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Evangelical Christians Get Funding to Mentor Prisoners Children

by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Are we witnessing the rise of the American Taliban?

Evangelical Christians Get Funding to Mentor Prisoners Children
By Mike Rhodes
February 9, 2005

One by One Leadership, an evangelical Christian group in Fresno California has just received a grant from the Bush administration to mentor the children of prisoners. The $360,000 a year grant is from the Department of Health and Human Services "compassion capital fund." Doug Davidian, a Fresno businessman and vice chairperson of One by One Leadership was quoted in The Fresno Bee as saying, "Because we’re a faith-based organization, there’s money available to us that isn’t to those going through the front door. There are 99,000 people going through the front door. We’re going through the side door."

The Bush administration is in the process of implementing massive cutbacks in funding for health, education, environmental, and other government agencies. This week, Bush proposed cutting 48 education programs totaling $4.3 billion, slashing the amount given to local firefighters, the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget would be reduced from by $450 million, and a program providing low-income people with home heating aid would be reduced.

According to The Bee, the compassion capital fund that is channeling money to One by One Leadership in Fresno, "is only one of a myriad of funding programs grouped under the faith-based umbrella." There are over 150 programs funneling $50 billion to faith based and community groups according to a 67-page booklet published by the White House.

The One by One Leadership’s web site says "An estimated 10,000 children in Fresno have a parent incarcerated in a state or federal prison. Without effective intervention, 70 percent of these children will likely follow their parent's path into incarceration." How will prisoners themselves react to this new program? According to Maria Telesco, a long time advocate for prison reform and human rights for prisoners "one sector of prisoners are evangelical fundamentalist Christians (EFC) and they will fall upon their knees shouting hallelujah." Telesco, who is also the chairperson of the Fresno chapter of Death Penalty Focus says, however, that not all prisoners will want the fundamentalist Christians indoctrinating their children. "Another sector, Black Muslims and Arab Muslims, for example would raise holy hell and tell the EFCs to keep their hands off."

Another local prisoner rights activist, who wished to remain anonymous said "many prisoners will see the dark side of this (project of One by One Leadership). In prison you learn very quickly not to trust anyone and to question the motives of anyone who offers you anything. You get paranoid rapidly on the inside. I suspect that some, perhaps particularly Blacks who often talk about genocide etc., and certainly have the right to be skeptical, they will suspect their kids are being brainwashed to spy on the parents, or to be taken away to join cults etc. I think they would react about like a Jew in Nazi Germany who is offered a nice train ride in the country."

Walt Parry, the Executive Director of Fresno Metro Ministry did not comment directly on the One by One Leadership project but did say "It appears that from the very beginning President Bush wanted to diminish the federal government's role in programs that help low-income and moderate income persons. By "breaking the bank" through his tax cuts primarily for the wealthy he will drastically decrease federal revenues for years to come. That decrease in revenues plus new expenses for faith-based ventures will drive up the deficit, and long-term resources like Medicaid, food stamps, and other vital helping services will be cut by as much as thirty percent. The ongoing cost of the war is another factor. It appears to be a deliberate strategy."

Rev. Bryan Jessup, of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno was more blunt. He said "Faith Based Funding is a cynical and cunning manipulation of public opinion so people are persuaded by sentimentality to allow ‘the winners’ to claim more and more of the taxpayers money as part of their ‘spoils’ which they then dole out to religious enclaves that support them and dutifully wait for their reward."

Jessup said "that compliant religious organizations, ones that do not question the distribution of wealth and power and ones that do not question the system of corporate domination that rules our planet, will receive taxpayer funding and that more disruptive ones will not, goes without saying.

And to get help from these organizations, one will not only have to ‘give his or her heart to Jesus,’ he or she will also have to give his or her heart to a theology that equates giving one’s heart to Jesus with submitting to social norms that make people compliant and convenient for corporate use. This – by the standards of any religion – is blasphemy!"

The Bush administration has cut taxes for the wealthy, decreased funding for services that help the poor, and is now channeling tax money to faith based groups to provide social services. The framework for this dramatic shift in the way our government works is described in George Lakoff’s new book Don’t think of an Elephant . Lakoff describes this as the strong father model, which rewards the rich while punishing the poor.

The philosophy of the neo-cons, according to Lakoff, is that the rich deserve their wealth because they work hard. The poor are like misguided children that need to be disciplined and that de-funding social service programs will force them to become more self sufficient. By reducing governments role in funding social services and transferring that work to the right wing faith based groups, the Bush administration is transforming not only the way our government operates, but the relationship between church and state. Some have described the shift as the emergence of the American Taliban.

The alternative model, according to Lakoff, is the nurturing family model where people take care of each other, there is compassion for those less fortunate than yourself, and an optimistic view that the world can be a just and fair place to live. This model is not based on fear and retaliation. It is based on justice, fairness, and hope for a better future. In this alternative model, everyone on the planet shares resources more equally, there is greater environmental justice, and the risks of war are greatly reduced.

While the goal of the Bush administration in funding groups like One by One Leadership have huge implications, the response by the progressive community must be equally clear. Maria Telesco concluded her comments by asking a rather simple question: "instead of giving billions to Faith Based quacks, why not spend a small portion of that money on jobs & education so parents would not be in prison in the first place?

