San Francisco
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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Anti-choice march blocked

by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
Pro choice activists blocked anti-choice marchers in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. After a short stand-off, the anti-choice marchers backed up and took a different route.
1-22-04. As part of a much larger protest, pro choice activists blocked anti-choice marchers in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. After a short stand-off, the anti-choice marchers backed up and took a different route. After police moved away, many of the pro choice activists followed the route to the end.
§Anti-choice march blocked #2
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #3
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #4
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #5
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #6
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #7
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #8
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #9
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #10
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #11
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #12
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
§Anti-choice march blocked #13
by Scott Braley (scottb [at]
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by ~Bradley
i'm happy to see people demonstrating resistance to the anti-choicers.
Keep up the great ((i)) work, Scott!
by Abner
Once they started walking up embarcadero and saw all the folks lined up to yell at them, those christians got pretty scared. These people aren't used to someone yelling at them!

Also, they could see that there really weren't enough cops to protect them. At any point in the march, the prochoicers could have waded into the crowd and completely scared the crap out of them.

By the end of that long long walk, the kids were looking really tired and hungry. Everybody ran for a bathroom! They're gonna be glad to get home tonight and I bet most of them never come back.

Whoever set up this march for the christians was a complete idiot. It was way to long for suburban people who drive everywhere. That particular march will never happen again.

by Abner - you are wrong
They'll be back - in bigger numbers too.

After all, you are not against free speach are you? How do you feel if/when the Protest Warriors impede your walk for socialist causes? or Abner...are you a bona-fide hypocrite?
by Abner
I'm not a socialist, but I'll answer your question.

Some of the men will be back. Especially the violent ones. They love the confrontation. And after all, the movement is completely run by men, no matter how many sweet little front women they have.

But most of those women and kids won't be back. No decent mother would subject her kids to that.

I have no trouble with people marching for human rights. But these people are marching for the right to force women to have babies even if they desperately don't wish to do so. That is not humane, that is cruel and horrible. And it will end up with women self-aborting and dying.

So yeah, if they show up again so will I. If the Klan shows up, so will I. They are the same.
by JoeP
Now we know their vulnerabilities. We know their leaders. We know their security. We know their license plates. We even know their cell phone numbers.

We will study the video tapes.

If they come back it will not be nearly as pleasant for them as it was today. And yes they should definitly not bring the kids next time.
by yeah right!
"Now we know their vulnerabilities. We know their leaders. We know their security. We know their license plates. We even know their cell phone numbers."

Um, yeah right. You and what army? While I'm down to stop these right-wingers from marching in SF, but your threats are a veiled attempt at trapping radical activists into a thug image.

Do I smell something? oh yeah it's COINTELPRO.
by what smells
are all the righties trolling for violence. This is a woman's issue, it's about the violence done to women by denying them their right to choose.

what is most telling was that all these anti-choice people had to be bussed in from parts unknown. And that they were given free reign to express themselves and walk our streets and sidewalks, while the pro-choicers were not. They were prohibted by our own rent-a-cops.

I was there at the end, and the majority of the anti-choice set were obediently marched back to their tour busses after they and their Stepford wives had done their duty.
by you don't
You do not own the streets and you do not *own* the city. Just because SF is a very liberal city does NOT mean it is 100% liberal and exclusionary. Sorry bub, your argument is babyish and weak. You sound quite jealous.
by "bub"
Everyone that posts here is male, just like you. Well hello hello mr. sexist!
by quiet type
Dude, you come into the most wired city in the world and you think we're not watching you?

Come on back. Any time. Now we know your score.
by quiet type
No COINTELPRO, no radical thug image.

But why not know who we are dealing with? In the end we are talking about a handful of funders, a handful of front organizations, some churches to provide the bodies, and a handful of right wing Operation Rescue-type thugs.

Don't make this anti-choice "movement" out to be more than it is. The more we identify them, follow the money, and especially track the violent ones, the more we know exactly what we are dealing with here.

Today was like nirvana as far as information collection goes. The thugs were definitely kept under wraps but a few of them were on the scene and it was very interesting to watch who they dealt with in our fair city.

You don't need to do anything nefarious, just open your eyes and pay attention. The anti-choice leaders are egomaniacs and control freaks, so they are pretty easy to spot.

by yup
>>" The anti-choice leaders are egomaniacs and control freaks, so they are pretty easy to spot." for us filling up seats on the US Supreme Court. You are toast!
by quiet type
What makes you interesting is that you think you are somehow associated with the power of the Bush administration. (You are not.)

You speak of filling up the Supreme Court with "us." You have nothing to do with the Supreme Court. You are just a guy who wants to boss women around because of your own deep inferiority complex.

When you get help with that, you will give up these delusions of grandeur and become a productive member of society.
by guy?
>>"you will give up these delusions of grandeur and become a productive member of society"

an ad hominem attack will always be ignored.

"I" am the American Right (which obviously is now more potent than the Left who are still arguing about how they will re-structure their philosophy to become more appealing ) - who elected President Bush. And Bush, as our emissary has a strong agenda. The proof will be in the pudding. Liberalism is fading, you would find it hard to disagree with that (they whine but can't put up the influence or numbers - the Right CAN and HAS). The little microcosms in SF and East MA make some chatter, but little change in their direction. Fun times.....
by quiet type
I'll ignore your comment about being "potent" because that's just too easy. (p.s. if you have to brag about it, you're not.) O.k. I couldn't resist.

Here's a free clue - George Bush is not your "emissary". You are his tool. More specifically, you are Karl Rove's tool.

Why isn't "W" more of a champion for you? Why isn't there a right to life amendment? Why why why?

Because George and Karl can count. And the fact is that the majority of americans, the majority of republicans, and the majority of women are pro-choice. That's not to say they like abortion, but rather that they are willing to leave the final decision up to women which is where it should be.

It's possible to be against abortion and still be pro-choice and that's where most of America is. "W" isn't going to destroy the Republican party (which is still majority pro-choice) just to make the tiny minority of christian wing nuts happy. He's too smart for that.

So yeah, he played you for your vote, you think he works for you. Meanwhile he's got his hand in your pocket to pay for his war and the salaries of his CEO friends in exchange for the promise to do something about this abortion thing.

Don't hold your breath.
by you keep guessing wrong
>>"So yeah, he played you for your vote, you think he works for you. Meanwhile he's got his hand in your pocket to pay for his war and the salaries of his CEO friends in exchange for the promise to do something about this abortion thing"

He is my elected official because I agree with his stands on the issues - the majority of Americans did too. It is my war too and I am glad of it (I returned from Army deployment in Iraq last April - and I agree with our fight to liberate Iraq from the ignorant fools who ran it before). President Bush did not "promise" anything on abortion. No need. There is no tradeoff on policies (but nice try though with your twisted pretend logic).
Two, perhaps three, appointments to the Supreme Court and the splitting of the Ninth Circuit Court into two will set the stage for MANY years of unimpeded future change.
by quiet type
So you're finally letting go of the veneer of Christian compassion.

