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Indybay Feature
Blowing the Whistle on the 9-11 Commissioners- Report from Tuesday's Protest
Description of the protest, the evolution of the idea behind it, how we could use the idea in NY, in solidarity actions in SF. The challenge of organizing protests in less than a week...
Blowing the Whistle on the 9-11 Commission in San Francisco- Firsthand Report!
The protest was small in number, although we had great banners, lots of flyers, and did quite a few television interviews. The driver of the cable car even stopped to run over to us and pick a copy of “The New Pearl Harbor” by David Griffin which addresses the most disturbing questions that the official 9-11 Commission neglected to investigate.
That said, I must say that I have mixed emotions about the whole thing, having worked very hard (with little sleep) for over a week, trying to pull off the protest, so let me backtrack a bit, and speak from an organizers point of view, who has been working on this issue at the local, national, and international level.
I’ve been marching, tabling in the streets, organizing events, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11 Phase One, the printing and distribution of over 4,000,000 Deception Dollars. After the Toronto Inquiry, with Farenheit 9-11 looming on the horizon, I decided to take a vacation when my kids got out of school, confidant that the 9-11 Truth Movement would continue and grow without any help from me. After two months of travel with the family, we returned to California and I was refreshed and ready to get back to “activism.” I just wondered whether or not to go to New York for the RNC protests and Phase 3 of the International inquiry into 9-11.
When my Congresswoman emailed me about the special hearings and the urgency of H.R.4104 The Intelligence Transformation Act that she was co-sponsoring, I began organizing protests/rallies/marches. I made up a flyer and printed 1000 copies to pass out at the August 8th, “Books Not Bombs” Rally in Livermore. Then I received a call from Byron Belitsos, publisher of Inside Job- Unmasking the 9-11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs, who mentioned that the 9-11 Commissioners would be in San Francisco. Obviously, we had to protest them! So, I only had about a week to try to do all the outreach/publicity/organizing…
On Tuesday, August 11th, I received this email-
“I had a brainstorm in the middle of the night, and I'm not sure if it was a dream or not - but the idea that rocked me was so powerful that I couldn't go back to sleep. I was asking my higher self what I could do to contribute to the actions that might possibly take place. This is what came to me in a vision (it was more than a vision, it actually had sound effects!) and I recognized the fantastic potential within the concept...
Dear People,
If you can't take part in the city-wide protests of the Republican National Convention, you can still get yourself a loud WHISTLE (like the famous Acme Thunderer) and protest your LUNGS out, either in affinity groups or alone from your rooftops and windows! Make your frustration and anger be heard for miles! Let Bush & his thugs HEAR us, loud & clear, that we're as Mad As Hell And Not Taking It Anymore!!!
Every half-hour, on the half-hour, during the Republican National Convention, you can loudly protest everything you despise about Bush and his thug administration with the very breath of your life! All you need is a good WHISTLE (like the famous Acme Thunderer) and a watch that is accurately synchronized. Let's ALL coordinate with our personal sirens of protest, so they can be heard in every city all around the world - every half-hour, on the half-hour, for as long as the Republican Convention meets in NYC, we can Blow the Whistle On Bush! Won't that make a grand media event?? Just think about all the possibilities...
Here are just a few motivations for this action:
It's cheap, safe and non-violent - it's a sure winner if EVERYONE blows their whistles at precise times during the day.
Visualize it...hear can happen everywhere all at once, and the Gestapo police won't be able to stop it or prevent it!
Every half-hour, a loud screeching protest of pain, anger and spiteful resistance to Bush's encroaching Fascist totalitarianism.
Every half-hour, a union of hearts and minds all over the country in a WHISTLING explosion of Solidarity and Magikal Passion!
We can do this! It can be a wonderful protest for anywhere, not just in New York. Every half-hour, a minute of loud whistling will be heard coming from can become an historic event - The Whistle-Blowers Heard 'Round The World.
Pass this idea on to others...and then let's JUST DO IT!”
