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Indybay Feature

A black eye for free speech

by Black Eye
SF Gallery closed. Another black day for free speech in San Francisco. What can you do? Distibute the art on the streets!
Since local artist Guy Colwell and gallery owner Lori Haigh are now being effectively silenced by thugs, perhaps the people of the Bay Area can find another way to disseminate free speech far and wide. The original image by Colwell, entitled "The Abuse", is at the link mentioned. Here is a modification, suitable for flyers and stickers.

An Injury to One is and Injury to All.
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by mj
An unknown assailant knocked on the door and punched art gallery owner Lori Haigh in the face, apparently as a brutal act of punishment for exhibiting a new painting by a local artist, entitled "The Abuse." One supporter emailed the gallery, "I'm sure that a few and dangerous minds don't understand that they have only mimicked the same perversity this painting had expressed."

I believe the right-wing thug understood exactly what he was doing.

(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
by c
Yes, it would be nice to be able to identify specifically who that was. I always guess the Freepers first because they are based in central valley and bay area, and they are always making these death threats against San Francisco people, like this one against Professor Zelnik And it isn't a few isolated users in their system, because within the same thread, different people keep chiming in with more threats. Their posters are required to register, unlike indymedia where people who hate the site often can deliberately write extremist or vulgar statements to try to make the other side look bad (here's an example where a freeper probably initially posted something and then showed it to his buddies to try to make sf.imc look bad:
by counter intelligence unit
That's not enough. We need to know where he lives and what his car looks like.
by c
It is interesting to scroll through the Free republic stories. Sometimes they will take a news item that leftists and liberals are very enthusiastic about because it supports their side, but then they interpret it in a totally alternative weird way - for instance they were looking at the abu ghraib photos and saying that this is typical San Francisco behavior, and essentially blaming it on gays.

Anyway, I had a question for San Francisco residents - I remember in the late 80s and early 90s that I would see a civilian patrol force in gay neighborhoods designed against gay bashers. It was called Q-patrol in Seattle, and most people liked them. How active are they lately? Has the need gone away?
I thought the patrol was organized by Communities (organized?) Against Violence...CUAV. I heard that they disbanded in the mid nineties.
by black eye
is available at the link below...
by T. Quick
The assult had to do with a drug deal gone wrong, and not the artwork. I know the players involved and if you are smart you will stay as far away from them as you can. One of the main "THUGS' is Jomo Jones and you dont want want to cross that heartless asshole.
by black eye
But it really has nothing to do with the issue at hand. I'm "jonesing" for free speech. If you're so concerned and really do have something to report about this crime against free speech, why don't you report it to the people investigating the assault? Spreading fear and rumours isn't going to cut it.
by heard about jomo
He's a troll.
by Jomo Jones • Wednesday February 19, 2003 at 09:15 PM
Its good that you are holding the demonstration at the INS office. That way the boys can round them MUTHERFUKERS up and ship they sorry asses back where they belong.. Jomo (still selling that crack rock)
by Jomo Jones • Friday March 26, 2004 at 05:50 PM
That Cracker Nessie banned me a long time ago.He aint nothing but a racist pig with a e-lax jones.
by T Quick
Yeah Right, I'll report it and the Police will protect me? No thanks, Jones and his THUGS after me? I'll pass. Call me a chicken, but I like to live.
by you got me
you're a chicken. your'e also a troll.
by Black Eye
For everyones information it is "mj" who is the Troll, as far as Jomo Jones goes ,I know nothing about the man although the more information I get on this whole thing the more I am beginning to believe T Quick. As far as Mr. Quick being a "chicken" that may be true but has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
by black eye
afraid to use your own name, mr. quick? you're not fooling anyone.
by black eye (blackeye1776 [at]
As this Jomo-Momo "T.Quick" person is attempting to co-opt the identity of "black eye", please judge future communications from me by the content. "black eye" supports free speech, and encourages you to do the same by supporting Guy Colwell, Lori Haigh and any other artists or galleries threatened with brutality against their free speech rights. "black eye" also encourages you to do what you can to get the art out on the streets. Any further communication from me will be confirmed by by my email: blackeye1776 [at]

so spam away "jomo", or "quick" or whatever you think your name is this week.
by Black Eye
If you are the real black eye, why is your e-mail addy a dead link? You should also notice that in my original post I sign my name with caps, ( Ex, Black Eye), not black eye. Nice try Troll.
by black eye (blackeye1776 [at]
You had something to say in support of free speech perhaps? try the email link now, you'll find it fully functional. I do filter creeps however. Keep on fighting the good fight T.Quick, but remember, we can't live in fear.
by black eye (blackeye1776 [at]
An additional Hi-resolution copy of Guy Colwell's "the Abuse" is now available at the link below. Please distribute it if you care about free speech! It makes a great flyer.

PS: Ta hell with trolls!
by black eye (blackeye1776 [at]
Oh, wow, mr quick, you're kinda famous elsewhere too, just like Mr. Jomo. Google- what an amazing tool! "William T. Quick: Portrait of an Asshat"! I love it! Not a case of mistaken identity here, I think. You have a lot of aliases I see. Using mine is just another adventure...

get the art on the streets:[]
by Black Eye
Another dead link. Please excuse the phony "black eye", I think he's been masturbating too much lately,or perhaps he's not taking his medication like hes supposed to. At any rate he is nothing more than a wanker Troll with too much time on his hands.
by booger bob
Those arab guys sure do have small dicks
Guess what I did this evening while the asshats were off doing gee- I don't know what! Lotsa fun!
by black eye (blackeye1776 [at]
Here's some info from Mr. T. Quick's website (do google search for "William T. Quick"). What exactly is your agenda Mr. Asshat? I thought you were quakin' in yer booties, but you seem very well armed, judging from your banner ads. Hmmmm:

"Click Here for Dirt-Cheap Ammo
I want to thank you for the banner link to the dirt cheap ammo place. I bought some Remington Vipers for my soon-to-arrive Henry AR-7, and as a new gun owner, I had no idea that you could buy 50 bullets for $1.67. Whatta country!Posted by: xxxxxx on March 5, 2003 09:57 AM

Just bought a few hundred rounds for my new 1911 from Cheaper Than Dirt. Pretty good prices, and no hassles shipping to Illinois, either (most online vendors either won't or make you jump through hoops). Thanks for the link.
Posted by: xxxxs on June 6, 2003 08:02"
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