What was that chant I heard today?
Pray by day
Bomb by night
That's the motto
of pro-life.

Your brand of political arrogance is unsustainable. Being a successful bully is a short-term success at best. Eventually your victims will join together and find ways to cleverly undermine your structure. It sounds like you live in a pretty sheltered world as far as women are concerned, so I'll help you out here. 1. Not all women are docile and accepting of whatever you say. 2. Even the ones who are will eventually get tired of it.

p.s. I'm very glad you survived Iraq. I hope you are getting all the support you need from the government. I have relatives still there and I have no idea from day to day if they are still alive. This war sucks.
by thank you
>>"(1)I'm very glad you survived Iraq. (2)I hope you are getting all the support you need from the government. (3) I have relatives still there and I have no idea from day to day if they are still alive. (4)This war sucks"

1. Thank you
2. I am
3. My thoughts are with the hope of your relative's safe return
4. ALL war sucks (but is the result of "man's inhumanity to man" - solve that and all war stops!).

oh.... I am not a Christian (nice guess though)
by quiet type
>> oh.... I am not a Christian (nice guess though)

That explains it...I was thinking you should be going to bed soon so you could get up in the morning for church.

So if you are not christian, what is the basis for your insistance that women give birth against their will? Is it a religious conviction from another faith or is it something else?

by quiet type
Jenny and I are going to bed now, to rest up and kick some more right wing butt tomorrow. Today was a great day for freedom.
by Ansel Adamz
Not because of your camera, which must be some species of 35mm, but because of the content and framing. Altogether this is better than what I've seen from the pros (sfgate).
I smell troll...

And to "quiet type" (12:36 AM) re "guy?" (12:22 AM), he's "a tool" all right. Great work ripping him a new one! You're right, those anti-choice people get played like a cheap fiddle by the right-wing elite. And Bush said, "Send me money!" Those anti-choice Christians are just middle-class chumps. "Guy?" says it's his war too, but the fool doesn't understand that it's the execs and major stockholders of Halliburton, Bechtel, and Chevron who will be reaping billions, while "guy?'s" health insurance rates will keep going up and up, while his affordable access to health keeps going down and down, and his pension (if he even gets one) will keep going down and down, down along with his real earning power year by year. In the meantime, cuts to his kids (if he has any) education and later college loan burdens will keep going up and up; kids who will be lucky later if they could even afford their parents standard of living and a decent house in a metropolitan area less than 3 hours from work (where, even in the summer many of them will be leaving for work and returning back home in the dark to get by).

By the time "guy?" wakes up, he won't have much of anything to show (or to pass on to his kids) for years of blind faith to the Republican party. (Maybe one of his kids will be able to use what little money he has left in his bank account when he dies to pay another installment on their college loans.) That idoit is worried about the 9th Circuit intruding on his ability to force others to conform to his religious beliefs, instead of big brother corporatism CONTROLLING his life and invading every aspect of his privacy (including the steady evisceration of the 4th Amendment and habeas corpus), every datum multiply cross-filed in some giant data bank to use against him if he ever starts to compain! I guess that he thinks, that because he's white and male and Christian, he'll never have to worry. What a buffoon!
by you *just* keep guessing wrong
>>>"And to "quiet type" (12:36 AM) re "guy?" (12:22 AM), he's "a tool" all right. Great work ripping him a new one!"


>>>"I guess that he thinks, that because he's white and male and Christian, he'll never have to worry."

I am the one person who (supposedly in your weak eyes) was "ripped a new one". Since you are logically impaired I will tell you that did not happen (except in your biased view).

And factually speaking I am a male, but neither white nor Christian, never been inside a church except to attend a buddy's you are wrong two out of three. And...factually speaking, it will be quite evident to you over the next 4 (perhaps 12) years that the leadership of this country is morphing further and further away from your views and aspirations. You whine... about what we DO. Keep whining! We will keep DOING!
by that's ok troll
And watch out where you put your "power tool". It's a question of responsibility. Don't lose a hold of yours, it's apparently all you've got, apart from your ego.

And I will do whatever I like with my uterus and continue to support other women's free choice of what to do with theirs. Bush and his crazies will not change the fact that abortion will continue one way or another.
by ad hominem
>>"Don't lose a hold of yours, it's apparently all you've got, apart from your ego."

An ad hominem attack is expected from a child when they lose a debate on facts and have little of substance to add.

by anti-troll
anti-choice trolls will NEVER control my body.
by PDB
Please do not breed and it will not be an issue. End the genetic trail of your biological makeup.
by not breeding, eh
Shall we have sterilizations next? Oh wait, they already tried that on poor women and black men.
by quiet type
I have to smile when I see a bunch of guys in ties on fox news pontificating on how the "country is becoming more prolife" or that a vote for George Bush was a vote against abortion. They really don't get it.

They don't get the fact that there is a good chance their wife or daughter or sister or niece has had an abortion and will never ever tell them about it. Statistically, they are very likely living with a woman who had an abortion.

But the guys just blather on and on - so safe in their belief system, so smug in their little world, not knowing that real life just routes around them with an amused smile on it's face.

You have to feel sorry for them. They think they are in charge of the women in their lives. Little do they know about the things that women do that they never bother to tell the boys about because it will just upset them.

by offer proof for your lies
>>"I have to smile when I see a bunch of guys in ties on fox news pontificating on how the "country is becoming more prolife" or that a vote for George Bush was a vote against abortion. They really don't get it.

They don't get the fact that there is a good chance their wife or daughter or sister or niece has had an abortion and will never ever tell them about it. Statistically, they are very likely living with a woman who had an abortion."

offer proof for your "guessed information". Quote your source, let's see your "facts" (or is it just bull and whining like the rest of your "facts"?)
by bent_rider
Did the anti-choice folks ever get an EARFULL.

It was so nice of them to bring their kids, how many of their kids now have a bug in their ear.......

Their kids never get to hear another (pro-choice) point of view, until Saturday. Some minds are going to change because of what they experianced Saturday.

Good work and high spirits.
And we had the best music. Cheers to the marching band.
by Matteo
Well, looking at the pictures in this segment, I think I can use my basic visual "people skills" to tell who the genuinely nicer, more goodhearted people are. And it ain't the "pro-choicers".
by Heidi (heidi.campbell [at]
Hey this is for Abner. I only read the first couple of items in the thread... but I am sorry to see Abner is so mislead in who the strongfronts are in the movement to protect all aspects of human life. IT"S THE WOMEN, foolio!?! That's right, my brother, 75% of the activits in this so-called "anti-choice" movement are ladies. You know why? ABORTION HURTS WOMEN and does not liberate us from this patriarcial society. It pushes us down further. Get the facts and maybe you will get a clue!! Check out what real feminism is about at

So you can sure look for me in 2006, 2007, 2008... however long it takes. I'll be wearing the shirt that says "Pro Women, Pro Life" and chanting "Pro Choice, that a lie... You dont care when women cry!"

