plan was to spend a day or two under an umbrella, sitting in the desert, drinking some cool ones and bitching about illegal aliens. These Minutemen are to real vigilantes — who risk getting shot at while they’re out shooting others — what the Disney Jungle Boat Ride is to Amazon exploration.

Taking a well-deserved break
from lawn chairs on
the streets on Naco
Not to say that the project isn’t a magnet for some pretty extreme characters. While Orange County–based Jim Gilchrist, a retired accountant and Vietnam vet, thought up the project, the ground-level commander is radical right-wing populist Chris Simcox. “Enough is enough,” he told me in an interview in front of the Tombstone Tumbleweed, the local newspaper he owns. “We could no longer be suckered into just writing letters to our congressmen. And the feared enemy is not just coming across the border. There’s also the enemy behind our back.”

That would be us. The media.

“My job is to be the tough guy,” he told a gaggle of his supporters on the Tumbleweed’s back patio. “I remind you that the world is watching while we’re doing the most radical thing in the world: standing on the frontline. The media has created a frenzy, a monster . . . looking for vigilantes. There are none. They’re gonna be watching us and they are going to hassle you, scrutinize you. It’s a sad day when you can’t go out to the border and watch the scenery without being called a radical.”

Exactly why should Simcox — who wouldn’t exist without the media — be so angry at the media? A former Los Angeles–area kindergarten teacher, Simcox moved to Arizona three years ago, took over the Tumbleweed and set up his own anti-immigrant militia, the Civil Homeland Defense. His events have never drawn more than a handful of supporters, his professed ideology is a jumble of black-helicopter conspiracy and paranoiac demagogy, and he was convicted last year of a federal weapons charge. But reporters pretty much treated him as a minor rock star this past week, hanging on his every word and handing him long stretches of airtime.

Simcox was quick to claim victory for the project even before it got under way. He took credit for an announcement earlier in the week that the Bush administration was sending 500 more Border Patrol agents to southern Arizona. “We’ve already gotten our message out,” he said. “If the U.S. government doesn’t soon deploy National Guard troops on the border, there will soon be Minuteman Projects popping up everywhere.”

If the message about border enforcement was so important, I asked him, then why didn’t he discourage his followers from bringing guns with them?

“Doesn’t this distract from your core message?” I asked.

“We’ve done this on purpose to show your bias and your vile distortions,” he answered.

“So exposing this media bias is more important than exposing the failure of border policy,” I said.

“Exactly. We don’t discourage the guns on purpose,” Simcox said. “Your reaction exposes the most extreme sort of persecution complex by the media.”

This sort of rhetoric has earned Simcox few friends and scant support in his new hometown. No place in America is more affected by illegal immigration than Arizona, specifically this southern swath of the state. Little surprise that last November, 57 percent of Arizonans voted for the anti-immigrant Proposition 200. With the major population centers of Tucson and Phoenix just a short few hours’ drive away, a close-the-border project like the Minutemen could theoretically draw a huge turnout. Its actual number of participants, less than what a good high school football game would attract, only underlines to what degree Simcox and the Minutemen are strictly marginal even in the most potentially sympathetic atmosphere.

“Simcox has really turned off the whole town,” says one of the Doc Holliday impersonators with a thick Brooklyn accent. “People move here to get away from shit like his.” A number of Tombstone stores have stopped carrying his Tumbleweed and replaced it on the racks with a new rival and more moderate publication, The Reaper.

Over at his frontierlike Dragoon Saloon, the ruddy-faced, cowboy-hatted 45-year-old mayor of Tombstone, Andree Dejournett, was downing a tub’s worth of suds, clearly hoping that this whole episode would quickly pass. “I love Mexico, I love Mexicans,” the mayor said after taking another sip. “I want to see it work where these people have a chance to work, make some money. Let’s work it out. They need us and we need them. It’s a big world, and everybody in it has got to eat. Let’s just work it all out.”

The mayor’s view was hardly the prevailing sentiment as the Minutemen held their first rally on Friday afternoon inside the town’s historic former courthouse. About a hundred volunteers loudly applauded both Gilchrist, the Vietnam vet from Orange County, and Simcox as well as the two visiting dignitaries: Pat Buchanan’s sister Bay and Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, leader of the House faction that favors the most restrictive immigration policy.

