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Scott Peterson Convicted of Murdering Wife

by AP (repost)
Scott Peterson was convicted Friday of murdering his pregnant wife and dumping her body in San Francisco Bay in what prosecutors in the made-for-cable-TV case portrayed as a cold-blooded attempt to escape marriage and fatherhood for the bachelor life.
Scott Peterson Convicted of Murdering Wife

By BRIAN SKOLOFF, Associated Press Writer

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - Scott Peterson was convicted Friday of murdering his pregnant wife and dumping her body in San Francisco Bay in what prosecutors in the made-for-cable-TV case portrayed as a cold-blooded attempt to escape marriage and fatherhood for the bachelor life.

Peterson, 32, could get the death penalty. The former fertilizer salesman was convicted of one count of first-degree murder for killing his wife, Laci, and one count of second-degree murder in the death of the son she was carrying.

Peterson stared straight ahead as the verdict was read, then looked at each of the jurors as they were polled to confirm their decisions. The jurors looked serious and unsmiling, and none appeared to look back at Peterson. Outside court, cheers broke out among the hundreds of onlookers who gathered to hear word of the verdict.

The verdict came after a five-month trial that was an endless source of fascination to the tabloids, People magazine and the cable networks with its story of an attractive, radiant young couple awaiting the birth of their first child, a cheating husband, and a slaying for which prosecutors had no eyewitnesses, no weapon, not even a cause of death.

The verdict followed a tumultuous seven days of deliberations in which two jurors were removed for unspecified reasons and the judge twice told the panel to start over.

The jury of six men and six women were told to return Nov. 22 to begin hearing testimony on whether Peterson should die by lethal injection or get life in prison without parole.

Laci Peterson (news - web sites), a 27-year-old substitute teacher, was eight months pregnant when she vanished around Christmas Eve 2002. Four months later, her headless body and the remains of her fetus were discovered along the shoreline about 90 miles from the couple's Modesto home — not far from where her husband claims he was fishing alone the day of her disappearance.

Peterson was soon arrested in the San Diego area, more than 400 miles from home, carrying nearly $15,000, his hair and goatee bleached blond.

Police never were able to establish exactly when, how or where Laci died.

At trial, prosecutors presented 174 witnesses and hundreds of pieces of evidence, from wiretapped phone calls to videotaped police interrogations, depicting Peterson as a liar and a philanderer who was sweet-talking his girlfriend, massage therapist Amber Frey, at the same time he was trying to show the world he was pining for his missing wife.

Prosecutor Rick Distaso told the jury that Peterson could not stand the thought of being trapped in a "dull, boring, married life with kids," and either strangled or smothered his wife and dumped her weighted-down body overboard from his fishing boat.

"He wants to live the rich, successful, freewheeling bachelor life. He can't do that when he's paying child support, alimony and everything else," Distaso said. "He didn't want to be tied to this kid the rest of his life. He didn't want to be tied to Laci for the rest of his life. So he killed her."

The jury heard how Peterson had bought a two-day ocean-fishing license days before Laci disappeared, yet claimed his fishing trip was a last-minute substitution for golf because of blustery weather. Prosecutors also offered evidence suggesting he used a bag of cement mix to make concrete anchors to sink his wife's body into the bay.

Peterson never took the stand. His lawyers argued that he was the victim of a frame-up. They suggested that someone else — perhaps homeless people, sex offenders or suspicious-looking characters spotted in the neighborhood — abducted Laci while she walked the dog, then killed her and dumped the body in the water after learning of Peterson's fishing-trip alibi.

Peterson's lawyers also offered evidence that the fetus may have died days or weeks after Laci's disappearance, when Scott was being watched closely by the police and the media.

And they explained his lies and inconsistent statements about his affair and his activities around the time of Laci's disappearance as the mutterings of a man in the midst of a breakdown over his missing wife.

Defense attorney Mark Geragos acknowledged the jurors probably hated Peterson, and pleaded with them not to convict him simply because the prosecution had made him look like a "jerk and a liar."

Geragos also noted the lingering questions about how Laci died. "Maybe the logical explanation for the fact that we have no evidence of her struggling in that house, dying in that house is because it didn't happen in that house," he said.

