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Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 5 October 2004 through Friday, 8 October 20

Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Tuesday, 5 October 2004.

Four American invader troops captured in ar-Ramadi, US threatens to destroy whole neighborhoods over the heads of residents if the prisoners are not released.

Iraqi Resistance forces captured four US troops in ar-Ramadi west of Baghdad during fierce fighting that was raging there at about 4pm local time Tuesday.

The local correspondent of Makfarat al-Islam reported that after the four Americans were captured, US troops used loud speakers to threaten the local people that their houses would be destroyed if the four captured invader troops were not released. The American forces broadcast their threats of mass house destructions in the neighborhoods of as-Sufiyah, al-Mal‘ab, al-Ma‘arid, and in the area around the Agricultural College. The Americans announced that every house in those neighborhoods would become a target for US fire if the four prisoners are not released.

Fifteen US troops killed in Resistance ambush in Baghdad.

A qualitative attack by Resistance forces on US troops on the Qanat al-Jaysh Army Canal Road in Baghdad left 15 Americans dead, according to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent who personally witnessed the ambush according to his report of the incident posted at 11:37pm Mecca time Tuesday night.

The correspondent of Makfarat al-Islam reported at 11:05pm local time Resistance forces planted a massive bomb in the path of a US patrol. The explosion destroyed four Humvees, and then Resistance fighters opened up on the American survivors with RPG7s, killing all 15 US troops. The correspondent happened to pass the scene at the time of the attack, which he witnessed first hand, noting that the attack in all lasted 10 to 12 minutes. The attack was carried out with such overwhelming intensity and in total surprise, and as a result the Americans had no chance to return fire.

At the time of posting his account of the Resistance ambush the correspondent wrote that no US troops had as yet arrived on the scene.

US aircraft pound neighborhoods in al-Fallujah.

US aircraft dropped two container bombs full of anti-personnel cluster bombs on the ash-Shuhada’ neighborhood of al-Fallujah on Tuesday evening according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. US aircraft dropped another container on the al-Jawlan neighborhood in the northwest of the city.

US aircraft also pummeled the al-‘Askari neighborhood and American C131 aircraft were still prowling the skies overhead in evident preparation to drop more container bombs when the correspondent filed his report at 11:55pm Mecca time Tuesday night.

Four Zionist Mossad agents and 13 Peshmergah collaborators killed in Kirkuk ambush.

At least four members of the Zionist Mossad and 13 Kurdish Peshmergah chauvinist intelligence agents were killed when Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a joint convoy of Mossad and Peshmergah vehicles in Kirkuk. Three other members of the patrol were reportedly captured.

The Kirkuk correspondent of Makfarat al-Islam reported that the Resistance attacked the convoy that was made up of three green Patrol Safari vehicles belonging to the Peshmergah, and two black GMC Suburbans belonging to the Mossad at 6am local time near the area of the Citadel (al-Qal‘ah) in Kirkuk.

Local residents who witnessed the attack reported that some 30 or 35 Resistance fighters attacked the intelligence convoy, spraying it with RPG7 and BKC automatic weapons fire, and hitting it with grenades. Resistance sharpshooters also participated in the ambush.

Two Mossad GMCs were destroyed and four Mossad agents aboard them were killed. The three Peshmergah Patrol Safaris were also destroyed, killing the 13 chauvinist agents aboard them. Some local residents reported seeing the Resistance fighters take one Mossad agent and two Peshmergah intelligence officers prisoner, driving them away to an unknown destination.

Resisatnce rocket blows up Black Hawk helicopter over Kirkuk.

Also in Kirkuk, Resistance forces used a C5K rocket to shot down a US Black Hawk Red Cross helicopter in the al-Huwayjah area at about 7am. The helicopter blew up in the sky and parts of the vehicle scattered over the area. At least four US troops are presumed dead in the attack.

Resistance demolishes puppet governorate offices and puppet police station in al-Latifiyah.

The al-Latifiyah correspondent of Makfarat al-Islam reported that Resistance forces planted high-explosive TNT under the building housing the offices of the governor and the puppet police station in al-Latifiyah and blew them up. The massive blasts totally destroyed both buildings at 6:30am Tuesday morning.

Four Americans killed when Resistance throws back US assault on Hayfa Street, Baghdad.

US forces again tried to storm into Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh district Tuesday at about 2:30 am. Humvees and 10 Bradley armored vehicles attacked the area, but were repulsed when Resistance forces disabled one of the Humvees, killing four US troops and wounding three others according to the local correspondent of Makfarat al-Islam.

