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UNRWA demands Israel apologize over Qassam accusation

by People see what they want to see.
Despite pretty strong evidence that these pictures are really of a stretcher being loaded into a car, the Israeli media (and proIsrael US media) will use this as evidence that the UN has an ant-Israel bias. Those who support Israel have an almost pathological tendency to read what they want into world events. The UN debates about a wall that will divide the West Bank and make it into one large prison camp and the proIsrael press makes a fuss about how all countries except the US are antiSemetic and biased. Numbers of Palestinian dead vs Israeli dead are presented and despite the fact that many more Palestinians killed were children than Israelis killed, the numbers are read as dead terrorists vs dead civilians. Like Serbians under Molosovic international reports of war crimes are seen by Israelis as proof that the world is evil not that their own government is carrying out attrocities; the proIsrael response that Palestinians are always to blame and anyone supporting the Palestinians are supporting terrorists is identical to what the Serbians argued during their genocide of Bosnians (Al Qaeda fought alongside the Bosnians but did that make the genocide any more justified?)
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) on Sunday demanded an apology from Israel over accusations that Gaza militants used a UN vehicle to transport a homemade rocket.

The world body refuted the charges at a news conference in Gaza on Sunday. It showed what it said was the ambulance seen in footage released by the Israel Defense Forces and presented its driver and rescue workers to reporters.

Rescue worker Wahel Ghabayen, 38, said he had run with a stretcher to a school in Jabalya on Friday after he heard that someone there may have been wounded. The wounded boy had already been moved by the time he arrived, he said.

"I came back to the car with the stretcher, and I folded it and threw it inside the car," he said. "If it was a missile, I would not throw it into the car but would put it in carefully."

The director of operations for UNRWA, Lionel Brisson, said UN workers do not carry weapons or armed militants in UN vehicles. "We want an apology from the Israelis, because we didn't commit any wrongdoing," he said.

The blurred black-and-white Israeli video showed three men walking toward the UN vehicle, including one who carried an elongated object. The army said the object was a rocket of the type used by militants to target southern Israel.

UN officials said the object was a stretcher, noting that the man in the footage was carrying it with one hand, a difficult task with a Qassam, which weighs anywhere from 5.5 to 35 kilograms.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, has sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan demanding the dismissal of Peter Hansen from his position as commissioner-general of UNRWA.

The letter communicates Israel's claim that Hamas is using UN ambulances as a means of smuggling arms and terrorists through the Gaza Strip.

Last Wednesday the Israel Defense Forces documented two men loading a Qassam rocket onto a van bearing a large UN logo. The photographed images, taken from an unmanned plane in the Jabalya refugee camp, were broadcast on network television on Friday night. After the rocket was loaded, the vehicle left the spot. Army sources say that the IDF avoided firing at the vehicle, as it had done in other instances, fearing that it might be a UN ambulance.

UNRWA maintains a fleet of ambulances in the Gaza Strip, which are used for evacuating wounded. UN ambulances have been used before to transport armed Palestinians and weapons. Last May similar scenes were documented by the IDF in Rafah and in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza.

Hansen told Haaretz that it is easy to prove that the suspicious looking object in the photo is a stretcher. According to Hansen, the image broadcast on television shows two men approaching two ambulances, one of whom is carrying an object that could not weigh more than a few kilos. He said that he had learned from a simple Google search that a Qassam rocket is 1.80 meters long and weighs 50 kilos.

The photographic image, on the other hand, Hansen explained, reveals an object 5 centimeters wide, while the Qassam has a diameter of 17 centimeters. A piece of cloth, he added, was clearly visible in the photo, which proves it was an ambulance stretcher, and naturally, this is what the ambulance crew were carrying. Hansen also said that he is concerned that the IDF's unfounded accusations might lead to incitement, since soldiers who give credence to the IDF statement, may become suspicious of every ambulance that arrives at a checkpoint, putting UNRWA crews in grave danger.

Gillerman has conveyed information about the film to Annan, and to his envoy in the region, Terje Larsen, demanding explanations.

"We will demand an inquiry committee with the authority to reach unequivocal conclusions - maybe even personal conclusions - especially regarding Peter Hansen, the UNRWA envoy in Israel, who for years has expressed anti-Israeli, biased, unrestrained positions and statements," Gillerman told Israel Radio on Sunday.