You think I am kidding? Nope, I just want you to be prepared for what's to come. You should check out a recent article in the NYT about the younger and younger the Pro-Lifers are becoming. Whose scarred now?
by dear Heidi
"scarred"? The women who will be forced into back alleys, that's who. Scarred for life.

Keep your laws offa our bodies.
by quiet type
>>>They don't get the fact that there is a good chance their wife or daughter or sister or niece has had an abortion and will never ever tell them about it. Statistically, they are very likely living with a woman who had an abortion."

>>>offer proof for your "guessed information". Quote your source, let's see your "facts" (or is it just bull and whining like the rest of your "facts"?)

My information comes from 2 sources

1. A lifetime of talking to women who "never told him because it would hurt him." Lots and lots of women. It is VERY common. Women have to deal with reality while men blow smoke.

2. It's in the numbers pal. Run it yourself. How many women have an abortion every year? Over the course of 20 years, how many is that? How many couples are there in the U.S.? What are the statistical chances that all those relationships are with pro-choice men.

It's anecdotal AND statistical. Real life is often that way.

by look at W
Barbara Bush had to resort to a hanger when she was pregenant with Dubyah because she didnt want to hurt Bush Sr's popularity with the religious right. Unfortunately since the whole thing failed we all ended up with a mental retard as a leader. If abortion is made illegal more back alley abortions will occur and many women will die. Back alley abortions already exist among wives of Republicans and as we can all see with Dubyah and Jenna Bush the results are pretty grotesque.
by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Jenna has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. If you look at the distance between her eyes compared to her parents it shows clear signs that this was the cause of her birth defect. Bush on the other hand really could be a result of Barbara seeking a back alley abortion behind Bush Sr's back.
by children, children
>>"It was so nice of them to bring their kids, how many of their kids now have a bug in their ear"

So many of these kids saw the pro-choice (anti-life, anti-woman) crowd as rude and bizarre. There is little chance these developing minds would want to associate with such hateful thugs. The anti-life crowd embarrased themselves.
by abortion
The Catholic Church's anti-birth control stand that has held back condom distribution in many developing countries is probably one of the major causes of abortions world-wide (as well as a major factor in the spread of HIV)

How can you tell priests they have to remain celebate (creating many clandestine abortions when the partners of priests get pregnant), condemn the use of birth control and tell married couple to use the rythem method and then go around condemning abortion?
by abortion in Catholic countries

Illegal abortions are a major cause of death among mothers in many countries in Latin America, an international conference on the subject has been told.

Every year four million women in Latin America have an illegal abortion, according to the World Health Organisation.


Many doctors in Latin America are against abortions, and there are some who report their patients to the police after they have operated on women for whom complications have arisen


Ms Mejilla of Catholics For The Right To Decide said that doctors' opposition to abortions could lead to some women being "maltreated" at hospitals.

She outlined the case of one 15-year-old Mexican girl who became pregnant after being raped and wished, together with her mother, to have an abortion.

However, the doctor they saw was against the practice, and delayed any help until eventually the girl had no option but to give birth.

Ms Mejilla also said that inadequate access to contraception and reproductive health advice was one of the main reasons why there were so many abortions in the region.
by a pro-lifer who was at the walk
"How can you tell priests they have to remain celebate (creating many clandestine abortions when the partners of priests get pregnant), condemn the use of birth control and tell married couple to use the rythem method and then go around condemning abortion?"

The Natural Family Planning promoted by the Church is not the "rhythm method," from what I understand it is based on body temperatures and times of ovulation. I'm no expert on it, as I'm not married and it doesn't really effect me currently, but from what I understand it is more effective than condoms.

Furthermore, do you really think that people faithfully follow the church's teaching on birth control, then go out and get abortions? It would be so much easier for them to just violate Church teaching on birth control and skip the abortion alltogether, especially since you are excommunicated for abortion but not for using birth control.

You really can't blame the Church for people violating her rules. If a priest violates his vow of celibacy that is not the Church's fault, that is his fault.
by facts
Women in Latin America and the Caribbean Urge their Governments to Make Abortion Legal

5,000 Women and Girls In the Region Die from Unsafe, Illegal Abortions Every Year

September 27, 2001

Eleven years ago groups of Latin American and Caribbean women’s organizations chose tomorrow's date, September 28, to commemorate efforts to abolish criminal abortion laws and to bring global awareness to the thousands of deaths occurring each year due to unsafe, illegal abortions. With a few exceptions, including Cuba and Guyana, abortion is illegal in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since that time, despite intense advocacy for political reform, very few advances have been made toward the liberalization of abortion laws in the region. As a result, women continue to die. "We have been working for the past decade to decriminalize abortion and endorse protection under international law for all reproductive health services, including abortion," said Luisa Cabal, Staff Attorney for the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy's Latin American and Caribbean International Project. "Making abortion a crime doesn't stop it, it only makes abortion dangerous and kills women," added Cabal.

Consider the following statistics:

* An estimated 20 million unsafe abortions are performed each year, 4 million of which occur in Latin America.

* In Latin America and the Caribbean, 52% of the 18 million pregnancies each year are unplanned; 21% of these pregnancies end in abortion. In Colombia, 45% of pregnancies among adolescents under the age of 19 end in abortion.

* In Latin America, 21% of maternal deaths – 5,000 women each year -- are attributed to unsafe abortion.

* 400,000 illegal abortions, or 35% of all pregnancies, end in abortion in Chile. Chile’s actions regarding emergency contraception and the country's unwillingness to change its laws will undoubtedly exacerbate the already alarming figures that exist in that country.

* Six months after abortion was made legal in Guyana, women admitted with abortion complications to the capital's largest maternity hospital declined by nearly half.
by I wonder
I wonder if the anti-choice people ever ask themselves this simple question...

Why do those women choose to risk their life to undergo an illegal abortion?

What are the circumstances in their lives that would lead them to choose such a desperate thing?

Can the "baby lovers" put themselves in the shoes of real women and just ask what level of desperation you would have to feel to deliberately undergo such a dangerous thing?

Those women can't all be selfish sluts. There must be something else going on.

by ~
Looks like all the pro-life comments have been hidden....
by Feminists to the Max! (heidi.campbell [at]
Ever notice how the left side seems to be perpetually angry and screaming about one thing or another. And you mistake that for your argument having more support. I will agree that you put more stress on your vocal cords, but that is about it. These "Anti-Choice fanatics" as you say are not wasting there time with these little boards that noboby besides us reads. They are out helping women to get the resources they need to not be forced into abortion. Yes, FORCED into abortion. Lack of resources makes it impossible for women to choose life, ergo leaving them one option - another buck in the pocket of Planned Parenthood!

