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Photos of US Torture of Iraqi Prisoners At The Abu Ghraib Prison In Iraq

by sources
Graphic photographs showing the torture and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners in a US-run prison outside Baghdad emerged yesterday from a military inquiry which has left six soldiers facing a possible court martial and a general under investigation.
The scandal has also brought to light the growing and largely unregulated role of private contractors in the interrogation of detainees.

According to lawyers for some of the soldiers, they claimed to be acting in part under the instruction of mercenary interrogators hired by the Pentagon.
US military investigators discovered the photographs, which include images of a hooded prisoner with wires fixed to his body, and nude inmates piled in a human pyramid.
The pictures, which were obtained by an American TV network, also show a dog attacking a prisoner and other inmates being forced to simulate sex with each other. It is thought the abuses took place in November and December last year.
Lawyers for the soldiers argue they are being made scapegoats for a rogue military prison system in which mercenaries give orders without legal accountability.
A military report into the Abu Ghraib case - parts of which were made available to the Guardian - makes it clear that private contractors were supervising interrogations in the prison, which was notorious for torture and executions under Saddam Hussein.
One civilian contractor was accused of raping a young male prisoner but has not been charged because military law has no jurisdiction over him.
Hired guns from a wide array of private security firms are playing a central role in the US-led occupation of Iraq.
The killing of four private contractors in Falluja on March 31 led to the current siege of the city.
But this is the first time the privatisation of interrogation and intelligence-gathering has come to light. The investigation names two US contractors, CACI International Inc and the Titan Corporation, for their involvement in Abu Ghraib.
Titan, based in San Diego, describes itself as a "a leading provider of comprehensive information and communications products, solutions and services for national security". It recently won a big contract for providing translation services to the US army.
CACI, which has headquarters in Virginia, claims on its website to "help America's intelligence community collect, analyse and share global information in the war on terrorism".
Neither responded to calls for comment yesterday.
According to the military report on Abu Ghraib, both played an important role at the prison.
Colonel Jill Morgenthaler, speaking for central command, told the Guardian: "One contractor was originally included with six soldiers, accused for his treatment of the prisoners, but we had no jurisdiction over him. It was left up to the contractor on how to deal with him."
She did not specify the accusation facing the contractor, but according to several sources with detailed knowledge of the case, he raped an Iraqi inmate in his mid-teens.

Read More,2763,1206725,00.html

Full Text Of Taguba Report
Full Text Of ICRC Report
Photos From The New Yorker
Seymour Hersh's Story In The New Yorker
60 Minutes II Report:
Video from 60 Minutes II:
More Pictures From The Washington Post

More On Indybay's Iraq Page:
§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Lots of similar scenes are still hidden... What we have seen today is just a sample

Mustafa Rageh
Yemeni human rights activist
"Savage" images showing US troops abusing Iraqi prisoners have been denounced by Arab media and observers.
The pictures, aired by CBS, apparently show naked prisoners being forced to simulate sex acts and standing with wires attached to their genitals.
Shock has not characterised all responses. Some commentators professed to be unsurprised.
Qatar-based TV channel Al-Jazeera said the images showed the "unethical and inhuman" conduct of American soldiers.
Al-Arabiya TV condemned the "humiliating" pictures, which demonstrated the soldiers' "savagery".
Both TV stations have been running old footage of examples of heavy-handed conduct by US soldiers in Iraq.
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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
What will happen to this handful of soldiers who were caught? Brigadier General Janice Karpinsky who ran the Abu Ghraib prison for the Army has been suspended and six soldiers face court martial in Iraq and possible prison time. Yeah right. In others words – a slap on the wrist maybe. “A full investigation” means the matter will disappear from the public eye and disappear through the bureaucratic slight of hand.

The real facts are that there is report after report of US abuses; on the internet, in the back pages of our newspapers, in personal accounts that with a little luck will now make their way to mainstream press. This is not an isolated few – this is business as usual for the US military and their collaborating band of thugs in Iraq. Is it any wonder that bodies of US soldiers who fall into Iraqi hands are mutilated and displayed?

The pictures of US soldiers dishonoring Iraqi detainees came as no surprise to JUS. We have been reporting alleged abuses since shortly after the fall of Baghdad. We received several reports over the past months of US soldiers raping Iraqi woman, only to find these photos posted to US porn sites. While these photos and reports were put down to “loose” Iraqi women (which shows a fundamental understanding of Iraq’s religion and culture) we discovered later that those who were detained, some at Abu Ghraib prison, who refused to provide US officials with intelligence where given a prod to garner “cooperation” by rounding up the female relatives, forcing then into sexual acts that were filmed and then shown to their husbands, fathers and brothers and to the general public through porn sites. Now the CBS 60 Minutes II report legitimizes the incidents we have been reporting all along.