Several months ago Israel filed a complaint in New York against UNRWA personnel for ignoring the use of UN ambulances by Hamas. The complaint never earned a significant response from the director-general. Israel has also voiced objections about Peter Hansen's conduct, claiming he has consistently adopted a trenchant anti-Israel line. However, this is the first time that Israel is directly and unambiguously demanding Hansen's removal from his UNRWA post.

Hansen, a Danish diplomat, was appointed commissioner-general of UNRWA several years ago, making him one of the most senior officials in the organization.
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GAZA CITY, October 3 ( – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) refuted on Sunday, October3 , Israeli allegations that its ambulances were used to transport weapons of Palestinian resistance fighters, warning the claims endanger the safety of its crew members in the occupied Palestinians territories.

UNRWA Commissioner General Peter Hansen said this was not the first time Israel leveled groundless accusations at the UN agency, citing recent harassment of his employees by Israeli occupation troops forcing them to leave the Gaza Strip.

An UNRWA source told Israeli Haaretz newspaper on Sunday that the Israeli authorities did not present any evidence to substantiate their allegations.

"UNRWA just offers humanitarian aide to the Palestinians, and it is not part of the ongoing conflict."

Israeli television broadcast video footage of what it claimed were Palestinian "militants" loading a Qassam rocket launcher into a vehicle with the United Nations logo on the roof.

The Israeli army said that one of its drones had shot the footage Friday evening above Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

Israel has been conducting a massive and bloody incursion into the northern Gaza Strip, particularly its largest refugee camp of Jabaliya, since Tuesday, September28 .

Some 57 Palestinians have so far been killed in the operation, the deadliest in four years’ time.


Hansen told Haaretz that it is easy to prove that the suspicious looking object in the black and white footage is a stretcher.

He said the object carried by one of the two men could not weigh more than a few kilos, noting that a Qassam rocket weights at least50 kilos.

A Qassam rocket, the UNRWA chief added, is1 . 80meters long and has a diameter of 17 centimeters, while the photos revealed an object5 centimeters wide.

Hansen explained that a piece of cloth was clearly visible in the photo, which proves it was an ambulance stretcher, and naturally, this is what the ambulance crew was carrying.

Hansen’s Dismissal

Israel said Sunday it will lodge a strong protest with the United Nations after the footage and call for the dismissal of Hansen.

Israel 's Ambassador to the UN Danny Gillerman accused the UNRWA chief of being "heavily implicated in this problem".

"Peter Hansen is far from being considered a friend of Israel , on the contrary, he hates Israel ," Gillerman continued.

The Israeli accusation followed an UNRWA complaint against Israel after its troops had taken over UN-run schools in the Gaza Strip, while children were still in class, and used them as firing positions for tanks.

"They have now taken positions in these three schools and using them as a military camp for their ongoing campaign, using them also as firing positions," UNRWA spokesman Matthias Burchard had said.

"UNRWA strongly protests the totally unacceptable misuse of clearly marked UN installations and calls on the Israeli military to respect the neutrality of these places."

UNRWA has frequently accused the Israeli army of violating international law by hampering the work of its aid workers and the Red Cross in the
by Critical Thinker
The people claiming it was a stretcher are guilty of the same omission the Israeli officials and Israel supporters were allegedly guilty of, namely failing to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the object was a Qassam rocket. There is no reason the Palestinian rescue worker's account should be taken as gospel as some of his counterparts have lied about past incidents.

According to the IDF website, the "Qassam 1" rocket is about 2 meters long and weighs on average 5.5 KG. The "Qassam 2" weighs an estimated 32KG, and the "Qassam 3" weighs roughly 90 KG. Amit Livni, acting IDF Spokesperson, said Sunday that most of the Kassam rockets fired at Sderot are of the Kassam 1 type. If anybody has unimpeachable evidence that a "Qassam 1" rocket weighs in the range of a few dozen Kgs, let them post it up here.

by Sefarad

Some days ago the media informed that the Palestinians were using ambulances to transport explosives.

