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Indybay Feature


by JankyHellface (repost)
12 days away from the Sea Island 2004 G8 summit, the repression in Georgia (USA) escalates. State of emergency declared by Georgia Governor in six coastal counties.
Police given the go-ahead to stop all demonstrations.

Police in Brunswick (Georgia, USA) have been given the authorization to stop protests during the upcoming G8 Summit in nearby Sea Island.
The city's mayor has signed a new law which, in case of a State of Emergency called by the Governor, gives law enforcement the green light to put a halt to any protest or gathering without having to cite a specific motive.
This law was passed shortly after the declaration of State of Emergency from May 24th trogh June 20th 2004, had been signed by Governor of Georgia Sonny Perdue.
The mayor of Brunswick claims he did not know that the State of Emergency had just been declared at the time the law was being passed and it will remain effective.

The city of Brunswick is only 10 miles away from the privately owned island where the eight leaders will be meeting during the days of the 8th, 9th and 10th of June. Brunswick, as well as the city of Savannah which is housing most of the press, had been long known to be the designated areas for the main protest activities. The negotiations between protest organizers, local residents and city/state/federal authorities began as far as last year and yet produced very few permits. The status and validity of such previously issued permits is, given the current conditions, now uncertain.

Those interested and determined to stand up for their civil rights and right to protest and gather, will be welcomed by the highest levels of security. This is due to recently emerged, vague Intelligence regarding the alleged threat of an imminent terrorist attack on U.S. soil this summer.
The Georgia National Guard, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security as well as other law enforcement special units are expected to be deployed in large numbers throughout six counties in the coastal area. Surface-to-air missile batteries, armored vehicles, fighter jets, Coast Guard vessels and surveillance helicopters will be utilized to protect the area surrounding the summit from potential attacks of various nature.


Mass response is required! Let's make these officials listen to what ALL af us have to say !

1) Stand up for our civil rights and let Gov. Perdue know what you think about the situation in Georgia.

Let him know that this State of Emergency is a clear effort to suppress the Constitutional rights of those opposed to U.S. government policies and the G8.

And request that he:

a- Reverse his executive order calling for the State of Emergency

b- Immediately grant all permits for protests and public assemblies during the G8 Summit.

c- Deploy Congressional Observer Teams to monitor the spending of federal funds used for security during the G-8 meeting, and to monitor law enforcement agencies for any violation of protesters' constitutional rights.

Govenor Sonny Perdue
Email: georgia.governor (at)
203 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
(404) 656-1776
Fax: 404-651-7714

2) Contact these Congressional representatives and ask them to :

a- Launch an immediate Congressional Investigation into why a State of Emergency was declared when no pre-existing conditions are present for such a declaration,

b- To send independent Congressional observer teams to monitor civil liberties violations in Coastal Georgia including monitoring of human rights abuses from use of force and for those arrested and/or detained in detention

Hon. John Conyers (D-MI)
Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee
Email: John.Conyers (at)
2142 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5126, Fax: (202) 225-0072

Hon. John Lewis (D-GA)
Email: john.lewis (at)
343 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3801, Fax: 202-225-0351

3) Post this article on yor local IMC and any similar independent media outlet.

4) Forward (and translate if possible) this article AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE before June 5th.

5) Mobilize to Brunswick, Georgia: MARCH FOR PEACE & JUSTICE at the G8
Summit in GA, June 8-10 and prove this is still our country.

For more info and updates on the events visit these links :
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by cp
I'm going to be in transit to N. Carolina all during the 5th and 6th, so I can't do the reclaim the commons stuff.

It was interesting to see how the local San Francisco TV news KRON, not just the national news, had a several minute feature on preparations for terrorism in Georgia, and they were showing the police stopping their camera crew for taking pictures, and also they showed a shrimp boat owner evacuating the town and driving his family away in the boat because he expected a huge attack. It is interesting that the media should have this approach, because people who have been watching their reaction to the various big protest events since WTO Seattle should have noted that they have been completely underplaying things. There was barely local coverage of the Sacramento WTO protests, and the Miami protests were covered locally in Miami, but it was totally usurped by the Michael jackson coverage and fell off the screen entirely by the next day.
by scott E

We've got the bands, we've got the goods, we've got the speakers; but Fair World Fair needs your donations to secure a space for civil dialogue and Carnaval, to be a beacon of enlightenment and hope in the long shadow cast by the global elite, the G-8, meeting on Sea Island June 8-10th, 2004.

In the long, sleepless months that Fair World Fair has existed as an alternative to the Summit of the Greedy Eight, we've been working to raise the roof and raise the funds necessary to host the tens of thousands expected to arrive in Glynn County next week. And while we've raised thousands of dollars, we're still only halfway to our fiscal goal. We'd like to invite you to to be part of the solution.


In many ways, the work that has already gone forward is something of a victory for Glynn County and coastal residents, and for Georgians as a whole. We lay claim to justice--environmental, economic, and social--Global Justice--in some of the Deepest of the Deep South; in the midst of the Plantation mentality, in a State that strives to enshrine discrimination into its very constitution, on a privatized island where the local, regional, and national elite come to hide from the many groups and citizens who would hold them accountable.

As groups and individuals, many of us have been intimidated and silenced, reviled and insulted and ignored; but no one can keep us from speaking out against the programs of global injustice set in motion by the meeting of the Greediest Eight Heads of State on the globe. No one can keep us from coming together to share the solutions that will make our world more fair.


Here is an opportunity. If you can't travel to be with us, to offer your stories, your tactics, and your wisdom, please take this chance to help us build the political captial to stick truth to power--and the social capital necessary for long-term change. With your help, we can create a space for civil society, for education and political revelry in the Dirty South. Despite a Climate of martial law, the outlook is Fair.


Common Ground Athens is proud to be the fiscal sponsor for Fair World Fair! To make a tax-deductible donation over our secure server, please click on the link below. When making your transaction, make sure you click the circle that says "I would like to donate to Fair World Fair."

Or, if you prefer, please Send your check or money order to "Common Ground" Re: "Fair World Fair" to the address below:

Common Ground
P.O.Box 408
Athens, GA 30603

Scott Eustis
Fair World Fair
Common Ground Athens
Athens, GA 30603
spultek [at]
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$50.00 donated
in the past month

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