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Schwarzenegger Terminates Foie Gras in California

by Humane Society of the US
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the nation's largest animal protection organization, today commended California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for signing S.B. 1520, which bans the force feeding of ducks and geese for pate de foie gras production and prohibits the sale of products resulting from that process.
Schwarzenegger Terminates Foie Gras in California; HSUS Urges Consumers Nationwide to Reject the Inhumane 'Delicacy'

9/29/2004 10:16:00 PM

To: State Desk

Contact: Rachel Querry of the Humane Society of the U.S., 301-258-8255 or rquerry [at]

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 29 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the nation's largest animal protection organization, today commended California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for signing S.B. 1520, which bans the force feeding of ducks and geese for pate de foie gras production and prohibits the sale of products resulting from that process.

California and New York are the only two states in the U.S. that produce foie gras.

"Governor Schwarzenegger should be commended for his humane and compassionate actions," said HSUS President & CEO Wayne Pacelle, who appealed to Gov. Schwarzenegger earlier this month to approve the measure.

Foie gras is produced by confining ducks and geese, and mechanically pumping a huge amount of food into their stomachs twice a day. The force feeding process used to produce foie gras is an extreme exaggeration of a process that birds once needed to store fat in preparation for migration. But in an industrial setting, their livers expand up to ten times their normal size in a matter of weeks. Birds force fed in this way quickly deteriorate; many can barely stand, walk, or even breathe. Some of them die because of ruptures in their digestive tracts. Those who survive are slaughtered and their diseased livers are sold as the so-called delicacy known as "foie gras," the French term for "fat liver."

Michael Appleby, HSUS vice president for farm animals and sustainable agriculture, testified in favor of the bill at a state Assembly hearing earlier this year.

"The force feeding of ducks and geese is one of the harshest practices in contemporary animal agriculture and caring consumers can make a difference by simply refusing to purchase or consume foie gras," said Appleby.

California is home to one foie gras producer, who will have until 2012 to shut down the operation or convert it to another use. Groups backing the bill in addition to The HSUS include Farm Sanctuary, the Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights, Los Angeles Lawyers for Animals, and VIVA!USA.

The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization with more than eight million members and constituents. The HSUS is a mainstream voice for animals, with active programs in companion animals and equine protection, wildlife and habitat protection, animals in research and farm animals and sustainable agriculture. The HSUS protects all animals through legislation, litigation, investigation, education, advocacy and fieldwork. The non-profit organization, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2004, is based in Washington, DC and has 10 regional offices across the country. On the web at
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by animal liberation fascist
now what are ya gonna eat huh grey davis?
by tim
We'll just buy it from France.
by I hate california
Who the fuck cares about geese???
by just ducky
Well, tough pal, people do care about geese. They're animals, they feel pain, just like you do. If you can't understand why people would care about that then you're less than human. Perhaps you wouldn' t mind if this was done to someone you know?
by geece are not people
they are animals, and do feel pain. but the inductive reasoning undermines your argument.

meat is not murder, because animals are not people.
by x
Is this the one that doesn't start for 7.5 years?
by libby
....then you'll have to go to France. Or at least somewhere outside of California. The law also bans the sale of the product if force-feeding was used to produce it.
by allrighty
then! We're wasting a lot of meat. Think of all the pets, whether horses, dogs or cats that have no homes. Humane euthanasia? Let's just say screw that. Why should there be class among animals? What's sauce for the goose you know. Boil them all alive, and have the aristos who want their effing foie gras let their little kiddies watch it on reality TV. Yeah, that'll go over big.

Yeah, why should we be humane to any fellow creature? They're not humans and we know how great humans are, especially to each other. I think I'll eat your puppy. Surely you don't mind as it's JUST AN ANIMAL.
by i argued against anthropomorphization
a) i made that explicit. b) there's a big difference. c) it's just this kind of overreaction that makes many sane people who largely or even only somewhat agree with you, think you're a bunch of spoiled kids who don't have better things to worry about.
by grow up
not everyone who disagrees with you and cares about animals is a juvenile. College is ancient history.

anthropomorphism is not a good thing. It happens though. and frankly if ti makes people more aware and helps them identify with animals in the situation of simple humane treatment, then fine. Who cares if they anthropomorphize as long as they don't brutalize. The animal doesn't care.

I'm not at all involved with the animal rights movement but I have put to sleep several loved animals who were undoubtedly treated like humans to some extent. I saw them from infancy to old age and I loved them. Not all animals can be treated like that. But simple humane treatment isn't asking a hell of a lot. Food animals do not deserve to live in pain for your luxury, whether veal, chicken, goose- whatever. If you want to eat like that then take responsibility and raise it and kill it your damn self.
by you have to convince
and that's the rub, innit?

you gonna go tell foie gras eaters to grow up?
by waste of time
Change the law wherever possible. Cruelty is cruelty after all.

Lets give grants to people who create artificial fois gras. Create a goose character who appeals to kids an is superhuman. Whatever it takes. There are other foods for those who must have this "delicacy". They won't starve, right? So make it uncomfortable to get the shit. Like eating Flipper.
by who the hell said it:
a society gets all the criminals it deserves.

manipulate the kids with cartoons and the adults with laws, indeed. why, just look how all that sort of thing stopped, say, cuba in its tracks.... or smoking, for that matter. or cruelty to humans.....

who needs the reality check?
by why
whoever thinks its Ok to brutalize animals. Let the humans fend for themselves. They're doing OK, at least the foie gras eaters you're so concerned about.
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