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
"There must be a fully independent, impartial and public investigation into all allegations of torture. Nothing less will suffice. If Iraq is to have a sustainable and peaceful future, human rights must be a central component of the way forward. The message must be sent loud and clear that those who abuse human rights will be held accountable.
-Amnesty International

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
A US general responsible for four jails in Iraq has been suspended pending an investigation into alleged abuse of her prisoners.
Brigadier General Janis Karpinski is among seven officers facing charges that soldiers under their command mistreated detainees.
The suspension follows shocking US television images of US soldiers stacking prisoners on top of each other and even applying electrodes to one at Abu Ghuraib prison near Baghdad.
§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Another reservist, Lynndie R. England, 21, told her mother in January about potential problems at the Iraq prison.

England grew up in a trailer down a dirt road behind a saloon and a sheep farm in Fort Ashby, W.Va., a one-stoplight town about 13 miles south of Cumberland.

Yesterday afternoon, her mother, Terrie England, pressed her fingers to her lips when a reporter showed her a newspaper photo of her daughter smiling in front of what a caption said were nude Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad.

"Oh, my God," she said, her body stiffening as she sat on a cooler on the trailer's small stoop.

"I can't get over this," she said, taking a drag on her cigarette.

Lynndie England, a railroad worker's daughter who made honor roll at the high school near here, had enlisted in the 372nd for college money and the chance to widen her small-town horizons. In January, however, she gave her family the first inkling that something had gone woefully wrong.

"I just want you to know that there might be some trouble," she warned her mother in a phone call from Baghdad. "But I don't want you to worry."

Lynndie England said she was under orders to say no more. The military has told the family nothing; all the Englands know is that she has been detained, apparently in connection with the unit's alleged misconduct at the prison.

"Whether she's charged or not, I don't know," Terrie England said.

This was not supposed to be the fate of a girl who grew up hunting turkey or killing time with her sister at the local Dairy Dip, making wisecracks about the cars whizzing past.

"She wanted to see the world and go to college," said Terrie England, whose T-shirt bore a design of heart-shaped American flags. "Now the government turned their back on her, and everything's a big joke."

She held photos of her daughter in khakis, smiling atop a camel in Iraq.

At most, the 372nd's alleged abuses of prisoners were "stupid, kid things - pranks," Terrie England said, her voice growing bitter. "And what the [Iraqis] do to our men and women are just? The rules of the Geneva Convention, does that apply to everybody or just us?"

Everyone had been proud of Lynndie England. A Wal-Mart in nearby LaVale displays her photo on its Wall of Honor. The Mineral County courthouse in Keyser, W.Va., posts her photograph and those of other local soldiers under a banner that says: "We're hometown proud."

Lynndie England had found purpose, and love, in the Army. She got engaged last year to a fellow member of the 372nd, Charles Graner, who appears with his arm around her in the newspaper photo.

Now, Lynndie England is detained on a U.S. base - her family declined to say where - and is barred from leaving for anything besides her job. She has been demoted from the rank of specialist to private first class. And when she calls home, she says frustratingly little.

Destiny Goin said the Army had trained her sister Lynndie for an administrative job, "a paper pusher." Instead, she wound up helping to guard 900 Iraqi prisoners of war in a sprawling, squalid compound near Baghdad.

Read More,0,7339983.story?coll=bal-home-headlines
§US military in torture scandal
by sources
"60 Minutes II" identified one of the implicated soldiers as Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Ivan "Chip" Frederick, who described to Rather what he saw in the Iraqi prison. "We had no support, no training whatsoever, and I kept asking my chain of command for certain things, rules and regulations, and it just wasn't happening," Frederick said.

Frederick is a member of the 372nd Military Police Company based in Cumberland, Md., said Maj. Greg Yesko, public affairs officer for the 99th regional readiness command. The 800th brigade includes the 372nd company, Yesko said.

Frederick was a correctional officer at Buckingham Correctional Center before being called up for active duty, Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor said.

"60 Minutes II" reported Frederick will plead not guilty to charges including maltreatment and assault, claiming the way the Army operated the prison led to the abuse of prisoners. He also said he did not see a copy of the Geneva Convention rules for handling prisoners of war until after he was charged, the show reported.

The show also quoted from an e-mail which Frederick reportedly sent to his family in which he said of Iraqi prisoners: "We've had a very high rate with our styles of getting them to break; they usually end up breaking within hours."

Former Iraqi prisoners told The Associated Press last November of mistreatment in detention, including beatings and punishments that included hours of lying bound in the sun.

Amnesty International, the London human rights group, said in March that many former detainees in Iraq claimed to have been tortured and ill-treated by coalition troops during interrogation.

Methods often reported, it said, included prolonged sleep deprivation, beatings, exposure to loud music and prolonged periods of being covered by a hood.

Meanwhile, the lawyer for the accused Virginig soldier said he has been treated unfairly by the Army.

"They're trying to portray him as a monster," William Lawson said of Frederick, his nephew. "He's just the guy they put in charge of the prison."

Lawson, of Newburg, W.Va., and Frederick's wife, Martha, of Buckingham, Va., said Frederick was being made a scapegoat for commanders who gave him no guidance on managing hundreds of Iraqi prisoners with just a handful of poorly equipped soldiers.

"It's sort of like he's taking the full brunt," Martha Frederick said.

