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Join the Telephone Workers - March & Rally - Oakland - May 6

by LiveWire
Telephone Workers March & Rally. May 6th.
See PDF flier for details.
§May 6 Flier - PDF
by LiveWire
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by Aaron S.
Here's a section from the front of the CWA leaflet, with emphases (bold, italic and underline) as in the original:
SBC Exporting Our Jobs

SBC has now informed us that they exported 7,000 of our jobs to India, Mexico, Costa Rica & the Philippines for cheap labor. That's 7% of the entire SBC workforce! Relocating our jobs to these other countries makes the commute simply impossible!

SBC seems to think that they should be able to make Billions of dollars from the people of the United States while at the same time shipping our jobs to other countries.

The workers at SBC are taking a stand for Jobs and Health Care.

This, especially the next-to-last sentence, is a disgusting appeal to the national chauvinism that is rampant among both working-class and middle-class people in the imperialist United States. It proposes to defend the relatively privileged position of U.S. workers vis-a-vis workers in other countries, as opposed to uniting with the latter in order to strengthen the position of all workers.

While SBC workers' demands regarding wages, health care and working conditions should be supported, it is incumbent on pro-working-class internationalists to dissociate themselves from any attacks on workers in other countries.

The forces of globalization has been rigoursly exporting jobs to third world countries. Shoe production, which was dominant in Germany and Italy soon moved over to Brazil which now has been undercut by China. This globalization of jobs, definitly has lowered the living standard of American workers. The short term solution is seen as fighting the exportation, but the long term solution is organizing the most exploited section of the global working class. The AFL-CIO organizes against leftist and nationalist third world leaders like Hugo Chavez and Allende. If they have the capability to advance their overthrow, then they have the capability to also organize on a global basis. But this will only happen when the AFL-CIO structure beomes radically transformed through a rank-file upsurge. This is why dual unionism (IWW) has serious limitations. But where is the left in intervening in Labor struggles? Leftist forces have been the decisive factor in fostering a rank-file labor upsurge in the past and still can play that role. But alot of the left sub-concioussly thinks that the working class is too reactionary to attempt to organize which only makes it easier for capitalist reaction to continue its course.

CWA and UFCW are facing serious threats from their employer. For all the leftist who fight American foreign policy, how do you think you can fight imperialism if you cant even fight the boss at home. And if you can successfully fight the boss at home you will gain respect from workers who will be more open to your anti-imperialist perpsective. The American working class is the strongest force and perhaps only force that can challenge imperialism. So if the left wants to seriously attempt to put its ideas into practice, here is the place to start.
If your interested you can email me about the ongoing work we have on such issues.


by septic tank
Most jobs that are lost in the U.S. are lost to technological automation. Over the last 30 years about 2/3's of U.S. autoworker jobs (from 500,000 to 170,000) have disappeared because of this. How come the left doesn't protest automation?
Furthermore Javier and Aaron S. both support the most reactionary anti- human idea: nationalism (unless its those evil American workers).
by Unionist
Hey, where's the union bug? Certainly helps when I'm passing these out at my union.
by LiveWire
Here is the PDF file with the added bug.
by LiveWire
Also, here is a PDF that has 2 fliers on a page. Cut it in half for half page fliers.
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