In addition, Geragos said police found that someone had used a computer in the Petersons' home on the morning Laci vanished — after authorities contend Laci was already dead — to search Web sites for a scarf and a sunflower-motif umbrella stand. He suggested the user was Laci.

The story proved irresistible to the cable networks, which almost every night brought in experts to pick apart the two sides' legal strategies and expound on some of the soap opera aspects of the case, which included hours of secretly taped calls in which Peterson spun out elaborate tales to Frey.

Frey herself testified, saying that Peterson told her during their affair that he had "lost his wife." But she said that in all their recorded conversations, he repeatedly professed his love for his wife and never said anything to incriminate himself in her slaying.

In January, the case was moved from Modesto to Redwood City after defense attorneys argued Peterson had been demonized in his hometown to the point that he couldn't get a fair trial.

The verdict came after about eight hours of deliberation by the final 12 jurors.
by reader
1) Why is INDYBAY posting this SOAP OPERA CRAP on the local section, as though we give a f**k about this situation while women and children are being blown to bits by US troops???

2) This is likely COVER for other news going on that those in power don't want anyone to think about, like the vote scam and Bush's changing of the guard in positions of power, etc. Who knows what sort of insanity is now going on in congress or what next inside job is being implemented to herd the sheeple into place while we're all FAWNING over SCOTT.

by imcista
Don't worry, we don't put corporate news in the local section, but do check our non-corporate updates on the womyn's page..
by reader
Why is this the top story on the page, both in the local section and in the center section?


I really can't beleive that the people that read this site are really so into women's issues that this corporate media STAGED CIRCUS is now a viable news topic just because a white man has been convicted of murdering his wife.

Why are you contributing to the media frenzy that is eclipsing everything else?? Because a woman was murdered and a man is going to jail???

Countless THOUSANDS have been murdered non-stop since Bush has been in office and no one is going anywhere or having any consequences. The whole point of this CIRCUS is to appeal to the masses with a simple soap opera murder case. Iraq is Scott 1000x over.
by imcista
The controversial issue of fetus "murder" has been largely ignored by the corporate media, from what I've seen. Thus this story was featured by the womyn's page editors (of which I am not one). We promote many, though certainly not all stories from subpages to the front page. Stories are ordered roughly chronologically, so this story will be at the top until a newer story replaces it.
by Mr. Puffinstuff
YOU may not have fallen for this diversion. Your fellow Americans have. Get on your soapbox, rant and rave about it if you like. There is nothing you can do to stop the unwashed masses from having thier attention diverted by our circus.

Nothing. At. All.

by antiwaractivist
Get off your soapbox and into the streets. Make sure to take pictures so it can be featured on indymedia.
by no more coathangers
He was convicted of murdering a fetus. This sets a very bad precident.If a fetus can be murdered, a fetus is a human being under law. If a fetus is a human being under law, Roe v. Wade is not long for this world.

by leo
That 8 month fetus, if removed from it's mother, would have been a healthy, living baby. I'm not an absolutist, but I can see where a child a couple of weeks from delivery should be considered a "person". Sorry, but NARAL-like lockstep dogma on this issue is out of date.
by so what?
It's not your body. If you don't like abortion, don't have one.
by quite an abortion
and laci didn't make the choice. i dont think the murder thing is really much of a threat to the idea of a woman's informed consent over what goes on with her body.
by no more coathangers
If he killed Laci, it was murder because Laci was a human being. If he killed Conner after he had been born, it was murder because once you have been born, you are a human being. If he killed a fetus, it was not murder, because a fetus is not a human being.

That's the issue.

If the state can declare a fetus to be a human being, Roe v Wade is over.

Let's talk about that.

by other issues
get more justice than others. It's hard to get justice in any case. And when someone you love is killed it takes a lot of effort.

the problem is media focus on what they consider potential high profile cases as opposed to the rest of them. It's not simply about innocent white people vs. innocent people of color. The sensational nature of a case is more likely to bring attention and focus. Unless a family and community is involved in seeking a resolution, there is much less likely to be an active incentive for the DA and the press and the government to seek justice and the case is forgotten.
by OJ
if it doesn't fit you must acquit

you have to be a football star to get away with that!
by well, ok...
i did, but apparently it wasn't the answer you wanted.