A 37-year-old 10-year veteran of the reserves, Frederick is "a very passive person," Lawson said. "If nothing else, he, in this situation, was very naive." Frederick's civilian lawyer, Washington-based Gary Myers, said he has urged the commanding general in Iraq to treat the case as an administrative matter, like those of seven officers who were also investigated.

"I can assure you Chip Frederick had no idea how to humiliate an Arab until he met up" with higher-ranking people who told him how, Myers said.

Lawson, acting as a family spokesman, said Frederick and the other MPs were ordered to "loosen up the prisoners" for interrogation by others. Lawson speculated that the MPs took the photographs to show to other prisoners to get them to talk.
§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Now British army is in the dock as Allies outrage world opinion
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
01 May 2004

As pictures of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners caused outrage across the world yesterday, human rights rights campaigners warned that they were just the tip of the iceberg.

The international rights group Amnesty International claimed it had received numerous accounts of torture and illegal detention by troops.

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Prison Where Saddam's Victims Died in Their Thousands

By Ju-Lin Tan, PA News

Abu Ghraib prison, where Iraqi detainees were pictured being tortured and abused by United States soldiers, was one of the country’s most notorious jails under Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Executions and torture were known to have taken place regularly at the sprawling detention centre, which lies some 18 miles west of Baghdad.

It is believed thousands of inmates were shot, hanged or electrocuted there during Saddam’s 23 years in power.

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Torture pictures blow US cause
London, April 30 (Reuters): Photos of US soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners drew international condemnation today, prompting the stark conclusion that the American campaign to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis is a lost cause.

“This is the straw that broke the camel’s back for America,” said Abdel-Bari Atwan, editor of the Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi. “The liberators are worse than the dictators. They have not just lost the hearts and minds of Iraqis but all the Third World and the Arab countries,” he said.

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
At the same time, the fact that US soldiers are employing methods similar to those used by the Nazis in World War II is indicative of a deep-seated state of demoralization and degradation that the occupation has bred within the US military. Finding themselves in a hostile environment with the vast majority of Iraqis opposing the occupation, many American soldiers have come to see the country’s entire population as the enemy. Fed lies about the colonial intervention in Iraq being part of a global “war on terrorism,” some have also assumed a license to torture and humiliate their helpless captives.

Contrary to Kimmitt’s claims—slavishly echoed by the corporate media—this is the logic and modus operandi of imperialist conquest and colonial occupation. The pictures of torture, brutality and sexual sadism are representative of the entire criminal operation being conducted in Iraq.

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Rahul Mahajan :

April 29, 12:30 pm EST. This morning I was on MSNBC News in a "debate" about the shocking (but not surprising if you had been talking to Iraqis) degradation and abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison committed by U.S. personnel.

This included taking numerous pictures of American soldiers posing with naked Iraqi prisoners placed in degrading postures, an Iraqi prisoner with a hood over his head and wires attached to him (see above; thanks to Unfairwitness), and much more. If you missed the 60 Minutes II segment last night, when you click on the link above, you'll see a link to streaming video of part of the segment, including some pictures. You have to see it for yourselves.

The official reaction is clear. Here's the reaction from Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, the same guy who said "95 percent" of the Iraqi casualties in Fallujah were fighters without going to a hospital or looking at a cemetery in the town:
"So what would I tell the people of Iraq? This is wrong. This is reprehensible. But this is not representative of the 150,000 soldiers that are over here," adds Kimmitt. "I'd say the same thing to the American people... Don't judge your army based on the actions of a few."
Iraqis, who have seen for themselves the conduct of American soldiers, will never believe this.

One of the abusive soldiers, Chip Frederick, sent home these messages over the months that he was posted at Abu Ghraib:
"Military intelligence has encouraged and told us 'Great job.' "

"They usually don't allow others to watch them interrogate. But since they like the way I run the prison, they have made an exception."

"We help getting them to talk with the way we handle them. ... We've had a very high rate with our style of getting them to break. They usually end up breaking within hours."
This suggests pretty clearly that torture and degrading punishment are part of standard policy, because they help to make prisoners break under interrogation.

The debate was framed as one over whether the soldiers should be punished. This shows something seriously wrong with the political culture to start with. There's obviously no excuse for these acts, even if the soldiers were ordered to perform them. The question should simply be how high up the chain of command the investigation goes and how broadly in other prison facilities.

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§US military in torture scandal
by sources
30 April 2004 – United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan is "deeply disturbed" by images appearing in the media of Iraqi prisoners being mistreated and humiliated by United States prison guards, his spokesman said today.

The Secretary-General "hopes that this was an isolated incident and welcomes what appears to be a clear determination on the part of the US military to bring those responsible to justice, and to prevent such abuses in the future," spokesman Fred Eckhard said.
When asked by reporters yesterday about the programme, Mr. Eckhard said, "The kinds of things discussed there, the abuse of prisoners, could be the kind of thing that would be investigated or would be included in a report on human rights in Iraq that the Acting High Commissioner for Human Rights [Bertrand Ramcharan] said last Friday he intended to produce."

Mr. Ramcharan's remarks came at the closing session of the Commission on Human Rights, when he said he would initiate a report on rights and armed conflict in Iraq after the Commission had puzzlingly excluded it in its decisions.

