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6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival

by Guerrilla Management
On Saturday, September 11th, the visionary musician, international speaker and human rights worker, Michael Franti and his group Spearhead with Guerrilla Management bring you the 6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival at Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park.
6th Annual
911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
Saturday September 11, 2004 (11am-5pm)
Speedway Meadow - Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA, USA


Michael Franti and Spearhead
String Cheese Incident Acoustic
Gift of Gab of Blackalicious
John Butler Trio
Xavier Rudd
Amy Goodman

On Saturday, September 11th, the visionary musician, international speaker and human rights worker, Michael Franti and his group Spearhead with Guerrilla Management bring you the 6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival at Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park.

PTTP has been produced in San Francisco as an annual open-air series of free, community Music and Arts Festivals since 1999. The first festival was on September 11th in Dolores Park and gathered an audience of 6,000 people from the community growing in 2000 and 2001 to upwards 10,000 people. In September 2002 the popularity and capacity of the music and arts festival had grown and attracted an international audience of more than 20,000 in attendance and we moved to the location to Speedway Meadow in lush Golden Gate Park. Last year, 2003 PTTP Festival drew an exceptional crowd of 30,000 people in the lush square mile of Speedway Meadow, according to SFPD and with positive support and lasting community impact.

PTTP Festival has been graced with inspirational performances by Michael Franti and Spearhead, Saul Williams, Alice Walker, Ram Das, Talib Kweli, KRS-One, Amy Goodman, Keller Williams, The Coup, Digital Underground, Woody Harrelson, Lyrics Born, Jello Biafra and Angela Davis among others.

“Stand Up and Be Counted” is this year’s tag line for the festival and its mission is to engage people to get to the polls and vote! Michael Franti states, “The Festival began in 1999 as an international day of art and culture in support of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. The name and date 911 were chosen to call attention to the emergency status of Mumia’s impending execution. We expanded the event in 2000 to show support for all prisoners on death row, and to speak out against the exponential growth of the prison industrial complex. In 2001 the day of September 11th took on a wider significance as a result of the tragic loss of life by the attacks of the day. The 4th and 5th events in 2002-2003 created a space for healing and compassion for ALL the people killed or displaced by terrorism and the war on terrorism.”
In addition to the main stage, the festival features an open-air art gallery of visual artists, a healing arts tent offering massage and yoga, guerrilla theater, a DJ tent, green commercial vendors and food booth, alternative fuel sourced vehicles and demos, kid’s zone, bicycle coalition and a diverse array of social, environmental and political organizations will be tabling. PACIFICA radio station KPFA has broad-cast the event live for the past two years and is a major sponsor for the festival.

PTTP Festival will be promoted as a Western Regional Mobilization and Concert. Bring your faith in the power of peace and justice and join us at the 6th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival, promising to be an enlightening, enraging and inspiring event!
GUERRILLA MANAGEMENT – 415.865.2170; 415.865.2180fx
catherine [at] - gina [at] -

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by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
For the past two years we have marched to the 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Concert to draw attention to the 9-11 issue. This year we will gather at the Panhandle @Ashbury at 10 march to Haight, down Haight to the Park & Concert. Please endorse and join us if you can!

(our flyer)...

Want a Global Security State?
Built for the same team that orchestrated 9-11 in their scheme for World Dominance?
H.R. 4104, the Intelligence Transformation Act is being rushed through Congress with the help of Bush, Kerry, The “9-11 Cover-Up Commission”… if you liked the SS, the KGB, the CIA, the PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security; you’ll LOVE it!
If not, Join us! Say-

No to The Police State!
No to War! No to Lies!
No State Sponsored Terrorism!
Stop the 9-11 Cover-Up!
Yes to Truth, Peace, Justice,
Repeal the PATRIOT Act!
Compassionate Impeachment!

Tuesday, August 17th, 2004, 5:00-7:00 PM, rally at Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco where 9-11 Commissioners Gorton and Ben Veniste will try to sell the official cover-up & the Global Police State.

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004, Rally in downtown Palo Alto
at “Listening for a Change” between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. at Lytton Plaza, (University and Emerson.)
1:00 PM. March to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office
to show our opposition to the 9-11 Cover-Up and her committee’s H.R. 4104’s Police State Proposal.

