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Indybay Feature

Sea Shepherd Crew Attacked by Sealers and Arrested

by Sea Shepherd (repost) (heather [at]
Captain Paul Watson’s reports from the bridge of the Farley Mowat:
1400 Hours AST - Nineteen Sea Shepherd crew are on the ice approaching the sealing vessel Brady Mariner. The Coast Guard vessel Amundsen has dispatched a helicopter towards our crew. The crew are approximately one half a nautical mile from the Farley Mowat. I informed the Fisheries Officer on the Amundsen that they were not in violation because no one is sealing. They said they were. We see no evidence of this. The Coast Guard helicopter has just flown over the Farley Mowat towards the crew and landed near them then took off again.

At 1405 Hours AST - Seven of our international volunteer crew members, including Lisa Moises, Lisa Shalom, Jon Batchelor, Jonny Vasic, Jerry Vlasak, Adrian Haley, and Ian Robichaud, were assaulted by sealers from the sealing vessel Brady Mariner. They were punched and hit with clubs and hakapiks.

1415 Hours AST - The crew are returning to the ship. A Coast Guard helicopter has landed by some of the crew. They may be arresting them.

I have officially requested that assault charges be brought against the sealers. They will most likely ignore my request. The bottom line is that crew members were taking pictures and they were assaulted and injured.

1430 Hours AST – Some of the crew have made it back to the ship but not all of them. The Coast Guard icebreaker Amundsen has pulled up behind the Farley Mowat, cutting thru the ice to cut off the rest of the crew from getting back on the Farley Mowat. The crew still on the ice are being arrested.

1520 Hours AST - The Farley Mowat is under attack. 11 crewmembers have been arrested by the Mounted Police for taking pictures of sealers.

We are asking everyone to contact the media by email, fax, or phone and give them our contact information.

Please go to:

* Pictures available!*
§Jerry Vlasak with bloodied face
by Sea Shepherd (repost) (heather [at]
Sea Shepherd crew members attacked.
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by jkl
sea shepherd firing flares at Makah canoe

by repost (pdx imc)
Eleven crew members are being held prisoner on the Amundsen, a Canadian Coast Guard ship. The fate of the eleven arrested crew is uncertain. They have all vowed to refuse bail and to refuse food. Assaulted with a deadly weapon, injured, and then arrested, and all this because they attempted to take a picture of a sealer.

At 1330 Hours today, 18 crew from the Farley Mowat had crossed a mile of ice to witness and photograph sealers from the Brady Mariner. Eight sealers came towards them armed with hak-a-pics and began to shout and swear at them. Within minutes the sealers became violent and attacked the Sea Shepherd crew. 19-years old Lisa Moises, from Germany, was slapped in the face and punched in the stomach by one burly sealer. Another attacked photographer Ian Robichaud with a hak-a-pik, striking his camera and hitting him in the side of the head. Adrian Haley was struck in the face. Jonathan Batchlor was punched in the mouth. Jonny Vasic was hit in the side of the head with a club. Petite Lisa Shalom of Montreal was struck by a sealer as she took pictures of the assault on her crewmates. When another sealer swung his hak-a-pik to strike Jonny Vasic's camera, Dr. Jerry Vlasak, (a surgeon from Los Angeles), jumped in his way and took the blow across the face.

The crew radioed back to Captain Paul Watson that they had been attacked. Captain Watson called the Coast Guard Icebreaker Amundsen and requested that the Mounted Police officers on Board investigate the assault. They did not reply.

Instead, a helicopter was dispatched to arrest the Sea Shepherd crew on the ice. Of the 18 who left to document the sealers, only seven were able to return. They barely made it. The Amundsen was charging through the ice to cut off their path of retreat to the Farley Mowat. Lisa Moises and Ian Robichaud barely made it back to the Farley Mowat. They watched as the massive red hull of the Coast Guard Icebreaker Amundsen bore quickly down on them in an attempt to cut them off. They could see chunks of ice flying out from the bow of the ice breaker but they kept focused on the Farley Mowat and managed to make it across.

Behind them Jonny Vasic and Jon Batchelor raced to cross the ice before the Amundsen could cut them off. Jonny saw the hull looming above him and felt the ice tremble as a jagged cut slithered before the bow and opened up. He could see the dark black water widening as he jumped and made it across, relieved to see that Jon Batchelor had done the same. Both of them raced towards the Farley Mowat.