The photo above demonstrates they were even using UN ambulances for that purpose. (Source: "La ´Razón", October 4, 2004).
by Re:photo above demonstrates
Except it doesnt, doest it. CT tries to make the point that you cant prove its not a Qassam but if your going to go by a "humanitarian workers are guilty until proven innocent standard" you wouldnt need the photos. My guess is that the photo is nothing new but the IDF knows many many UN workers will die in this latest incursion and it is a way to make the US and Israeli media more willing to forgive deaths of workers who are mainly in the area to provide humanitarian relief. The pic didnt need to be forged; its a blurry pic of people putting something in a UN vehicle, it could really be anything and the pic is bad enough nobody can provide any real proof either way. But of course its good enough proof for the proIsrael crowd who can now dance in joy when UN workers get killed (or even make jokes about their dead bodies like they do on this site regarding Rachael Corrie all the time).
by International Solidarity House of Pancakes
'regarding Rachael Corrie all the time'

Please, do not take Saint Rachel's name in vein...(or is it vane?)
by kelly
When the UN employees die after shooting from their ambulance at Jewish children I will indeed dance. These arabs abuse their positions by taking advantage of the moral actions of the IDF. Contrary to ISM and Hamas propaganda the IDF does act with considerations of the real civilians.
by Aaron S.
Serbia and ethnic Serbs were victims of a one-sided media campaign to blame them for most of the inter-ethnic bloodletting, while in fact Serbs were among its main victims. Milosevic, for all his faults, was one of the less racist leaders of the major Yugoslav republics at the time. And if they had anthing on him, the Western media would be paying a lot more attention to his "trial" than they have been paying!

Speaking of the media, compare the treatment of "the Serbs" with the treatment of "the Israelis" or "the Jews" in U.S. and other Western media. The difference may be due partly to who owns the media, but also to which states have served or not served the interests of Western capital.

The Serbs and Israelis do have one thing in common, though: they both received a large quantity of munitions from the Unitd Snakes. However, unlike the Israelis, the Serbs received them in what might be described as used -- very recently used -- condition.
by Critical Thinker
Unfortunately, various Palestinian rescue workers have lied in the past about related stuff under circumstances resembling those of the incident in question.

I don't really follow what "Re:" meant by saying one wouldn't need the photos. The IDF, just like other advanced militaries, has sophisticated laboratories that can decipher what is what in the photo under discussion, and it's very likely the elongated object is a Qassam 1 rocket or another type of weapon.

The conjecture by "Re:" may have failed to take into account that Peter Hansen admitted last day on Canadian TV that also Hamas members serve in his agency (!!!). It follows that some Palestinian rescuer workers are probably Hamas members too. My question is, why should testimonies by members of Hamas and other terrorist organizations be taken at face value? They have an obvious interest to lie and distort whenever it suits their ends.

>>>" But of course its good enough proof for the proIsrael crowd who can now dance in joy when UN workers get killed (or even make jokes about their dead bodies)."<<<

Hate to disagree with this. The rabid pro-Palestinian masses are too hasty to dismiss the photos as evidence of Palestinian rescue workers (or other Palestinians) abusing their UN positions to aid groups like Hamas in their terrorist endeavors.
by The truth comes out
Brigadier General Ruth Yaron told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that the misunderstanding has also been clarified to the UN.

"It is obvious today, after all the inquiries made into the question, that it wasn't a Qassam rocket," she said.

So maybe this really was a completely madeup claim to make the world accept the deaths of UN workers during the Gaza siege or at least to keep the UN form providing relief (and possibly getting in the way) as the tanks went in to Gaza? Its not that surprising that all Israel supporters on this site bought the lie. What do you bet that most of the newspapers that ran the story about the UN supporting Hamas on their front pages will make sure the correction is hidden away on a back page.
by Critical Thinker
>>>"So maybe this really was a completely madeup claim to make the world accept the deaths of UN workers during the Gaza siege or at least to keep the UN form providing relief (and possibly getting in the way) as the tanks went in to Gaza?"<<<

It was a terribly hasty claim born out of negligence. Apparently some officer rushed to the wrong conclusion without sufficient evidence gathering. He kind of jumped the gun.

>>>" What do you bet that most of the newspapers that ran the story about the UN supporting Hamas on their front pages will make sure the correction is hidden away on a back page."<<<

And the correction doesn't get hidden, what will you say?

>>>"Its not that surprising that all Israel supporters on this site bought the lie. "<<<

It's never surprising when anti-Israel and many pro-Palestinian people swallow lies by Palestinians hook, line and sinker.
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