If you sift the rhetoric, it’s evident that the immigration issue in the America of 2005 is strictly a fight among Republicans. It was George W. Bush, not Vicente Fox, who took most of the oratorical fire. “Our message to President Bush is that you have failed our children,” thundered Bay Buchanan, dressed in a stylish pale blue-jeans outfit. “You have failed. You have failed because you allow drugs and criminals to come across our borders! You have failed America!”

Tancredo struck a similar theme, asserting that the Bush administration has a conscious policy of keeping the border open to illegals. “I’m proud of every single one of you,” Tancredo told the crowd. “You are heroes. You are not vigilantes. You are heroes, with each one of you representing hundreds of thousands of Americans.”

Tancredo’s math was off a tick. By my count, there was one person here for every 3 million Americans.

The first truly public Minuteman events were staged Saturday morning in the form of two daylong rallies in front of the Border Patrol stations in Naco and Douglas — about 20 miles apart from each other.

In Douglas, at noon, no more than a dozen Minutemen, in lawn chairs and pickup beds, stood across from a handful of Latino counterprotesters who had driven in from Southern California. When a nose-to-nose shouting match broke out between two men from rival sides, six TV cameras, an equal number of photographers and just as many reporters crowded in, looking for a story, any story.

Down the road in Naco, the Minuteman crowd peaked at about 125 demonstrators (the organizers had boldly predicted that “potentially thousands” would show up). They lined both sides of the remote desert highway leading to the Border Patrol station. They waved American and state flags. Handmade posters read “No Benefit for Illegals” and others denounced “Presidente Jorge Boosh.” A young man with a bullhorn, who said he planned to run for Congress out of San Diego, led a chant of “1-2-3-4 — Close the Border!”

No guns were in evidence. The heaviest armaments, once again, were aluminum-framed lawn chairs that bloomed like wildflowers after a desert rain. Television cameras whirred and reporters’ notepads clicked open as one volunteer after another talked the talk. “So far this is mostly about exposure,” said Minuteman Tom Tuttle. A 58-year-old retired small-business man, he drove out from Chelsea, Michigan, and now stood by his camper handing out interviews. “If this doesn’t work, maybe we’ll have to take it to the next phase. Y’know, containment. More like enforcement.”

“Isn’t that vigilantism?” asked a reporter.

“Yes, if it becomes necessary,” Tuttle answered.

The interview was halted as the young man with the bullhorn rallied the protesters and had them form up in a march.

With flags aloft, they trudged a hundred yards up to the taped-off driveway of the Border Patrol station. “Thank you, Border Patrol!” they chanted. “Viva la Migra! Viva la Migra!” said another refrain.

In an uncommon gesture of openness and accessibility, the Border Patrol (now part of the Department of Homeland Security) had stationed four uniformed public-information officers in front of the station. They were more than eager to push their own story on the assembled army of reporters.

“We absolutely do not support the Minutemen,” said Border Patrol Supervisory Agent Jose Maheda. “This causes a natural hindrance to us that disrupts our work. They keyword here is that we are going to try to go on with our work in spite of these people. Now we don’t only have illegal aliens to look out for, now we have to look out for these other untrained civilians running along the same roads. The worst-case scenario is at night we come upon one of their groups and we surprise them and they’re armed.”

Later that afternoon, I ran into Ray Borane, the much-loved and -respected mayor of Douglas, the border town that sits in the epicenter of the immigrant wave. He was just plain disgusted and couldn’t stop shaking his head. “I just wish they’d go somewhere else,” he said of the Minutemen. “As usual with this stuff, there’s more reporters than anyone else. The media has created this monster by letting Simcox create a hysteria. The fruits of this will be nothing except more aggravation. Nothing whatsoever will change here. In a few days, the media will go home and this will fizzle out.”

The mayor, as usual when it comes to all things related to the border, got it right. Unless, of course, in the next few days someone gets shot.

by MM
so now it's hateful to secure our borders? I don't get it. Please, get off the race card. It's just pathetic and low, and it won't work either. It's sad to see some people stoop to these levels

If our government won't protect us, we must do it ourselves. That is what it has come down to. I have nothing but the best of wishes for the people involved in the minuteman project.

Just curious here, but what in the world do you think we should do about the southern border? nothing? give it back to mexico? wait for a nuke to get smuggled in here?

by Worker
In case anyone had not noticed, all of the physical labor jobs such as construction, restaurant work, janitorial services, child care and most retail clerk work is being done in the Bay Area, a long distance from the Mexican border, by Mexicans. Without their labor, the US would come to a grinding halt.