Behind them Alex Cornelissen and Lisa Shalom were not so lucky. They were cut off and unable to cross the treacherous lead that the Amundsen had opened up. They saw helicopters approaching and police officers debarking the ice-breaker, their hands on their guns approaching them.

The eleven captured were "manhandled" into helicopters and taken to the Amundsen and charged.

The Amundsen then came towards the Farley Mowat in an intimidating manner and stopped only a few hundred feet off the starboard side of Farley Mowat for over an hour. No one on the Amundsen said anything or would provide information on the crew they had taken into custody.

LEAVE those animals alone jerks! The Seals, The Whales! I am speaking as a native myself .
FYI, upon viewing the video re: this incident, and after reading Watsons rendition of events, I was surprised that I didn't actually see his crew 'on the run', or getting the crap beat out of them as its being made out. In fact, it looks to me like they knew exactly what they were doing, actually walking into the angry sealers who were at some times themselves backing off. I wouldn't think that the sealers were really innocent here either, but what I see is a two sided scuffle. After reading watsons account I thought his people were chased out of their for their lives. Why the manipulation of reality?
by then you need to learn how to read better
"were assaulted by sealers from the sealing vessel Brady Mariner. They were punched and hit with clubs and hakapiks"

that's what he reported. that's what the video shows. that's what happenned.

the sealers rushed the protesters, pushing them and hitting them with sticks. no, the protesters did not give in to such brutish attempts at intimidation and run.

there is no manipulation of reality required, unless of course you yourself are trying to confuse people about what they see with their own eyes here:
Its all about context and repetition and the voice of 'indignation', and its about exageration. Snippets and phrases just don't give that message but the repeated entries going on about the burly barbaric sealers slapping nad punching so and so. There wasn't that much action in the video and it is clear in the body language that the protestors were there for that. If someone is swinging at you you don't just stand there , or move towards them unless you want a piece of it, or want the documentation (or got no where to go) they never backed up and inch. It was what they wanted and the sealers were stupid enough to give it to them.

As well, he goes on about the coast guard trying to ram the F.mowat. Check out that video , See in the back ground on the other side of the coast guard hull, a small sealing vessel that was in the FMowat's path and only a few hundred metres away. Coast guard was intervening.

Watson has a history of at least threatening to ram ships if not actually ramming them...he was hovering outside St.John's back in the 80's threatening to ram any sealer that came out. That might be what he was tossed in the brig for around that time... and then he claims that 4 DFO guys kicked the crap out of him while in custody (this is in his log spewing against Canada and Newfoundland a few days ago), He has a history of spinning it wildly. like the time he tried to save the whale from a russian harpoon (today's log) ...he and the whale exchange a look and 'the whale knew that he was trying to help it;' come on! the man is either delusional or a liar. Either one is dangerous.
by gimme a break
Let's be perfectly clear about who is attempting to intimidate whom here. The sealers are the victims, not the bullies. Watson's mercenary crew are foreign invaders who attempted to disrupt their livelihood, i.e., he tried to take food of the plates of their children. He’s lucky that nobody shot him for it. Yet.

The sealers are defending themselves because their government is not doing it for them. By rights, the Canadian navy should have sunk Watson the minute he started to move in. But it didn’t, so the sealers defend themselves. Almost everyone will defend themselves if you invade where they live and try to take food of their plates. It’s human nature. It’s also totally justified.

The sealers are every bit as justified in resisting these invaders as are the Iraqi “insurgents” in resisting their invaders, or the Vietnamese were in resisting their invaders. What would *you* do if a bunch of foreign mercenaries invaded where *you* live and tried to take food of the plates of *your* children?

If you are not a seal, and not a sealer, or even a Newfoundlander, this is none of your business. Butt out.
by don't fall for character assassinations
Don't let others tell you how to interpret the daily logs of Paul Watson at nor the video of sealers killing seals and sealers assaulting protesters at

Read it for yourself and see it for own self. Sea Shepherd and Paul Watson are not the money-grubbing cartoon characters the pro-mass-slaughter-for-profit crowd would have you believe.

