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One year in a redwood for man named Willow

Willow marks one year in the ancient redwood known as "Jerry."
One year in a redwood tree for man named Willow

Eureka, Humboldt county-A young Arcata man named Willow is quietly observing his one-year anniversary living in an ancient redwood tree named "Jerry." This 1,500-2,000 year old redwood stands on Greenwood Heights Road in Freshwater, Northern California, east of Eureka. Maxxam Corp./Pacific Lumber Co.'s ownership of this and other nearby ancient trees, is in dispute because of the proximity to the public road; nonetheless, they attempted to cut down the Jerry tree under a controversial timber harvest plan.

On March 17, 2003, long-time tree-sitter Remedy was forcibly removed from the same tree. She hadn't touched the ground in 361 days. Immediately after her extraction, hired contract extractor Eric Schatz limbed the giant tree, but Jerry was reoccupied by other forest defenders the same night. After a succession of occupants, Willow has made it his home ever since. He has now spent 5% of his life in the tree.

"I've really come into the rhythm of the changes of the seasons and watching the sun rise and set each day," said Willow. "I see the wildlife that depend on these trees and the birds' migration north and south. Because of that connection, I feel in a deeper way the pain of each clear-cut and how sore and bruised the land is."

The rural residential Freshwater watershed is one of the most heavily impacted by Maxxam/PL's industrial harvest practices. The company's flawed and illegitimate sustained yield plan (SYP) calls for liquidation logging of all remaining old growth over the next five years. A lawsuit challenging the SYP was recently won by the Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC), a grassroots legal organization in Garberville, Calif., which has now filed another lawsuit against PL's Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). In addition, a lawsuit for business fraud against PL, by Humboldt County District Attorney Paul Gallegos, is pending.

The company's timber harvest plan runs out in April '05; however Maxxam/PL has the option, between March 1 and April 1, '05, to extend it for one year. Activists have disputed PL's claim of ownership of the trees, which line the public road, suggesting instead that they are in the public easement. In court cases stemming from the weeklong public uprising on Greenwood Heights Road following Remedy's and other tree-sitters' extractions, the prosecutor was unable to prove that PL owned the area. Trespass charges were subsequently dropped.

"This is global deforestation going on right here in Northern California and I think it deserves the world's attention," said Willow.

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by golgi body
Your efforts there are valiant in the tree. Can you see any icebergs floating by from polar ice caps.

Is there any rent cost for staying there? I can not afford property and my son who was taught that education did not matter and that America meant something is coming out of the joint and want him ou of the South East before the United States goes to war, East Versus West.

Viva La Tree Sitter, Don't you know that America has become a joke? They will kill everything around you and have Viva la Tree Sitter reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the country that does not exist.
by a movie with val kilmer
Please seek therapy.
by get out of the trees
Who even cares where you are tree-sitter? I can't hear you, why don't you use that funding that you are wasting on something, that would attract a lot more attention! How many new people do you talk to every day you are in your tree fort?
by Santa Dave (protectorsantadave [at]
A tip of the hat to your strength and commitment. For our story go to 1. (many links) or enter "dave" in search re arrest and trial. All the best
Santa Dave
by Ana Deaconu (graffiti_mind [at]
"Who even cares where you are tree-sitter? I can't hear you, why don't you use that funding that you are wasting on something, that would attract a lot more attention! How many new people do you talk to every day you are in your tree fort?"

It seems as though you have indeed heard, else you wouldn't have posted a comment. The issue has made the news. Obviously, people are hearing.
by cost money that could be used elsewear
When is the book coming out? I would love to read how much money you wasted, sitting in that tree. what do you do up there that is so important, that we only hear from you once a year. Instead, go to your local commons, and protest, where you would be more effective!
by forest creature
Willow is one of the most courageous people I know. In the midst of craziness and chaos he still holds his center. He refuses to let PL take Jerry, or the surrounding upper village.
Tree sits can be inexpensive. Living humbly and trying to better the planet. If you happen to be taking up too much space and creating too much waste , please go and off yourself.
brighter futures...if you can't see it , feel it. Make our lives sustainable and safe!
If you can dream, anything is possible. Take back our land!
by you are not
A forest creature, is one who lives only off of the forest, why don't you try it sometime, and then, maybe you'll off yourself. usually, I am non-violent, and wouldn't disrespect anyone, how-ever, I'll sink to your level. You say, that tree-sits don't cost that much, but you always seem to need more donations, to cover some sitters ass. You never answer where the donation money goes. I'd like you to compare, what a demonstration cost, to say building your tree-fort somewhere, and supporting a sitter. But, you won't do it of course, because you are so thinking that you can solve this problem in the forest away from people!
by Zendryn
I am surprised at how much anger has arisen over a simple man who has taken a peaceful course of action in the face of ignorance. You may have a point, that a demonstration would cost less than what it takes to sustain a man in a fort; but a protest is not the path that Willow has chosen. His methods seem to be working fine: he has in fact prevented his tree from being wrongfully cut down and has brought curiousity and awareness to those who may still be in the dark about this cause. If you are so angered about Willow's way of life and the group's use of money, why not direct that energy towards good; begin what you think would be a worthwhile organization, or simply don't donate any of your money to the cause. In the meanwhile, let's be glad that there are still people in the world who care enough about our environment to devote their lives to sustaining it. Peace, Zendryn
by by protests are us
Oh,my, was i angry? what, am i supposed to do when your tree gets cut? the only reason,it is still standing, is because P.L, hasn't gotten around to it yet! How many trees, have treesits saved?
by how much does it take?
It doesn't take alot of courage to place yourself hundreds of feet away from the opposition! how many times, has willow been confronted by P.L.? It takes more courage to get arrested, locked to the front door of a building, than to hide in your tree fort, what a waste of time! you spent a year there, and now we are just hearing about it, maybe, I'd be more impressed if you did media, at least once a week!
by sustainability
How sustainable is a treesit? Why do you think that this is sustaining the forest, by sitting in a tree? I care about the Environment, but you won't see me sitting in a tree! Because, it is a lost cause! Treesits are not environmental! They maybe fashionable, but unless you work hard at the daily media, you cannot justify the expenses, that you incur.You would be better off organizing your supporters into non-violent protest. Which, I thought was your daily mantra. But the second somebody disagrees with you, you tell them that they should go off themselves, what is non-violent about that? Of, course, these ?'s are to tough for you to consider, so I won't expect a decent reply. The love-pod lasted for years, and then that tree was cut, you won't be happy until they extract you and cut your tree down!
by Forest Creature
My daily mantra is if you aren't doing what you can to live a free life, and help others live a life free of oppression then you aren't doing your part for a better tomorrow.Believe in a world of openess, integrity, and oneness! I believe that if I don't continue the resistance, and try to start a revolution in North America, then I have failed, and there's really no more room for dead weight. I"ll quit being a burden on our mother's back. Resistance is Life... if you can't dig it
Visualize Voluntary Human Extinction
by JEFFREY-age 9
Willow, you are doing a good thing to protest the logging.
by kathleen fetters (kath [at]


