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9 year old girl killed in Gaza

by Daily Star
A Palestinian girl, 9, was killed Friday by Israeli troops in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, medics said.

Samah Nassar was fatally hit in the chest, they said.

In a separate incident, a Palestinian working in a Jewish settlement in the southern Gaza Strip was shot dead during a militant attack, sources on both sides said Friday. Marzuk Abu Udwan, 50, was killed by Palestinian gunmen while working in a hothouse in Rafah Yam, medics and Israeli military sources said.

Meanwhile, a Palestinian man died Thursday of wounds sustained during overnight Israeli tank shelling in the northern Gaza Strip. Hassan Sharatha, 22, had been wounded by shrapnel in the town of Beit Hanoun, medics said.
Ninety-four Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since the army began a major offensive in the Gaza Strip to try to stop militant rocket attacks on southern Israel. The latest deaths brought to 4,459 the number of people killed since the start of the four-year-old intifada, including 3,431 Palestinians and 954 Israelis.
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by Israeli actions blamed for Sinai attacks
Some Palestinians believe the triple bombings targeting Israeli tourists at seaside resorts in Egypt's Sinai peninsula on Thursday night are a backlash against the ongoing Israel military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

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by Review
Let's review:

(1) When Israel doesn't do anything wrong, stuff that didn't happen is Israel's fault

(2) When Israel does do something wrong, it's exaggerated and repeated ad nauseum.

(3) When Israel does something right, distort it and somehow make it bad (and then exaggerate it).

(4) When other people do something wrong and it somehow involves Israelis or Israel, blame Israel, demonize Israel, and give the people who actually did it a free ride.

Why does the "progressive left" operate this way now? It's identical to how david duke, white supremecists and neo-nazis (not to mention the Islamic terrorist groups) operate...

by hmm
"When Israel doesn't do anything wrong, stuff that didn't happen is Israel's fault"
There are wingnuts who blame Israel for 9/11 but if you look at when progressives started to focus on Palestine (2002), it was already a few years in to the intifada. Assasinations of Islamist leaders by Israel were covered more by the mainstream media than the by the Left in the months before 9/11. The focus on Palestine was due to the lull between the Afghan and Iraq wars with activists shifting over to a cause in a region they had just learned more about due to the post 9/11 worldwide focus on problems in the region.

"When Israel does do something wrong, it's exaggerated and repeated ad nauseum."
Israel's atcions are reported, defenders of Israel try to justify what happened with racist statements almost designed to provoke ("the Palestinians were hiding behind children") and then you end up with internet flamewars where both sides look pretty bad.

"When Israel does something right, distort it and somehow make it bad (and then exaggerate it)."
You mean the Gaza pullout? The reason that was condemned was because it was Israel saying it ws going to start acting without consulting Palestinians AND the initial announcement by Sharon and Bush included a statement that sounded A LOT like an annexation of part of the West Bank. It is argued by Israel supporters that the areas in question were going to be part of a trade during the peace process, but with Israel acting unilaterally and not offering the land swaps that were going to be part of the trade its not hard to see why people were upset with the "pullout"

"When other people do something wrong and it somehow involves Israelis or Israel, blame Israel, demonize Israel, and give the people who actually did it a free ride."
Sure thats bad. Its exactly what supporters of Israel of with regards to the Palestinians and its a basic part of the "us vs them" mentality that leads to most conflicts. Even the supposedly progressive supporters of Israel who post on here (like Gehrig) will go out of their way to blame the Palestinians (or the ISM) for the death of someone like Rachael Corrie. Ends justify the means argument about why the current Gaza actions by Israel will protect Israel are a mirror image of the logic that makes people justify what happened in Sinai.

Why does the "progressive left" operate this way now? It's identical to how david duke, white supremecists and neo-nazis (not to mention the Islamic terrorist groups) operate...
by Critical Thinker
"When Israel does do something wrong, it's exaggerated and repeated ad nauseum."

This *is* true all too often.

>>>"Israel's atcions are reported, defenders of Israel try to justify what happened with racist statements almost designed to provoke ("the Palestinians were hiding behind children")"<<<

Only the racist Israel supporters utilize racist statements attempting to downplay this or that Israeli excess, mistake or blunder. Besides, noting that Palestinians were hiding behind children during a certain incident is a mere statement of fact and hardly racist, except for the most politically correct (read: distorted) intoxicated minds.

"When Israel does something right, distort it and somehow make it bad (and then exaggerate it)."

>>>"You mean the Gaza pullout? The reason that was condemned was because it was Israel saying it was going to start acting without consulting Palestinians"<<<

Since Arafat doesn't care to rein in the terror organizations, I don't quite find fault with Sharon's refusal to consult with his aides.

"When other people do something wrong and it somehow involves Israelis or Israel, blame Israel, demonize Israel, and give the people who actually did it a free ride."

>>>"Its exactly what supporters of Israel do with regards to the Palestinians..."<<<

Not quite. Basically, only the racist Israel supporters tend to do that.

>>>"Even the supposedly progressive supporters of Israel who post on here (like Gehrig) will go out of their way to blame the Palestinians (or the ISM) for the death of someone like Rachael Corrie."<<<

The reason we see a need to take such great pains to make our point is because the other side of the divide promulgates an extraordinary amount of disinfo about such incidents which needs to be countered, blaming Israel; countless unsuspecting people have been taken in by all the disinfo. If ISM and Palestino-apologists spreading the disinfo had accepted the truth, we hardly would have kept saying anything on such matters.

>>>"Ends justify the means argument about why the current Gaza actions by Israel will protect Israel"<<<

I don't think any Israel supporter can claim with unassailable authority that the current Israeli military operation in northern Gaza strip provides Israel with a perfect defense. Qassam rockets keep raining on Sderot and its vicinity. But what's the alternative, should the terrorists be given a free hand to wreak murder and destruction unhindered?
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