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Open Letter To Boxer: A gift audio clip of Condi
Dear Senator Boxer,
Thanks for standing up for the election challenge, it took a lot of courage to do that, I hope you have more where that came from. I've read that you are gearing up to battle Condi's appointment- if you really want to ask her tough questions, I have a gift for you. This audio excerpt of a speech Condi gave 6 months after 9/11:<br>
After seeing the first plane hit, Condoleeza's "first thought was, what a terrible accident."
Thanks for standing up for the election challenge, it took a lot of courage to do that, I hope you have more where that came from. I've read that you are gearing up to battle Condi's appointment- if you really want to ask her tough questions, I have a gift for you. This audio excerpt of a speech Condi gave 6 months after 9/11:<br>
After seeing the first plane hit, Condoleeza's "first thought was, what a terrible accident."
Ms. Boxer, let's review the facts:
The whole world saw the 2nd plane hit and watched the ensuing tragedy unfold, but our National Security Advisor, who just had received numerous 'set your hair on fire' warnings, thought it was a terrible accident and continued about her day. Why? Based on the evidence, it appears Ms. Rice is either lying, or an incompetent fool.
Ms. Boxer, this evidence is clearly enough to warrant a question at Condi's confirmation hearing. Please find the courage to play this 20 second clip of Ms. Rice at the Senate hearing, then ask her why she thought it was a terrible accident. This admission by Condi exposes her complete failure as 'National Security Advisor' on the morning of September 11th. Why didn't she resign? Why on earth should she be promoted now?
Ms Boxer, it is not only Condi that is on the hot seat, but you. Are you a true democrat that will fight for truth and justice, or just another phony like John F'in Kerry? I will take your answer at the Senate Hearing.
Thank you for your time- I hope you are for real, please prove it.
Don Anderson
- Condoleeza Rice received numerous warnings that something 'spectacular' was going to happen, one warning even mentioned 'hijacked airplanes'. The indications of a pending attack were so numerous and credible that Richard Clarke said his 'hair was on fire'.
- Of course everyone knows about the August 6th memo titled: Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the Us
- Then just 5 days before 9/11, former Senator Gary Hart, Chair of the Hart-Rudman commission on terrorism, told Ms. Rice there was an 'inevitable threat' of a terrorist attack.
The whole world saw the 2nd plane hit and watched the ensuing tragedy unfold, but our National Security Advisor, who just had received numerous 'set your hair on fire' warnings, thought it was a terrible accident and continued about her day. Why? Based on the evidence, it appears Ms. Rice is either lying, or an incompetent fool.
Ms. Boxer, this evidence is clearly enough to warrant a question at Condi's confirmation hearing. Please find the courage to play this 20 second clip of Ms. Rice at the Senate hearing, then ask her why she thought it was a terrible accident. This admission by Condi exposes her complete failure as 'National Security Advisor' on the morning of September 11th. Why didn't she resign? Why on earth should she be promoted now?
Ms Boxer, it is not only Condi that is on the hot seat, but you. Are you a true democrat that will fight for truth and justice, or just another phony like John F'in Kerry? I will take your answer at the Senate Hearing.
Thank you for your time- I hope you are for real, please prove it.
Don Anderson
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I am doing a book to be published 6.05 which looks at the 9/11 issue. I think this is a great idea, it brings out the new information that moist of the public is not aware of: that they did indeed get lots of warnings contrary to what they said at the time. Moreover her behaviour belies the explanation that the were simply covering up for incompetence. It weould be interesting to look up her detailed evidence to the 9/11 Commission if it was ever published.
As National Security Advisor, Condi would have already known about hijackings in progress, before the report of a plane hitting the WTC.
She could not have thought that it was an accident.
She could not have thought that it was an accident.
The first plane was not taped hitting the buildings.
So how could she have seen it?
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I listened to the clip and thier is no indication in there that she said she saw the first plane hit etc. the tower. She said she got a memo from someone before she called the prez (I shutter to say it) - Now I don't bring this up in support by any means, cuz I think they are all a bunch of crack pot, corrupt everything in the book morrons. But we have to be carefull that we get our info straight.
It won't be long. How much lies and manipulation can go on before the entire World will see that the 9/11, tsunami, the continue under the media screen activity is caused by a group of arrogant White men who has been killing innocent people for many years? How else can they stay in Control? The Planets are lining up! Did you hear me? The Planets are lining up. And there are no weapons in the evil doers arsenal that can stop it. When Mercury sets in position soon, "ALL" white people on Earth will have major problems with the Ultra violent rays that will be so intense no Sun screen oils will be able to stop it. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Opius Dius, Pope, Royals in England, or all the other "HIDDEN" whites who weild power will be destroyed in a flash of a nano second. It will happen so fast there will not be preparation.