§House owned by One by One Leadership
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
One by One Leadership is expanding and buying a significant amount of housing in downtown Fresno
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
One by One Leadership has partnered with Fresno PAL on the mentoring project. PAL is a project of the Fresno Police Department.
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by karl roenfanz ( rosey ) (k_rosey48 [at]
bush did announce on tv that if you were athiest you were not a citizen, not what the founding fathers had in mind, now he's cu8tting funding to even the v a to push his religion on the rest of us. this is not the united states i was raised in nor is it the u.s. that i spent ten years of my life defending! please deport me th the u.s.a. i am tired of being a prisoner of thes church of the almighty bush.
by Hedley
Why would we want people to possibly teach children of prisoners about religion, right and wrong or even being a decent human being when their parents should be able to teach them however they see fit. They should be very proud of their parents. they didn't make poor decisions to end up in prison. It was George Bush who put them there.
by Opach
Bush never put them in prison. They made decisions to get themselves there and are there because they are, for the present, dysfunctional human beings. And becuase they are dysfunctional human beings they don't have the mental resources as of yet to teach their children right or wrong.
by SP
Thankyou very much for exposing what some of us wish we could! It is hard working from within the heart of the beast when when you are so hungry for democracy. Fresno has a lot of dirty secrets, It's time for some Radical house cleaning from the inside out!
by SP
Hey MIke
Thank you so much for doing what some of us can not! It is hard working in the heart of the beast when you are starving for truth and democracy! Fresno has a lot of dirty little secrets, it's time for some radical house cleaning from the inside out!
by SP
Hey MIke
Thank you so much for doing what some of us can not! It is hard working in the heart of the beast when you are starving for truth and democracy! Fresno has a lot of dirty little secrets, it's time for some radical house cleaning from the inside out!
by Kevin Murphy
Religion-based prison program struck down

01.13.2005: Correspondent for The Capital Times, Kevin Murphy

U.S. District Judge John Shabaz handed the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation a victory Wednesday in ruling that federal funding of a prison mentoring program in Arizona violates the First Amendment prohibition against the promotion of religion.

Evidence produced by the foundation's attorney, Richard Bolton, in November caused the Department of Health and Human Services on Dec. 16 to suspend the further funding of MentorKids USA. DHSS then asked Shabaz to dismiss the foundation's suit, contending it was moot.

However, Shabaz stated that although DHSS effectively conceded that federal funds have been used by the MentorKids program to advance religion in violation of the Constitution's establishment clause, it doesn't prevent him from ruling on the illegality of the practice. Shabaz also cited the failure by DHSS to ensure that the grant won't be reinstated as a reason not to dismiss the suit.

Speaking for the foundation, Annie Laurie Gaylor called Wednesday's ruling a victory the foundation can build on to challenge publicly funded faith-based organizations that provide social services without proper government oversight.

"We're not opposed to funding of mentoring programs, although I personally have doubts about their efficacy, but we're opposed to funding faith-based religious-infused programs that receive federal money," Gaylor said.

Congress created the Mentoring Children of Prisoners program to provide support for children of incarcerated parents and gave equal footing to faith-based organizations seeking federal funding. The MentorKids program qualified in 2003 for a $225,000 three-year grant and received all but $75,000 of it before being cut off in December, Gaylor said.

In a 2003 memo to case managers, MentorKids President John Gibson said the program's mission statement was to "locate, train and empower mentors to be the presence of Christ to kids facing tough life challenges through one-on-one relationships," according to Shabaz's decision. Similar messages "permeate" the program's Web site and board minutes, the decision stated.

Gaylor said the DHSS response that it didn't know the religious mission of the program was "incredible."

"They said it was up to watchdog groups like ours to monitor the activities of groups getting federal funding. That says the government has no guidelines in place or desire to monitor these groups," she said.

Madison-area Urban Ministry's Mentoring Connections program received a federal grant last year and is currently recruiting and training up to 70 individuals to mentor children with parents in prison, said project facilitator Kermit Hovey.

Unlike MentorKids, Mentoring Connections has no faith requirement of its participants, he said.

"Mentors will provide a supportive, caring relationship involving regular weekly visits and social activities ... but the activities aren't proscribed by us and are largely up to the mentor, child and the child's family," Hovey said.

Questions about the amount of federal funding received and number of client families to be serviced were referred to Mary Kay Baum, MUM's executive director, who was unavailable for comment.

"We take pains to avoid running afoul of relevant guidelines and principles to ensure we don't violate the separation of church and state," Hovey said.

Gaylor said the case, in which former DHSS Secretary Tommy Thompson was the lone remaining defendant, was represented by federal attorneys in Washington who didn't return a phone call for comment before deadline.

Gaylor said she hadn't looked into Mentoring Connections operations and couldn't comment on them, but Shabaz's ruling was important because it would allow the foundation to pursue federally funded faith-based organizations that employ unconstitutional practices in their work.

"(MentorKids) is not the only case like that out there. ... We're very delighted to have a ruling we can use in the future and where we find a problem we'll continue our lawsuits," she said. Reference: Freedom From Religion Foundation.

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