And yes I do see the irony that I am responding your little quip... but you know the only reason why. I USED TO BE PRO CHOICE (so I frequent boards like this) and was as angry and pissed off as the rest of you. I learned first hand how abortion effects women and will spend the last breath in body proclaiming just as loud and often times obnoxiously as your side the absolute cage that women are put in because men now have another hoop for us to jump through to acheive equality.

I'll bet all of us women are thankful for the work of the pioneering feminists... I am! Well what do you think that Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Caddey Staton thought of this issue. Check out this site - - I dare you. While you are at it - google the name of Bernard Nathanson - I'll bet most of you dont even know who he is. He was a key witness and proponent of Roe V Wade also the founder of NARAL. Then look up Norma McCorvey (that's Jane Roe herself).

Let me know what you think. Seriously - cause they were enough to have me switch sides. I welcome your opinions. This is not about me being right... it is about what is right. So if you are so convinced that pro-choice is the way to be... I beg you to quit yelling and PROVE ME WRONG!
Pardon me, I was so worked up above that I posted the wrong web address. Here is the correct site -
by pro-choice believer
Anti-choice marchers in SF

Not _you_ again...! Same post, different thread, different name:
by pro-choice believer Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005 at 3:12 AM

Anti-choice rally at Embarcadero

by pro-choice believer Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005 at 1:48 AM.


"Ever notice how the _left_ side seems to be _perpetually angry and screaming_ about one thing or another. And you mistake that for your argument having more support. I will agree that you put more stress on your vocal cords, but that is about it." (Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2005 at 11:32 PM)


You mean, unlike Sunday morning tv evangelists like Jerry Falwell, or Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill "SHUT UP!" O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, Daniel Pipes, John McLaughlin, Chris Matthews, Donald Rumsfeld, Camille Paglia, Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Lynne Cheney, etc., etc., etc...

No, I've never noticed.


PROVE ME WORNG by I AM BEGGING YOU [Note that she/he writes in all caps, as she/he complains about lefties "screaming". Didn't Jesus say something about _hypocrites_ casting the first stone? Or what about people in glass houses...?]: "I learned first hand how abortion effects women and will spend the last breath in body proclaiming just as _loud_ and often times _obnoxiously_..."

(By the way, there are plenty of liberal, independent, politically middle-of-the-road and even Republican women, religious and non-religious, who are also pro-choice. It's mostly just the male-led Bible-thumping religious fundamentalists, fanatics, bombers, and assassins who are anti-choice.)

And here's the choice 'pearl' by I AM BEGGING YOU : "I beg you to _quit yelling_ and _PROVE ME WRONG_!"

I just did. Had enough?

Now stop spamming the threads.

(I'm sure you're just some arrogant male asshole pretending to be a woman or 'feminist'. Who else would spam their little right-wing rant like that in at least 3 different threads? And if you're insist on being an asshole, at least learn to spell "WORNG" while you're being such an arrogant asshole.)
by You misunderstood
I simply posted in all the threads to give the greatest number of people a chance to respond to my request. I apologize for the caps, I did not think of that as email yelling. I used the caps because I wanted that to be the strong point of the email. I really want to make a correct decision about this. I am quite sincere in that.

"(I'm sure you're just some arrogant male asshole pretending to be a woman or 'feminist'. Who else would spam their little right-wing rant like that in at least 3 different threads? And if you're insist on being an asshole, at least learn to spell "WORNG" while you're being such an arrogant asshole.)" Thank you for proving my point. I'll thank you to know that I am 22 y/o female minority (Abortionists salvate when they see people like me).

Again, I did not mean to offend you in any way. I simply ask you to expand your thoughts to the other side - leaving politics out of it - and see the conclusion that you draw. If it is different than mine, let me know and tell me why.

No hard feelings. But I sincerely hope that the comment about the spelling error was just a little venting and not the real reason for discrediting my post.
by bent_rider
>>"It was so nice of them to bring their kids, how many of their kids now have a bug in their ear"

So many of these kids saw the pro-choice (anti-life, anti-woman) crowd as rude and bizarre. There is little chance these developing minds would want to associate with such hateful thugs. The anti-life crowd embarrased themselves.

Rude and bizarre.........................................MMMMM
How interesting.
Youth are attracted to rude and bizarre, it's not boring.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, but conformity.
by Feminists for life huh?
Oh so -you're- the real feminists! Thank you for explaining in the same way as your paternalistic male friends why you should decide what is right for the person with the uterus standing next to you.

Yet another term the righties are trying to co-opt to themselves (like patriot, etc.) What a bunch of hypocrites.
by simplesal (salgaltoo [at]
First of all this march main organizers were women, young smart, educated, single women...a couple of them maybe married..

Second, they are already planning next years event and more families, women, men teenagers are coming!!!

Third, SF better get use to having their little world rocked...because this event is going to blow the western side of the United States away...

forth, not all who are Pro-Life are christian...

and last but not least...any one reading this who thinks they are a feminist...get an education about real feminist movement...the first feminist understood abortion to be the evil it is and would have nothing to do with...
by what- the facts according to you?
and the women on the other side of the street are all baby-killers I suppose.

You don't know the first thing about feminism. And *if* you do come back, well I guess I for one would like to know where you're coming back from, so maybe we can organize something in your town in your absence. Fair is fair.

I'm actually kind of glad your group came here to waggle your sanctimonious fingers in our faces. Now I and all my women friends, our husbands, brothers, and boyfriends are aware of what you're up to, we're pissed, and you can be sure that you will be overwhelmingly met.

Look at any poll and you will see that Americans overwhelmingly support choice, no matter who they voted for. I can't wait 'til next year.
by salgal
Look, who says you have all the answers...if SF is a pro choice town...why didn't you have the whole town show up...I can tell you...because SF is not a Pro-Choice town and you better believe the force will come back stronger next year...and the year after that and the year after that...until YOU are exhausted from the fight...Women deserve better than abortion...don't you agree?

If I were you I would read up on this issue sweetheart...because we are not afraid....we only have fear itselfs to fear....which is nothing compared to the pain a child in the womb feels when it's being ripped apart...
by Fact: Pro-life = lie
"facts...try them you'll get an education"
Why funny you should mention- I have some facts for you, salPAL! Especially please note the section about the clinic violence and murders committed by your friends!

"Look, who says you have all the answers...if SF is a pro choice town...why didn't you have the whole town show up...I can tell you...because SF is not a Pro-Choice town and you better believe the force will come back stronger next year...and the year after that and the year after that...until YOU are exhausted from the fight..."

We had an excellent number of people in spite of the fact that almost all of us heard of your planned invasion the week before.

"Women deserve better than abortion...don't you agree?"

Uh, NO. Thought we've been making that quite clear. That women deserve their own autonomy and no one can determine for another when an embryo is a person and whether one should give birth.

"If I were you I would read up on this issue sweetheart...because we are not afraid....we only have fear itselfs to fear....which is nothing compared to the pain a child in the womb feels when it's being ripped apart..."