I agreed that this was a wonderful brilliant idea! On the same morning, I got another email from someone else offering me $5000 to place 9-11 ads in the paper. I thought that if we could use the whistleblowing idea at the 9-11 Commissioner’s event- and have it covered by all the press that was going to be there- we could help jumpstart the idea. New Yorkers could use it- to voice their opposition to the RNC, and their solidarity with one another, especially with the militarization of the police, and their extraordinary efforts to keep people away from New York, and make it as difficult as possible to protest safely, legally, meaningfully in NY. And all of us who couldn’t be in NY, could show our solidarity with those who were there.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to place an ad in the paper before the 9-11 Commissioners’ protest. The best I could do was place a full page ad in the San Francisco Bay Guardian the day after the event. (see page 2 of the SFBG- or
Here is the text of the ad-
Blow the Whistle on the 9-11 Cover-Up!
No to The Global Police State!
9-11 is being used as a pretext for endless war abroad, to strip people of basic rights, to crush dissent, for the militarization of the US, as outlined by the think tank, Project for a New American Century, which stated “the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a New Pearl Harbor.”(1)
The White House fought efforts to investigate 9-11. Appointed to damage control were the CIA, Senator Bob Graham, Congressman Porter Goss, and Henry Kissinger, who should have been investigated for their own role in 9-11.(Goss and Graham breakfasted with “the money man behind 9-11” on the morning of the attacks.) The 9-11 Commission failed to ask-
Why was the “money man behind 9-11,” (who had $100,000 sent to Mohammed Atta- identified by the FBI as the lead pilot in the attacks), head of Pakistan’s I.S.I (Inter-Services Intelligence Agency)., Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, meeting with top U.S. officials from September 4th through September 13th?
Why did the Bush Administration seek Pakistan's ‘cooperation' in the "war on terrorism," despite the fact that the ISI was financing and abetting the 9-11 terrorists? (It’s like "asking Al Capone to help in going after organized crime.")
Why did the military fail to intercept the hijacked planes on September 11th, in violation of the most standard operating procedures?
Why did officials react in such a bizarre manner to news of the attack, with Bush, Rumsfeld, and Myers carrying on as if nothing unusual was occurring?
Why were the men most responsible for the military failure on 9-11 rewarded with promotions and increased budgets?
Al Qaeda is a joint creation of the CIA and Saudi Arabia through Pakistan’s ISI; on the surface Al Qaeda is “the outside enemy” to justify military actions, beneath the surface Al Qaeda has been a CIA asset. (So was Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein)(2) The architects of the PATRIOT Acts, Homeland Security, and the Global Police State legislation (H.R. 4104- The Intelligence Transformation Act) are writing the ever-changing 9-11 Cover-Up narrative.
Cheney believes "it's not necessary to suppress the truth forever, only until it doesn't matter anymore."
The Truth matters now. It is time to rein in our government, to expose its lies, criminal activities, its attacks upon basics rights. It is time to blow the whistle!
We have marched on our representatives. We have marched to prevent illegal, immoral, wars, to demand an investigation of 9-11, the repeal of the PATRIOT Act, to Impeach the Terrorists, occupying the White House. It is time to march again. Support the Whistleblowers! Dissent is NOT Terrorism! Repression is NOT Security!
No to the Global Police State! NO to torture and fear. NO to empires, illegitimate governments, and stolen elections. NO to state-sponsored terrorism. NO to military madness. NO to the criminalization of dissent, the Patriot Act, the imprisonment of people of color, and the racist system that divides us all.
YES to a world where all people can live with dignity, respect, and freedom. YES to real democracy that goes beyond voting. YES to a World of True Security. YES to- Courage NOT Fear, Truth NOT Lies, Peace NOT War, Love NOT Hate, Democracy NOT Empire!
During the Republican National Convention, people opposing the RNC agenda are encouraged to blow the whistle on the hour and half hour, in non-violent solidarity with those marching, standing up, speaking out, blowing the whistle on the big criminals, to challenge the Lies, the 9-11 Cover-Up, the Police State, the Crimes, the War without End. Please join us.
(1)The New Pearl Harbor- Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, David Ray Griffin
(2) War and Globalization, Michel Chossudovsky
Protests/Rallies and Marches
Wednesday, August 25th, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Rally Palo Alto, Lytton Plaza, (University x Emerson.) 1:00 PM March to office of Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, Co-sponsor of H.R. 4104. The Intelligence Transformation Act (Global Police State Proposal.)