"It is a perplexing and troubling omission. There must be accountability in warfare. At this point in time there is no international monitoring of the human rights situation in Iraq, whether it be in respect of terrorism or in respect of the use of force and the treatment of civilians," he said.
§US military in torture scandal
by sources
Pictures showing abuse of Iraqi prisoners have sparked shock among officials and triggered condemnation of US foreign policy.

The office of Prime Minister Tony Blair, the US strongest ally in its war in Iraq, condemned the abuses.

His comments on Friday came after an American television network broadcast images of Iraqis stripped naked, hooded and being tormented by their captors.

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§Britain is Also Accused Of Torture
by sources
The Ministry of Defence has launched an investigation into allegations that British soldiers have been pictured torturing an Iraqi prisoner.
The photographs, obtained by the Daily Mirror newspaper, show a suspected thief being beaten and urinated on.
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More pictures and coverage of torture by British troops:
WASHINGTON, May 1 — The Army Reserve general whose military police officers were photographed as they mistreated Iraqi prisoners said Saturday that she had been "sickened" by the pictures and had known nothing about the sexual humiliation and other abuse until weeks later.
But the officer, Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski of the 800th Military Police Brigade, said the special high-security cellblock at the Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad, where the abuses took place had been under the tight control of a separate group of military intelligence officers who had so far avoided any public blame.
In her first public comments about the brutality — which drew wide attention and condemnation after photographs documenting it were broadcast Wednesday night by CBS News — General Karpinski said that while the reservists involved were "bad people" and deserved punishment, she suspected they were acting with the encouragement, if not at the direction, of military intelligence units that ran the special cellblock used for interrogation.
Speaking in a telephone interview from her home in South Carolina, the general said military commanders in Iraq were trying to shift the blame exclusively to her and the reservists.
She said that the floor space of the two-story cellblock was only about 40 feet by 20 feet, and that military intelligence officers were in and out of the cellblock "24 hours a day."
"They were in there at 2 in the morning, they were at 4 in the afternoon," said General Karpinski, who arrived in Iraq last June and who was the only woman to hold a command in the war zone. "This was no 9-to-5 job."
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§more pictures emerge
by wpost
The collection of photographs begins like a travelogue from Iraq. Here are U.S. soldiers posing in front of a mosque. Here is a soldier riding a camel in the desert. And then: a soldier holding a leash tied around a man's neck in an Iraqi prison. He is naked, grimacing and lying on the floor.

More Pictures And Story From The W Post
§How this happened
by pic
A phrase reading in Arabic, 'I am the law', is written on the helmet of a US soldier as he secures the site of a car bomb explosion at a checkpoint on a bridge at the entrance of the Coalition Provisional Authority headquarters in Baghdad.(AFP/Karim Sahib)
§Another 60 Min II pic
by pic
Many of the prisoners abused at the Abu Ghraib prison were innocent Iraqis, picked up at random by US troops and incarcerated by underqualified intelligence officers, a former US interrogator from the jail told the Guardian.


He claimed many of the detainees are "innocent of any acts against the coalition".

"One case in point is a detainee whom I recommended for release and months later was still sitting in the same tent with no change in his status."

Mr Nelson said that the same systemic problems were also responsible for large numbers of Afghans being mistakenly swept into Guantánamo Bay. He estimated that a third or more of the inmates at the controversial prison camp had no connection to terrorism.

"There are people who should never have been sent over there. I was involved in the process of reviewing people for possible release and I can say definitely that they should have been released and released a lot sooner," he said.

Such allegations have been made before by victims' families and human rights groups, but Mr Nelson's story represents the first insider's account by a US interrogator. It amounts to an indictment of a system gone awry, and contradicts claims by the White House and the Pentagon that Abu Ghraib does not represent a systemic problem.


"A unit goes out on a raid and they have a target and the target is not available; they just grab anybody because that was their job," Mr Nelson said, referring to counter-insurgency operations in Iraq. "The troops are under a lot of stress and they don't know one guy from the next. They're not cultural experts. All they want is to count down the days and hopefully go home.

"I've read reports from capturing units where the capturing unit wrote, 'the target was not at home. The neighbour came out to see what was going on and we grabbed him'," he said.

According to Mr Nelson's account, the victims' very innocence made them more likely to be abused, because the interrogators refused to believe they could have been picked up on such arbitrary grounds. Interrogators "weren't interested in going through the less glamorous work of sifting through the chaff to get to the kernels of truth from the willing detainees; they were interested in 'breaking' tough targets", he said.,2763,1211374,00.html
§Seymour Hersh: Chain Of Comman
by New Yorker
One of the new photographs shows a young soldier, wearing a dark jacket over his uniform and smiling into the camera, in the corridor of the jail. In the background are two Army dog handlers, in full camouflage combat gear, restraining two German shepherds. The dogs are barking at a man who is partly obscured from the camera’s view by the smiling soldier. Another image shows that the man, an Iraqi prisoner, is naked. His hands are clasped behind his neck and he is leaning against the door to a cell, contorted with terror, as the dogs bark a few feet away. Other photographs show the dogs straining at their leashes and snarling at the prisoner. In another, taken a few minutes later, the Iraqi is lying on the ground, writhing in pain, with a soldier sitting on top of him, knee pressed to his back. Blood is streaming from the inmate’s leg. Another photograph is a closeup of the naked prisoner, from his waist to his ankles, lying on the floor. On his right thigh is what appears to be a bite or a deep scratch. There is another, larger wound on his left leg, covered in blood.