the whole idea of being able to charge someone with killing a fetus was to target crime against pregnant women, as an aggravating circumstance. it wasn't to declare a fetus human, but rather, to assert an enhanced status for a pregnant woman, at least as i understand it. this has been around for years, hasnt it? this is not an innovation. and the fundamental issue is still the woman's choice, in this case, to reproduce.

if you want to be touchy about abortion rights-- a fine and important thing to be touchy about-- i would suggest that worry is better aimed at the supreme court, and the fact that the democrats just cannot seem to muster themselves into an effective opposition when it is critical for them to do so. let's get on that and stay on that, now. let's thank our anti-voter friends for making that task harder, and get on with it. the CA contingent is relatively on our side. indeed, what the hell can a CA constituency do to persuade congresspeople in TX or whatever? money. and time spent there. not much else, huh? oh right, the electoral process. bummer, innit?

it's likely that when (not if) they try to roll back rovee wade, they'll throw it to the states (maybe not), in which case, CA is likely relatively assured continued reproductive choice because it's just that kind of state. it's that sea of red in the middle that's the problem.

a losing battle will have to be fought, state house by state house, maybe all at once, and if you think they're smug now, wait till they pull off recriminalizing abortion. we'll be stuck fidgeting around the edges for things like no retroactive prosecutions and no repurcussions for crossing a state line to seek an abortion.

then, it's time for freedom trains or something.

btw, what are womens' organizations doing to prepare for the coming storm, and what can mere mortals do to support and assist their efforts?

i sincerely hope i have discussed the problem in terms acceptable to you, because the issue does matter. however, how does any of this tangibly relate to the Peterson Case?

also, given the gravity of the situation, why waste valuable time and energy on marginalia?
by A ploy against women
It's almost unimaginable that anyone would manipulate the tragic death
of Laci Peterson to promote a reactionary agenda. But the White House and
members of Congress are trying to do just that.]
This bill, and the charge of double homicide, are attempts to define a
foetus as a person protected under the 14th Amendment, which bans any state
from depriving "any person of life, liberty or property without due process
of law."

This lays the basis for outlawing abortions and criminalising as murderers
those who perform them or receive them.

Women's groups are outraged. Even Democrat Representative Jerrold Nadler,
warns that this congressional move "has nothing to do with domestic
violence or the severity of the crime. What they want to do under the guise
of domestic violence is lay the groundwork for abolishing abortion rights.
That is violence against women."

>From their own bourgeois vantage point, if the White House or Capitol Hill
had real compassion about Laci Peterson's life, they would beef up laws
against harming pregnant women. But real support for women's lives, and
remedies for violence against women, take a grass-roots struggle.

Violence against women is endemic in a capitalist society that promotes
ideological justification for the inequality of women. Real support for
women would begin with funding for battered women's shelters and couples
counselling, access to decent jobs and education, affordable day care, and
drug and alcohol programs.

And first and foremost, each woman needs control of her own body — to have
the most profound and basic right to decide when and if to have children.

Using the terrible death of Laci Peterson to lay the basis for the
abolition and criminalising of abortion is an additional act of violence —
an egregious crime against women.
by the ideological boilerplate wont cut it
i.e. this type of stuff:
" Violence against women is endemic in a capitalist society that promotes ideological justification for the inequality of women. Real support for women would begin with funding for battered women's shelters and couples counselling, access to decent jobs and education, affordable day care, and drug and alcohol programs. "

assuming, for example, that "real support for women" will not be forthcoming, what can we do to shore up the right to choose an abortion? the Laci Peterson thing, as a pretext, is also a distraction from the real issue. follow that lead, and you'll be dragged onto their 3-strikes, law and order, state as monopolist of violence terrain. we can't win there. rights will disappear down the hole of the "new morality" that way.

it's a pity the dems didnt fight to constitutionalize the right to abortion (or better yet, the right to privacy on which it's based) while they had the chance to in the 90s (or for that matter, the late 70s). the fact is, the dems like to scare us with the issue, and so its permanent precariousness (in contrast to various european countries) suits them just fine.

but now they simply must stonewall bad judicial appointments for four more years, or more. prognosis: bleak. Paterson: distraction to that.

in my opinion, it's a trap, an ambush (pun unintended).
by one opinion
>Violence against women is endemic in a capitalist society that promotes ideological justification for the inequality of women.

Violence against women is endemic wherever women routinely rely on men for protection.
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