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J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March

by jankyHellface
Photos of the Blockade to stop the Anti-Choice Assault on SF
Approximately 30-40 protesters blockaded the anti-choice march near the aquatic park in the marina. The anti-choice march stood down and was re-routed through to beach st. where police escorts forced pro-choice demonstrators out of the street and onto the sidewalk. Keeping all desent at bay with heavy police presence the anti-choice march continued.

The anti-choice marchers got the welcome they deserve in SF!
§J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March
by jankyHellface
§J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March
by jankyHellface
§J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March
by jankyHellface
§J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March
by jankyHellface
§J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March
by jankyHellface
Banner made from coat hangers saying "Do You Remember When?" located at the backside of the blockade.
§J22 - Blockade to Stop Anti-choice March
by jankyHellface
Police escort after the blockade on Beach St.
by jankyHellface
Arrest of a guy who heckled the crowd at JH Plaza. When confronted by police he was told that the anti-choicers had rented the plaza and that no dissent was allowed. Why was he not confronted by private security then, if this public space truly is private?
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by Christopher E.Rudisaile (crudisaile [at]
You have no choice in the matter. God is Communist!
and,I have Proof!
God said Eat from the tree of LIFE!
only God reserves the Right to end Life, NOT YOU!
besides, China has a world population of over 1.3 Billion people. I don,t think you would want a WAR with China, now would you?
What in the world does God and Freedom have in Common anyway people? WAKE UP!
by chp
Hey, thanks for going out there. I stayed in, and I realize that with many 'liberal' issues that the majority of the population actually supports, and where the current government position backs up that majority, you can easily forget to keep vigilant. This applies to the current attacks on positions and programs backed up by 85% plus of the population including Social Security, public education, and environmental protections.
by allencraig
So police action is based on THE MESSAGE of the protesters!?
Status quo rally? Red carpet police escort.
Rally to voice "liberal" viewpoints? "Zero tollerance" treatment by stone-faced, tough-guy cops.

Who the hell are Heather Fong, Kathleen Harris and Gavin Newsom speaking for in the god damn town!?
by bikersforchoice
Yeah, the cops were trying to keep us from fighting and tripping the religious cracks. But they turned away enough times that I actually ran out of saliva and had to get a drink. I had spit on so many. I also tripped an old lady with a rosary. We just have to remain aggressive. Pretty good job by the few that did show up though.
by justme
That's not really something to be proud of. The anti-choice bigots are the assholes, why would you want to be an asshole too?
by reader
I think everyone, including the cops, already has photos of these people. The only time you need to blur is if someone is doing something illegal and they didn't get caught.
by Jenny
Nobody tripped any old ladies. Nobody was spit on. There's a troll on this board who wants to portray pro-choice people as barbarians.

Not gonna work, officer John Doe. Sell your hateful crap somewhere else.

by anyone get a picture
of the spitting troll? what a violent little anti-choice thug. maybe the game boy is busted and we're tonights entertainment...

Good job to all of you today, but especially the young pro-choice girls with a bullhorn down at Marina Green chanting and singing.
by yep
Yeah! There were multiple groups of young pro-choice women just kicking ass today! They were great!

I stood and watched a group of 6 young pro-choice black and asian girls chanting as the anti's walked by. Over and over I saw 50 year old white men who had been silent as they passed by other pro-choicers but who started yelling at the young women of color. For some reason they were intimidated into silence by the white people, but when they saw these girls, they finally saw a group they could feel safe yelling at.

It was the most blatent display of a sense of superiority and plain old-fashioned racism as I have every seen. What a bunch of creeps.

by explained
You said, >>"Why was he not confronted by private security then, if this public space truly is private?"

Because police are charged with protecting the citizens - they can go on private property when invited. They were invited.

If a policeman knocks on your door and you say "come in" he can arrest you inside your private domain.

You leftists sure sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.
by jankyHellface
"I think everyone, including the cops, already has photos of these people. The only time you need to blur is if someone is doing something illegal and they didn't get caught."

the cops are not the reason I have blurred their faces.