SalPAL, thanks for being so patronizing. We'll remember your tender mercy the next time one of your crew forgets the pain of some woman or girl dying of a septic abortion.

You know it's just really hard to believe that in spite of the facts below, you are so, so pro-life!

Since 1977, there have been over 80,000 acts of violence and/or disruption at clinics, including:
7 murders
17 attempted murders
41 bombings
166 arsons
82 additional failed bombing and arson attempts
373 physical invasions of personal and business properties
1042 acts of vandalism
100 butyric acid attacks
654 anthrax threats, of which 480 happened since September 11, 2001.
125 assaults
355 death threats
3 kidnappings
by A Feminist who knows her history.
The first feminists were known to have been talking exclusively of white babies when they disavowed abortion as an many on the right, early feminists were not above the instinct to view future white children as fodder for a white feminist movement other words, a stockpile...this is why so many (very rightfully) have issues with early feminists...
by Steve
Us God chosen conservatives believe that women should be completely obedient to the God-fearing christian men who have the intelligence to lead the entire world. We are told by God directly, that abortion, contraception, and even merely questioning the directions that these GIFTED MEN give to women, is a sin and will lead to the firey pits of Satans Hell.
GOD IS ON -OUR- SIDE !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!
by pro-choice believer
"You misunderstood": "Again, I did not mean to offend you in any way."

You mean that you didn't mean "to offend [us] in any way" when you said, "Ever notice how the _left_ side seems to be _perpetually angry and screaming_ about one thing or another. And you mistake that for your argument having more support. I will agree that you put more stress on your vocal cords, but that is about it", and "I learned first hand how abortion effects women and will spend the last breath in body proclaiming just as _loud_ and often times _obnoxiously_...", and "PROVE ME WORNG"???

Well, then I hope you weren't offended when I responded, "You mean, unlike Sunday morning tv evangelists like Jerry Falwell, or Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill "SHUT UP!" O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, Daniel Pipes, John McLaughlin, Chris Matthews, Donald Rumsfeld, Camille Paglia, Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Lynne Cheney, etc., etc., etc..., Had enough?"

And when I said, "I'm sure you're just some arrogant male asshole pretending to be a woman or 'feminist'."

"You misunderstood": "But I sincerely hope that the comment about the spelling error was just a little venting and not the real reason for discrediting my post."

When I said, "And if you're insist on being an asshole, at least learn to spell "WORNG" while you're being such an arrogant asshole."

Well, don't flatter yourself with your own pettiness. That was obviously an afterthought (in parentheses) regarding your own self-righteous 'Christian' arrogance.

No hard feelings.
by salgal
Well it can be said we are a product of our times...don't you agree...sure the first feminist were white women...but your god Margaret Sagner targeted jews first..then the Catholics, because she was raised Catholic and hated the fact that her mother had so many children she felt left attention given to her.....then she targeted the blacks..the weeds as she so callled them..her and Hitler..pals...
by salgal
a week in advance is 59 minutes ...give me a had a week and it was on a weekend..when most people don't work.

How many live in SF? Come on face it you don't own the turf there and your little world is going to be rocked...year after year after year...get use to it...

By the way those aren't my people...I believe in life from womb to tomb...I don't believe in killing another human being because he/she is so misled to kill innocent babies in the womb...why would I want to kill someone who, like so many of the other ex-abortionist/nurses/escorts/receptionists/office staff have had conversions and have become PRO-LIFE!!!

sweetheart the TRUTH is on our side...and when those who do the killing can't take it anymore...they see the light and we welcome they with open arms loving them because they need it so much...We would treat you the same way...with LOVE.......
by to salgal
see you next year.
by rockin' our world-NOT
You sound like a little hi-school cheerleader doing a touchdown dance... go team!

However you do not rock my world, not that of my fellow believers in women's rights. You think you should get between a woman and her doctor in the most difficult decision of her life. You accuse women of laziness and using abortion as a "convenience" and "contraception". Meanwhile, you salute Bush as he cuts back funding to all forms of sex education except that which preaches abstinence.

"I believe in life from womb to tomb...I don't believe in killing another human being because he/she is so misled to kill innocent babies in the womb..."

That's nice. We're misled, so of course YOU should choose for us. I see you really are PRO-CHOICE, as long as it's YOUR CHOICE. You know all, like what my medical condition is, whether I'm immoral or not and even when life begins.

See ya next year with bells on!
by salgal
better than that!!

Your world is being rocked or else you would not be reacting as you are...with anger and violence, which many of you are bragging about and claiming to do more next year...whatever happened to tolerance and respect...oh I get it only when it pertains to you...of course how silly of think you would even think of giving to someone else who does not think or believe as you...what you expect, demand and want for yourselves...

Time to get a job and grow up kids...the world does not revolve around you..

Your reactions show your fear

Your argument of it being a woman's body and she can do what she wants with falling science comes to defend that at the moment of conception we are all given our very own DNA which says that is what makes us uniquely human beings...

With the 3D and 4D ultrasounds techology science is showing a human being in the womb...and many times that human being has very different body parts then the many women has a penis?
How many women do you have a penis? Well this is SF....silly question...

Anyhow I am sure many of you have had abortions and so your rage is because you have not because you want to...

There is help for that...all you have to do is call 1-800-395-4357 24 hour help line for those hurting from the pain of abortion..whether freely choosen or forced...oh I bet you don't think girls/women are forced into abortions...

Having worked with hundreds of women to find healing from abortion I can tell you not all abortions are a free fact many girls/women change their mind on the abortion table telling the abortionist they changed their mind saying"I don't want to do this" they later find themselves waking up with their choice taken from them and their baby dead...

I know this will enrage you...but the truth does hurt...and this is the truth...maybe I am one of them...

by salgal
assuming a lot sweetheart...makes you look rather under evolved...

Maybe I have had an abortion and I like you brought into the lie..."My body, my choice" Maybe I like you brought into the's just a few cells and some tissue...Maybe like you I bought into the lie..."you'll be able to have more children later on"..only to find my arms empty of my own flesh and blood..maybe the abortion left a tiny human being leg in me and I almost died from infection...

But unlike you at this time I have evolved and now know the TRUTH that those few cells and that tissue...was a real live human being with it's very own special DNA not mine not his fathers but his own...and because I like you believed the world revolved around me and me was far more child died... abortion makes the pregnancy go away.. but it will never earses the fact that all girls/women who have one is a mother to a dead child...

and that is why I am Silent No More...

by to salgal

You just stay fat, happy and pregnant all the time, okay?
(Oh, I guess not. Right-wing Christian men can't get pregnant. They just force women to.)
by to salPal
I'm sorry if you had an unfortunate experience with your reproductive life. I notice you "maybe" have had an abortion, so you "maybe" can afford someone else the self-determination to make the same choice. Sorry it didn't work out for you, perhaps you made the wrong choice for -yourself-. The rest of us have heard other stories, and know that while the choice is not an easy one, it is one that should be available to women and not interfered with by people who are unware of the circumstances. I trust my sisters to know how serious this choice is and to act accordingly. So you maybe- don't?