§New Pictures
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Spc. Charles Graner of the 372nd Military Police Company smiles as he poses by the body of Manadel al-Jamadi, an Iraqi who died in U.S. custody at Abu Ghraib prison.

§New pictures
by pic
Spc. Sabrina Harman, also of the 372nd Military Police Company, gives a thumbs-up sign by the body of Iraqi detainee Manadel al-Jamadi.
WARNING: The following graphic depictions include nudity. Viewer discretion is advised.

§new pics
by new pics
In this undated still photo, a naked Iraqi detainee appears to be cuffed at the ankles and covered with an unknown brownish substance under the guard of a baton-weilding U.S. soldier, inside the Abu Ghraib Prison, west of Baghdad. Hundreds of unreleased photographs and short digital videos depict U.S. soldiers using a wide variety of abusive techniques at Iraq 's Abu Ghraib prison and appearing to enjoy the mistreatment, The Washington Post reported on May 21, 2004. The new pictures and videos, which the newspaper said amplified the picture of violence in the prison and go beyond the photos previously shown in the media. Photos and videos from Abu Ghraib were presented to Army investigators in January. The images began surfacing publicly last month, severely damaging the United States' reputation in the Arab world.
§new pic
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In this undated still photo, a hooded Iraqi detainee appears to be cuffed at the ankle and chained to a door handle, inside the Abu Ghraib Prison, west of Baghdad.
§new pic
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In this undated still photo, a hooded Iraqi detainee appears to be cuffed at both wrists and collapsed over a rail inside the Abu Ghraib Prison, west of Baghdad.
§new pic
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This undated still photo provided by The Washington Post on Friday, May 21, 2004, shows an unidentified U.S. soldier poised to punch a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad, as other hooded detainees lay bound at the hands.
§new pic
by new pic
This undated still photo made available by The Washington Post on Friday May 21, 2004, shows a U.S. soldier holding a dog in front an Iraqi detainee at Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad.
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by Erik
"Enemy Combatants" are not covered under the Geneva conventions. It's the same reason the prisoners in Guantanamo don't have other "POW" priveleges. They weren't wearing uniforms, and they weren't a member of a regulated military force, so they are not "Soldiers". If you have a problem with this, take it up with the UN, but in the meantime, don't use one part of the Geneva Conventions while denying another.
by ashamed to be an American
are Afghan patriots who were defending their country from a foreign aggressor.
by Rich
Sorry friend. Those captured on the battlefield in Irag are subject to the Geneva Convention, just as our soldiers should be. That has been an established fact since 2003. How pathetic is it that you would even suggest that the lack of the GC is even relevant. How low has the moral base in the US fallen?
by Shocked Indian
Americans have proved themselves to be worse than filthy swines which fornicate in cesspools. Shame on america, a curse on this world and mankind. The whole world should spit on the face of americans and unite to eliminatethis cancer called america from the face of Earth. I belong to a poor country like India but I am grateful to God and consider myself lucky in being born in an honourable nation!!
by A Decent American
Shocked Indian,
Are you any more decent to generalize about Americans? And to assume no Indian has ever committed a horrible crime? I think not! Be smart about what you say, lest you look ignorant.
by heard it before
If “they do it, too” was a valid excuse, then Hitler would be off the hook for killing six million Jews beacuse Stalin killed six million Ukrainians.
by J. Knox

I wanted to vomit after viewing these photo's!

Can someone PLEASE explain the perverse and sick obsession with homo-erotic violence that pervades American military culture!

Strange as it may sound, I would have less hatred for these sick soldiers if they actually had only electrocuted and beat the prisoners.

The revolting amusement and glee they seem to have derived from making hardcore homosexual rape & humiliation porn seems so much more disturbing than just plain old pain inducement.

Another potential disaster must be the disturbing 'Anal Pyramid' they created.
The men are being forced to assume a position that 'might' be seen by Muslims as a perverse mockery of their prayer customs.

Rightly or wrongly, these 6-7 soldiers just destroyed the work and effort of thousands of well-intentioned Yanks in the region.

Watch as Al Quaida memberships skyrocket with young angry Iraqi's who otherwise might have sat the fence.

The worst of this - the US government responded with 'an investigation' and ' assurances of courtmarshals'.

Honestly, nothing short of marching these sick excuses for military personnel into the streets of Fallujah and executing them can save the USA from what must be a devastating set-back in US - Islam relations.

I think I need to go vomit now!
by Bradley Castor (bcastor [at]
I hope US citizens will have a 2nd revolution to turn their empire into a truly democratic republic which never goes abroad!
by fwd
From: [redacted]
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 10:12:45 -0700
Subject: [unfit2print] an expert on Torture

An op-ed by Darius Rejali, an expert in torture techniques, on the 
evidence of torture used by US forces in Iraq. At the bottom I've added 
some links to several sites for further reading. Please feel free to 
forward this widely.