It is the photographers discretion whether or not to blur photos, I have chosen to. Thanks for the info though.
by jankyHellface
"he can arrest you inside your private domain. "

Um, this person didnt break the law. The police acted as a private security force, and when he heckled things that the anti-choicers didnt like the police arrested him.

Next time I have a party that I rent a space, perhaps you can tip me off on some cops I can ask to be a private security force.

I'm not whining here, and frankly why did you fools have to have a police escort to come through the city if we are all just whiners?
by you are
>>"I'm not whining here, and frankly why did you fools have to have a police escort to come through the city if we are all just whiners?"

yes you are - and adding 'ad hominems' says something about your (lack of) character.
The problem is the left is MORE than just a pack of whiners. They whine and act illogical and selfishly. Citizens need protection from that rubbish - and that is all it is.
You'll grow up some day, you'll see!
by whining
more freeper spew. tell us some more about how we need protection from ourselves, and y'all know what's best for us.

You righties always whine when you see anyone taking a stand against you and accuse THEM of whining.

Hey where did they ship you guys in from anyway, I never saw so many tour buses in my life.

"Citizens need protection from that rubbish - and that is all it is.
You'll grow up some day, you'll see!"

Yes daddy, whatever you say. NOT.
by oh baby!
oh baby, you STILL are speaking illogically. And you are STILL whining. Not a word on the issue. Stop embarassing yourself.
by Joe
If we were JUST whiners, you wouldn't be here talking to us, would you.

Take a look inside your heart. Why was it important for you to do this? You know it's not about the babies. You know you aren't going to ever stop abortions.

It's about something else, isn't it? It's about power. You want power over women. You want power over liberals. You want some of George Bush's power to rub off on you. You think power will make you happy.

Well, you can't have it. You cannot enslave others for very long. Even George Bush said it in his big inaugural speech, look it up. Slavery sucks.

Get some therapy. Get comfortable with yourself as a person. Get over your need to control others. Because it pisses people off when you want to control them, and it's uhealthy for everyone involved. You can find therapists in yellow pages.

by ad hominem
An ad hominem attack is non-responsive.
I was not there, I am not a member of the attendees.
Perhaps you need to hold a newborn (best if it is your own) to help you decide what is right and to stop guessing at my motives. It will drain some anger from you also. Try it. Bet you wont do it, because you know it will alter your view - or at least your anger toward those who disagree with you.
by no way was that ad homimen
and holding babies is going to change minds. Here then, hold this crack mothers baby. It will need your help in 5 years, just as much as it does now. Will you be around?
by Isabelle
Honey I've held lots and lots of newborns. Changed the diapers too. Fed them, took care of them when they were sick. Helped them grow up.

I would hope that you have share those experiences too. Babies are wonderful miracles, no doubt about it.

If you want to raise the 1 million babies a year that are aborted, you have my blessing. Raise the funds, talk the women into giving you the babies instead of having an abortion. There you go. You win, we win, everybody wins.

Of course that's going to be very very expensive, but I'm sure God will provide.

Until then, who the hell are you to tell a woman if and when she will have a child? It's really not your decision.

Offer up a solution or shut the hell up.
by personal responsibility
How 'bout personal responsibility for your actions? You get pregnant, you bear the responsibilty or at least the financial aspects of it. You want the cake and the frosting but none of the calories? sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry

OH, by the way, I am not a "honey".
by personal responsibility
for getting raped or molested? a condom breaking? or perhaps we should carry those to term and give them up the baby farmers?
by Joe
And what if a woman just doesn''t have the money to bear the financial responsibility?

Can she come stay at your house?
by Jenny
If my birth control fails I am supposed to have a child?

That's nuts. Surely you know that.

You are just not being practical. That's not going to happen.

by cause and effect
Perhaps you need to learn "cause and effect" and deal with the personal responsibilities that are attached to both. Or continue to slut around
by Jenny?
So I'm married to the same guy for 11 years. One day my birth control fails and you say I'm a slut?

What happened to all that compassion I heard about at the pro-life rally today? Hey, I'm a woman, don't I deserve something better?