In NY to challenge the Republican National Convention August 27- Sept. 2
(Solidarity Actions will take place in San Francisco)
Saturday, September 11th, Rally 10:00 AM at the Panhandle @ Ashbury (between Oak and Fell), in San Francisco
9-11 Truth Day, a Global Day of Action . 10:15 AM March/Parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow (about two miles) to the 6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert
Tuesday, August 31, The Truth About 9-11 Commonwealth Club, Cost- $8 Members, $15 Non-Members, 595 Market St, 2nd floor, San Francisco Reception- 5:30PM- Program- 6:00PM. Speaker Michael C. Ruppert.
Friday, Sept. 10, 7:30 - 10:30PM- Free to all
9-11 Convergence Film Festival, Olney Hall, College of Marin, 835 College Ave. Kentfield, Featuring updated -The Great Deception
9/11- Truth Day
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Speak for truth about The War on Terror- Free to All.
UN Plaza in San Francisco
11AM- 5PM- Free to all
6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert- featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead at Speedway Meadow, in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco Concert & Social Justice Festival
8PM-4AM- Free to all
CELLspace, 2050 Bryant, San Francisco
Arts, activism and politics. Presentations, speakers, film, spoken word, performance, music, art. DJs Neptune, Chris Sia & Geeno, An*Ten*Nae, and Brother pumping the revolutionary beats. Performances by the Awesome Energy Elves and Caroluna. Video Artists: VideoJon
9:30AM - 6:30PM- 9-11 Convergence Conference- $20 Donation, $10 student, no one turned away. Followed by VIP reception, College of Marin, Fusselman Hall- Speakers- Jim Marrs. 9/11 as a symptom of a larger social, political, and spiritual crisis. Transformation through inspired truth-telling, peace-making, and forgiveness..
NC 9-11 Truth Alliance info 1-866-268-2320
Protest Endorsers: Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance,,, Berkeley Gray Panthers, Grandmothers For Peace International, Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69,,,, East Bay Food Not Bombs, Solano Peace and Justice Coalition, James Gilligan (Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence), Samina Faheem Sundas, Code Pink, MotherSpeak
Besides working on the ad, our taxes were due, which meant one very sleepless night. The art for the ad was finished late Monday afternoon- past deadline. I meant to buy more tickets for protesters to get into the event, but they soldout just minutes before I called them.
We made half sheet flyers with the ad copy on them to pass out at the event, and I got 255 whistles to pass out. I gave whistles to all the 9-11 activists who went inside. I gave the one and only ticket I had to a good friend of mine. She had the courage, at some point, to stand up and challenge the Commissioners, and say that they were lying and covering up the truth! But she forgot to blow her whistle. Every single activist who went in, neglected to blow the whistle, so the opportunity for the media statement was basically lost. Outside, on the hour and the half hour, we blew our whistles loudly towards the room where the Commissioners were speaking, but I don’t think they noticed.
I hope someone will blow the whistle on Ben Veniste next week when he speaks in San Francisco on the 24th,( Tuesday, Aug. 24, 9/11 commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste addresses the Bar Association of San Francisco about the commission's recently released report. Ben-Veniste discusses what's been learned from 9/11 and how to protect the United States from future attacks. Registration 11:30 a.m., lunch and address, noon, Omni San Francisco Hotel, 500 California, S.F. $65, $50 BASF members, $35 students ($500 for tables of 10). (415) 782-8992.) but I can’t organize another protest; we have a big rally, march on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office on the 25th.
I keep hoping that this issue, this story, will break, but it seems that the stakes continue to grow higher. The beneficiaries of 9-11, those with the most suspicious links to the actual events, continue to be promoted to the highest positions of power. They are crafting the legislation restructuring the government in ways that benefit the military and surveillance/security industries at the cost of our civil rights, and in a way that is meant to crush, kill and intimidate any dissent or opposition.
I still believe our best hope is to counter the Big Lies with Truth, loudly, courageously while we still have the freedom to do so.
The protest in San Francisco did draw together many activists and people who had never met before. I met a woman who lived across the street from the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, she had written a book about her experience, so we exchanged books and stories.
The only protester shown on television was my friend who spoke up inside and was escorted out of the event. Fortunately, Dennis Berenstein on KPFA’s Flashpoints interviewed the author of The New Pearl Harbor, David Ray Griffin, the next day and discussed the very issue we were trying to raise.