Afterwards the Earth will heal itself and all the people on it who has Melanin, will be free from bacteria, manipulations, Wars, and most of all phont religions.
What a wonderful moment that will be.
Afterwards the Earth will heal itself and all the people on it who has Melanin, will be free from bacteria, manipulations, Wars, and most of all phont religions.
What a wonderful moment that will be.
Indeed we know that money is the oil that moves the government. Condi and all the rest of the corporate rascals are in the pockets of the major corporation the search teams would months to locate any part of their former humanity assuming it existed to begin with.
Bush does not appoint anyone to high a position that has not already demonstrated their ability ot fail in a lower one. The congress and senate have long been coopted but if you wish to exercise your fingers and use your time to play the game and ask them to support a different agenda that is your business. I hope you have been paying attention to the events in this country especially since 1980.
We are in the part of the game called end game and change will come about it is historically referenced many times and the time is here. What sort of world we will live in is being decided in board rooms and secrret meetings by oilmen and pseudo economists who know that petroleum is running out and so is an entire way of life.
If you were them what would you do?
Bush does not appoint anyone to high a position that has not already demonstrated their ability ot fail in a lower one. The congress and senate have long been coopted but if you wish to exercise your fingers and use your time to play the game and ask them to support a different agenda that is your business. I hope you have been paying attention to the events in this country especially since 1980.
We are in the part of the game called end game and change will come about it is historically referenced many times and the time is here. What sort of world we will live in is being decided in board rooms and secrret meetings by oilmen and pseudo economists who know that petroleum is running out and so is an entire way of life.
If you were them what would you do?
I think it unecessary to refer to the Mr. Kerry as John 'F-ing' Kerry... especially if you want to be considered intelligent. The reference belies the tone of the rest of the open letter and is innapropriate to the context. Anger notwithstanding, (yet understandable), this sort of thing is not the way to win people to our side.
How did you SEE the FIRST plane hit the tower??
She states that she was handed a piece of paper that says "A plane has hit the WTC", "What a terrible accident", "I called the [prez] and he said essentially the same thing", blah blahb yadea lie cover lie
you guys are right- condi didn't 'see' the plane hit, it was bush that 'saw' it hit the tower
'saw' was the wrong word for condi there- should've been 'after receiving a note' - but it doesn't change the relevance of the clip- she still 'thought it was a terrible accident' - why didn't she turn on the tv? or why didn't a staff member, say "hey Condi, i think you better take a look at this..."
as far as the language... bullshit. my opinion is that cointelpro has convinced the left 'we need to be peace' - we can't get angry. fuck that. the republicans got angry during the florida recount- they had a mini riot with paid staffers, and they got what they wanted. it's time to be fucking angry- kerry is a traitor, and when this election fraud/ 911 is exposed, all the phony dems are going down with the ship.
Boxer- can't you see the ship sinking? Are you going down with them or are you going to be an agent for The People, and fight to expose and arrest the fu*king criminals that have murdered so many already.
'saw' was the wrong word for condi there- should've been 'after receiving a note' - but it doesn't change the relevance of the clip- she still 'thought it was a terrible accident' - why didn't she turn on the tv? or why didn't a staff member, say "hey Condi, i think you better take a look at this..."
as far as the language... bullshit. my opinion is that cointelpro has convinced the left 'we need to be peace' - we can't get angry. fuck that. the republicans got angry during the florida recount- they had a mini riot with paid staffers, and they got what they wanted. it's time to be fucking angry- kerry is a traitor, and when this election fraud/ 911 is exposed, all the phony dems are going down with the ship.
Boxer- can't you see the ship sinking? Are you going down with them or are you going to be an agent for The People, and fight to expose and arrest the fu*king criminals that have murdered so many already.
Why did Rice warn Willie Brown not to fly on 9/11 ? What information did she have to make this warning ?
I was rather surprised to see absolutely no mention of Condi's warning to San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown on 10 Sept 2001, that he cancel all flight plans he had scheduled for 11 Sept 2001. That warning's gotta count for something.
I think you missed your last few doses, Sabu. While I would love to see stupid white elitists die, I don't think there is any way "the planets lining up" is going to accomplish that.