I really don't care whether you have or have you not had an abortion, I give you credit for making the adult and informed call under the circumstances, you know better about your own life than I do. I wish you could do the same for me.

by salgal
abortion will continue if it becomes a crime again to perform an abortion...but at least most of the children conceived will have a chance to their life....

If abortion were not legal most girls/women would not have them...why? Because boyfriends/husbands/parents would be law abiding citizens...

To many girls/women are forced into abortion and so becomes not their choice...

Do the reseach folks...many girls/women are forced into the abortion...where is the beloved "choice" you speak of there...

Why are you not up in arms about this..if you care so much about women?

You worship at the alter of choice and your sacafice is a many young girls and women...screaming "I don't want to have an abortion"....

Try living in the real world....
by salgal
make so many assumptions!!!

You have no idea if I was a 14 year kid whose mother drag me down to the abortion clinic because she was embarassed by me getting pregnant and she was not going to be a grandmother at her age....

or that I was 17 and my boyfriend told me he would leave if I didn't have the abortion...and because he was my world and I couldn't live without him...I did it..

or I had just gotten into a new job and when I told my boss about my pregnancy I was told my new job would go away...if my baby didn't.

or I laid on the abortionist table and said, "No, I don't want to do this" and he, yes more men are abortionist then women...I wonder why? and he and his assistant held me down and knocked me out...only to have me awake and find my choice was taken away from me

or any other "forced" story that is many of women's life story of their abortions...

In every case of abortion whether forced or not a child dies...

The women who are speaking out about the regret of their abortions are doing so because we..yes I am post aborted...have come to know the truth...and we will not stop until every women and man...

That's the other lie...abortion is not just a woman issue...abortion affects all of hurt too by this..I know this may be painful for some of you to accept...but men really are wonderful beings and they hurt too because many of them force the girl/woman into it or they simple say.."honey whatever you want" and years later...they realize what they did...

also the sibling of the aborted child hurts from many different ways...

but we will not stop no matter how much you scream your heads off or threaten can beat us, you can kills but we will be Silent No More...

Your leaders are leaving the business...Gloria Feldt just resigned ...without notice...She is one captain that is not going to go down with the ship...She is getting out while the getting is good...she does not want it to look bad on her shift...

More young people are pro-life because they get that their generation is the one who is being murdered off...

More women who have had abortion join the Pro-life movement then Pro-choice

the time is here, the truth is being revealed...the availibility of abortion services is being limited more and more clinics are closing, abortionist are getting old...many have left the business to come out and speak against it...

Abortion may take away the pregnancy but we all remain mothers...only our motherhood is with a dead child...

You will not be able to stop this matter how much you scream....or try to kill us...

by salgal
left me never able to bear another child...

so much for the lie..."you can always have more children later on"....

My choice to be a mom was taken from me the day I laid on the abortionist table and told him no...

I don't tell you this to get your pity...I tell you because so many of you are ignorant of the truth of what abortion does...and the fact that you really believe girls/women freely choose it..when so many are forced into it...

We really brought into the lie...for what...someone to get rich on the backs of our children...our sanity. ..our should educate yourself about the business.
by tunnelvision on abortion
"the time is here, the truth is being revealed...the availibility of abortion services is being limited more and more clinics are closing, abortionist are getting old...many have left the business to come out and speak against it... "

Wishful thinking. The majority (read a poll) disagree. Your hysterical arguements notwithstanding.

"You will not be able to stop this matter how much you scream....or try to kill us... "

Who's screaming? You are. No one is trying to kill you, get a grip on your paranoia. You were guilt-tripped on this before you decided to throw yourself into the fray with people who have sincere reason for disagreeing with you. You see very well from your side of the issue. But you see one side. People who see from one side are BIASED and are not capable of determining right and wrong for others.

Again, I'm sorry you made the wrong choice for you, but that's life, it's about choices and taking personal responsibility for them, not imposing your choices on other adult human beings. If I thought a 15 second old zygote had as much right to exist as a fully formed human, hey I might agree with you. But they aren't and I don't. And nothing you can say will change that.
by sarha
the pro-MURDER movement likes to play word games about what it is that they do, but they can't seem to stand any one else having an opinion (other that their's)
by no sarha.
and a strident little group you are.

when will you start looking after the children, the children you so claim to love and yet you starve, and keep them in ignorance and abuse? Do you want me to look up a list of children in need for you? Are you too lazy to take responsibility for the children whose needs aren't being met appropriately?
by anti-choice murders
the dark side of the supposed "pro-life" movement. I'm ashamed to say I didn't realise how busy you "pro-lifers" had been. Disgusting:

HISTORY OF VIOLENCE/Murders and Shootings
Anti-abortion extremists perpetrated an unprecedented level of violence in 1993 with the first murder of an abortion provider. Dr. David Gunn was shot and killed by a zealot in Pensacola, FL. Since that time, anti-abortion extremists have murdered or attempted to murder numerous other individuals who were involved in reproductive health care.

A chronology of abortion related murders and shootings follows.

3/1993  Florida  Dr. David Gunn was shot to death by Michael Griffin in Pensacola, Florida. Griffin is serving a life sentence for murder 

8/1993  Kansas  Dr. George Tiller was shot and injured by Rachelle Shannon at his clinic in Wichita, Kansas. Shannon is serving an 11-year sentence for attempted first-degree murder. She is serving additional prison time for six arsons and two butyric acid attacks 

7/1994  Florida  Dr. John Bayard Britton and his escort, James H. Barrett were shot and killed in front of a clinic in Pensacola, Florida by Paul J. Hill. June Barrett was also shot and injured in the incident. Hill was executed by lethal injection on September 3, 2003. 

11/1994  Vancouver  Dr. Garson Romalis was shot and seriously wounded in his home in Vancouver, British Columbia. James Kopp is a suspect in the shooting. 

12/1994  Massachusetts  Shannon Lowney and Leanne Nichols were shot and killed by John Salvi at two clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts. Five others were injured in the attacks. Salvi was sentenced to two life terms but committed suicide in prison in November 1996 

11/1995  Ontario  Dr. Hugh Short was shot and injured in his home in Ancaster, Ontario. James Kopp has been charged with attempted murder in the shooting. 

10/1997  New York  An unnamed physician was shot at in his home in Rochester, New York. James Kopp is a suspect in the shooting. 

11/1997  Manitoba  Dr. Jack Fainman was shot and injured in his home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. James Kopp is a suspect in the shooting. 

1/1998  Alabama  Officer Robert Sanderson was killed during a clinic bombing in Birmingham, AL. Emily Lyons, a nurse at the clinic was severely injured in the blast. Eric Rudolph has been charged with the bombing and is in police custody awaiting trial. 

