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Indybay Feature

Sen. Boxer Pays Millions for Churches, not Bus Service, Healthcare

by Taxpayer
California Democrats Senator Boxer and Rep Farr are sponsored a bill to pay $10 million for repairing Catholic missions, in clear violation of their oath of office to separate Church and State, while San Francisco bus riders are threatened with a fare increase to pay for buses and the people of San Francisco are threatened with a TB epidemic due to no money to pay for TB screening of the poor.
California Democrats Senator Boxer and Rep Farr sponsored a bill to pay $10 million for repairing Catholic missions, in clear violation of their oath of office to separate Church and State, while San Francisco bus riders are threatened with a fare increase to pay for buses and the people of San Francisco are threatened with a TB epidemic due to no money to pay for TB screening of the poor.

This outrageous violation of the Constitution and waste of our tax dollars is reported in the 12/3/04 SF Chronicle by Edward Epstein at

That good "liberal" Democrat Boxer defended her perjury of her oath of office to uphold the Constitution by describing the subterfuge system of funding these churches, funneling the money to a private foundation, as if that absolves rather than further incriminates Boxer, Farr, and everyone else who voted for this as well as Pres Bush, who signed the illegal bill.

The article attempts to justify this outrageous theft of our tax dollars by letting us know that our tax dollars were also spent on restoring a Christian church in Boston and a Jewish synagogue in Rhode Island, proving that the Democrats and Republicans who supported this are repeat offenders in committing perjury in violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution's First Amendment mandate to separate Church and State.

These Catholic missions, built by Native American slave labor in California from 1769 and 1832, are sites of horror for the Native Americans, and are best described by Daniel Fogel in his book Junipero Serra, the Vatican and Enslavement Theology (1988: Ism Press, San Francisco).

Meanwhile, San Francisco bus and train (Muni) riders are threatened with a $.25 fare increase to help pay for buses and our health department is threatened with loss of funds to pay for TB screening and treatment of the poor, thus endangering all our lives. That $10 million could pay for most, if not all, of the shortfall in the budget of SF Muni and the health department.

This is further proof that there is not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans and that it is best to avoid voting for anyone registered Democrat or Republican.

The lawsuit, filed by Americans United for Separation of Church and state, to block the theft of our $10 million tax dollars to restore these churches, should be supported by all who uphold the Bill of Rights and all who care that we have decent bus and train service and adequate healthcare for all in San Francisco.
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