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How To Defeat And Eradicate The Barbaric Terrorist Mullahs

by Bahram Maskanian (earth_think_tank [at]
We must beware and recognize those who have disguised themselves as friends preventing us from realizing self-sufficiency and the enormous power we possess collectively.
- By Bahram Maskanian -
How To Defeat And Eradicate The Barbaric Terrorist Mullahs

We must beware and recognize those who have disguised themselves as friends preventing us from realizing self-sufficiency and the enormous power we possess collectively.
Carefully read, watch or listen to their divisive, misleading and conflict-ridden tactics, comments and suggestions posted on many Internet forums, newspaper articles and generally spoken by the talking heads of the mass corporate media. Identify and simply ignore them. These people are professionals, their job is to scare and discourage those in the pursuit of freedom and democracy. Their obvious goal is to divide and conquer. We must identify them and pay no attention to them.
For the past twenty-five (25) years I have been witnessing my beloved fellow Iranians / Persians, out of their love and care for Iran, form a small group of resistance and set forth an ideology on the basis of which, they declare war on the ruling mullahs of Iran. Shortly after the formation of the said group, other groups with somewhat similar ideology begin to discredit and attack the newly formed group or the individuals.
Let's examine the idea, setting aside the influence of professional impostors and intruders.
Why is there so much distrust and resentment between us?
Why are so many groups of Iranian people with such noble objectives for freeing Iran and liberating the Iranian people from the criminal mullahs busy screaming at each other?
Why are such massive amounts of raw energy and passion transformed into anger?
Why is the said anger misplaced and aimed at the wrong target?
Why are we so hostile toward our fellow citizens and constantly fighting with each other?
How do we characterize ourselves in our struggle for freedom and eradication of mullahs?
Are we characterizing ourselves as political activists?
How do we distinguish ourselves from others in pursuit of the same noble objectives?
Are we characterizing ourselves as people in pursuit of freedom?
Whose side are we really on, in this struggle between the forces of righteousness and barbaric injustice?
What is our objective and why do we care?
Are we on the side of justice and our beloved country, Iran?
Are we in favor of the liberation of Iran and the Iranian / Persian people?
Are we capable of having inclusive respectful debate and dialogue?
Why don't we inspire, encourage and morally support each other?
Are we capable of achieving unifying cooperative association toward our noble objective?
Are we capable of a democratic exchange and tolerance for opposing opinion?
Are we in agreement that the terrorist ruling mullahs in Iran are the enemies of the world and humanity?
Are we in agreement that the terrorist ruling mullahs in Iran are not just an Iranian problem rather an International problem?

Every one of us regardless of our ethnicity, religion or current geographical location, should first conduct a sincere self-realization of oneself, objectives and motives before answering the above questions.
I do believe very strongly that the cause of our fragmentation and distrust are our deep feelings of hurt and anger toward the mullah's regime, feelings of fear, helplessness and loss of our homeland.
There is a meaningful proverb, which says, - - When we are hurt and angry we tend to hurt the ones we love the most. - -
The solution to stop attacking and hurting each other is to communicate our feelings and our differences openly and honestly and to support each other emotionally. It takes enormous amount of courage to love and freely express one’s deepest feelings and emotions. Freedom is one of the very same powerful feelings we all have.
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Bayad Baham Ashty Koniem - Yeak Ashty e Melie
We Must Implement A National Reconciliation

We are mislead to accept as true that we are a hopeless and helpless group of people, that is an absolute lie and not true. Millions of exiled Iranians / Persians, well-educated, talented professionals are working and enriching United States of Nation-Less Corporations and the European Union of Nation-Less Corporations instead of our own homeland.
We are far from being hopeless and helpless. We are an incredibly versatile, capable and accomplished people. There is nothing in this world that we cannot achieve.
We are made to believe that our destiny is to just sit and wait and without the help of the United States of Nation-Less Corporations and the European Union of Nation-Less Corporations we cannot take our country back and liberate the Iranian people, again absolute nonsense, not true.
The simple solutions to most difficult problems are always overlooked. We tend to look for a complicated solution for what seems to be a complicated problem. Indeed, the removal of parasites, like the ruling mullahs in Iran, is a difficult problem. However there are a few simple solutions, which could easily help remove the terrorist mullahs.
These Nation-Less parasites of humanity sheltered in Iran are feeding on the body of Iran and Iranian people while contributing nothing to the survival of their host for the past fourteen hundred (1400) years. These parasites are habitually taking advantage of the fear generated by the Nation-Less Islamic goons, getting fatter and richer.
It is a known fact that it is much easier to catch a fat rat than an agile and slender one. These rodent mullahs are now extremely fat, vulnerable and fearful of losing their life, wealth and position. That makes them an easy catch and an easy target.
Our Motherland Iran has never been in such treacherous and dangerous circumstances in her entire history. She needs her children. She needs us all more than ever before. We have the means necessary to do what is right and start anew.
I earnestly urge you to keep an open mind and begin to communicate toward one unifying objective, the liberation of Iran. We have survived nearly fourteen hundred (1400) years of barbaric Nation-Less mullahs and managed to save most of our heritage, language and culture. We must do it right this time and throw these parasites out for good.
* * * * * * * * *
25 Years of Unrealistic Expectations By The Exiled Iranians