Schopenhauer said that Truth goes through several stages- First it is ignored, then it is ridiculed, then it is fought, then it is accepted as common wisdom. I have no doubt that the truth will emerge- I just hope that we can get it out when it matters- before the Global Police State is fully operational.
The protest was small in number, although we had great banners, lots of flyers, and did quite a few television interviews. The driver of the cable car even stopped to run over to us and pick a copy of “The New Pearl Harbor” by David Griffin which addresses the most disturbing questions that the official 9-11 Commission neglected to investigate.
That said, I must say that I have mixed emotions about the whole thing, having worked very hard (with little sleep) for over a week, trying to pull off the protest, so let me backtrack a bit, and speak from an organizers point of view, who has been working on this issue at the local, national, and international level.
I’ve been marching, tabling in the streets, organizing events, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11 Phase One, the printing and distribution of over 4,000,000 Deception Dollars. After the Toronto Inquiry, with Farenheit 9-11 looming on the horizon, I decided to take a vacation when my kids got out of school, confidant that the 9-11 Truth Movement would continue and grow without any help from me. After two months of travel with the family, we returned to California and I was refreshed and ready to get back to “activism.” I just wondered whether or not to go to New York for the RNC protests and Phase 3 of the International inquiry into 9-11.
When my Congresswoman emailed me about the special hearings and the urgency of H.R.4104 The Intelligence Transformation Act that she was co-sponsoring, I began organizing protests/rallies/marches. I made up a flyer and printed 1000 copies to pass out at the August 8th, “Books Not Bombs” Rally in Livermore. Then I received a call from Byron Belitsos, publisher of Inside Job- Unmasking the 9-11 Conspiracies by Jim Marrs, who mentioned that the 9-11 Commissioners would be in San Francisco. Obviously, we had to protest them! So, I only had about a week to try to do all the outreach/publicity/organizing…
On Tuesday, August 11th, I received this email-
“I had a brainstorm in the middle of the night, and I'm not sure if it was a dream or not - but the idea that rocked me was so powerful that I couldn't go back to sleep. I was asking my higher self what I could do to contribute to the actions that might possibly take place. This is what came to me in a vision (it was more than a vision, it actually had sound effects!) and I recognized the fantastic potential within the concept...
Dear People,
If you can't take part in the city-wide protests of the Republican National Convention, you can still get yourself a loud WHISTLE (like the famous Acme Thunderer) and protest your LUNGS out, either in affinity groups or alone from your rooftops and windows! Make your frustration and anger be heard for miles! Let Bush & his thugs HEAR us, loud & clear, that we're as Mad As Hell And Not Taking It Anymore!!!
Every half-hour, on the half-hour, during the Republican National Convention, you can loudly protest everything you despise about Bush and his thug administration with the very breath of your life! All you need is a good WHISTLE (like the famous Acme Thunderer) and a watch that is accurately synchronized. Let's ALL coordinate with our personal sirens of protest, so they can be heard in every city all around the world - every half-hour, on the half-hour, for as long as the Republican Convention meets in NYC, we can Blow the Whistle On Bush! Won't that make a grand media event?? Just think about all the possibilities...
Here are just a few motivations for this action:
It's cheap, safe and non-violent - it's a sure winner if EVERYONE blows their whistles at precise times during the day.
Visualize it...hear can happen everywhere all at once, and the Gestapo police won't be able to stop it or prevent it!
Every half-hour, a loud screeching protest of pain, anger and spiteful resistance to Bush's encroaching Fascist totalitarianism.
Every half-hour, a union of hearts and minds all over the country in a WHISTLING explosion of Solidarity and Magikal Passion!
We can do this! It can be a wonderful protest for anywhere, not just in New York. Every half-hour, a minute of loud whistling will be heard coming from can become an historic event - The Whistle-Blowers Heard 'Round The World.
Pass this idea on to others...and then let's JUST DO IT!”
I agreed that this was a wonderful brilliant idea! On the same morning, I got another email from someone else offering me $5000 to place 9-11 ads in the paper. I thought that if we could use the whistleblowing idea at the 9-11 Commissioner’s event- and have it covered by all the press that was going to be there- we could help jumpstart the idea. New Yorkers could use it- to voice their opposition to the RNC, and their solidarity with one another, especially with the militarization of the police, and their extraordinary efforts to keep people away from New York, and make it as difficult as possible to protest safely, legally, meaningfully in NY. And all of us who couldn’t be in NY, could show our solidarity with those who were there.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to place an ad in the paper before the 9-11 Commissioners’ protest. The best I could do was place a full page ad in the San Francisco Bay Guardian the day after the event. (see page 2 of the SFBG- or
Here is the text of the ad-
Blow the Whistle on the 9-11 Cover-Up!