As to weapons, the United States government is the biggest possessor and historical user of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The US Government, just like the Nazi government in Germany, is the biggest perpetrator of the most common terrorism, namely war and genocide, and unlike the Nazis, the US has nuclear weapons, the biggest stockpile in the world. Just like the Nazis, who perpetrated a Reichstag Fire to justify fascism at home and war abroad so as to maximize the profits of the capitalist class, so too did the US government perpetrate its Reichstag Fire, the 9/11 Inside Job, fully described in Michael Ruppert's MUST-READ, Crossing the Rubicon. Rather than scapgoating our labor force, I suggest you point your finger at the biggest problem of the world: The US Government.

When scapegoating of anyone is allowed, no one is safe. That is also a lesson of Nazi Germany. First they came for the Communists, trade unionists and Jews, then in short order the gypsies, the disabled and anyone else the government did not like. Pretty soon, righteous Germans were scapegoated. This is how a bankrupt social order is propped up.

The antidote to all of this is labor organizing. Labor is only 12% organized. We need to see a lot more labor organizing.
by Sonoran pronghorn
Immigration is another polarizing issue that doesn't address the reason why so many people are entering the USA. Globalization, WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc. is part of the problem. Maquiladoras on the Mexican border are operating because of the lower worker safety standards and less environmental protections. Corporations choose to migrate to Mexico (but close enough to transport the products accross the border) because the labor is cheap and safety standards are lower..

Over 400 missing and/or murdered women who work in the maquiladoras should be an indication of a serious problem. The Mexican police stumble around like the keystone kops trying to pin the blame on either an Egyptian chemist, drug runners, or, when they finally run out of ideas, the women's provocative clothing..

Majority of the women workers are indigenous and travel to the border maquiladoras from southern Mexico. Here their only option for labor organizing is the corruption of the PRI union. Also the patriarchal Spanish culture of the borderlands is a culture shock from the southern indigenous cultures where women are treated with respect..


When people choose to leave Mexico (or anywhere else in south america) and migrate to el norte, they are acting out of economic neccesity. Nobody really wants to work in maquiladoras, mow lawns, or pick up trash everyday. If given the choice, most immigrants would rather have a healthy life at home, growing food for their friends and family on communal land without interference from the government/colonialist corporations. Most people do not wish to leave their homes to work in the colder climates of gringoland, but hunger and poverty are powerful forces. This is the same for most earlier European immigrants, they left their homes because of land tyranny, exploitation and oppression. There seemed to be a need for cheap labor in the development of America both then and now. When the European workers kept getting sick and couldn't cut it in the plantations, the elite European masters imported Africans. We are a nation of iimmigrants, and also a nation of slaves. Racial differences were exploited by the masters to divide the growing plantation worker's transracial organizing. (see Howard Zinn's "People's History of US")

Today working class Europeans on the border raise arms against their Mexican brothers and sisters while maquiladora corporate execs sit back and laugh at the divide and conquer tactics in action..

Fences, military jeeps, spotlights and militias are all ineffective methods of stopping immigration. These are typical "band-aid" solutions that only further complicate the problem instead of addressing the root cause of poverty in Mexico/sur america. Similar to "Homeland Security" supposedly keeping us safe from international terrorism. When the millions of dollars spent on Homeland Security match up with the CIA's gifts of weapons given to Al-Queda, we all just live with less freedom in our personal lives and terrorism happens anyway whenever the CIA is good and ready..

So if the militiapeoples running amok along the border with guns and cowboy hats think they're heroes, they are only fooling themselves. People will still cross over this and other borders and work in el norte like before, because they need to survive in a stifling economic system. If anyone really wants to stop immigration, they would put their energy into improving living conditions in Mexico/sur america instead of running along an eternally longl fence playing Rambozo the militiaman..

Something about Arnold and the big box development in California indicates that he is all for mass labor immigration to further the sprawl and construction, including factory wage slavery. Nothing like desperate immigrants to work for lower wages when you want another Wal-Mart to go up real quick..

Sierra Club and other mainstream environmentalists point out that after a few years, recent immigrants soon adopt the same consumption patterns of older European immigrants. People of the United States consume more resources per person than any other nation on Earth. Increasing our population also increases the rate of consumption exponentially. The assimilation of immigrants into American mainstream consumption culture increases pollution and resource extraction..

