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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

IDA News 2/23/05

by Mat Thomas
Every year on March 17, people in many parts of the world
observe St. Patrick's Day in memory of the famed Patron Saint of
Ireland. Among the celebrations held in honor of St. Patty are
colorful parades, wild parties and fun runs - that's right, fun
runs! And so it is that the annual Shamrock Run comes once again
on or around March 17 to a town near you.

Thousands of people from all over the country participate in
these very popular events every year. For example, Portland,
Oregon's Shamrock Run is sure to draw numerous competitors by
promising the winner their weight in beer! But IDA has an even
better reason for you to participate in a Shamrock Run this
year: do it to help the animals! Join Team IDA and raise
awareness about animal issues while raising money to help IDA
and other organizations work for animals. Plus, running or
walking in athletic events is a great way to stay in shape so
you'll have the energy you need to make the world safer for

As a member of Team IDA, you can make a real difference by
educating the athletic community about how animals are treated
in our society. Team IDA teammates frequently report that just
by wearing their Team IDA t-shirt, they attract people at races
who ask them what it's all about. We'll also supply you with
Team IDA brochures to give to people who express interest.

You can find out whether there's a Shamrock Run near you by
visiting . For more information about Team IDA,
please visit . Thank you for all that you do for
Table of Contents
1. Help Save Alaska's Wolves
2. Tell Congress to Curb Illegal Animal Fighting
3. Hawaii To Ban Eating of Dogs and Cats?
4. Keep Indonesian Parrots in the Wild
5. Support Reprinting of Spay & Neuter Stamps
6. Tribe of Heart Films Inspire and Transform

1. Help Save Alaska's Wolves

In 2003, Alaska legalized the aerial gunning of wolves, in which hunter-pilot teams shoot the helpless animals from low-flying planes. Dozens of wolves have already been gunned down this winter, and Alaskan officials hope that over 1,000 more will be killed by the end of April.

Seeking an end to this brutal practice, the international animal advocacy organization Friends of Animals (FOA) has initiated a boycott of the $2 billion a year Alaskan tourism industry. They have organized over 200 "Howl-Ins" across North America - as well as in Germany, Japan and Great Britain - to raise awareness of the slaughter and give people the opportunity to send postcards urging Alaska's governor to stop the killing.

Now, FOA introduces the first Virtual Howl-In, which allows anyone with an Internet connection to send postcards from the convenience of home. When you enter your name and address into an online form, FOA will send an actual postcard to Alaska's Governor, Frank Murkowski, on your behalf. Please click here ( to send your postcard and help save Alaska's wolves.

To learn more about Alaska's aerial gunning of wolves, visit .

2. Tell Congress to Curb Illegal Animal Fighting

Although animal fighting is illegal in virtually every state, it is still common in the U.S., fueled in part by a subculture naively fascinated with violence and killing. To combat this criminal activity, a pair of bills known as the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act has been introduced in the Senate and the House of Representatives. If passed, the Act will strengthen current federal law by authorizing felony-level jail time for the interstate and foreign commerce of fighting animals or animal fighting implements (such as knives that are strapped onto fighting cocks' legs to ensure bloody battles). Violators convicted under this new law would face up to two years in prison.

What You Can Do:

You can help get the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act passed by contacting your federal legislators today and voicing strong support for these bills. Click here ( to find contact information for your legislators. Phone calls and personal letters on this issue will have the most impact. However, you can also send an automatic e-mail to your legislators by clicking here (, if you prefer.

3. Hawaii To Ban Eating of Dogs and Cats?

Though most Hawaiians probably didn't realize it until recently, eating cats and dogs is perfectly legal in their state, as long as the animals are killed "humanely." However, reports surfaced last year that dog meat was being sold in certain areas and that companion animals were being stolen and killed for their meat, waking people up to the grim reality of the grisly trade right in their backyards. Sadder still is the realization that many dogs and cats killed for meat are not killed humanely, but are beaten or electrocuted to death.

A proposal by Representative Glenn Wakai to make killing, distributing or purchasing a dog or cat for human consumption a felony has already been approved by the House Judiciary Committee. If passed, violators of this new law could face up to five years in prison.

Most Hawaiians support the bill, and would like to make eating dogs and cats illegal in their home state. To read a couple of newspaper editorials condemning the practice, please click on the following links:

What You Can Do:

Hawaii residents should contact their Representatives and urge them to support the ban on cat and dog meat. Click here ( to find your Representatives.

Please also write to Representative Glenn Wakai to thank him for introducing this humane legislation. Write to:

Represenative Glenn Wakai
31st Representative District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 316
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel.: (808) 586-6220
Fax: (808) 586-6221
E-mail: repwakai [at]

4. Keep Indonesian Parrots in the Wild

Seram Island in Indonesia is the last remaining natural habitat for Moluccan cockatoos. Yet smugglers continue to illegally trap and sell these endangered creatures, pushing the species toward the brink of extinction. If we don't act to save these animals now, they may soon disappear from the face of the earth forever.

Fortunately, a worldwide movement to stop this illegal trade is gaining momentum. With a newly elected President in Indonesia, animal advocates may yet succeed in securing protection for these and other birds in the region before it is too late. But your help is desperately needed right now!

What You Can Do:

Please join thousands of others from around the world in signing a petition urging Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to aggressively prosecute animal dealers and others who violate existing laws and to end all "special permit" trapping of endangered birds in Indonesia. Click here ( to sign the petition: it only takes a second! Also please pass this information on to your friends and family so they can sign it too. It's one of the easiest ways to make a difference for animals.

Visit to learn more about Indonesia's endangered birds and additional ways that you can help them.