Forced to Stand: An Expert Torture

Forced to stand on a box with wires attached to your fingers,
toes and penis all night long. Just something that Specialist
Sabrina Harman dreamed up in Abu Ghraib prison?
Think again.

This torture is well known to intelligence agencies worldwide.
The CIA documented the effects of forced standing forty years
ago. And the technique is valued because it leaves few marks,
and so nothing to document. Forced standing was a prescribed
field punishment in West European armies in the early 20th
century. The British Army called it Field Punishment No 1,
though the soldiers referred to it as "the crucifixion." The
French Legionaires called it "the Silo."

By the 1920s, forced standing was a routine police torture in
America. In 1931, the National Commission on Lawless
Enforcement of the Law found numerous American police
departments using forced standing to coerce confessions.
In the 1930s, Stalin's NKVD also famously used forced
standing to coerce seemingly voluntary confessions for show
trials. The Gestapo used forced standing as a routine
punishment in many concentration camps. It even created
small narrow "standing cells," Stehzelle, where prisoners had
to stand all night.

In 1956, the CIA commissioned two experts, Wolf and Hinkle,
who described the effects of forced standing. The ankles and
feet swell to twice their size within 24 hours. Moving becomes
agony. Large blisters develop. The heart rate increases, and
some faint. The kidneys eventually shut down.

In the mid-20th century, torturers learned how to use the
swelling and blistering to cause more pain. The South Africa
and Brazilian police made prisoners stand on cans or bricks,
the edges causing excruciating pain to the sensitive feet. In
1999, the South African Truth Commission determined that
forced standing was the third most common torture during
Apartheid after beating and electricity.

Hooding was a common feature of Brazilian and South African
torture. In the 1970s, the Brazilians added the electrical
supplement. When the hooded man on the can was electrified,
the cans stuck to his feet even when he keeled over. Ironically,
the Brazilians called the whole technique - hooded man on a
can electrified - "the Vietnam." The innovative technique
combined tortures used by the North Vietnamese (forced
standing) with tortures used commonly by American
and South Vietnamese interrogators (electrical torture from
field phones).

And now the ghost of "the Vietnam" appears in Iraq.

The American soldiers performed the torture, but someone
taught them the parameters. This kind of torture is not
common knowledge, and if it were not for the photographs, no
one would know that it had been practiced.

Today American interrogators are using "stress and duress"
techniques in prisons in Afghanistan and Diego Garcia.
Officials refer to these techniques as "torture lite." Abu Ghraib
gave us the first chance to see what these techniques
really are: stealth tortures that leave no marks.

Torture like this casts a shadow not in months, but years.
Soldiers trained in stealth torture take these techniques back
into civilian life as policemen and private security. It takes
years to uncover the subsequent damage. The American
style in electric torture in Vietnam appeared in Arkansas
prisons in the 1960s and Chicago squad rooms in the 1970s
and 1980s. Likewise the excruciating water tortures American
soldiers used for interrogation during the Spanish American
War appeared in American policing in the next two decades.
For those who suffered from these tortures, it was small
comfort that President Theodore Roosevelt felt it was a "mild
torture," or that it was hard to see that anyone "was seriously
damaged," or that, on Memorial Day 1902, the President
regretted the "few acts of cruelty" American troops had

When will we ever learn?

Darius Rejali is a nationally recognized expert on torture and 
interrogation, the author of Torture and Democracy (forthcoming 
Princeton) and a 2003 Carnegie Scholar. He is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Reed College.

Some links of interest:

Photos of US abuse:

Photos of British abuse:

Torture and human rights abuses at Camp X-Ray, Guantanomo:

Tip of the iceberg, say British soldiers:

Amnesty Int'l says abuse is rampant, not isolated:

Arab reactions:

To subscribe, send an email to:
unfit2print-subscribe [at]

by **
That's interesting. A lot of those soldiers seem to come from West Virginia, a very poor area.
by chris (scrppy838 [at]
I think everyone is crying a little too much for these prisoners. At least we arent murdering these people like they do happily to our media and non combatant truck drivers. THIS IS A WAR this is paradise compared to wars of the past. Americans need to toughen up the way we once were as a nation. I love this country and believe in the war strongly we have freed these people from tyrany they should thank us not plot our destruction. In closing keep it up troops I love these photos lets see more.
by tony (tonyo [at]
Words will never form my grievences that I have for these prisoners. I truly believe that as an American citizen we should have our government compensate each individual and ask for forgiveness. I have bowed my head as this government has ashamed the rest of our country, and many of our citizens do not believe in what Bush and his cronies have done in the Middle East.
by **
Somehow this particular young woman visually resembles the central actor in the movie Gummo, first in her appearance, and also in the tone of that movie
by garrapito
what would have happened if we burned all the prisoners and dragged them through the streets. then maybe we can hang them under bridge overpasses!
what they did to our 4 contractors lasted in fury for about 3 days.
the "tortures" of iraqi prisoners will go on for a long time. the idiots of this country will insure the fall of our great country.