And remember that while the hunt is still legal in Canada, and the fans of the sealers will remind you of that repeatedly, as if that in and of itself gives the hunt credibility, the sealers can only export the pelts from these "hunts" to about a half dozen countries in the entire world as most people sensibly want no part in this barbarity. Trade in these pelts is illegal just about everywhere but Canada.
by gomme a break
This is what they do for a living.
by tidy little profit right there

so, in your inverse world, non-profit orgs are "money grubbers" and those who can make a quarter year's living in 2-3 weeks of mass killing are not somehow profiteers? do you have any idea what the average non-profit pays? you think they work 2-3 weeks and live for the next 3-5 months off it? if you do, maybe it's time you volunteer your services somewhere

(1.) Nature is *full* of cases of seasonal hunting, in mass ant otherwise. Hunting is often seasonal. This is not the choice of the hunters, It is determined by the rhythms of nature. It’s not just how humans hunt seals. It’s not just how humans hunt. It’s how any hunters hunt when, do to migration and/or breeding patterns, there is a seasonal plethora of prey.

It's how crocodiles hunt wildebeest. It’s how grizzly bears hunt salmon. It's how wolves hunt caribou. It's how Inuit hunt caribou. It's natural. Seasonal hunting is a normal part of the Nature’s process. Any good deer hunter, for example, can stock the family larder for a year in the course of hunting season. When I lived in Connecticut, we used to go out every August when the bluefish were running, and fill the trunk in an hour. Out here, it’s stripped bass that show up predictably.

Hunting is never a nine to five job.

(2.) How *dare* you begrudge fellow workers the highest pay they can get? Have you no solidarity? Have you no class consciousness? A worker is a worker is a worker. A high paid worker is a worker. A low paid worker is a worker. A nine to five worker is a worker. A seasonal worker is a worker. Not all workers punch clocks. many workers work when the work is available. All worker, without exception, try to make as much for their work as they can. Harvesting apples is seasonal work. So is harvesting seals.

Would you tolerate mercenaries hired by Newfoundlanders coming to *your* work place, and trying to prevent *you* from making the most from your work?

Well, would you?

by too rich
your attempt at waxing poetic falls far short if you know squat about human hunting

"Hunting is often seasonal. This is not the choice of the hunters, It is determined by the rhythms of nature."

wrong. it is often the choice of the hunters vis-a-vi hunting boards and so forth that set the regulations to try to prevent collapses of certain species. have you ever even been hunting? I have. do you know any hunters? I know dozens. or is this all book learnin's of which you speak, some walt whitman of hunting you romanticize? if hunters want to keep hunting, they have to agree to rules to prevent overkill and the end of hunting. human hunting seasons have more to do with that than any natural cycles. before mass agriculture, people hunted when they needed food, all the year 'round, and until more recently there weren't so many people it needed to be regulated to prevent collapes of entire species like buffalo or whatever.

crocodiles, grizzlies, wolves don't kill more than they need and they certainly don't sell most of what they have killed for a profit.

as for the wages thing, are not non-profit employees workers, too, and you hint that they should be shot or their ship sunk

again, such the capitalist when it comes to animals: while most people toil away working on a daily basis, you celebrate those who amass income at an unusually rapid clip

and, no, not all workers try to make as much as they can. some take only what they need, considering the pay rates of others around them, what is a fair shake in their community or the world, who or what else that same money could benefit, and so forth. apparently you're all about "getting yours" -- typical white male attitude

all I hear from you is glory of capitalism and greed, and you have the nerve to call non-profit activists money grubbers
by heard it before
An ad hominem is not a rebuttal.

>wrong. it is often the choice of the hunters vis-a-vi hunting boards and so forth that set the regulations to try to prevent collapses of certain species.

(1.) That is an *extremely* recent phenomenon. It’s less than a century old. Humans have been hunting for literally millions of years, since before we were even human. Your historical illiteracy is appalling. Please, educate yourself. Stop behaving like such an embarrassment.

(2.) That’s *legal* hunting you’re talking about. You aren’t factoring in extra-legal hunting, or “poaching” as they call it.

(3.) That’s human hunting you are talking about. Humans are only a few of the many, many, many hunters on earth. Each one has it’s own methods. Hunting is hunting, no matter what species does it. Polar bear hunt seals, too. So do sharks and orcas. Why aren’t you upset about them? Seals hunt fish. Why don’t you complain about that. Oh right, now I remember. Fish aren’t cuddly.

>before mass agriculture, people hunted when they needed food,

Wrong. Before mass agriculture people hunted when prey was available. When prey was not available, they didn’t hunt. They gathered.