I agree. I good letter otherwise which sticks to objective, provable facts spoilled by a reference which could have the effect of making the recipient of the letter less amenable to following the course of action requested. Having said that though I do agree with the sentiment anyway.
Listen now:
as long as we're passing funny mp3 clips around- i've got one:
actually two clips of bush talking about testifying before the 9/11 commission
actually two clips of bush talking about testifying before the 9/11 commission
Sabu -- you seem to have a problem with white people. There are approx. 250 million of them in this country, and less than a thousand are responsible for America's problems. Would it be too much to ask you to stop exposing yourself as an offensive, racist moron? If similar statements were made about the people of any other race, we would be hearing about it for decades.
Condolezza Rice stated on CNN, reported on Pacifica on May 17, 2002, that she warned Willie Brown not to fly 8 hours before he was supposed to do so, on 9/11/01. This former executive for Standard Oil, who had an oil tanker named after her, was part of the Bush Administration that carried out the Reichstag Fire of 9/11/01, the CIA's Operation Northwoods realized. There were no hijackers on those planes; 9 of the so-called hijackers are known to be alive; the planes were on automatic pilot guided by the US Air Force. The US Air Force was told to stand down, which only the highest authorities, such as the Pres, VP or Sec of Defense could do. Our air defense which exists around every metropolitan area and the Pentagon, could easily have stopped the first plane crash, as well as all the rest. The Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by construction explosives. Larry Silverstein, the primary lessor of Building 7, admitted on CNN that Building 7 was brought down with construction explosives, and it was not hit by any plane. The videos and the extraordinary speed of collapse, starting with the South Tower, which was hit second, demonstrate the Towers were brought down with construction explosives, collapsing in their own footprint, in small enough pieces to be carted away immdiately, thus destroying the evidence of this mass murder, perpetrated with VP Cheney at the helm, as Mike Ruppert, in his book, Crossing the Rubicon, makes clear. The Pentagon was damaged by construction explosives and the plane over Pennsylvania was shot down by the US military.
Please also read David Ray Griffin's: 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.
These 2 books are BASIC BOOKS.
This Reichstag Fire was perpetrated for the same reason the Nazi Germans (as opposed to these Nazi Americans) committed the original Reichstag Fire, burning down their own congressional building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate fascism at home and war abroad to maximize the profits of the capitalist class and smash all labor and socialist movements.
The Democrats are just as anti-communist and pro-capitalist and pro-war as the Republicans. The Democrats exist only to keep the Reds out of office. This Boxer's role, in contrast to Feinstein, who is more open, although they are both pro-Israel and pro-capitalist. This is known as the good cop/bad cop con game. Stop falling for it and stop voting for any Democrat or Republican at any level of government. Running to Boxer is a waste of time. We need to build our own parties and movements now. The most important movement we can build is the LABOR movement. If you cannot be a labor organizer, march in the LABOR CONTINGENT at every demonstration.
As to Condoleezza Rice, she is both black and a woman. It is possible for blacks and women to be fascists. There has only be one woman Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, a Democrat, who stated on TV that she thought the price of murdering Iraqis in the first Persian Gulf massacre was worth the price of oil. Just changing the gender or the color of the fascists is not progress; they represent the same fascist ruling class.
Vote Socialist Peace & Freedom Party ( or the Green Party.
Please also read David Ray Griffin's: 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.
These 2 books are BASIC BOOKS.
This Reichstag Fire was perpetrated for the same reason the Nazi Germans (as opposed to these Nazi Americans) committed the original Reichstag Fire, burning down their own congressional building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate fascism at home and war abroad to maximize the profits of the capitalist class and smash all labor and socialist movements.
The Democrats are just as anti-communist and pro-capitalist and pro-war as the Republicans. The Democrats exist only to keep the Reds out of office. This Boxer's role, in contrast to Feinstein, who is more open, although they are both pro-Israel and pro-capitalist. This is known as the good cop/bad cop con game. Stop falling for it and stop voting for any Democrat or Republican at any level of government. Running to Boxer is a waste of time. We need to build our own parties and movements now. The most important movement we can build is the LABOR movement. If you cannot be a labor organizer, march in the LABOR CONTINGENT at every demonstration.
As to Condoleezza Rice, she is both black and a woman. It is possible for blacks and women to be fascists. There has only be one woman Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, a Democrat, who stated on TV that she thought the price of murdering Iraqis in the first Persian Gulf massacre was worth the price of oil. Just changing the gender or the color of the fascists is not progress; they represent the same fascist ruling class.
Vote Socialist Peace & Freedom Party ( or the Green Party.