Your pompous arrogance in calling women you don't know sluts gives away what's really going on with you... you hate women.

Also, you're kind of childish. Slut is a high school word. Try to use more of your adult words.

by if if if
>>"So I'm married to the same guy for 11 years. One day my birth control fails...."

If you are in a stable marriage and get pregnant *guess* what happens. Or...are you *so* selfish that you do not want to miss a day of work and prefer to kill your future child. Guess you cannot throw out that "rape" or "incest" or "crack whore" getting pregnant story now. You have a shameful lack of personal responsibility.
by if if if
>>"So I'm married to the same guy for 11 years. One day my birth control fails...."

If you are in a stable marriage and get pregnant *guess* what happens. Or...are you *so* selfish that you do not want to miss a day of work and prefer to kill your future child. Guess you cannot throw out that "rape" or "incest" or "crack whore" getting pregnant story now. You have a shameful lack of personal responsibility.
by if if if
>>"So I'm married to the same guy for 11 years. One day my birth control fails...."

If you are in a stable marriage and get pregnant *guess* what happens. Or...are you *so* selfish that you do not want to miss a day of work and prefer to kill your future child. Guess you cannot throw out that "rape" or "incest" or "crack whore" getting pregnant story now. You have a shameful lack of personal responsibility.
by Jenny
So you just can't handle the realities of life.

You don't know me, but you are willing to judge me as selfish. You don't know how many children I already have, how healthy they are, how healthy I am, how healthy my husband is, whether we have health insurance, what our financial situation is.

But you are still willing to judge me. And you feel you have the right to force me to have another child.

Can you see the utter lack of compassion and understanding in your position? Or are you blinded by your rhetoric and black and white view of the world?

You are in no position to judge me. If you try to limit my options you will fail. You cannot force me to give birth against my will. What kind of person would even try to do that? (hint: a fascist.)

by you can't
You can't see the utter lack of compassion and understanding in snuffing the life out of your future child? What kind of mother would do that?
I doubt you are a mother and make those statements, but there is no proof possible in this debate. Save your breath.
by Jenny
Well, you can doubt that I am a mother if you like. I suppose it makes it easier for you to maintain your simplistic stereotypes about women as madonnas or sluts.

The burden of women, my son, is that we ARE the ones who decide whether or not to bring life into the world. You may not like that fact, most men don't, but that is the way God made it.

In my religious belief system, if that soul is not born to me, it is free to travel to a different body for birth into this world. It is my responsibility not to bring a soul into this world that I cannot care for. To do so would be cruel and selfish.

You can judge me all you want. You can have a spiritual belief that is different than mine. But as of right now, you cannot force me to bring a soul into the world when I believe it is spiritually irresponsible to do so.

It's my decision, not yours. Even if you change the law it will be my decision. At some point you're going to have to come to grips with that reality.

by bad girl
"try it
by personal responsibility Saturday, Jan. 22, 2005 at 11:33 PM:

How 'bout personal responsibility for your actions? You get pregnant, you bear the responsibilty or at least the financial aspects of it. You want the cake and the frosting but none of the calories? sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry"

Oh _now_ I see! Just because you Christian conservative women are all sqeamish about (or don't know how to have) really good and adventurous sex, you don't want anyone _else_ to enjoy really good and adventurous sex, especially unmarried. What is it, misery wants company? My only "responsibility" is to not bring an unwanted child into this world and to take care of it if I do want to. Your being Christian conservative "good girls", you just have quiet ("squeak, squeak") missionary sex and only even then for procreation. You want to figuratively and literally force "bad girls" to pay a penalty for enjoying great, adventurous and even kinky sex without the necessary intent of procreation at all. You think that hetero sex without procreation is "dirty" and lesbian sex is "disgusting." Well, I've got a bulletin for you: IT _IS_ IF YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT! HA!


It's my guilt-free right, married or not married, as an adult woman.
by misguided and wrong
>>>"You want to figuratively and literally force "bad girls" to pay a penalty for enjoying great, adventurous and even kinky sex without the necessary intent of procreation at all. You think that hetero sex without procreation is "dirty" and lesbian sex is "disgusting." Well, I've got a bulletin for you: IT _IS_ IF YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT! HA!