Great job; such dediacation is truly appreciated, even as far away as Hawaii. We are losing our endangered species faster than anywhere in the world (including the Amazonian basin).

I would, however, advise you to follow the advise of some of you critics and use the media as much as you can. I'm a public radio news junkie, but didn't hear about you until Tina told me.

You may not only save "Jerry", but having also reunited your family, you may have saved that too; they missed you so much. I'm so impressed. Aloha, kath
by janice and alastair
Aloha Willow!
Though we haven't seen you since you were a wee lad, we knew you would do great things.
Your auntie next door to your dad turned us on to your site. Glad to see you're doing well, but worry (our job) for your safety.
Without the resistance (protection of justice and nature) of people like yourself, all would be lost.
We wish you a great, happy, healthy life full of healthy native forests and friends.
J & A
by Ahimsa
Tree sits do cost a humble amount of money but cost Pacific Lumber alot more. Redwood trees are not only truly beautiful, but they are also air supply and homes to many creatures. I think we need to work together to do everything possible to save them and our lovely planet. Tree sits have stalled these greedy money lustful companies and have drawn attention that I don't think would have happened otherwise. Tree sitting is dangerous, dirty, and cold. People give up alot when they leave society like Willow has. He is doing this because he loves us.
by Ahimsa (tilemand [at]
Tree sitting does require a humble amount of money, but it cost Pacific Lumber quite a bit more. PL frequently pays visits to tree sits, hires extractors, defends themselves in court, etc. Tree sitters give up comforts of all varieties to draw attention of the media and to cost lumber companies time and money. Redwood trees are so lovely. They are air supply and home to so many, including Willow.
by b
All the limbs and the top have been cut off the tree he is sitting in. IT"S NOT A TREE,IT"S A TALL STUMP
by jerry
hey b, i'm still alive, takes more than a whack job to kill me. yes it may look like a stump from afar, but there are sprouts on it and it's still alive... not all of the branches got cut by that thug eric
by Vanessa (locnessy81 [at]
I think I am in love?
by freddie filmore
I think I am in love? priceless

but why not pick some one manly like a computer nurd, we are real stud muffin's (well kind of puggie, but still in a manly kind of way)
by Maestro
Dearest Freddie,

I don't know why you chose to put an apostrophe in 'get's,' but the word is 'gets.' Does 'gets' stand for 'get is?' No. Then don't put an apostrophe in inappropriate places. 'Someone' is one word, not two. Nurd is spelled with an e. Again, why did you put an apostrophe in 'stud muffin’s?' Unless the stud muffins own something, and you are trying to convey that, no apostrophe is necessary. And lastly, the word is 'pudgy.' If you are going to harass someone you have never met in real life, at least do spell check. Thanks, and have a good one.
by redwood fungi (redwood_fungi [at]
i just want to thank those that save such massive ancient and magnificsant tree such as the redwood, i love you lol i say that because i mean it your saving my natural life support (oxygen) and my family and my future generations and the worlds.
blessing you people are, hopefully i can join the cause of saving the redwood and the rest because other beautiful trees need help too lol r/t
if anyone can email me my email should ber displayed about how i wood go about living tree spaut let me know im young and want to be apart of this movement, i was turned on by the thought as a kid but what really got my attention was listening to the author of wild trees speak on the john stewert show about it and ive been in-treeeq'ed =) ever sence peace (>-)
by redwood fungi (redwood_fungi [at]
sorry for all the errors ppl im tired and its been a long day, you understand. but anyway let me know about the ways i could live in a redwood to protect it plzz
wow, i don't think willow is going to be reading this, but oh well.
i think you are amazing.

we should meet and converse, share ideas, discuss;
ya or something?

I was born in washington...........i miss the northeast
it's so beautiful
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