>crocodiles, grizzlies, wolves don't kill more than they need

Crocodiles don’t, but that’s unusual. Grizzlies and wolves do. Most predators do, especially the mammals. It’s the norm. They kill what’s available, eat some themselves, bring some of the rest to their families and leave the rest to the scavengers. Not every hunter hunts in the same manner. Diversity is Nature’s way. But most hunters do take more than they need. This is a fact of life. If you had even a cursory background in natural history you’d know this. Hell, if you even watched Animal Planet you’d know this.

>and they certainly don't sell most of what they have killed for a profit.

It’s not profit. It’s wages. They work for that money. That makes it wages. The resellers make profits. The hunters make wages.

You clearly need to study economic theory some more. You haven’t got even the basics yet. Your ignorance is appalling. Aren’t you even a little ashamed?

>you hint that they should be shot or their ship sunk

How the sealers choose to deal with their attackers is their business, not mine. It’s their lives. It’s their livelihoods. it’s their choice. Whatever they do, I support it. I support all workers who defend themselves from any attackers. We all should. An injury to one is an injury to all. Solidarity forever.

Watson’s mercenary crew are no different than the goons who attack striking union workers to keep their wages down. How *dare* you attempt to justify suppressing the wages of fellow workers!?! Whose side are you on, anyway?

They are also no different than Bush’s army, or Hitler’s or Saddam’s, in that they all invaded other countries to bend the people who live their to their wills. Would *you* tolerate foreign invaders attempting to bend you to their wills?

Well, would you?

>again, such the capitalist

An ad hominem is not a rebuttal, even if it were true, which this clearly is not. It’s a way to change the subject. Stop trying to change the subject and address the *substance* of what I say. In case you didn’t get it the first time, I’ll restate:

The sealers are fellow workers. An injury to one is an injury to all. You are promoting an attack on fellow workers. That is inexcusable.

While you’re at it, learn what the word “capitalist” means. It’s clearly not in your ken yet. Please, study basic economic theory first, before you try to talk about it. That way you wont be mistaken for an idiot.

>while most people toil away working on a daily basis,

I’ll say it again. Listen up this time. Take notes if you have to.

The sealers are at work. They are workers. They are working. That’s what workers do. Anyone who attacks fellow workers is the enemy. Anyone who supports an attack on fellow workers is the enemy. You are the enemy. And that’s how you are going to be treated unless and until your class consciousness develops to the point that you stop supporting attacks on fellow workers. Capiesc’?

>you celebrate those who amass income at an unusually rapid clip

I celebrate every worker making as much as possible for every minute of work that they do. The more that any workers gets back for their labor, the better.

>typical white male attitude

Again with the ad hominems, and a sexist one this time, to boot. Shame on you. Go hang your head.

I’m a worker, period. My gender matters only to sexists. My loyalty is to my class, period. An enemy of the working class is my enemy, period. End of story. No amendments.

Calling me names doesn’t make your case any stronger, or your personality any more appealing, either. It just makes you look inept and obnoxious. Address the substance of what I say and you wont be thought such a fool.

My “attitude,” as you call it, is that the entire working class should do as little work as is necessary and get as much as possible out if it.

My “attitude,” is that when anyone, be they company goons, foreign invaders or well meaning busybodies, do anything whatsoever to impede that, they should be resisted by any means necessary.

My “attitude” is that all wage labor is glorified slavery, so we should throw off the harness, pool our efforts, work collectively and get more back for our labor. Cut the bosses out of the equation, and we’ll all live better. If you oppose that in any way, you side with the bosses. If you side with the bosses, you’re the enemy, no matter why you do it. Meaning well is no excuse. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>all I hear from you is glory of capitalism and greed,

Bullsh*t. You say this over and over again, but that does not make it any more true. It’s a lie, and you know it. You can’t cite a single URL where I have said any such thing. You know it. I know it. Anybody who reads my stuff knows it. You lie. Shame on you. Go wash your mouth out.

>and you have the nerve to call non-profit activists money grubbers

I called these particular guys what they are. They are mercenaries. That’s what they are. They sure as hell aren’t volunteers. This is what they do for a living. Volunteers, by definition, do not get paid. These guys get paid. But even if they didn’t, they’d still be in the wrong. They are foreign invaders, waging economic warfare against the workers of Newfoundland. That makes them class traitors, as much as any company goon. If you support them, you too are a class traitor. Get over it. An injury to one is an injury to all. The sealers deserve our solidarity. They are fellow workers. Shame on you for not supporting them.

>have you ever even been hunting?

