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Urgent Appeal from Wife of Pakistani Facing Prison & Deportation

by Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
The following is a heart wrenching appeal from the wife of Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, a Pakistani convenience store owner in Houston, Texas, who is facing 30 years in prison and deportation. This is an example of one of the many ways in which the government is persecuting Pakistanis and other Muslim, Arab and South Asian immigrants. In this case the government launched an investigation, not of criminal activity, but of Pakistani convenience store owners who took out Small Business Administration guaranteed bank loans. They first compiled a list of these store owners and then looked for possible charges! The starting point was not criminal activity but nationality. Please, pass this appeal to others.
National Office of the Blue Triangle Network
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
XXXX Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx.
Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx XXXXX
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [at]

March 06, 2005

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you to seek you help and support in reference to a situation that my husband has fallen into since 9/11. This is the results of how the government is using criminal courts alongside of immigration enforcement to target, prosecute and uproot Muslim families, deporting them.

On July 28, 2004 my husband Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx was arrested on a sealed indictment, arrested with making false claim of citizenship on a SBA Loan. Back in 1999 when he applied for this loan he was a Green Card Holder. Which being a green Card Holder he still could have gotten this loan. This was a computer checked question in which the bank checked he was a Citizen instead of checking off he was a Green Card Holder. Due to the fact that this was a oversight my husband did not notice it was checked off incorrectly.

I have encouraged him to not plea guilty. False claim of citizenship is a deportable offense, considered aggravated felony. And he would be banned from coming back to the United States forever. Afterwards, through discovery we found out that how the Government did its investigation was by cross referencing with Homeland Security or Immigration records to identify the citizenship of all persons who received SBA Loans. There were two Vietnamese and eleven Pakistani men. The government had no choice however but to charge the two Vietnamese because of past Fraud charges, and personally I feel they already knew they would get off because there parents were already American Citizens before they were of legal age.

As a result of Xxxxxx not pleading guilty to False Claim of Citizenship and being automatically deported, the prosecutor has charged him with Bank Fraud, even though the business loan has not been late, or defaulted on in any way. This loan is still current. Since the charge of False Claim of Citizenship was not a strong case, because Xxxxxx provided a copy to the bank of his social security card which clearly states Not Authorized to work without INS approval, in Bold Black letters, the federal prosecutor has went back into his loan and charged him with Bank Fraud. This is the second tactic to have a reason to charge for fraud in order to deport.

Majority of Pakistani's plead guilty, and are now facing getting deported as well as being banned from the U.S. forever versus being faced being charged with bank fraud and thrown in prison for 30 years. I, being a American when I applied for a loan, I did not read all those pages at a closing. I just read the mathematical calculations and did what I was told to do sign and date. Because Xxxxxx is a Pakistani Alien, it has made him different? Even my Pediatrician said when he got a loan all he did is sign and date, "no one reads all those pages" according to Dr. Bornstein, you just sign, date, and pay. And that is the same thing Xxxxxx has done. This loan has never been late, nor has he defaulted and the loan with Washington Mutual is still current.

Since this indictment the prosecutors are charging Xxxxxx with failing to disclose a loan in which he took from the seller in which they call Capital Injection. Among other charges you initialed here, and charging him with every petty thing. Actually the SBA loan amount was $880,000.00. In just interest alone the bank has made $475,000.00, half the loan amount. And no one is out of a penny, not the seller, nor the bank, or SBA. According to Asad Hayauddin, press attache at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington, Pakistanis are one of the most law-abiding ethnic communities in the United States. "The community is stellar in terms of living by the law," and noted Hayauddin. " There are no drug gangs, no street fights, The few crimes committed are PETTY AND VICTIMLESS. "

My husbands only crime is being born in Pakistan and being Muslim. He is scared to death but knows, if he doesn't fight, then he will be torn apart from this family. I am a born white American and his children are american/pakistani. My father fought in Viet Nam. This is not what I feel they are or were fighting for to victimize people. I feel I have no choice but to turn to the citizens and beg for his mercy for a innocent mistake in not reading every single page. And for putting his trust into Bank officials and people he considered to be professionals like the Title companies because it was in there interest to make the loan go through since Xxxxxx had a large sum of money to put down on the business to purchase, and they were making their money off of him.

I would hope you will stop for a moment and ask yourself, as a human, and with common sense. One, ask yourself if a man was truly guilty and knew he was without a doubt guilty, would he take a risk on going to prison for 30 years or would he just plea guilty and leave? Why would he bother to pay all the attorney fee's that is money he would have to start a new beginning in Pakistan? Ask yourself, could you just think of one day with being without your children? Being forced out of this country separated from ever seeing his children again? Leaving his children fatherless?

I know your other question to me is, why don't you and your children go with him? My answer is, first of all, Why should he be convicted of something American people do everyday. Take a loan, sign, and date, still paying on the loan, not cheating anyone out of one cent.

And go to Prison, just because he failed to read all the fine print, or the bank official did not do his job right. He trusted professionals just like I or you would. If he had truly killed, robbed or cheated someone I would say america had every right to prosecute him.

What a big price to pay for coming to America. Here America claims Pakistan is our Allies, but yet this is how Pakistani's are being treated, unlike the British?

Let me again remind you that this investigation did not start by Bank Fraud investigation, terrorism or money laundering. However It was started off by cross referencing Nationality and Citizenship. Personally my husband never knew he had committed a Crime. If you can find it in your heart to try to get involved or get someone who can help us in this case I would gratefully appreciate it. Our trial is set to begin on March 21st at the Harris County Federal Courthouse, 515 Rusk , Houston, Texas. The Judge is Mrs. Nancy Atlas. All of this is because he is Muslim, I thought we all believe in God. I am attaching photo's of what my husband has to lose, and hope you will do something to help the government from abusing and destroying Muslim families that exist here in America. God Bless you all.

Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
by Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
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by karl roenfanz ( rosey ) (k_rosey48 [at]
the story above and others remind me that the "u.s. government" is acting much like a european one from the 1930s , concentration camps (most in other countries, leads to deniability) harrassment at bussiness, enforced monitary problems, and attempts to seperate "those" people from the "nice" society. the only real difference between muslim and jew is religion. same genetic"race"!
I just wanted to update everyone on this situation On June 17th Xxxx Xxxxxx was found
NOT GUILTY on all 5 charges.
This was a result of doings others. Unfortunately, we had to suffer emotionally mentally, and financially as a result of this. However in time we will recover hopefully , if things had of went the other way we would NEVER been able to recover. I thank God , and all of those whom helped . And I am greatful to have my family back.
The sadness in this is
This case was based upon cross referencing Nationality on SBA Loans and it is called Operation Fleeced America. These cases are being referred by INS.
For Prosecution in order to obtain agravated felony charges in order to deport a Immigrant who did nothing but have the American Dream.
It is sad that the immigrant is forced to prove his innocence just so the american business person can make money off the immigrant by assuming or by carelessness of checking off the immigrant is a Citizen of the United States just in order to make commission. All I can say is this case will help others I hope to save their families from being prosecuted for others wrong doings. May god bless all Muslims here in America to get threw these difficult times we are in .
by false direction
"the only real difference between muslim and jew is religion. same genetic"race"!"

Not true. Islam and Judaism are religions. The vast majority of Muslims are not Arabs, and there are many Jews who are not Semites.
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