Saturday, September 11th, 2004, Rally 10:00 AM in San Francisco
in solidarity with people throughout the world join us in a Global Day of Action in support of the 9-11 Truth and Peace Movements. The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will hold a rally against Lies, War, the Police State, & State Sponsored Terrorism, for Truth, Peace & Justice, Compassionate Impeachment at the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury),
10:15 AM march/parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow (about two miles) to arrive at the

6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead
beginning at 11:00 AM, concert & social justice festival lasts until 5:00 PM and is free to all.
Music, Art, Humor, Endorsements welcome. To help/endorse (organizations or individuals) contact- Carol Brouillet, 9-11 Truth Alliance, P.O. 60511, Palo Alto, CA 94306, tel. 650-857-0927, cbrouillet [at],,,,

My article-

Bipartisan Push for the Global Security State

Kerry inadvertantly revealed the truth in his Freudian slip calling for more resources for a “Terrorism Task Force,” uhm, Counter-Terrorism Task Force. As Bush, Kerry, Select 9-11 Victims’ Families applaud the official 9-11 Whitewash Report and mount a national campaign to sell legislation that would institutionalize the Terror State that uses special operations, war, the press, to terrify people, crush democracy, dissent at home and abroad. Why the rush? Red Alert! Opposition to the Powers that Be, Enduring Wars, Ending Liberties is mounting.

Serious analysis of the official 9-11 Report reveals it to be worse than the Warren Report, a fabrication to uphold the “official lie” and cloud the blatant lies, destruction of evidence, clear beneficiaries of the crime that took place on September 11, 2001. The mandate of the official Commission has always been to justify the construction of “Homeland Security”- A Police State Apparatus- designed to crush dissent rather than catch terrorists. Indeed, most terrorism is funded, assisted, and implemented via the alphabet soup of “Intelligence Agencies” that already exist, with the assistance of the U.S. military, and its “allies” who serve the same corporate interests, and rely upon a “war economy.”

With the failure of Congress to investigate 9-11, to prevent unjustified wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, to protect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights from the ravages of the PATRIOT Act and Homeland Security, citizens have been compelled to take to the streets, organize, educate themselves and others to halt an imperial power grab that threatens the vast majority of people in the U.S. and the world.

We, Americans, have a special responsibility to rein in our government, to expose their blatant lies, criminal activities, and attacks upon the most fundamental values that are threatened by allowing the “Terrorists Controlling the White House”- to issue bogus “Terrorist Alerts,”to relabel any domestic opposition to their policies as “domestic terrorists,” to funnel resources into technologies which enrich and enable the few to control and impoverish the many through violence and fear.

We have marched on our Senators and on my Congresswoman Anna Eshoo to- “Demand an Investigation of 9-11,” to “Expose the 9-11 Cover-Up,” “Demand Pre-Emptive Impeachment of Bush & Co.,” to “Demand a Repeal of the PATRIOT Act,” “Demand the Impeachment of Bush …” Neither Senator Feinstein, Senator Boxer, nor Congresswoman Eshoo have addressed our concerns nor our demands satisfactorily.

It is time to march again.

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo just sent me this letter-

Dear Constituent,
On July 22nd the 9-11 Commission issued its report to the Congress and the country. As a Member of the House Intelligence Committee, I want to give you an update on my work to protect our national security.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission) issued a comprehensive set of bipartisan recommendations to Congress to address the shortcomings in our nation’s intelligence infrastructure that led to the tragic attacks of 9-11. The report comes amid new warnings about possible terrorist activity within the U.S., making it clear that terrorists will not wait for Congress to act.
Because of the urgency of these issues I’ve urged congressional leaders to immediately reconvene both Houses of Congress to consider the Commission’s recommendations and implement the necessary reforms as soon as possible. House Minority Leader Pelosi has already called House Democrats to return to Washington on August 10th to discuss the Commission’s work directly with members of the Commission.
I will be traveling to Washington every week during August to participate in hearings by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence about proposed reforms to the intelligence community. I’ve been calling for the Committee to initiate these hearings for months.
Last April, together with my Democratic colleagues on the House Intelligence Committee, I introduced legislation to overhaul the intelligence community to improve how our intelligence is collected, analyzed, and disseminated. This legislation, H.R. 4104, the Intelligence Transformation Act, is nearly identical to the reforms proposed by the 9-11 Commission, including:

· the creation of a Director of National Intelligence to oversee and manage the entire intelligence community, with enhanced authority over the intelligence budget and intelligence personnel;
· the creation of joint intelligence centers staffed by operatives and analysts from across the intelligence agencies; and
· comprehensive reforms to address information sharing – moving the intelligence community from a need to know culture to a need to share culture.
These interlocking reforms cannot be implemented in a piecemeal fashion and reforms should not be cherry-picked. It’s also important to reform Congress and its committee structure to ensure the viability of these recommendations.
These are not partisan issues. Assessing blame for past failures will not help us protect our future. However, refusing to recognize these failures and not take the critical steps to ensure that they don’t ever occur again is not acceptable.
The American people owe a great deal to the work of the 9-11 Commission, as well as the inspiration of the families of 9-11 victims. Now is the time for Congress to act in a timely and prudent way. Rest assured, I will do my utmost to make the critical changes to protect our national security.
If you have questions or comments, let me hear from you.

