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Indybay Feature

IMPORANT City Council Hearing - Demand Funding for Prevention not Police

by repost - Amanda Brown Stevens
Tuesday, June 29th, 6PM, City Council Chambers
Demand that the City of Oakland fund violence prevention programs, not more police and prisons!
Tuesday, June 29th, 6PM, City Council Chambers
Demand that the City of Oakland fund violence prevention programs, not more police and prisons!

From: ABrown-Stevens [at] in the Office of City Councilwoman Nancy Nadel

Dear Oaklanders,

Are you feeling frustrated and disenfranchised? Wondering how you can make a difference in your own community? If you only go to one City Council Meeting all year, make this the one.

Why? The Council will be discussing a measure to place almost $20 million in new taxes on the ballot for Violence Prevention, and some council members want almost all the money to go to Police and Fire Services. Show the City Council that a majority of Oaklanders want a balanced approach to ending violence in our neighborhoods. Come to the June 29th special hearing at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

As you may know, our office has been working for a couple of years now to bring a more comprehensive approach to violence prevention in Oakland, that will stop the cycle of violence by providing alternatives that successfully help people change their lives.

We have had overwhelming support for this balanced approach, which
combines funding for youth programs, services and jobs for parolees, outreach and community organizing and targeted enforcement. Measure R, which would have provided funding for this approach, was supported by over 66% of the public, and failed by just a few hundred votes.

Unfortunately, some members of the city leadership are proposing a new measure under the guise of "Violence Prevention" that goes back to the theory that enforcement alone is the answer to Oakland's violent crime problem. Fortunately, there is still time for the community to speak out.

Councilmembers de la Fuente, Reid and Quan have proposed a ballot measure that would raise almost $20 million dollars a year, and would spend about 72% of that on Police and Fire Services, and leaving less than 30% for all prevention and intervention programs such as domestic violence
intervention, conflict resolution in schools, jobs and services for youth offenders, parolees and other at risk populations, positive alternatives for teens, etc.

Councilmember Nadel has proposed an alternative that would split the funds 50/50 between prevention and enforcement, and only fund programs that have been proven to be successful - both for prevention and enforcement. Program evaluation would be data-driven, to make sure that the funds were being spent to make the highest impact in reducing violent crime and helping Oaklanders. This proposal itself is a compromise from the original Measure R allocation, as it does have more funding for
enforcement, but the funding would be focused on community-oriented policing, and have oversight and evaluation to make sure the Police Department is working together with the community proactively to prevent crime.

Please come out to the next council hearing to show your support for a balanced approach, and to show the council that any heavyhanded approach that relies mostly on enforcement not only won't be effective - it won't be passed by the 2/3 of Oakland voters necessary. Show the council that you are ready and willing to stand up and speak out against any ballot measure that does not reflect a truly comprehensive approach to ending violence in Oakland.

Hearing info:

When: City Council Special Meeting on the Budget and Violence Prevention, June 29th at 6:00 p.m.

Where: Council Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, on 14th between Broadway and Clay St.

How to participate: Starting Friday, June 25th you can fill out a speakers card on line (the item number is 3) at

If you would like any information on any of the proposals or the process you can contact me at 238-7031 or abrown-stevens [at]

Please forward this info to anyone else you think might be interested.
Thanks so much for taking the time to make a difference in your

Amanda Brown Stevens

Policy Analyst

Office of Councilmember Nancy Nadel

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by east bay resident
We want COPS on the the beat to bust the assholes who are committing violent acts. We want courts to send them to jail. Not one cent for "prevention" make-work jobs for self-proclaimed "activists". The city of Oakland has no business using one cent of taxpayers money to keep people from committing crimes. Breaking the law is a personal choice, and your will discover that it results is taking personal responsiblity for your actions - i.e. being prosecuted and going to jail. I refuse to have my hard EARNED tax money go to coddle thugs and junkies. Do the crime, do the time.
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