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Report on the International Gift Economy Conference

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
How I became involved in the Gift Economy Conference, My Experience in Las Vegas, Giving the Paper I Presented to the Presidents of ABC, NBC, and CBS upon My Return
Report on the International Gift Economy Conference- A Radically Different Worldview is Possible, (website-

I had the pleasure of meeting Genevieve Vaughan in Denver, Colorado in 1996 at The Other Economic Summit (TOES) where we also protested the G8 Summit, and held an International Tribunal Against Indigenous People and Oppressed Nations. Gen gave me a copy of her book- For-Giving- A Feminist Critique of Exchange, a brilliant deep critical analysis of how exchange, rather than gift, promotes hierarchy and has led us to the destructive, perilous condition that we are in today. At the time, I recognized “the Gift Economy” as the ideal economy, but was passionately promoting the idea of community currencies to raise consciousness about the dysfunctionality of our debt based monetary system, and to move us towards the gift economy. I felt we were kindred spirits, working towards the same goal, but choosing complementary strategies. Later, I organized three gatherings on “Strategies to Transform the Global Economy” with a particular emphasis on money, but which also looked at the “Gift Economy.” Genevieve spoke and participated at one of the gatherings (in 1999). When I received an email from her about the Conference, I was very excited, especially seeing that the date was just following the heels of the election, which, given the current state of democracy, we could not possibly win, and would be the ideal time to organize, mobilize, and articulate an alternative vision to that of perpetual war offered by the main candidates. Although the list of speakers was long, rich, and impressive, I begged for just five or ten minutes to share what I have been working on for the past three years (the truth about 9-11) which seemed to me to be a critical piece that shouldn’t be overlooked in a feminist understanding of the current world situation. The most generous of women, Gen gave me ten minutes, and added me to the list of speakers. She encouraged all the speakers to come early and stay after the conference, to promote more dialogue, give us time to get to know one another, strategize, and collaborate. With three kids at home, I couldn’t get away for more than three days (In the negotiations with my husband who shares in the care of our children- I chose to miss the Bioneers Conference this year, which I love and usually go to, so that I could go to Nevada, instead.)

Arriving Friday around noon, four us got to go out to a Japanese restaurant for a relaxed meal and a wonderful conversation, before the conference (actually the only real meal I had during my stay- because there were just too many wonderful people and conversations to tear myself away from once the conference began). My companions, from Austin (Mary), Mexico (Jill), and Germany (Heidi) had never seen Las Vegas before, the obscene, architectural atrocities which signify the decline of a decadent, dying empire. I pointed out one hotel, the “Bellagio” which particularly irked me and proclaimed its antithesis to life with its extremely expensive rooms, and a “no children allowed’ policy.

I tried to help with the boxes, tables, setting up, before registration. I had brought seventy five pounds of papers, books, magazines, videos, DVDs, CDs, bumper stickers, buttons, and Deception Dollars which evaporated steadily during three days. In the spirit of the Gift Economy, I placed them on a table with a donation box, but no suggested prices, and let people take whatever they wanted and donate or not donate whatever they wanted to give.

I was impressed by the people who had been drawn from all over the country, and all over the world, each one obviously deeply committed to creating a better world and embodying the changes they hoped to see, respectful of others, honest, creative, caring, and fun. The stories that were told, deeply personal and revealing- on stage in presentations, and offstage in private conversations were moving and compelling. I feel incredibly wealthy now, from all the generous insights, freely given, and obviously meant to be shared. In the presentations, there was a wonderful mixture of deep intellectual critical understanding, spirit, and recognition of our bodies, physical reality, the need to sing, dance, stretch, join hands. There was an inspiring film clip about “Burning Man” which is a modern embodiment of a gift economy, and slide presentations, radical cheerleading, spoken word, song, but most powerful and prevalent were the stories. I just wished that I could have heard everyone’s stories, from each of the people who were pulled to that place at that time. At least one hundred and fifty people attended the conference, but the logistics didn’t allow for each person to speak, which is why the break time was so precious. It was a delight to meet one another!

I was particularly impressed to meet a couple of activists from Las Vegas who informed me that Las Vegas had its own Indymedia Site ( although it is not yet hooked up with all the others) and to meet Genelle, the organizer of a recent protest!!! A single, working mom, she worked very hard to get folks to the protest, which had a rather small turnout. I sympathized completely, and recognize that it is mothers who are at the heart of the social change movement, that form the vital nucleus from which social movements grow (although they usually aren’t given the recognition that they deserve). Quite a few men also attended the conference, and certainly they were welcomed, but they mainly listened. A couple of guys came from Brazil to do a documentary, and one guy spoke about the gift nature of the free software revolution which obviously was meant to empower everyone and free us from the corporate dominance of the dominant mass media monopolies which he hoped would put them out of business in ten years.