Yes. I grew up in Pennsylvania. That’s what people do there. It’s part of the culture.

As a sport, it never appealed to me. Killing gives me no pleasure, in and of itself. But I do like free meat. I like free everything. When I lived in the East Bay I could drive up to hills and nail a deer pretty easy whenever I felt like it. But it’s frankly, to an Easterner like me, it’s hardly worth the effort. The local deer leave a *lot* to be desired, size-wise. They’re scrawny-ass, paltry things, pitifully small. After you have a couple of friends over, there’s hardly enough left for two sandwiches.

8^ )

It’s not like back East, not at all. Deer there have some meat on ‘em. Out here they pale by comparison. So i figure, why bother? If i lived in the hills, and dear wandered into my yard so i could shoot ‘em out the window from bed, then yeah, I’d shoot deer and eat venison. But I don’t.

I live in SF and haven’t hunted for years. I just don’t eat enough meat to justify the time and expense of killing it myself. Besides, I’ve gotten to a point in my life where I really have to watch my cholesterol. And you’re glad I do, or you ought to be, because when I kick the bucket, who are you going to have slag on like you do? Most people wont take it, you know. They just walk away in disgust. At least I’m willing to talk with you. Insults and lies don’t bother me as much as they do normal people. I look at them as sport.

The last deer I ate was road kill that my friend hit with his pickup. The last meat I ate was some turkey last week in a red sauce. I bought it in a store. I have some more in the freezer for when I’m next in the mood. I also, like the goat soup at that new taco joint on 16th, across from the bank. They give you a *big* old chunk of goat, and it’s only six bucks. There’s a big screen TV in there, too. And they cook it till it cuts with a spoon. It’s a hell of lot less work than killing the damn thing myself.

But yeah, I do know how to hunt. What’s your point? You want to go hunting sometime? Is that what you’re getting at? Sure, why not. What the hell, I’m up for it. You drive, I’ll ride shotgun. We can split the meat. If you don’t want to eat your half, you can always donate it to a soup kitchen.

Local deer aren’t worth too much effort, but there’s plenty of pigs around here. Wild pig meat is mighty fine eating. Plus, killing them’s good for the environment. Pigs are a damn pest, very, very destructive, not just to the land, but to sheep. They gang up on sheep and come up from behind on them. It’s not pretty, not even a little bit. Dogs will rip the sheep’s throat out first and then eat it. Pigs just grab a chunk out of her butt while she’s still live and running. That’s how you can tell it was pigs and not dogs that killed your sheep. They also tear up the ground, destroy crops and foul streams. And they *will* eat you if they think they can get away with it. Don’t kid yourself about that for a minute. Farmers love if you kill off the pigs on their land. The meat isn’t at all like domestic pork, either. It’s darker, leaner and tastier. It’s also much better for you.

Unlike deer, pigs can fight back. They’re smart as dogs, weigh a couple hundred pounds and have tusks the size of daggers, sharp, too. Don’t underestimate them. it could cost you a leg. Or worse.

If you want to be sporting about it, I can loan you my .45. A .44 magnum is more traditional, but hey, this is sport, right? I can back you with the .12 guage if you’re worried about getting *too* sporting. And if you do opt for a .44 magnum, they’re cheap, and readily available. I don’t see the point, personally, but some people do. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

The safest way to do it is with a .306 or a .308, at a distance, from the side, through both lungs. He’ll run a little, but not far. The head stays intact that way, too, in case you want to roast it and serve it with an apple or something. You don’t roast the apple with it. You prop the mouth open with a stick. You want to cover the ears with foil, otherwise they’ll burn. It makes for a nice Christmas dinner for those years when you’re tired of goose.

Not only that, but the tusks can be made into jewelry. Body modification is popular around here these days. So if you want to be really stylish, you might want to consider piercing your septum and wearing a tusk like they do in New Guinea. All those kids with their little steel nose rings would be sOoooo jealous. And what a conversation piece! You’d be the life of the party. Some folks even think it’s sexy.

And of course, if you want to be *really* sporting, you can kill him with a spear. I recommend a traditional boar spear, with a steel cross piece behind the blade to keep him from crawling up the shaft and ripping your guts out. But in a pinch, a pointed stick will do. You can harden the point over a fire, just like the old days.