For more information:
The Whites never see the Truth about their own actions. Here it is now the Whites like Bush, and the rest of his jewish cohorts wants to invade Iran to stop their Nuclear ambitions. Now for all of you who are White tell me if this makes sense:
What if China invaded America and told the White establishment that they needed to give up "ALL" of their WMD what do you think would happen? I tell you what would happen, it would be a mass rebellion among your bloodlines! Because without weapons you're nothing! You have no power. Just look at America today. The Only country who has ever used Atomic weapons on others is America correct. Did you know that it was America who unleashed a Thermonuclear bomb in the Indian ocean that created the so-called tsunmia?
Oh no the American media will keep that off the radar screen, but the Indonesians & Indian governments know.
"Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph charts. All this means is that the normal steadily increasing number of transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave generated earthquake."
What that means is the siismograph chart illustrated a BOMB activity. Just look how America sent it's forces and over thirty thousand military personel over to that area. This is how they do things under the cloak of humanitarian activity.Also, look how Bill Clinton, Papa Bush got on National TV and request aid from the American people to help the people they murdered. Kerry, B.Clinton, H. Clinton Edwards, Bush's are all working for the same people!
Hillary is next in line to be President...that's if China, India, Russia, Arabs don't come inside America and kill millions of Whites before hand.
Oh yeah you Whites are something else. Killing is in your Nature. But there is always a stoping point to everything. And that time is very near. America will not win anymore WARS. They will be defeated and destroyed. They brought all of this upon themselves. When they have killed Indians, Blacks, Asians, now Arabs for the sole purpose of robbing resources, spreading phony religion, bacteria, and lies, there end result will be fatal.
What if China invaded America and told the White establishment that they needed to give up "ALL" of their WMD what do you think would happen? I tell you what would happen, it would be a mass rebellion among your bloodlines! Because without weapons you're nothing! You have no power. Just look at America today. The Only country who has ever used Atomic weapons on others is America correct. Did you know that it was America who unleashed a Thermonuclear bomb in the Indian ocean that created the so-called tsunmia?
Oh no the American media will keep that off the radar screen, but the Indonesians & Indian governments know.
"Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph charts. All this means is that the normal steadily increasing number of transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave generated earthquake."
What that means is the siismograph chart illustrated a BOMB activity. Just look how America sent it's forces and over thirty thousand military personel over to that area. This is how they do things under the cloak of humanitarian activity.Also, look how Bill Clinton, Papa Bush got on National TV and request aid from the American people to help the people they murdered. Kerry, B.Clinton, H. Clinton Edwards, Bush's are all working for the same people!
Hillary is next in line to be President...that's if China, India, Russia, Arabs don't come inside America and kill millions of Whites before hand.
Oh yeah you Whites are something else. Killing is in your Nature. But there is always a stoping point to everything. And that time is very near. America will not win anymore WARS. They will be defeated and destroyed. They brought all of this upon themselves. When they have killed Indians, Blacks, Asians, now Arabs for the sole purpose of robbing resources, spreading phony religion, bacteria, and lies, there end result will be fatal.
by Jolly Roger Monday, Jan. 17, 2005 at 3:36 PM
Sabu -- you seem to have a problem with white people. There are approx. 250 million of them in this country, and less than a thousand are responsible for America's problems. Would it be too much to ask you to stop exposing yourself as an offensive, racist moron? If similar statements were made about the people of any other race, we would be hearing about it for decades
Are you sure there are 250 mil White people in America? I don't beleive that. Especially with the numbers of White Gay men who are not having babys. Plus, the millions of White women who are HAVING MILLIONS OF BABYS BY BLACK MEN. You must have problems with math. Viagra and all the other products for male potency is geared towards White men. I wonder why?
by Jolly Roger Monday, Jan. 17, 2005 at 3:36 PM
Sabu -- you seem to have a problem with white people. There are approx. 250 million of them in this country, and less than a thousand are responsible for America's problems. Would it be too much to ask you to stop exposing yourself as an offensive, racist moron? If similar statements were made about the people of any other race, we would be hearing about it for decades
Are you sure there are 250 mil White people in America? I don't beleive that. Especially with the numbers of White Gay men who are not having babys. Plus, the millions of White women who are HAVING MILLIONS OF BABYS BY BLACK MEN. You must have problems with math. Viagra and all the other products for male potency is geared towards White men. I wonder why?
Why is this filth on Indymedia?
Sabu - at least you recognise that the races are different and that white people possess qualities which others do not.
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