5. Support Reprinting of Spay & Neuter Stamps

In 2002, the U.S. Postal Service issued commemorative stamps with pictures of adorable shelter puppies and kittens on them along with the words "neuter" and "spay" to educate people about the animal companion homelessness crisis. The stamps' popularity made them a great way to spread the message about the importance of curbing dog and cat breeding. Now, a coalition of animal organizations led by the American Partnership for Pets needs your help to get these stamps reprinted.

What You Can Do:

Please send a letter to the U.S. Postal Service politely asking them to reprint these stamps. Visit for a sample letter and contact information.

6. Tribe of Heart Films Inspire and Transform

Tribe of Heart's documentaries The Witness and Peaceable Kingdom are among the most powerful films ever made about the plight of animals in our society and people's potential for transforming their relationships with animals. Peaceable Kingdom, the inspiring story of "farmed" animals and people who have been moved to fight their exploitation, has been making the rounds of the film festival circuit, and will soon be shown at nine more festivals around the country. Click here ( for a list of cities where the film is playing.

The Witness tells the powerful story of one man's sudden awakening to animal suffering and incredible dedication to their cause. The film focuses on "everyman" Eddie Lama's attempts to educate urban New Yorkers about the cruelty behind fur using the first FaunaVision vehicle - a customized van with a large video screen showing undercover videos taken on fur farms. The Witness remains one of the most effective tools animal advocates have to open people's eyes to animal suffering.

The film is especially relevant in light of a recent report on fur farms in China, where the majority of fur products originate. In a country where animal welfare regulations are non-existent, investigators witnessed many animals breathing and looking around for as long as ten minutes even after their skin was stripped off. You can learn more about the investigation's findings at .

What You Can Do:

Hold a screening of The Witness in your community. Your local library may have a place for you to show the video to an audience. IDA will send a FREE copy of the video to the first person who commits to organizing a screening of the film. For more information and for help planning your event, contact Kristie [at] To purchase a copy of either film, please visit .

Meatout Monday

If you know someone who says they'd like to cut meat out of their diet but thinks it's too hard, then tell them about Meatout Mondays, a free weekly e-newsletter designed to help those who don't want to quit "cold turkey" kick the meat habit one day at a time - starting with Mondays! Easy and fun to read, Meatout Mondays encourages individuals to make changes at a pace that is comfortable for them, and is an excellent tool for introducing vegetarianism to anyone.

Every week, Meatout Mondays includes tasty vegan recipes, new product and book reviews, important health information, and inspirational stories of people who have changed their lives for the better by cutting animal products from their diets. This week's Meatout Mondays features an article on a research study that links consumption of animal products to heart disease in seniors. Click here ( to read the latest issue.

Please visit to review past issues and to subscribe your friends and family members. Meatout Mondays is a free e-newsletter, and individuals can easily unsubscribe at any time.

Cat Therapist Contest Winners

When "Cat Therapist" Carole C. Wilbourn announced a "how your cat(s) make your day" contest, people from all over North America sent her stories and pictures of their special felines. Wilbourn, a world-renowned feline behaviorist with over 20 years of experience, and IDA, the contest's sponsor, recently awarded prizes to three winners for submitting the most touching entries.

First prize went to Betty McConnel from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, whose cat Dazzle does impressions of nearby Niagra Falls by slowly sliding off the couch on her back. Betty is the winner of a free phone consultation with the Cat Therapist herself. Doreen Forbes was awarded second prize - an autographed copy of Wilbourn's best-selling book The Total Cat - for describing the eldest her cats, Toadie. And Katrina Cameron won third place for a moving story about her cat Forrest, taking home an IDA "Cat Guardian" t-shirt. The winners' stories are available online at . Please also take a moment to read the latest cat therapist column at .

Still two days left in IDA's Auction for the Animals

The first wave of IDA's Auction for the Animals on eBay has been an amazing success, enabling IDA to raise almost $900 for the animals! Thank you so much to everyone who has participated.

If you haven't logged on already, there's still time to bid on many fabulous items through tomorrow, Thursday, February 24. The auction gives you the opportunity to help IDA help animals while having fun bidding on a wide selection of elegant, exciting and unique items, including:

- Fantastic travel and accommodation packages, such as trips to Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, Las Vegas and San Diego and other exciting vacation destinations.

- Celebrity memorabilia donated by famous friends of IDA.

- One-of-a-kind items, such as tickets to see a taping of "The King of Queens" and a VIP photo shoot by celebrity photographer Andy Pearlman.

- Tickets for great entertainment and sporting events.

You can view all of the items for auction at .

Don't keep our special Auction for the Animals a secret: help us spread the word by using the Tell-A-Friend feature at the bottom of this e-newsletter!


Team IDA encourages teammates to take part in local athletic events to raise awareness of animal issues and much-needed funds to rescue and protect animals from cruelty and abuse. You don't have to be an avid runner or a serious athlete to sign up. Just by cheering and wearing your Team IDA apparel you can show your pro-animal attitude.

Wear your Team IDA t-shirt whenever you are running, biking, walking, or just hanging around your neighborhood to help promote a cruelty-free world. If you have a Team IDA t-shirt and have received comments about it, we want to hear from you! If you do not already have a Team IDA t-shirt, please call (415) 388-9641 to receive one. Also, if you have participated in any events in your area on behalf of Team IDA, or would like your picture and bio posted on our website, please let us know!

You can also make Team IDA even more successful by spreading the word: a great way to do this is by distributing Team IDA brochures at races and placing them in athletic stores and clubs. Team IDA brochures are always available free of charge by (415) 388-9641.

We are always interested in learning more about your experiences and hearing your ideas regarding Team IDA. Please send an email to teamida [at] and tell us your story. Visit for more information. Join Team IDA today!

You can sign up for In Defense of Animals Action Center at:
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