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Indybay Feature

Anarchist-affiliated websites down this morning

by Luci E
When I got up this morning, I saw that sf.indymedia was down and there was a post to the newswire of this site saying that it might be fed-related (that post is "hidden").
A friend told me that was down, as well, but it proved to be up the next time the person checked. I got logged out of and started to worry. Then I tried to check and saw that it is down.

Could this be related to the targetting of anarchists in the leadup to the RNC protests?

NYC indymedia is up, and is fast, so maybe there is nothing to worry about...

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by Mulberry Sellers is back up.
So is

Just in case anyone wants to know.
by Mark

S/F IMC off the air,presumed taken over
news groups are disapearing - no answers given

we are out of touch with all the s/f indy staff
the unofficial word is that the feds have taken over the IMC. we will be reporting more as we get answers
by Robert Sprye (beowulf [at]
If it is the closing of presses that the oligarch would like, there are millions who will be happy to oblige;

Two can easily play that game.

You may probably want to kiss your oligarchian propaganda outlets goodbye if you are attempting, or begin to attempt to close IMC sites or any other free press locations against the laws of the people.

For as you very well know, you just do not have any idea what might happen nowadays, anytime, anyplace, do you?

Those who still toil in the interests of the criminal oligarch owned media that willingly and openly supports those who have stolen the peoples government may want to consider which is more important to them;

that paycheck...or your life...

... as well as the lives of the thousands upon thousands of innocents that have been willfully murdered for the benefit of criminal interests.

Once it is known who issued the orders to close public forums, if in fact correct as stated on this message board, you can be personally targeted as "enemy combatants" to the precepts and laws of the American republic.

Which could immediately make you fair game at any moment by any means necessary.

As you like it. The situation is polarizing and the issues are becoming crystal clear;

-- serve justice and the rule of law, or obstruct it and find
yourself dead as a casualty of war.

For those uncertain souls, which is the majority, remember always this simple fact; we are billions and they are merely a few hundred thousands.

When we don´t work, they starve.

The "system" works only as long as you personally allow it to. They know this very well. They have manipulated your emotions and fears long enough to have grasped this.

Want it all to change, to go away? It starts with YOU. Just don´t participate.

Sort of like:

"what if they gave a corrupted, criminal government, and nobody listened, cared, or least of all, obeyed?"

It is time for all peoples of honest comprehension and faithful
adherence to the rule of law and the rights of all humanity to rise up. This is already occurring around the planet, although we Americans, bloated and self-fixated gluttons that the majority of us are, are late to the peoples revolution against corporate tyranny, to be sure. Revolts that establish the rights of people over the needs of corporate owners are not popular with the so called "elite" because it is, in their impoverished logic, bad for business.

They are in point of fact very poor businesspeople.

The global movement to establish equality, justice, and an end to corporate special interest manipulation of the sovereign rights of nations and peoples is growing.

Americans can choose; either you protect the republic and the rights of humanity as a whole, or you simply become a consumerist banana republic of loathsome fools in the eyes of all and as such, a target for continuous and entirely justified actions of "pre-emptive self defense".

It is, after all, YOUR party. Maybe you should consider developing a new one.

by Angie

calling in to see what was going on, some stranger answers. I ask for nessie, the voice answers nessie who? then this person asks who I am, as I reply I am a writer and I need to speak to one of the staff. stranger replies
who are you, where do you live and what is your social security number.
At this point I hung up, thank god I was on a pay phone, or they would be kicking the door in as I type this.something big is going on down there and no one seems to be able to find out what is going on.
by gehrig
So which is more likely -- that Thuh Feds "took down" SF-IMC, not when it was riding high in 2002 or so but now that it's plainly a shadow of its former self, or that something went _pif!_ somewhere in their server, and it's taking a couple days to get everything back in place? Seems like they were down for two or three days earlier this year for technical difficulties, so it shouldn't be incomprehensible that they're down for another day or two this time around.