10/1998  New York  Dr. Barnett Slepian was shot and killed in his home in Amherst, New York. James Kopp was convicted of second-degree murder in state court and received the maximum sentence of twenty-five years to life in prison. He still faces federal charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. 
by salgal...
a fully formed human being?

Again do I really have to educate you, then I will...most abortions take place around 8 weeks and the child is already formed..little head, brian, spinal cord, heart beating...little legs and arms...

Your argument is to go to the extreme...15 second human being compared to a fully forum human being...that's like giving an example in the case of 8 year old getting raped and pregnant...extreme, extreme, extreme which you have to base your arguments on...the extreme...

Again your response to me show again how it's all about you..

Where is your anger towards the abortionist who performs the abortions when the girl/woman changes her mind? When an abortionist performs an abortion against the girls/woman will he is commiting murder because she wants the child then...where is your outrage? Oh of course you can't show any because then you would go against your beliefs...abortion at all cost....which means pro-abortion not pro-choice...

Where is your concern for the girl/woman who is being forced into an abortion by boyfriends/husbands/parents/bosses etc..

Where is your concern for the girl/woman who dies from abortion...

Where is your concern for anyone harmed by abortion..see it's all about you...

Abortion clinics have been closing down..Planned Parenthood has had to close down clinics...check out the story people...

Again your captain Gloria Feldt has abandoned the ship.....but then I bet you are just waiting for the terrible dream to be over and all is well in ME land...

The Truth will prevail...and your streets will never be the same..Good morning SF...we have arrive....

by salgal
murdered abortionist all you want...I am sorry they died the way they did...why? Because I know many of them would of gotten out and would of talked about the horrors they these people...take at look at this link...The Truth of abortion will prevail and your golden calf of which you worship will be exposed for what it really is...genocide against children

I wonder how many of you will read this many of you only believe what you want to believe because you have to..if you really looked and did the wouldn't be standing where you are could I possibly know...I know many women and men who like you worshipped the golden calf..abortion rights...only to find themselves walking away and into the arms of the Pro-Life and the Truth...

We will not stop until every child is protected...and every woman given the truth...
by whatever floats your boat, salPal
You have no arguments except to say that "I, I, I am right...we will rock your world".

Where is your concern over a woman's privacy and the legal relation between any patient and doctor. That's one baby you'd through out with the bathwater isn't it? I bet there are others.

Meanwhile, back to the children who already exist and which you refuse to have anything to do with. In between haranguing us, maybe you can help them. Get to work.

Feed My Starving Children:

The mission of STANDUP FOR KIDS is to help homeless and street kids:
by salgal
assuming to know me...

I would do a reality check if I were you before answering here..

I know you don't want to know this but more Pro-Life people actually adopt more children then Pro choice people...

How do I know this...easy...I am willing to bet my circle of ProLife friends have more children then your circle of Pro Choice friends...and my circle of friends have children of All nations and many of your circle of friends can say that...

My circle of Pro Life friends...have adopted from Russia, Africa, India, China, America (African Amercian, Native American,) Bosnia, Mexico, Gaudamala (sp) and other places where children are left in the street to die or on a step someplace..or women are "forced" into aborting their girls..why you don't get upset with this is just beyond me..really..

My circle of Pro Life friends have adopted children with aids, hearing impaired, blind, down symdrome, special educational needs...

My circle of ProLife friends have adopted more then one child...many of them have 8 plus children in their families...with only 3-4 being of their own flesh and blood...

Now lets talk about your circle of friends...what 2 kids is to much...silly little minds you have...I know you have to play these games..just to keep whatever sanity you have left..

I'll tell you about a ProChoice friend of mine...she told me about her great new job...$50,000+ a excited she was...then we talked about abortion and she came up with the same lame excuse you people always do..those poor children in the third world starving...I said to her, "great you sent in your check then" She said with a very surprised tone and look, 'What?!" I said, "So you sent in your check to feed the children?" her answer , "no" and she has yet...this was ....goes both ways sweetheart...

the prochoice people I know... it's all about them...the prolifer I know it's all about love...go figure. The reflection you see is not of me but of your own selfish self...

by the way...the most abortion clinic's in the us operating at one time was about there is something like tell me now how wrong I am..about the abortion business going away...and it's still legal..that is why your Captain Gloria jumped ship...

by to the queen of DeNial
happens to support policy which would increase the number of babies that would have to be adopted out.

"I'll tell you about a ProChoice friend of mine...she told me about her great new job...$50,000+ a excited she was...then we talked about abortion and she came up with the same lame excuse you people always do..those poor children in the third world starving...

No baby, I'm talking about right here in the USA. It's nice to say 3rd world, so distant you know. Please note that women of childbearing age are the ones most likely to be below the poverty level. The facts:
In 2001, 12.8 million women and 8.4 million men aged 18 and older were living with incomes below the Federal poverty level.1 Women aged 18-24 were most likely to be poor, with a poverty rate of 19.0 percent. The percentage of females under the Federal poverty level declines after women reach age 65. In 2001, the lowest poverty rate was among women aged 45-64 (8.7 percent). The poverty rate then increased for women aged 65 and older to 11.2 percent and 13.6 percent for women aged 75 and older.

"I said to her, "great you sent in your check then" She said with a very surprised tone and look, 'What?!" I said, "So you sent in your check to feed the children?" her answer , "no" and she has yet...this was ....goes both ways sweetheart..."

Oh, I see, so NOW you want your poor, dumb, selfish, pro-choice friend (and all the rest of us) to pay for all the babies you want delivered by choiceless women in enforced servitude? Nice.... I thought we put an end to slavery. Where do we sign up for the breeding farms? Ah yes, and you want to call yourself feminists. Beautiful!
by salgal
Your assumptions are killing me..LOL...

I never said I was a feminist..check all the posts...

Of course there are poor children in the nation...I happen to of been one of them growing times didn't know where the next meal was going to come from..didn't know if I was going to be sleeping in the same bed in the next month...

So sweetheart...I am getting really tired of your blah blah blah...I am leaving this pop have given me nothing but the same old nothing you people give to those who see the woman and the child...

Again..why have you not addressed the issue of "Forced" Abortion...because sweetheart if you did face the truth about it you would be ashamed you did nothing about it except bow down to your golden calf...abortion....and sing praises to Planned Parenthood and all the other abortion providers..the very same people who force girls/woman into the abortion...

All they care about is the MONEY!!! Because if abortion was such a great thing...why don't they give them away for free...instead its cash, credit card or media care...once you change your mind they don't want to give back the cash...

So long sister...see ya in ta streets...
by forced?
Naturally I'm equally tired of your patronizing "sweetheart". Try taking responsibility for a choice you made. You were influenced yes, but you were ultimately responsible. And yet you want to force people to have babies when you don't know their circumstances, and you assume they have the same history? You make a lot of assumptions of course.

