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Indybay Feature

Borderland Film/Arts Festival

Enemy Combatant Radio live broadcast & intervention @ Borderland Festival in S.F. on Dec. 2nd.
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A Multidisciplinary Project

The Borderland Festival is a rich multi-layered exhibition which began on Nov .29 with a series of interventions in San Francisco. On Dec. 2 the program opened on a wider front with a film festival, a gallery reception and a live "psychomagick" radio presention by members of the Enemy Combatant Radio / Indybay crew. and the Borderland Collective have gathered a diverse range of multi-disciplinary artist and media active participants to "share an understanding of both the physical Mexico/U.S border and the more implicit socially constructed borders that surround us all."

This month-long exhibition investigates a multitude of perspectives "of borders or borderlands and how the artist either contests the border construction or has been shaped by it."

For a complete overview of events see :

see map of interventions here:

Nov. 29

Patrick Piazza - "Sub/urban Autonomous Zones" - leafleting/postering - - Examining the history and the dynamics of the Potrero Hill shopping mall as a border between the suburban and the urban experience.
Location: Potrero Hill shopping mall (parking lot)
Dates: Nov. 28th - Dec. 5th Times: random

Joshua Short - "LAY!: USA/Mexico border via race, wealth and privilege" - golden egg/leafleting/performance - Man in black hits the street with Maggie, the goose, spreading the gospel of wealth.
Location: around 24th BART and surrounding areas.
Starting time: 5:30 pm

Nov. 30

Cecilia Guachalla - "Telarañas" / "Webs" - performance - Lineas que atraviesan el piso publico y los espacios tridimensionales que sin darnos cuenta atravesamos diariamente. Espacios que no nos pertenecen ni siquiera 10 metros bajo tierra, ni el espacio que respiramos y en el que caminamos.

Lines that crosses the public floor and the three-dimensional spaces of our daily life. Spaces that aren't ours like 10 meters beneath the earth, the air that we breath and in which we walk.
Location: 24 and Mission Street - Starting Time: TBA

Dec. 1

Susan Greene with Dalit Baum- projections - Susan Greene, Break the Silence Mural Project and Dalit Baum, Anarchists Against the Wall will project films about resistance to the Apartheid Wall that Israel is building in Occupied Palestine. Location: TBA Time: TBA

Dec. 2

Pod - "Enemy Combatant Radio Show" - a LIVE transnational psycho-magick network linking radio activistas from across the global south in an attempt to drain the spleen of global capital and reopen the cultural cortex as a post-geopolitical trade zone of audio , light ...theoretical and physical transmutations.
Location:In house at MCCLA reception day
Time: (through out the reception)

Adrian Arias - "Caution" - participatory intervention, from the gallery at the reception and out into the street to close the entire block.
Location:In house at MCCLA reception day
Time: (through out the reception)

Joshua Short - continuing the golden egg/leafleting - random performance at the reception and the other film nights.

Dec. 3

Mabel Negrete - "A Virtual Exchange": Bringing the Mission to Valencia St. and the Valencia to the Mission. - Projections examining two parallel streets apart by one block or the invisibles border between immigration and the status quo at home.
Locations: both Mission and Valencia (bt. 24 and 16 Streets.)
Starting Time: 6pm

Dec. 5

Tania Figueroa - "Irreciclable / Un-recyclable" - Das el brinco y te lanzas a la aventura de los cruces sinfonicos / Take the pluge "a la aventura" of the sinfonic - installation /performance /music collaboration with Mariela Herrera y Alfonso Jaramillo
Location: 24th and Mission Streets
Starting Time: 4:30pm
§Agent Short: Live golden eggs
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Maggie the goose spreads the gospel of wealth as she delivers golden eggs live on air.
§Steev Hise on the Juarez Delegation & AFTA
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ECR speaks with Steev Hise on the Juarez delegation and AFTA, the Andean Free Trade Agreement.

Read more:
Juarez caravan:
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