You are a silly immature idiot who guesses at logic thought.
by ha!
whats silly and imature is the way in which you comment on indybay.

Grow up! go play in someone elses sandbox.

PS - I find no immaturity in someones sexual opinions. It takes a very mature person to identify what they actually are. (maturity - not just squeek, squeeking)
by a lost little troll boy
someone who likes to stir things up online, but doesn't have any sense of the real world. so women who get pregnant need to acknowledge their responsibility hmmm? seems to me, you're preaching to the wrong sex.

as the old saying goes, if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

and abortion will continue as it has done for centuries, regardless of what the makeup of the Supreme court is.

by fools
>>"and abortion will continue as it has done for centuries, regardless of what the makeup of the Supreme court is"

So you are saying there is no hope for personal responsibility for ones actions? That is the basis behinds the Left's credo, that has become more apparent with each election and that is the reason the centrists are turning Right.

Enjoy your losses - they are mounting and will continue - at the local,state and federal levels... name a outrigh success you leftists have had recently? You can't. Even 20% of the states have even outlawed homosexual marriages recently. You could not see reality if it hit you in the head.. As I said...enjoy your losses, they will mount and continue.
by personal responsibility
that's the argument of a person who thinks that women are frivolous, and don't know what's best for themselves. whereas with men of course: "boys will be boys".

this is not a question of right and left, it's a question of "I have a uterus and you don't control it." take more responsibility for your penis and where it winds up. don't take away sex education and birth control from poor people. look after the children that are already on the planet, i notice there are a few "children left behind" in case you haven't.
by a pro-lifer who was at the walk
I don't know anyone who would say that women have more of an obligation to be responsible than men.

I'm a believer in chastity and I believe that men are under just as much obligation to be chaste as women. Now, the consequences of unchaste behaviour are more obvious among women who become pregnant outside of marriage, but does not mean they are more responsible. The man's behaviour is just as sinful as the woman's. Neither should compound their sin by killing the child.

Furthermore, why is it that it is legal for a mother who doesn't want her baby to kill it, but it is illegal for a father who doesn't want his baby to refuse to pay child support. Why is there child support? Because parents have an obligation to their children, even if they didn't intend to have them. Parents should also have an obligation to protect their children's lives, which includes not murdering them.
by name it
>>"i notice there are a few "children left behind" in case you haven't."

Name what you have *personally* done to help those children and then I will do similarly. Let's see about your personal responsibilities. Let's see if you spend more time helping children then listening to music. You're all talk and w*h*i*n*i*n*g
by my own person
anti-choice Christian Stepford zombie: "I'm a believer in chastity"

Well, Miss Priss, if you don't want to have sex, then don't have it. In the meantime, _I'LL_ decide (NOT YOU) who or what I do or don't want in me.
by whining sexists"
"Whine" is the first word in your dictionary, not rights. How many times have I read hear "stop whining" when you can't present a reasonable argument.

And there is no reasonable argument that will persuade women that some bible thumper knows whats better for them. Paternalistic freaks.

I love this: "Name what you have *personally* done to help those children and then I will do similarly."

That's a man's argument, not a womans. No this is your deal, if you claim to care about the babies, then you need to care about the children. You don't say no when those kids need your help (nless you're Bush of course).

But you can always walk away, can't you. Even if you raped your little girl, or your ex girlfriends 15 year old. She's not a child or a woman, she's just an orificefor your convenience, she's spring-break, she's girls-gone-wild and she's a slut in your eyes. If you have the eyes of a sexist pig that is.
by whining
You are STILL whining! You can complain about me pointing it out all you want... but you are still whining. What have you done lately to help society OTHER than complain (and miscatagorize me)? Your arguments just present yourself as a selfish lady while sounding like a whining child. Grow up and be responsible for your actions.
by shut up troll
you're getting repetitive.
by a pro-lifer who was at the walk
"anti-choice Christian Stepford zombie: "I'm a believer in chastity"

Well, Miss Priss, if you don't want to have sex, then don't have it. In the meantime, _I'LL_ decide (NOT YOU) who or what I do or don't want in me"

First of all I think Mr. Priss might be more appropriate, considering I'm a guy :). Secondly, yes I realize you'll decided whether you want to have sex. Go ahead and do what you want. However, you should also realize that what you do has consequences, and one of these may be the creation of a new person. This person is guilty of nothing and does not deserve to be killed.