It’s not my style, though. Like I said, the sport of it doesn’t appeal to me, just the meat, and even that not a lot. Killing’s a chore, not a pleasure. So I’d go with some .00 buck to the head because hey, why fuck around? There’s no point in giving him a chance use his tusks, at least not on me. Not my style. I didn’t get this old by fucking around. I play for keeps. If you want to play for points or glory or any of that other lame ass crap like the guys do, go right ahead without me. That’s not how I live my life. There’s no such thing as a fair fight. If it’s fair, it’s not a fight. It’s a sporting event. I’m too old to play sports. It would just aggravate my arthritis. Besides, that’s what ESPN is for.

So come on, let’s do it. Let’s go hunting together, you and me. You know, for old time’s sake. What the heck. It’d give us a chance to get out in nature and bond a little. We could stand a little bonding right now. We haven’t been getting along so well lately. All this fussing and feuding, it’s just not good for us. If we keep this up too long, we’ll get heartburn or something. So let’s bury the hatchet and go eat a meal together. We can cook it from scratch, from before scratch. You kill, I’ll butcher. You cook, I’ll wash dishes. Or vice versa. Either way’s OK with me, as long as we split the work equitably.

It’d be good for your soul, too. You sound like someone who could *really* could benefit from getting out in the natural world once in a while. It would put your whole life in perspective, by reminding you that life is not a right, it’s a privilege that’s granted, but never for long, by a cold, indifferent universe. I don't like it either, but that's the way it is. One minute you’re here, the next minute, blammo, that’s all she wrote. C’est la vie. C’est le guerre. C’est la mort.

Everything that lives, dies. Everything that dies, gets eaten. There are no exceptions. Even embalming only prolongs the inevitable. That’s Nature’s way. Every damn body is born to be lunch. Bears eat seal. Seals eat fish. Fish eat krill. Krill eat plankton. It’s the Endless Cycle of Life. You’re in it. I’m in it. We’re all in it. I just don’t try to deny it, that’s all. denial is not a survival trait. Better to look the truth in the eye, I say, than to wallow your ass in delusion.

"Life is a right" is delusion. Get over it. Face the truth. Truth is better, any day of the week. At least then you know what you’re dealing with.

by can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-i-c-a-l

I guess I can be thankful of one thing, when you filibuster here, that's at least no damage you're doing elsewhere

by budgie
Killing gives me no pleasure, in and of itself. But I do like free meat. I like free everything. When I lived in the East Bay I could drive up to hills and nail a deer (or the cat that lives next door) It would put your whole life in perspective, by reminding you that life is not a right, it’s a privilege that’s granted, but never for long, by a cold, indifferent universe.

- did I disturb some cave man bonding session hrer or what?
by peta member
we will need to organize, protest at the canadian embassey
harass and embarris, and shame the canadian government into action. we are also looking into direct action on a larger scale. so we won't be attacked by suprise. ALF has not been heard from for a while perhaps they might take up the cause.
in any cast this is a long way from over
by Stagger Lee
It is false logic to equate The Sea Sheppard Society with non-profit organisations in general.

Paul watson is a wealthy man, and he did not get that way from "non-profit" fundraising.

Ditto with Brian Davies of the IFAW.

I recall back in the late '80s, after the original seal hunt was shut down, seeing junk mail from the IFAW (then out of work) protesting the cruel treatment of dogs in the Philippeans where they were being slaughtered for food. The IFAW wanted people to send them money to help stop this cruel practice. But how in the hell could that be done, when the dogs were being killed on a clandestine basis by individual poor people!? The only way to stop the practice would be to erradicate poverty in the Philippeans... or at least send money raised by IFAW to help offset the poverty. But that would never happen. The IFAW is no more a charity organisation, or a non-profit, than Jimmy Baker's evangelical mission was. It's purpose is to manipulate people's emotions in order to bilk them out of money.

Needless to say, this is not what all fundraising organisations or non-profits do.
by and so it goes
"It is false logic to equate The Sea Sheppard Society with non-profit organisations in general."

Sea Shepherd is a 501c(3) organization -- that's a non-profit, period

no logic involved, it just is

how you personally judge the efficacy of their missions is irrelevent to their being a non-profit

and lots of non-profits take money to work towards longer term goals rather than the immediate dispensing of direct aid with foodstuffs and so forth

if you think you send in your $25 tax-deductible check and the problem is then solved right away, then, well, I just don't know what to say to that

by Stagger Lee
I said it was false logic to equate Sea Shepard with non-profits in general. Can you read??? You've merely repeated that leap in logic.