OK salPal, so start adopting. How many more can you and your circle take in? It seems there will be plenty to go around.
Low-Income Children in the United States (2004)
More than one-third of children in the United States live in low-income families, meaning their parents earn up to double what is considered poverty in this country. The federal poverty level for a family of four (2004) is $18,850.

* 16% of American children—more than 11 million—lived in poor families in 2002, meaning their parents' income was at or below the federal poverty level. These parents are typically unable to provide their families with basic necessities like stable housing and reliable child care.
* 37% of American children—more than 26 million—lived in low-income families in 2002. Their parents made less than 200% of the federal poverty line (FPL). These families often face material hardships and financial pressures similar to those families who are officially counted as poor.

After a decade of decline, the rate of children living in low-income families is rising again, a trend that began in 2000.

So salPal what happened in 2000? Let me see, ah yes, the appointment of a certain Shrub! Well I expect he's just getting started, and he's gotten so busy with more important things... maybe you could give him a nudge about all the precious babies he's left behind for you and your circle to take full charge of. Maybe you'll get around to them... SOMEDAY.
by couldn't resist, salPAL
As someone who has sort of allowed the issue of abortion to go back-burner in my consciousness, I didn't know what you were on about with all this blathering about Gloria Feldt of Planned Parenthood.

You made it sound like she was going to be joining up with anti-choicers or something. Guess not! I don't blame her if she's had enough of people who don't respect women's rights and just wants a break for a while. Good job, Gloria!

This is from her latest blog:
January 25, 2005

While most Americans acknowledged gratefully the 32nd birthday of Roe v. Wade this Saturday and Planned Parenthood affiliates all over the country engaged in three Days of Action to call attention to the threats to Roe and the importance of who sits on the federal courts, the extremist anti-choice minority demonstrated in protest.
Apparently, many of them held signs that read, "Women Deserve Better."
I agree. Women do deserve better.
For the past three decades, anti-choice ideologues have been chipping away at the foundations of Roe. Hitting hardest at the poor, the young, and the weakest among us. In many ways, Roe is just a ghost of what it was in 1973.
"Without access, legal abortion is meaningless," writes Laura Kaminker in a recent article. The financial and legal hurdles, and the limited availability of abortion services in many areas, mean that, for a large number of women, Roe v. Wade is an empty promise.
She speculates on the true motive behind the restrictions on Roe:
"Women must jump through hoops and over hurdles before they can terminate a pregnancy. These laws run the gamut of idiocy, from 48-hour waiting periods, to parental consent and notification for minors, to mandatory 'counseling,' which often involves coercion.


"These laws assume women are incompetent, irresponsible, and unable to make their own decisions. They also expose the anti-choice 'abortion is murder' argument for the smokescreen that it is. If abortion was murder, these types of laws would be anathema to the anti-choice crowd: what good is delaying murder? However, if one's goal is to control women and punish them for having sex and getting pregnant, then these laws make perfect sense."
Women deserve better. Women deserve to be trusted as moral decision makers. Women deserve access to necessary reproductive health care.
Yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid introduced the "Prevention First Act". This bill will expand access to family planning services, ensure comprehensive medically accurate sex education, end insurance discrimination against women, promote emergency contraception, especially for sexual assault survivors, reduce the rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and reduce the need for abortion among women of all ages. This should be a no-brainer. The vast majority of Americans see nothing controversial whatsoever in contraception and strongly support family planning. This law would reduce the rate of unintended pregnancy and reduce the number of abortions, all while protecting women's lives.
Do women deserve anything less?
by annie
killing childern is wrong
by salgal
You people said you only had a week notice about this march...yeah..right...lies, lies, lies..try over a's proof..

And you still couldn't get more then a couple thousand out there and it was a Saturday!!!!

I am done now..why because SF has had the light shine on it's darkness...

Heads up/Call for Action
by Elizabeth Creely Tuesday, Dec. 07, 2004 at 10:33 AM
elizabethcreely [at]
The anti-choice activists will be walking our streets on the very day pro-choice/reproductive justice activists need to re-take them. Below is the announcement for the "Walk for Life West Coast", a city-wide anti-choice event, scheduled for January 22nd, 2005, the 32nd anniversary of Roe v Wade. Last year women nationwide celebrated the first "I'm not sorry I had an abortion day". It's time to do it again. It's clear that women (and men) who have had abortions need to continue to defend our right to reproduce on our own terms. If anyone knows of, or is interested in organizing another "I'm not sorry day,"please contact me at elizabethcreely [at]

Walk for Life West Coast
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Make History in San Francisco
Join thousands at the first annual Walk for Life West Coast! Walk to affirm that the West Coast supports Life in all its stages. Walk to challenge the belief that abortion is a good choice for Women. Walk to show that women--and all people--deserve better than abortion. Walk to proclaim that Life is the best and only choice!

Come together and walk 2 scenic miles along San Francisco's waterfront--from Justin Herman Plaza to the Marina Green. Get involved! Help to make this a real statement for Life to the West Coast. Organize your churches, charter buses for schools, youth groups, and families. Make this a fun weekend in San Francisco!

Help make this first annual Walk for Life West Coast a historic day!

32 years later ...

... CHALLENGE the belief that abortion is a good choice for women.
WOMEN DESERVE BETTER ® than abortion
Abortion HURTS:
Men, Families, ALL of us
© 2004 Feminists for Life of America, All Rights Reserved.
Women Deserve Better is a registered trademark of Feminists for Life of America.

by what are you going on about?
As if it matters. And you had how much notice of this march? Your little crew had how much time? Get a life salPAL. We'll see you next year.

(and how many babies did you take off the streets this morning salPAL?)

And by the way, miss annie, embryos are not children, abortion is not murder, although of course you're entitled to Your Opinion. You're not entitled to determine my opinion.

by Angel
Actually, in some areas, Planned Parenthood DOES offer free and low-cost abortions for women in difficult financial situations. They also offer counseling about alternatives to abortion (here in NY, they interview women and try to dissuade them from abortions as anything but a last resort). And of course, let's not forget the limits on abortions - PP will not grant a woman multiple abortions over a short period of time (last I checked, some will allow 3 in a lifetime).

Besides, most women are intelligent and competent enough to make their own decisions about life-altering procedures. And have you not taken into account the women who risk their own life as well as the child's due to unintended pregnancy? My best friend wouldn't be alive had she gone to term with her pregnancy (rape, mind you) a few years ago. Would you have told her that she must die to soothe your moral bias? I would hope not.
by Tom Condit (tomcondit [at]
One commenter says Scott Braley's work is "as good as any of the pros." That's because he *is* a pro -- he makes his living as a photographer, but donates some of it to the movement.

This isn't to diss amateurs. We should all strive to be "as good as any of the pros" in whatever we do, and give up the notion that sloppiness is some kind of virtue.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


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