Each person did have a unique insight, gift or experience to offer to the collective wisdom. Voice was also given to the stories most censored and invisible in the mainstream press, the histories- of Palestine, South Africa, Korea, indigenous people, the poor, the enslaved, the analysis and perspective critically lacking in the corporate press.

The long forgotten history of peaceful, egalitarian, matriarchal cultures was told and placed the current male dominated patriarchal violent societies in perspective, as an aberration, an evolutionary challenge, a crisis and opportunity for change.

We also each received Gen Vaughan’s booklet- 36 Steps Toward a Gift Economy and the new book published by Athanor- The Gift- Il Dono- A Feminist Analysis which examines” how the logic of gift giving forms the basis of a paradigm that is radically different the worldview based the logic of exchange and could be the basis of a better way of organizing society."

There was much that I would have liked to say, but we were many; time was short, and, out of respect for all the participants, I tried to be as brief as possible (It was so hard). I had timed my talk to be exactly ten minutes long, here it is with the inevitable digressions (added in parenthesis).

Facing the Shadow of 9-11

After a second stolen election and another murderous assault upon Iraq, the dark side of the US government should be obvious. Yet, when confronted with news of a terminal illness, disaster, individuals experience a range of emotions, the first being- denial.

Behind denial lies fear. Fear, “the mind killer” destroys rational thought; “war” itself is recognized as “collective insanity.” Wars, however, are not spontaneous; they are planned; they serve powerful interests; aggressors are generally trained mercenaries, following orders. Historically, wars are engineered, benefiting the merchants of death and financiers. In Yugoslavia, the IMF and the World Bank prepared the way for the dismemberment of the country. Victors claim the spoils, while victims pay the price. The most lucrative business on Earth is war.

The World Wars were marked by the rise of national fascism; the Millennium is witnessing the rise of transnational fascism, where imperial powers share in the looting of conquered nations. In the era of “globalization,” new alliances pit corporate interests against the vast majority.

Aung Sung Suu Kyi wrote: "It is not power that corrupts, but fear -- fear of losing power and fear of the scourge of those who wield it."

Behind the trappings of wealth, in limos and mansions, are a frightened group of people who fear losing power and control in an increasingly “unmanageable” world. Protesters converge on significant gatherings where global policies are “decided.” The shutting down of the World Trade Organization in Seattle in 1999, was one of a series of global protests. A major protest was scheduled for Washington DC in September 2001, but was cancelled in the wake of 9/11.

9/11 was a desperate act by a frightened few, trying to cling to power, using their traditional methods of war and terrorism to frighten people into silence and submission. The PATRIOT Act mirrored the Enabling Act that Hitler passed after the Reichstag Fire; both were designed to dismantle democracy. Similar legislation has been passed in other countries to relabel dissenters “domestic terrorists.” Recently, in India, people rescinded their anti-terrorist legislation. In the US, four states and 357 cities and counties have passed resolutions against the PATRIOT Act.

The “War on Terrorism” benefits the arms/security/surveillance/oil industries, Bechtel, Halliburton, the Carlyle Group. Bogus Terror alerts, war, have terrorized people, but no one can remain in “panic mode.” When people “come back to their senses,” and think critically about the “War on Terrorism;” they should be able to see that it really is a “War of Terrorism” against Americans and the world. The Big Lie cannot stand.

Cheney believes (as did Napoleon) “You don’t have to suppress the truth forever, just until it doesn’t matter anymore.” The truth does matter now, the sooner people recognize it, the greater our chances of getting humanity off of the war path.

Rachel Corrie’s father told a story about her (the young American woman who was killed by a bulldozer as she stood to protect the home of Palestinians, as part of the International Solidarity Movement). As a very small child, just age two, Rachel had posed a question to her father-

“Is being brave, part of growing up?”

Many Americans have had no idea of how much violence the US government has sponsored, and do not know how to stand up against it. Rachel understood this, and stood in solidarity with the people of the world and stood for the values that America is supposed to stand for, inspiring a new generation of activists.

At the International Citizens’ Inquiries into 9-11, we showed that the government lied about 9-11, destroyed evidence, engaged in a major cover-up, and was complicit in the attacks. Our largest obstacle in getting out the facts to the press and the public has been fear and denial. However, each day more people are coming to the conclusion that “9-11 was an inside job.”

In brief, Al Qaeda was created by Saudi Arabia and the CIA through Pakistan’s ISI, and remains a CIA asset.(This is well documented by Michel Chossudovsky). The Money Man behind 9-11 (The head of Pakistan’s ISI, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad) was meeting with top US officials during September 2001, including Porter Goss and Bob Graham on the morning of the attacks. Those in charge of the official inquiry were people who should have been investigated. (Goss went on to become the head of the CIA). The so-called “Independent Commission” was worse than the Warren Commission, and the Commissioners had major conflicts of interest, particularly oil; they failed to address most of the key questions. (Nominating Kissinger to head it was a clue that it was going to be a cover-up. There is so much evidence that they refused to address- I could talk about this for hours).

