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Halal slaughter

by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Lead New York Times article on Halal slaughter -- letters opportunity -- 3/9/05
The Wednesday, March 9, edition of the New York Times included a lengthy article on the cover of the Metro section (Pg B1) headed, "A Halal Slaughterhouse Provides Nourishment for a Far-Flung Culture." It focused mostly on the tradition and culture surrounding the slaughterhouse, and the people involved in the business. But, without specifically mentioning animal suffering, it provided information which reminds us of the cruelty involved.

For example, we read:
"The pungent smell of blood and bleach hangs over the largest room - known as the kill floor, where the slaughtering begins at 7 a.m. One by one, the largest animals are led into an enclosed metal pen where a chain is looped around one leg and the animal winds up hanging upside down. According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, the person doing the killing must be Muslim, and should kill the animal by slashing its throat with a sharp knife. It happens quickly, and a torrent of blood hits the concrete floor, often covering the walls, hands, aprons, hats and bright yellow raincoats of the workers.

"When a butcher is confronted with a 1,500-pound bull, the task can be intimidating...."

I wonder if most New York Times readers would think of the agony a fully conscious 1,500-pound animal would experience being hoisted up by one thin leg. One leg cannot support the weight of a bull against the pull of gravity. Anybody who has ever felt the searing pain of a dislocated shoulder or torn muscle and connective tissue might have a clue as to what the bulls feel before they are killed.

We read of a worker who "considers himself a Brazilian cowboy, and proved it when a bull ran loose amid the traffic on Raymond Boulevard in December. Mr. DaSilva chased the animal down, grabbing it by the tail as his brother lassoed it in." One cannot help but think of Queenie, the cow who escaped from a Halal slaughterhouse a few years ago, got media coverage, became a public darling, and now lives at Farm Sanctuary in upstate New York. The bull who ran for his life in December was not so lucky.

The article ends on interesting note: One of the slaughterhouse owners is worried that his thirteen year old son is becoming too Americanized. The final lines of the article are:
"In December, Mr. Hamed made a special trip with Hisham to the slaughterhouse. He wanted to show his son the business.
When they returned home, the boy declared himself a vegetarian for life."

You will find the whole article on line at:

You might like to write in support of the boy's choice. The New York Times takes letters at: letters [at] letters [at]

Always include your full name, address, and daytime phone number when sending a letter to the editor. Shorter letters are more likely to be published.

Yours and the animals',
Karen Dawn

(DawnWatch is an animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets. You can learn more about it, and sign up for alerts at If you forward or reprint DawnWatch alerts, please do so unedited -- leave DawnWatch in the title and include this tag line.)
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
No matter what one thinks about slaughterhouses and vegatarianism in general, to specifically pick on Halal slaughterhouses seems to be playing into anti-muslim bigotry esepcially in this dayand age. It would like sigling out Jewish slaughterhouses during the World War II.
by Hitler is Smiling
"It would like sigling out Jewish slaughterhouses during the World War II. "

Sure would!! It is now illegal to slaughter animals in a Kosher fashion in five nations of the EU...Just like Hitler did....
by majdur
Nobody says slaughtering is pretty, but it must be done. When Muslims slaughter an animal is is done with great sanctity and respect for life. According to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad rasulallah salah lahu alihi wa salaam slashing the throat of an animal is the most merciful and painless way to kill. The Muslim is a slave to Allah and as such is constantly aware of the might of Allah and the coming Day of Judgement and hopes to avoid the Everlasting Hell Fire. Muslim walks the Straight Path for the fear of Allah and does not transgress but follows His comands and therefore slaugters mercifully.

If you want good leather or sheepskin or camel split the skull in half between the eyes with an axe and remove the brains and smear them on the skin and allow it to dry. This, of course is not pretty either but it does make the most beautiful buckskin you've ever seen (or felt). By raw hiding you can make authentic parchment which is suitable for Bismillah or Ayat or Surah of the Holy Koran.

I don't know about the Halal rules for buckskining. If there are any let me know. In the meantime...this is the method I have successfully used.

wa salaam
by butt out
how it is slaughtered is none of your business.
by bunk logic
To equate people with meat is bogus. It's also insulting.

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