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Anti-Authoritarians Protest Wet Seal Slaughterers

by DAAA Collective (modanarcho [at]
Activists with Peta, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and the DAAA Collective, (Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians), protested today the use of rabbit fur at ‘hip’ clothing store Wet Seal, and the fur trade in general...
Anti-Authoritarians Protest Wet Seal Slaughterers

Activists with Peta, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and the DAAA Collective, (Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians), protested today the use of rabbit fur at ‘hip’ clothing store Wet Seal, and the fur trade in general at a heart of Modesto consumerism, the Vintage Faire Mall. While we wanted to have a day of resistance in remembrance of the bunnies, a couple of pigs decided to crash the party, with two police vehicles parked right next to the convergence spot decided upon by activists. Several DAAA Collective members upon approaching the mall, where instantly confronted by mall security, and asked if they were with Peta, or if they were the organizers. They were also told that they could not film outside.

Upon further talking with the mall security, he in fact was up to date with the Pruneyard rulings, (which protect free speech in public areas that happen to be on private property), and ‘agreed’ to let us videotape outside. With Wet Seal safe behind glass doors, and four very out of shape Modesto Police officers protecting it, all was well and we began our protest. About 12-15 young and old activists braved the slightly chilly rain and cold, to hold signs that read, “Wet Seal: Lay Off Bunnies - Not Workers”, and “Wet Seal Tortures Bunnies”. Activists handed out leaflets on Wet Seal and their practices, and many people told us they were sickened at the murder of rabbits for the sake of their fur. Many people were educated on alternatives to fur, and some people even grabbed a sign to join us.

On fur farms, animals are deprived of the proper amount of space they need, and are kept in cages that barely allow any movement. Since it is cost effective for the industry to cram animals into a small space and deal with the occasional stress related death or self-mutilation, the fur industry does not concern itself with the animal’s well being. An estimated 20 percent of foxes raised on ranches die prematurely. Half of those deaths are the result of cannibalism brought on by the horrible close conditions. The fur industry is ecologically harmful. The massive buildup of animals creates large amounts of concentrated waste that usually goes right into rivers, streams, and threatens to hurt eco-systems and human communities. Fur farming is also wasteful. Many animals that are killed for their fur often are simply discarded after their fur has been taken. Death for farm-raised animals is a horror story. The most common method used for killing foxes is anal electrocution. Mink are usually gassed or violently injected with poison. Many have their necks broken. The chinchilla industry proudly admits that most chinchillas are killed by neck breaking or electrocution. Chinchilla farmers hook one metal clamp to the ear, and another to the genitalia to implement the electrocution. Despite animal welfare laws, animal cruelty on farms continues.

We cannot look into the eyes of our own pets and not act to stop the killings of animals much like the ones we share life with everyday. The fur industry is an example of the sick exploitation brought on by market capitalism! Stop the torture, stop the death! Until every cage is empty!
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