There is not one good reason, which could justify the unrealistic expectations of those who have been waiting for the past twenty-five (25) years to receive assistance and support from the United States of Nation-Less Corporations, (USNC) and the European Union of Nation-Less Corporations, (EUNC) corrupt greedy elitist academia, business and government officials, to uproot and eradicate the terrorist regime of the ruling mullahs in Iran, the main supporter of International Terrorism. Thereby proliferate the seeds of democracy in our homeland, Iran.
How in the world are such deeply corrupt greedy elitist academia, business and government officials, like that of the United States of Nation-Less Corporations, (USNC) and the European Union of Nation-Less Corporations, (EUNC), both of which are responsible for two (2) bloody criminal coup d'états in Iran, first one in 1953 and the second one in 1979, ever going to help proliferate the seeds of democracy anywhere?
These very same elitist academia, business and government goons in 1979 for obvious reasons deliberately installed Khomeini in charge of our beloved country Iran. Ever since the Nation-Less Mullahs, Inc., together with the United States of Nation-Less Corporations (USNC) and the European Union of Nation-Less Corporations (EUNC), have been robbing our treasury and killing Iranians for the past twenty-five years very successfully.
Khomeini, a brutal, dumb and criminal minded man, did precisely what was expected of a stupid illiterate Nation-Less Mullah. He turned Iran upside down and took us back to the chaotic dark ages of the barbaric Arab Islamic invasion.
How on Earth, are these very same Nation-Less corporate elitist systems, currently in control of Europe and America, that brought us to where we are today, ever going to deliver a democratic government better and more superior than the one they are imposing on their own people, to another nation?
How could any political system, which not only accepts bribes but also encourages buy-offs and is heavily dependent on a variety of different types of bribes and pay-offs, ever be democratic?
Based on the U.S. Supreme Court's interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and the Court's rendered decision, the act of bribing politicians has become a form of political expression similar to freedom of speech. Therefore, whether politicians are receiving or giving bribes, either overtly or covertly, it is legal and called political contributions.
So how could such an inherently corrupt government system behave differently towards other nations? How are such elitist academia, business and government systems ever going to be fair, just, honorable and democratic?
I am an American citizen. I do love America and its social diversity, which gives us all enormous hope that it is very possible indeed to live together in harmony as different people for and with common causes and interests of having a fair, just, honorable and democratic system of social governing, formed by the people for the people.
I love America's diverse and beautiful colorful society. I love the Native American’s arts, culture and philosophy. I love the African American’s arts, literature and music: soul, jazz, disco and blues. I love Latin American dance music. I love American art and literature. I love the kind, generous, tolerant, secular, oppressed, hungry for democracy, diverse and colorful people of America.
We, the American people and the Iranian / Persian people, together through a tranquil evolution, - tahavol e aram - a non-violent transformation of power, can transform the Islamic Republic of Nation-Less Terrorist Mullahs, into the United States of Persia or Iran and the United States of Nation-Less Corporations into the United States of America.
The principles and teachings of tranquil evolution - tahavol e aram - a non-violent transformation of power, can cut straight to the bone of any tyrannical system of government.
Those holding political power hate tranquil evolution - tahavol e aram - a non-violent political action, because it characterizes the end for them.
* * * * * * * * *

Words represent thoughts and action. The accomplishments of the word, - Reconciliation - are immense, highly positive, beneficial and constructive.
On the other hand the word, - Retaliation - has done nothing beneficial for humanity but perpetuate murder, hate and destruction of possibilities.
What would you choose? Reconciliation Or Retaliation?
Remember, if you don't choose, someone else will choose for you.
As an ordinary man and a student of life, I have chosen to dedicate my life and time to work towards propagating and establishing democracy on our beautiful planet, starting with my two (2) beloved countries, Iran and America.
As an ordinary man, I made the decision not to fight back, but rather to talk back. I choose not to retaliate, but rather to educate.
* * * * * * * * *

Informative factual books to read:

1- All the Shah's Men: An American Coup And The Roots of Middle East Terror
- By Stephen Kinzer

1- Manifesto For A New World Order
- By George Monbiot

1- Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq. It discusses how Ronald Reagan normalized U.S. relations with Iraq, sold and financed Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons.
- By Alan Friedman

1- The Mullah Conspiracy
- By Cyrus Doost

1- Hostage to Khomeini
- By Robert Dreyfuss

1- Leaving Islam
- By Ibn Warraq - Collection of essays by former Muslims from various countries

1- New Age Racism-
- By Elaine Brown

1- Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda
- By Larry Everest

1- The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic
2 - Blowback
- By Chalmers Johnson

1- War Against the Weak
- By Edwin Black

1- How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend
- By Timothy Weber

1- Black Box Voting: A Tool To Improve Elections Or Rig Elections?
- By Bev Harris

1- Why I Am Not a Muslim
2 - What the Koran Really Says
- By Ibn Warraq

1- The Ambushed Grand Jury
- By Wes McKinley, Caron Balkany and Jacque Brever

1- Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit
2 - Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply
- By Dr. Vandana ShivaA

1- The Power of Nonviolence : Writings by Advocates of Peace
2 - People's History of the United States : 1492-Present
- By Howard Zinn

1- American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush
- By Kevin Phillips

1- Dreaming War: Blood For Oil and The Cheney-Bush Junta
2 - Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
- By Gore Vidal

1- Hegemony On Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance
2 - 9/11
- By Noam Chomsky

1- Bush in Babylon: Recolonizing Iraq
- By Tariq Ali

1- Stupid White Man
2 - Dude, Where's My Country?
- By Michael Moore

1- Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market.
2 - Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal.
- By Eric Schlosser

1- The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
- By Greg Palast

1- The Man Who Warned America: The Life and Death of John O'Neill, the F.B.I's Embattled Counter - Terrorism Warrior
- By Murray Weiss

1- 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI -- The Untold Story
- By Peter Lance

1- Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.
- By Barr McClellan

1- Body of secrets
- By James Bamford

1- The Trouble with Islam: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith
- By Irshad Manj

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