When Leftists Collide: Sierra Club Split On Immigration

Loss of culture is another aspect since many recent immigrants are indigenous (Zapotec, Maya, etc.) and eventually replace their tribal culture with Anglo-Spanish monocultura. We're not all "one big happy family" as melting pot enthusiats proclaim, we all have a unique cultural heritage that is at risk of being molten into a corporate monocultura virus of consumption. For dominant cultures this isn't very noticeable, yet for indigenous peoples assimilation could mean extinction of their culture, lifestyle and language...

Languages and cultures of present-day Mexico;

The endangered Sonoran pronghorn antelope, desert bighorn sheep and other migratory desert animals don't care much for our spotlighted militarized fence either. Living in the desert means traveling to distant water holes and edible plants, hundreds of miles of fence can make this very difficult. Last i checked neither the antelope nor the desert bighorn sheep were asked if they wanted a fence built to keep them safe from bordercrossers. All they know is that for thousands of years they themselves were bordercrosses, though back then there was no border to cross, only free and open desert..

By Ron Harton

The Yahi people's sovereign nation is on both sides of the border, so the fence creates a problem for their lives also. If someone wants to visit a friend or relative living south or north of the imaginary yet real fence line, they need to journey miles out of the way and submit to humiliating questions from la migra just to travel from one side of their land to the other. This is Yahi sovereign land, not Mexico and not USA..

Living the Truth
An Interview with Rod Coronado;

At some point people are going to ask themselves if the militarized fence along the US/Mex border is really needed. The costs to maintain such a cumbersome structure is coming from our tax money and could be better spent educating people on growing jojoba, nopales or some other native drought tolerant crop on both sides of the forgotten border. Both former militiapeoples and bordercrossers could live together in the open spaces of the great Sonoran desert..

What is Jojoba?

Melting down those guns into plowshares will be a wiser choice, for real..
by and Yaqui national sovereignty
The above link about the Yaqui wasn't the EF! article i was searching for .

Sonoran Desert Storm
Homeland Security Ramps Up the War at Home

Here's some other articles about the Yaqui and Tohono O'odham and their ordeals with the US/Mex border fence slicing their nation in half..

Indigenous Alliance Without Borders (Coalición de Derechos Humanos/ Alianza Indígena Sin Fronteras)

North American Tribes Forge Cross-Border Links
By Rachel Hays

Borders Drawn in Blood
by Juan Dolor

by John Stewart
Ah yes, a 'media' lackey gets to froth at the mouth and say it's other groups of folk actually doing the frothing. What's the matter Marc, pissed off that *your* editor figured you to be too stupid to be put on the assignment, knowing you'd screw it you exactly did with your present diatribe in this blog?
Face it, you're a loser, and a wannabe reporter. You're also a traitor to this country that allows you to spew the garbage you do, by implying that we should just stand by and let illegal aliens invade our homeland...meaning you wouldn't mind seeing unlawful acts happening around you so long as you could try to pretend to 'report' it in some dunce-cap rag.
Go home Marc. Take a cold shower, then contemplate a way you can kill yourself so that there's a little cleaner air for the rest of us to breathe.
For the last two weekends, Jessica and Walt have spent time on the Arizona-Mexico border, interacting with both the Minuteman Project volunteers and the ACLU Legal Observers. What they saw revealed problems with the activist movements.
by Deporten a la Migra
Hi there everyone,

this website was set up so folks could make a secure online donation towards the costs of the delegation. Thank you for your support!

¡la tierra es para quien la trabaja!
¡deporten a la migra!
by MM
and in case you haven't noticed shithead, we have people lined up around the block to get in here legally from all over the world. I'm sure they would be glad to take these jobs you speak of. It's a bunch of crap to say we must have only illegals doing these jobs. It also allows them to be exploited - underpaid and abused, with nowhere to turn. Is that really what you want?
by Alouis M Kelnar
I am frightened of La Raza. Why is it OK for some folks to call themselves "The Race"? And all the talk of Atlzan? Where will all the folks that are not part of La Raza go? Why does the US owe Mexican citizens a living?

It sounds like the people of Mexico should have a revoltion against the Mexican goverment. There's alot of wealthy folks in Mexico who are in power and blame the US for Mexico problems. Why is OK for Mexico to have armed guards that use violence first against violators at their border of south, but if the US citizens tattle on illegal crosser, they are called racists?

Nothing really makes sense here...

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