Anna G. Eshoo
Member of Congress

I was outraged by this letter and immediately called Anna Eshoo’s office and spoke for half an hour with her staff.

At the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, Phase One and the Toronto International Citizen’s Inquiry into 9-11, Phase Two held in March and May of this year ( ), ordinary people seeking the truth about 9-11 found ample evidence of a major cover-up on the part of the government, and the official Commission. In summary, there was plenty of evidence of government complicity, our major obstacles to informing the public were the Mainstream Press which continues to censor the most basic facts about 9-11, and the psychological barriers of fear and denial erected by people who do not wish to believe that their own government could be capable of such a crime. Nevertheless, we cannot prevent future 9-11s by rewarding those most responsible the events of September 11th which is precisely what the new legislation would do, simultaneously masking the truth about 9-11 for as long as possible.

Napoleon once said, “It is not necessary to suppress the truth, simply delaying it, will do.”

If we wait until all the players are dead, and information/the truth is irrelevant, then we allow The Big Lie and criminals to rule the planet and Injustice to reign.

It is time for 9-11 Truth Movement, the Peace Movement, the Global Justice Movement, the Anti-Corporate Globalization Movement to challenge the Big Lie which is being used to justify the tremendous assaults upon so many for the benefit of the few which benefit from Fear, War and Terror. We cannot allow them to get away with the construction of a Fourth Reich which would make Hitler drool with envy. No to a “Global Security State.” No to H.R. 4104. True security does not mean a monopoly on weapons, surveillance, a stranglehold on the global economy; true security means healthy relationships between all people, respect for life, peace born out of love and cooperation.

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 rally in downtown Palo Alto at Listening for a Change between 11:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m. at Lytton Plaza, intersection of University and Emerson. 1:00 p.m. March to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office to show our opposition to the 9-11 Cover-Up and H.R. 4104’s Police State Proposal.

Saturday, September 11th, 2004, in solidarity with people throughout the world join us in a Global Day of Action in support of the 9-11 Truth and Peace Movements at the 6th Annual Power to the Peaceful Concert in Golden Gate Park featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead. The 9-11 Truth Alliance will hold a rally, for Truth, Peace & Justice, against Lies, War & State Sponsored Terrorism, at the Panhandle at 10:00 AM, march down Haight Street and through Golden Gate Park to arrive when the concert and social justice activities begins at 11:00 AM and lasts until 5:00 PM and is free to all.

by Ralph, You Make Me Wanna Ralph
Chunks. Big ones.
by How can you vote for someone
reminiscent of Jiffy pop?
by Mike Tattoo
No friend of the revolution.


Goodman has merely ignored my work. Yet, according to someone who gave it to her, she has had my tape "The Truth and Lies of 9-11" for many months. And she knows that what I was saying eighteen months ago is exactly what Graham is trying to spin now. I know this because many people who emailed her asking her to have me as a guest sent me copies. Gore Vidal has had the tape for quite a while too. Vidal used every one of the quotes from Zbigniew Brzezinski's book "The Grand Chessboard" which I brought to public light in the fall of 2001 in his own lengthy 9/11 article and conveniently forgot to mention the person who did the work or what he was trying to say. Now, a day late and a dollar short, the Lilly Livered Left has arrived on the scene with the brilliant observation, "Wait, we have to look at 9/11! We have to look at 9/11!"

This is so much more than "I told you so." The danger and power of a fascist empire in warp drive to control global oil reserves and crush opposition grows every day. This is all about the fact that the consequences arising from the peak and inevitable decline of world oil production are going to be the most cataclysmic events in human history. That realization is all too slowly dawning upon people who might be in a position to change the way this bloody game is being played. Richard Heinberg's new book "The Party's Over" and the diligent work of world-class oil experts like Colin Campbell of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil- - are finally making inroads into the collective consciousness of governments, business and activists.

But the herd always seems to be ten paces behind the Empire.

by Stephen Cataldo

Carpool to Power to the Peaceful

Don't waste oil while we're protesting an oil war -- fill every seat, whether you're coming from near or far, and whether you're driving to the event or just to the BART or Caltrain.

We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


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