Which is why I'm treating the trollery as disinfo by someone anti-IMC trying to stir the shit.

by gehrig
Forgery is bad. Don't do it.

by Stop and Think, mkay?
"Angie" said:
> I reply I am a writer and I need
> to speak to one of the staff

As if it weren't obvious that "Angie" is making this shit up from whole cloth, let's just point out the utter implausibility of "a writer" calling to speak to "one of the staff" at sfimc (specifically, calling for nessie!)... it is simply outside the bounds of reality.

ONE: sfimc has NO writers.
TWO: nessie is too paranoid to answer phones
THREE: you called from a pay phone?
by fed/freep-watch
Seems to me that this was a routine maintenance issue with sf.indymedia. there's quite a bit of misinformation and paranoid comments in this thread. Perhaps, someone is being paid to scare people.
by again.
Also, infoshop is upgrading the front end of there website. Perhaps thats why they have been down.
by van indy
Perhaps you did not see the bog-down test on Van Indy a few days ago?

Not to worry, my subnet is spoofed

Watch the brilliance in a few days
by hep
can we stop the FUD campaign for just a sec? We took down the linefeed server to add new hardware. All linefeed hosted sites should be back up tonite. be advized if anyone wants to EVER know what is going on with sfimc tech stuff, i can always be reached at dis at gruntle dot org.

love, hep
by suuuuuuuuuuuuuure

you're accurate....


just wait and watch!

Did you see what "x" did at van indy on Wednesday night?
by backwash
be advized if anyone wants to EVER know what is going on with sfimc tech stuff

thank you agent bond...... we are all fooled by your impersonation of IMC staff
by hep
enh if you want a more "cred" email try hep [at] :)
by IMCista
will destroy ya...

I would hope that SF IMC folks would make a big stink and contact us and other IMC folks right away if the feds contacted them, but for now this just seems like one more scare tactic and some people being a little too paranoid.

Make Media! Make Trouble!!
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
SF IMC < > is back online. It is a little different and the information on many of the main pages is not very current, but they are back.

I think all of the speculation about what was going on at SF IMC (FBI shut them down, etc) points out one of the weaknesses of open publishing. If you don't know who is posting information there is no accountability. A person, pretending to be someone else, can say anything they want without regard to the truth. The Free Republic, the FBI, or JTTF can plant misinformation, doubt, and paranoia and with the current (open publishing) system it is very difficult to determine who is saying what. I believe this leaves Indymedia vulnerable to government/right wing operations that are intended to disrupt, threaten, and confuse the progressive community.

This problem should be an issue for discussion within the IMC.
by gehrig
Note that the section nessie quoted was _not_ the proposed basic editorial policy, but nessie's commentary on the same. He snipped the quote in a way that disguises that fact. Nessie's commentaries do not constitute global editorial policies.

Follow the link to see the real article.

by Angie

calling in to see what was going on, some stranger answers. I ask for nessie, the voice answers nessie who? then this person asks who I am, as I reply I am a writer and I need to speak to one of the staff. stranger replies
who are you, where do you live and what is your social security number.
At this point I hung up, thank god I was on a pay phone, or they would be kicking the door in as I type this.something big is going on down there and no one seems to be able to find out what is going on.
by all Indy clearly in state of collapse
It is evident nothing can be believed by Nessie and/or Angie or their ilk.

Nessie did not even know about the overload test on VanIndy - as there was a test of an upcoming takedown. Where else but Van Indy can it be tested?!

Gonna be fun soon.

Subnet spoofed, not to worry
by no it wasn't
This is a forgery. On a site that knowingly allows forgeries to be published, nothing can be trusted. If you're sick of disinfo, forget this place. Come to SF-IMC, where the editors have the common decency not to inflict this kind of crap on its readers.

by gehrig
Gee, there's nessie exploiting forgeries again -- ones he can't prove he didn't make in the first place -- to plug his sandbox site.

Things that make you go "hmmmm."

And does nessie email the editors of Indybay privately, so as to minimize the damage to the IMC's reputation, the way he sez he banned me from SF-IMC for not doing?

More things that make you go "hmmmm."

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