We have the american red cross posted outside saddam's cell to make sure he gets his daily newspaper, but does anyone care that he wont tell us where he hid the chopped up body of still missing american pilot Scott Speiker-from the 1st gulf war?

If i was captured as a POW, I just hope the worst that happens to me is that they urinate on me or make me stand naked in front of other POWs or make me form a human pyramid nude.

I am disgusted by what these prison guards did and I do not in anyway agree with any of it. It is a lack of the basics of principles which now has spread throughout our military and i hope all involved gets what is coming to them. But to spin this thing out of control the way we are is also reprehensible.

For all you people who are outraged, you are very shallow and ignorant to what these savages have done to our servicemen throughout history. you all need to read a little history and watch the world once in a while instead of survivor or american idol or the batcehlorette.
by Josh Z Brown (bBYBOYBbygirl8285 [at]
on behalf of the American people there is so much to know and learn.. not just what the MMPC did but what they should of done in the good act of Miltary Police as they did all those immuture things to the Iraqi Prisoners do they know what is goin to happen to them ??? do they care about human Being ?? what is so good to be bragging about body part when you are in a war zone ??? could it possibility mean that they've lost their mind ?? do they know the real Sybol of them being American ?? as I read article and look at all the pictures I was shock that it was our American Miltary and Allies British Miltary involve in the sex sandical against Iragi Prisoners.. but on the other hand it could of took place on tryin to control the roit as soon as those pictures is spread it is going to make a big and dangerious impact on us Americain and our American Troops in the Middle East .. another word thanks alot to those who abuse on the prisoners in Iraq now you got you and your country in depth with Arab world think twice before makin mistake on abusing the forgien prisoners....
MR.President please understand what the good way of being president and if you really wanna be in office please show us Fellow American how much you care for us and the soldiers at well punish the one who disobey the Miltary rules.. THanks you for reading this article and understanding.. I love this Country very much USA is my home and my heart I dont want us American brothers and sisters to look bad when we go tour around the world..

A fellow Deaf American
by mad vet
I am an ex-navy man and as such I have had to travel to a lot of countries. Some of these countries put up with us only for our money and military might. Most people (all branches) in the miltary go out of their way to treat the host country very well. I was at times detailed to help take care of the Brig (military prison) an never ever thought of miss treating any prisoner. These prisoners are still people. The damage these few idiots have done to our countries image, image of our people and our military is soooo grave. These stories were leaked out months ago in Iraq... How many of our men and women have been killed because of the out-rage of the things these idiots did?

I think everyone of the american "soldiers" and i use the term loosely, who apear in the photos should first be booted out of the service then ether handed over to the Iraqi athorities or the United Nations to be tried by an internatioal court.

This is about the only way we can save face. We expect the Iraqies to hand over the idoits that burned and hang those contractors.... But we want to try these idiots who mis-treared these prisoners ?