No to The Global Police State!
9-11 is being used as a pretext for endless war abroad, to strip people of basic rights, to crush dissent, for the militarization of the US, as outlined by the think tank, Project for a New American Century, which stated “the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a New Pearl Harbor.”(1)
The White House fought efforts to investigate 9-11. Appointed to damage control were the CIA, Senator Bob Graham, Congressman Porter Goss, and Henry Kissinger, who should have been investigated for their own role in 9-11.(Goss and Graham breakfasted with “the money man behind 9-11” on the morning of the attacks.) The 9-11 Commission failed to ask-
Why was the “money man behind 9-11,” (who had $100,000 sent to Mohammed Atta- identified by the FBI as the lead pilot in the attacks), head of Pakistan’s I.S.I (Inter-Services Intelligence Agency)., Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, meeting with top U.S. officials from September 4th through September 13th?
Why did the Bush Administration seek Pakistan's ‘cooperation' in the "war on terrorism," despite the fact that the ISI was financing and abetting the 9-11 terrorists? (It’s like "asking Al Capone to help in going after organized crime.")
Why did the military fail to intercept the hijacked planes on September 11th, in violation of the most standard operating procedures?
Why did officials react in such a bizarre manner to news of the attack, with Bush, Rumsfeld, and Myers carrying on as if nothing unusual was occurring?
Why were the men most responsible for the military failure on 9-11 rewarded with promotions and increased budgets?
Al Qaeda is a joint creation of the CIA and Saudi Arabia through Pakistan’s ISI; on the surface Al Qaeda is “the outside enemy” to justify military actions, beneath the surface Al Qaeda has been a CIA asset. (So was Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein)(2) The architects of the PATRIOT Acts, Homeland Security, and the Global Police State legislation (H.R. 4104- The Intelligence Transformation Act) are writing the ever-changing 9-11 Cover-Up narrative.
Cheney believes "it's not necessary to suppress the truth forever, only until it doesn't matter anymore."
The Truth matters now. It is time to rein in our government, to expose its lies, criminal activities, its attacks upon basics rights. It is time to blow the whistle!
We have marched on our representatives. We have marched to prevent illegal, immoral, wars, to demand an investigation of 9-11, the repeal of the PATRIOT Act, to Impeach the Terrorists, occupying the White House. It is time to march again. Support the Whistleblowers! Dissent is NOT Terrorism! Repression is NOT Security!
No to the Global Police State! NO to torture and fear. NO to empires, illegitimate governments, and stolen elections. NO to state-sponsored terrorism. NO to military madness. NO to the criminalization of dissent, the Patriot Act, the imprisonment of people of color, and the racist system that divides us all.
YES to a world where all people can live with dignity, respect, and freedom. YES to real democracy that goes beyond voting. YES to a World of True Security. YES to- Courage NOT Fear, Truth NOT Lies, Peace NOT War, Love NOT Hate, Democracy NOT Empire!
During the Republican National Convention, people opposing the RNC agenda are encouraged to blow the whistle on the hour and half hour, in non-violent solidarity with those marching, standing up, speaking out, blowing the whistle on the big criminals, to challenge the Lies, the 9-11 Cover-Up, the Police State, the Crimes, the War without End. Please join us.
(1)The New Pearl Harbor- Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, David Ray Griffin
(2) War and Globalization, Michel Chossudovsky
Protests/Rallies and Marches
Wednesday, August 25th, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Rally Palo Alto, Lytton Plaza, (University x Emerson.) 1:00 PM March to office of Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, Co-sponsor of H.R. 4104. The Intelligence Transformation Act (Global Police State Proposal.)
In NY to challenge the Republican National Convention August 27- Sept. 2
(Solidarity Actions will take place in San Francisco)
Saturday, September 11th, Rally 10:00 AM at the Panhandle @ Ashbury (between Oak and Fell), in San Francisco
9-11 Truth Day, a Global Day of Action . 10:15 AM March/Parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow (about two miles) to the 6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert
Tuesday, August 31, The Truth About 9-11 Commonwealth Club, Cost- $8 Members, $15 Non-Members, 595 Market St, 2nd floor, San Francisco Reception- 5:30PM- Program- 6:00PM. Speaker Michael C. Ruppert.