The failure of the military to intercept the hijacked planes is explained by the multiple wargames being conducted that morning. One deployed fighter resources to Northern Canada and Alaska, another placed false blips on radar screens; the CIA was conducting a drill to respond to the simulation of a plane crashing into the National Reconnaissance Office, and a “live fly hijack drill” was underway. The multiple exercises combined to make it impossible for fighter jets to interfere with the attacks. Cheney was in command that morning. The book - Crossing the Rubicon- The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil, by Michael C. Ruppert, and the documentary - The Great Conspiracy- The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw, by Barrie Zwicker, detail Cheney’s role in 9-11 and key facts that should have been headline news years ago.

Individually and collectively, Americans need to “be brave, to grow up,” to overcome fear, to think, to face the harsh realities that the rest of the world has witnessed. There is a disparity between American ideals and American policy.

People are rising up in the United States, and around the world against war, and the dominant institutions, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, transnational corporations, that clearly benefit a global elite, at tremendous human cost, and threaten the planet.

The Project for a New American Century, the neo-conservative cabal occupying the White House, wrote in detail of their imperial desires and the likelihood of resistance from the public,

“The process of [military] transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a New Pearl Harbor.”

9-11 was the event they needed to pursue the militarization of the country and world conquest. It was also a gamble, and depended upon an acquiescent media to pull it off. John Galtung, peace activist, when asked about the differences between the Americans and the Russians, said, “In Russia when people hear the Party line; they know it’s the Party line. In America, they don’t.” Or to quote William Randolph Hearst “News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising.” In war- the first casualty is truth.

The quick passage of the PATRIOT Act, the rush to war against Afghanistan, Iraq, counter-terrorist wars against other countries, the construction of Homeland Security, the revamping of the Intelligence Agencies, the construction of a “Global Security State,” are being hurried through Congress as quickly as possible. The speed of the changes, the psychological war directed against the public has formed a crucible which is forging a vast resistance movement.

The craziest Conspiracy Theory, of all, was linking Iraq to 9/11 which Cheney used to sell his war. 9/11 is the Achilles Heel of a failing paradigm, already suffering from loss of credibility and legitimacy.

Children can see “The Emperor has no clothes.” It was logistically impossible for a lone nut to assassinate JFK in 1963; nineteen guys with boxcutters couldn’t possibly have outwitted the multi trillion dollar Defense Department and brought down all those buildings.

What has happened is that people have raised questions that officials cannot answer. Through a vast cooperative effort, researchers from all over the world, activists in a multitude of cities, filmmakers, writers, artists, musicians have challenged the Big Lie. The spotlight on the darkness has exposed the secrets, the crimes, the treason committed at the highest level of government.

The 9-11 Truth Movement was nurtured by a free flow of information, analysis, thousands and thousands of people helping one another to put together the pieces of a vastly complex puzzle. Truth and courage are needed to overcome fear and recognize the deeper problems we face, which are beyond left and right, beyond rich or poor, beyond gender or race.

Our current debt based monetary system concentrates wealth and power, while destroying the planet; it is only supported by belief in the current system. When faith in the US government collapses; dollars are likely to collapse, as well, with far reaching effect. Fear paralyzes people who cannot imagine a better alternative to the dysfunctional, criminal, financial system which surrounds us.

Money, next to brute military force has been the most powerful tool of empire, but money is little understood, how it is created, how it works. The antithesis of the gift, debt-based money relies on fear and scarcity to maintain its value and power. The war economy fails to recognize the value of life. The failure of the financial system, the totalitarian corporations, the institutionalized violence, however, is giving new life to a more powerful force. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Rachel Corrie and others, are beginning to awaken to the power of truth, non-violent resistance, solidarity with others; recognition that respect and cooperation are essential survival skills, and bring joy, meaning and hope to our lives.

We are grappling with The Big Lie versus Truth, Fear versus Courage, War versus Peace. We must stand up to the frightened necrophiliacs that believe that if they cannot own or control something; they have the right to kill it. There is a rising consciousness that the hope of the world is to acknowledge and respect all people; that real security means healthy relationships between people, between people and planet, not the military domination of the many by a dysfunctional few. Americans should reign in their own government and call for compassionate impeachment, the lifting of the American boot off the throat of the world. Imagine redirecting the world’s resources away from killing and controlling the planet to healing.

The time for a Global Truth, Peace and Justice Movement is now. To help others overcome fear, we must help light the path, and encourage the emergence of genuine community that comes from the free exchange of gifts. Thank-you.