I'm not trying to force chastity on anyone, I choose it for myself and think others would do well to do likewise, but I don't think anyone should be forced to be chaste. And I furthermore think that people, both men and women, have the same moral duty to be chaste. If I behaved unchastely I would not consider myself any less guilty than a woman who behaves unchastely.

If a woman becomes pregnant outside of marriage, I do not condemn her for having had sex, nor do I condemn her partner. However they should both understand that their actions have resulted in another person and they should take care of that person, rather than killing it.
by poppy
I personally find it just a bit funny that the same people who protest for an end to the death penalty - also protest in favor of an individuals right to arbitrarily kill their un-born (innocent child)
aside from a lack of maturity, this sect in the population also seems to have difficulty in dealing with the consequences of their actions.
by quiet type
That's the bottom line that the right wing control freaks just can't handle. You don't get to decide whether a woman will bring a life into the world or not.

It's not your decision. You have no say. It's outside your power. You cannot control it.

This is the simple fact you cannot come to grips with. When you do, you will know that you have become a mature man, and you can start to focus on the things you CAN control (hint: you can control yourself, not others.)

Wanting to control other people is a sign of psychological pathology.

by and
and expressing your views and having paranoid individuals view it as "control" is a sign that they have lost the discussion.
by control????
hey if you're not a control freak then quit trying to tell women what to do with their bodies. we don't want to control you, you really seem to want to control us, if you didn't you wouldn't be here.

and by the way, you don't win arguments by declaring victory.
by yeah...
generally, in a discussion, when someone complains and consistantly brings up that the other person is immature and that they have won the argument, it means that they really do not have an argument. And have to resort to petty name calling and jearing to win.

Sound familiar?
by Busty Chester
it's my body and you religious loonies need to keep your laws off it. If I want to have unprotected sex and then us abortion as my method of birth control, I don't see anything wrong with that. Its far better than breeding babies for your armies. Screw that. People should have abortions for the sole reasons of protesting religions nuts like you and that whacko-in-Chief pResident Bush!

We should have a national abortion day protest! All us anti-war ladies should get knocked up and all on the same day go get abortions in protest of the war! Any anti-war sperm donors out there wanna help me out with this? I'm 5'3", 180lbs, with red hair and green eyes. My turn-ons are vegetarians, enviromentalists, and guys that are not afraid to cry. Turn-offs include mean people, religious whackos, rightwing loonies, and Bush...
by anti choice male trolls
Trying to pretend that you speak for women on thread after thread. Just because you can't control your urges, you want to blame women. Too bad for you, there are many ways to abort, even without benefit of the doctors that you keep murdering.

Pro-life? that's a lie!
by Grown woman
Bottom line - you cannot control us. Even if you somehow manage to make abortion illegal, women will still have abortions. There are multiple methods of self abortion.

How many tax dollars are you willing to spend to make sure we don't have abortions? Are you willing to pay for regular pregnancy testing for every woman?

Are you willing to pay to keep us in prison for 8 months in order to keep us from having an abortion?

Cause that's what's gonna have to happen.

But that will never happen because women (52% of the population) will never allow it to happen.

So back off, jack off. You are fooling yourself with delusions of grandeur. Unless you are willing to set up a gestapo society, you can't have your way.

Grow up and get busy taking care of the babies who are already here and are in desperate need of attention and resources. Everything else is just mental masturbation.
by another grown woman
here is an excellent resource for continuing choice, regardless of what the anti-choice zealots do.
by ya baby ya
Advertising and Anti Abortionists.

If you just dont pay attention it will go away.

So next time you see a commericial or Anti abortionists.

Just dont look.
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