Friday, Sept. 10, 7:30 - 10:30PM- Free to all
9-11 Convergence Film Festival, Olney Hall, College of Marin, 835 College Ave. Kentfield, Featuring updated -The Great Deception
9/11- Truth Day
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Speak for truth about The War on Terror- Free to All.
UN Plaza in San Francisco
11AM- 5PM- Free to all
6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert- featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead at Speedway Meadow, in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco Concert & Social Justice Festival
8PM-4AM- Free to all
CELLspace, 2050 Bryant, San Francisco
Arts, activism and politics. Presentations, speakers, film, spoken word, performance, music, art. DJs Neptune, Chris Sia & Geeno, An*Ten*Nae, and Brother pumping the revolutionary beats. Performances by the Awesome Energy Elves and Caroluna. Video Artists: VideoJon
9:30AM - 6:30PM- 9-11 Convergence Conference- $20 Donation, $10 student, no one turned away. Followed by VIP reception, College of Marin, Fusselman Hall- Speakers- Jim Marrs. 9/11 as a symptom of a larger social, political, and spiritual crisis. Transformation through inspired truth-telling, peace-making, and forgiveness..
NC 9-11 Truth Alliance info 1-866-268-2320
Protest Endorsers: Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance,,, Berkeley Gray Panthers, Grandmothers For Peace International, Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69,,,, East Bay Food Not Bombs, Solano Peace and Justice Coalition, James Gilligan (Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence), Samina Faheem Sundas, Code Pink, MotherSpeak
Besides working on the ad, our taxes were due, which meant one very sleepless night. The art for the ad was finished late Monday afternoon- past deadline. I meant to buy more tickets for protesters to get into the event, but they soldout just minutes before I called them.
We made half sheet flyers with the ad copy on them to pass out at the event, and I got 255 whistles to pass out. I gave whistles to all the 9-11 activists who went inside. I gave the one and only ticket I had to a good friend of mine. She had the courage, at some point, to stand up and challenge the Commissioners, and say that they were lying and covering up the truth! But she forgot to blow her whistle. Every single activist who went in, neglected to blow the whistle, so the opportunity for the media statement was basically lost. Outside, on the hour and the half hour, we blew our whistles loudly towards the room where the Commissioners were speaking, but I don’t think they noticed.
I hope someone will blow the whistle on Ben Veniste next week when he speaks in San Francisco on the 24th,( Tuesday, Aug. 24, 9/11 commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste addresses the Bar Association of San Francisco about the commission's recently released report. Ben-Veniste discusses what's been learned from 9/11 and how to protect the United States from future attacks. Registration 11:30 a.m., lunch and address, noon, Omni San Francisco Hotel, 500 California, S.F. $65, $50 BASF members, $35 students ($500 for tables of 10). (415) 782-8992.) but I can’t organize another protest; we have a big rally, march on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office on the 25th.
I keep hoping that this issue, this story, will break, but it seems that the stakes continue to grow higher. The beneficiaries of 9-11, those with the most suspicious links to the actual events, continue to be promoted to the highest positions of power. They are crafting the legislation restructuring the government in ways that benefit the military and surveillance/security industries at the cost of our civil rights, and in a way that is meant to crush, kill and intimidate any dissent or opposition.
I still believe our best hope is to counter the Big Lies with Truth, loudly, courageously while we still have the freedom to do so.
The protest in San Francisco did draw together many activists and people who had never met before. I met a woman who lived across the street from the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, she had written a book about her experience, so we exchanged books and stories.
The only protester shown on television was my friend who spoke up inside and was escorted out of the event. Fortunately, Dennis Berenstein on KPFA’s Flashpoints interviewed the author of The New Pearl Harbor, David Ray Griffin, the next day and discussed the very issue we were trying to raise.
Schopenhauer said that Truth goes through several stages- First it is ignored, then it is ridiculed, then it is fought, then it is accepted as common wisdom. I have no doubt that the truth will emerge- I just hope that we can get it out when it matters- before the Global Police State is fully operational.
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