Like many others, I received a standing ovation, and people thanked me for speaking publicly about 9-11. There was a brilliant writer/activist from Israel who I wish I could have spoken with at far greater length, because she initially totally rejected the idea that “9-11 was an inside job” and later genuinely sought the best evidence that I had. I gave her the fifteen page paper that I had written for Newsweek and the San Francisco Bay Guardian (which I also gave to a reporter from the San Jose Mercury News) detailing Cheney’s role in 9-11. Newsweek and the San Francisco Bay Guardian told me that they would break the story, if I showed them the documents (my source was, mainly, Michael C. Ruppert’s book- Crossing the Rubicon). I wanted to get the documents to them, before the election, but missed the deadline, as I ended up organizing protests against Executive Director Zelikow at Stanford University, and two demonstrations at the World Affairs Council in San Francisco against- Commissioners Thompson and Roemer, and later Commissioner Jamie Gorelick, in addition to my weekly “Listening Project” in downtown Palo Alto, and confronting Richard Clarke about the wargames and who was in command at the White House on the morning of September 11th.

There was so much to share; I was glad to be able to give away 2000 Deception Dollars (, which had the key 9-11 websites and could lead anyone who was interested to more detailed information. There wasn’t enough time for all of us to share everything.

I missed the Monday morning Strategy Meeting and the visit to the Goddess Temple, to return to my family. As I caught up on laundry, cooking, email, I learned that the presidents of ABC, NBC, and CBS were going to speak that night at nearby Stanford on the subject of the recent election- an activist opportunity not to be missed!

Much like the 9-11 Commissioners, the presidents knew their lines and lied with amazing facility, discounting, and ignoring completely the abundant evidence of voter fraud. Channel 6 and several other cameras were filming the event, which drew about 275 people. Remarkably, they allowed people to ask questions (unscreened by a moderator!!!), and I raised the issue about 9-11 and the failure of the media to mention even the basic facts such as the breakfast meeting between the Money Man behind 9-11 and Porter Goss and Bob Graham. They feigned extraordinary ignorance, themselves, about the official Inquiry being headed by the men who should have been investigated, and the CIA’s oversight of the Inquiry, and knew nothing about the wargames being conducted on September 11th. Their experts had done “Pulitzer Prize” winning stories on the “War on Terrorism.” After the event, we were able to give them Deception Dollars, and I gave them a copy of my paper, which included a great graphic on the wargames (posted at- If I hadn’t been doing laundry, cooking dinner, I would have printed out the “Cheney Did It” paper, but I didn’t have time and was fifteen minutes late. I have no idea how much impact I might have made on the general public or them, but I think it is very good to raise the questions about 9-11 publicly and show how the media has failed to do its job. I do hope that one of their kids sees the Deception Dollar, checks it out and pressures “Dad” into at least covering the 9-11 Truth Movement and voicing the questions we have raised.
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by cp
While I like the sentiment behind the Crimethinc! books, the thing that seemed most unreasonable to me were advocacy of the gift economy. For instance, I think we could say that lots of towns or groups around the world already are examples of the 'dual society' idea, where instead of focusing first on toppling the gov't by leading the vanguard in a maoist style revolution or something unlikely, people start now by creating attractive institutions modeling future society, and then others see that and join in. You could say this has happened to some extent in San Francisco for people who value gender/sexuality freedom etc. and some other places for environmental sanity, and while there are still problems, there are locations where people have gone for nonracist climate etc.

Anyway, there are some world regions such as the western Coast of Canada that might be more naturally suited for a non'Capitalist' or nonagricultural economy which would be closer to a natural 'gift' economy (imagine people having profit incentive - they would have chopped all the trees and overfished and society would have crashed long ago). But.. with oil and electricity, all of the U.S. has the european style agriculturally based society.
So people ask, well what's your alternative, communism? because there is an idea that there are two possible systems. This gift economy idea is a third option, but everyone would envision themselves taking an enviable job of making crafts to exchange with other people or something. Why would anyone volunteer to do any unpleasant work as gift to others. And there is always going to be some shit work in society - this is what has caused all the tension in capitalism and communism - how to force other people to do unpleasant tasks that must be done.
But what is wrong with the idea of reforming the current system to strongly favor businesses that are worker owned and not listed in the stock market (so profits would go to worker shares). Right now, there are big gov't subsidies and favoritism to corporations that are top down owned, where the incentive structure is to keep workers at the lowest pay (Walmart) so profit will flow to already wealthy shareholders and owners.
There are already airlines that have this structure. Worker owned big companies would rarely direct their companies to engage in the bad behavior other corporations now do. You avoid the destabilizing potential of communist style societies where the government assigns jobs and there is no room for innovation, and people get really disgruntled and lazy because they dislike their shitty job assignment but they can't get fired for not doing their job.
It is also very easy for me to convince most people to support this idea of shifting government incentives for business structure because it already is being carried out, and worker shareholders are a naturally attractive idea to most.
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