Fighting continues in Defiant Samarra’ as Americans prevent locals from burying their dead.

Although US forces were crowing about having subdued the Iraqi city of Samarra’, bodies of civilians killed by US gunfire continued to lie in the streets, according to local residents. American snipers and US aircraft regularly fire at anything that moves in the streets, preventing the locals from gathering and burying their dead. One man reported seeing a dog eating the body of a woman shot dead by American gunfire.

Despite their claims and the dozens of civilians butchered by the indiscriminate use of America’s high-tech firepower, the local correspondent of Makfarat al-Islam in Samarra’ reports that in fact the Resistance continues to control 45 to 50 percent. The reporter acknowledged, though, that as a result of their bloody use of brute force the Americans had managed to take control of most of the important positions in the city.

Early Tuesday morning fierce fighting broke out in Samarra’ between the Resistance and the US aggressors and their Iraqi stooges. The local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that on Tuesday American F16s and F18s continued their criminal assault on the civilian population, dropping seven container bombs packed with large-size anti-personnel cluster bombs on residential areas.

Eighteen civilians were killed, most of them women and children. Six Resistance fighters were also martyred. Five homes of local people were destroyed, as were several private cars.

Resistance forces continue to pound the rear lines of the US forces in Samarra’ with rockets. Resistance forces in all the smaller towns in the area, including ad-Dulu‘iyah have been contributing to the effort to hit the rear of the US beast as it plods its bloody way through Samarra’.

Resistance sharpshooters have killed 12 US troops in the city and 18 Iraqi puppet soldiers, according to sources in the Iraqi puppet army itself. The Resistance also disabled one Bradley armored vehicle, which was then taken to al-Bakr base. Three Humvees were also knocked out and later taken off to Balad.

Resistance attacks dummy motorcade of Iraqi puppet “prime minister” ‘Allawi.

Iraqi Resistance attackers in three BMWs at about 5pm attacked a motorcade of prominent officials in the US puppet regime. The motorcade was a decoy convoy, a substitute for the puppet so-called prime minister, Iyyad ‘Allawi. A number of officials and persons escorting the convoy were killed according to a security source quoted by Makfarat al-Islam.

The Resistance attackers left the scene after the attack, but US troops and Iraqi puppet forces launched a massive search.

Action in al-Qa’im.

Resistance forces attacked a US column of 10 supply trucks and four Humvees in al-Qa’im on the Syrian border sparking a battle that lasted from 10:40am until 5pm during which seven US vehicles were destroyed and 28 US troops killed according to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. The ten trucks and their drivers were taken prisoner and led away by the Resistance. The drivers were of Pakistani, Indian, and Philippino nationality.

Resistance forces, meanwhile, pounded the US headquarters in al-Qa’im with repeated bombardments. Sixty 120mm mortar rounds struck the area at 11am. The at 5pm 12 rockets, believed to be Grads, slammed into the base.

Resistance car bomb in Baghdad kills 18 puppet policemen.

An Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded at 10pm Tuesday evening. A white Opel car was probably used in the attack. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that the blast destroyed five white Land Cruisers and killed 18 puppet policemen and wounded 10 more according to a source in the security service.

Other Resistance highlights from Tuesday.

Four Marines killed in Resistance attack in ar-Ridwaniyah.

Six occupation troops killed in a Resistance bombing in Ba‘qubah.

Resistance Katyusha rocket attack on governorate building in ad-Diwaniyah at 7:45am Tuesday left at least five Polish and/or US occupation troops dead, according to the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam.

At least four US troops reported killed in Resistance attack in Ba‘qubah.

Two US troops and three puppet policemen were killed in a Baghdad ambush.

Eighteen Iraqi puppet policemen were killed in a Resistance attack on their patrol in al-‘Amiriyah.

At 11:30am Resistance forces ambushed a US supply convoy, killing two foreign truck drivers.

Three US soldiers were killed and two Humvees destroyed in Mosul at 8:45 am.

Five US troops were killed and three Humvees destroyed at noon in Mosul.

Three US troops were killed and one Humvee destroyed in an ambush in al-‘Amiriyah west of Baghdad.

At 9pm an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in the path of a US patrol on the highway near the so-called “green zone” in Baghdad, destroying one armored GMC.

Resistance forces bombarded the US headquarters in Mosul, Balad, at-Taji, the Republican Palace in Baghdad (known as the “green zone” by the Americans), al-Qa’im.
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