The fact that Sea Shepard is legally classed as a non-profit is beside the point. The Canadian fishermen are legally entitled to club baby seals too, but that is also beside the point. Paul Watson is a wealthy man, and as far as I know he gets his private money from fundraising, as I see no other career for him. You did not answer my comments about Brian Davies. His "save the dogs of the Philippeans" campaign was the clearest possible sign of charlatanism. What did he do with the money he raised for that? I would really like to know.
by G Busby
I didn't know the ALF was a nonprofit.

that's like hearing that the PLO is a charitable organization
you are right this is flawed logic
by Stagger Lee
The ALF are eco-terrorists. I doubt they have a tax status. In my city, Vancouver B.C., they have taken credit for burning down restaurants owned by immigrant families, even one that served free-range chicken. They go after the small guys that make easier targets than the big corporations. Such a disgraceful lack of class consciousness makes them not only eco-terrorists, but eco-fascists.

Paul Watson is also an eco-terrorist and an eco-fascist. He has no class consciousness at all, and gets angry if you bring it up. He describes humanity in terms of disease, as did the Nazis. Brian Davies of the IFAW is merely a Jim Baker type, out for your money.
by how typical
back up one thing you said

beside ALF not being a 501c(3)

anyone could claim to be ALF, even government provacateurs, but you don't see the Canadian thing on the ALF website where they "officially" claim credit for actions

more blah blah from you -- no wonder no one cares what you say
by Stagger Lee
The actions I'm referring to happened years ago. The ALF -- or should I say ALF members, as it is a non-heirarchical, non-centralized operation -- claimed responsibility through their spokesperson David Barbarash, who had himself been convicted for such mischief. Anyway, why suspect provocateurs, when the actions in question -- burning and fire-bombing small businesses -- are exactly the kind of "direct action" the ALF advocates. It is astonishing how you ALF hypocrites advocate and justify such action on the one hand, and then deny doing it on the other.

The ALF also took responsibility, in Vancouver several years ago, for injecting poison into supermarket turkeys around xmas time.

I find that most people who support this group are either fanatics themselves, or extremely naive.
by Billy Grimshaw
I tried to post this before but it didn't show. Jerry Vlasak is the guy pictured at the top of this page with his nose bloodied. Apparently he advocates doing far worse to scientists who do research on animals, and to sealers....

ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. - A senior member of a group campaigning against the
East Coast seal hunt says physically attacking people such as research
scientists and sealers is an "effective tactic" that may be justified in the quest
to save animal life.

Dr. Jerry Vlasak has even backed assassinating scientists in at least one public
speech, a view that convinced Britain to bar the long-time board member of
the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society from visiting the United Kingdom last

Full article:
by Jerry Vlasak, MD (jwvlasak [at]
And your point is....?
by Billy Grimshaw
"And your point is." ...Yet another glib denial that there is anything wrong with the things you said.

My point is that I think the folks at Indybay/indymedia, who are generally a very progressive lot, ought to know that the warrior they are rallying behind has a past record of advocating violence towards, and even the murder of, scientists and doctors who do research on animals. And likewise against sealers. Not only does this put a different color on your whining about violence at the hands of sealers (which was no doubt provoked, if only the FULL video were shown), it raises the obvious next point: how does such a position differ from that of anti-abortionists advocating the murder of abortion doctors? At one point you even condoned THEIR actions as "a great strategy" (see first linked article below.)

I really don't care what you think of these criticisms, as I know that, apart from being a sociopath, you are a liar and a hypocrite with a record of denying the obvious meaning of your clearly worded statements. In 1993 you threatened to sue the Observer newspaper for their accurate report of your extremist comments at the Animal Rights 2003 conference. You didn't follow through on that threat, for obvious reasons. See this article for details...

This last week you accused Canada's CBC of "an unethical breach of journalistic integrity," when all they did was report what you said in the past, along with your reaffirmation of those views in the current interview. Again, I don't care what you think of your critics, as you are a liar and a hypocrite. I just think members and readers of indybay/indymedia should be informed about your "dark" side so that they can make up their own minds. Even king Ewok, Paul Watson himself, after first defending your comments, has distanced himself from them.
See: Anti-sealing group denounces director's comments

You, on the other hand, prefer to go on the attack with false accusations of journalistic misconduct. Your concluding slur against the Newfoundland people (see above link), because you didn't like the truthful CBC-St. John's report, just confirms what a self-righteous, chauvenistic #$^$% you are.
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