In acse you do not know and saw these idiots were following orders, the us military has a set of rules and regulations that govern the conduct of military personnel. There is one regulation in there that says you do not have to follow any oder that you determine is morally wrong . these idiots saw nothing wrong in what they did, some of them even enjoyed it.
they sould burn as they say for there acts.
by Adam
by Adam
by heard it before
That was Eichmann's excuse.
by aaron
In response to "different point of view",
Well Chris, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you have less than a high school education. First off, you say "well at least we are not murdering them like they do to our media and our civilian contractors". Well, your wrong. Obviously you have only been getting the sound bytes of this story, and not actually reading it yourself (can you read?). If you had, you would know that there have been accounts of Iraqis dieing during interogation by CIA goons and soldiers of fortune. Furthermore, your position that this war is paradise in comparison to previous conflicts is pointless. I'll let you in on a little secret: NO WAR IS PARADISE. We are supposed to be moving forward in the treatment of people, not backwards. And as far as your belief that we have freed these people from tyranny and oppression, and they should be thanking us, well, I dont expect much more from a "my country right or wrong" sheep like yourself. Yes, Saddam was a bad guy, nobody is denying that. but the fact remains that thousands upon thousands or Iraqis are dead now because of our countries "liberation" (yeah, we liberated a bunch of them right out of existence) and the exact number is not known because of the anarchy that insued after our unilateraly, pre-emptive illegal strike. It would be safe to say that, had we not attacked, all of those Iraqis would probably be still living, along with upwards of 700 servicemen (if that means anything to you, yanky doodle). And what have we given the Iraqi people? 20th century robber barons like haliburton or, i'm sorry, their subsidiary, Kellog Brown and Root, who will eventually drain them of their natural resources, and any hope of a stable economy in any near future. Case in point...........Chris, you are a moron.
p.s. and as far as your "lets see some more of those pictures" comment, well, to tell you the truth, i would not mind seeing some pics of your mother hooded and stuck in the middle of a nude pyramid, or better yet, being drug around the floor on a leash. Would make for some good old fun, now wouldnt it?
by aaron
21st century robber barons, as if it makes much of a defference......
by Mark
Well Said!
by Markus
WHATS NEW!!!!! The United States does this kind of things every day all around th globe. Your are just so isolated and brainwashed by your own media that you don´t notice. Your pathetic president talks about "the land of democracy"?!?!?! Well maybe he should study som history and find out that it was first implemented in greece about 2000 years ago. If you want to find out about freedom and peace,(and not gettin shot by the police for jaywalking) then you should step out out of your little pathetic US bubble and go on a trip to Europe.
by BushShouldBeShot (whocares [at]
Bush didn't know about it? Ha ha ha.. and that cow, Linddie or whatever her name is.. her mother complains about what the Iraqis do to the American "boys and girls".. Hello? I wanna know just who the friggin hell are the invaders (terrorists) here! I don't care this much if your US soldiers get killed, they shouldn't BE THERE AT ALL! Get out! You have killed, tortured and murdered one too many Iraqi civilians. Bush should be tried and convicted. He is a terrorist.
by Not A Dumb Yank
What these "savages" have done to your servicemen? Hell, I don't see those "savages" doing the savaging, do you? You lot are just as bad as the Nazis. Bigots. Racists. You're trying to commit genocide.
by Sassy
Anyone with any brains knew that going into Iraq alone was a mistake. Sure Sadam was evil but the world is full of evil dictators. Over the past ten years we have killed more civilians in Iraq than Sadam did. But Iraq has oil and so Bush and his croonies went in without the support of the world (unless you call Britian-and the few countries we paid off to stand behind us the world). Bush has created another Vietnam. My husband was in Vietnam. I have studied the politics of that war for many years. The weapons and the methods may be different today but the politics have not changed. We are in a shit load of a mess and the only way to get out is to boot everyone out of the White House and start over. I am not a Kerry fan but ANYONE (my dog) would be better than those leading us down the path to destruction. Who would have known we would have had so many S&M soldiers in Iraq? Ha! Bush and Rumsfield probabally get their jollies looking at those photos. Who are they kidding by acting shocked? This is widespread and is only to cause our good solderis more harm. The people rwho took those photos including the present administration should put up for war crimes-NOW!
by anne
You are so right. As if we had the right to treat others like this based on the barbaric behavior of other countries or past situations. Jesus, you WOULD hope we're moving forward in our understanding of decent treatment of others in this world. Bush is an idiot and this further proves it. To think that Brig. Janice acted as if she had no idea just kills me also. It sickens me, as a woman, to see other women acting in this way, in the photos, etc. God help us and the reactions this will incite in the Muslim world against us.
by USAF First Sergeant (Ret)
With the don't ask don't tell policy and females in combat you should not be amazed that the moral judgement of the Army has suffered..All the good officers and enlisted left when Pres. Clinton was being serviced by Monica.
by g bush
Arab Assholes flew planes into our buildings, killing thousands............... any country harboring these pigs should consider themselves lucky they werent vaporized.................stop whining about some fair play.............
by get your facts straight
That leaves out Iraq.
by not in my house
Do we need to confirm to the world our decades long support of Saddam and his regime by committing the same acts? I thought we were told that it was weapons of mass destruction (look in the White House for the receipts), or was it to liberate the Iraqi peoples? What will the new spin be now???? Bottom line is OIL and fattening the cronies pigs at the trough of a now more tortured and terrorized country. This can only bring waste to our country. FIRE BuSh and his fascist mob.
by ADamnProudAmerican
I believe it is very unfortunate that our service men/women committed these atrocities, these POW's are human and deserve to be treated that way, unless proven otherwise. I believe these few American soldiers should be thrown in prison for life or worse. These acts of ignorance lower America to the level of Saddam or Hitler. Haveing been born here in the good old U.S.A, I am disgusted to see this happen. But you can not let the acts of a few spoil the rest. I know for a fact that the majority of soldiers in our armed forces are good people. It is unfortunate that they are over there and are suffering becouse of the acts of a few mindless ignorant dimwits. War is never a pretty thing, and certainly never a perfect thing. I do support our president 110%, he was right in getting rid of saddam, and helping to liberate Afghanistan. I do know that under Saddam, our soldiers would have been treated 10 times worse if held as a POW's, but I know that is still no excuse for American service men/women to treat Iraqi POW's the same way. I hope and pray this war will be over as soon as possible so our troops can come home, but until then I support our troops in Iraq and president 110%, and i'll continue to support them for as long as good lord lets me!! God bless America and God bless the rest of the world!
by Angie
News :: Elections or Legislation
Kerry Committed War Crimes, 'Burned Villages' in Viet Nam
Submitted by United Press International
Original Publisher: United Press International
Another site,, places records from Sen. Kerry's anti-war protests online, including the transcript of the full question and answer session before a U.S. Senate committee, where the young Vietnam veteran detailed, among other activities, his trip as a civilian to the Paris Peace talks involving the U.S., South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese governments.

"I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks -- that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government," Kerry said during testimony on April 22, 1971, before the Foreign Relations Committee, according to the transcript posted on the site. also features audio sound bites -- in the MP3 format -- of Kerry describing what he did in Vietnam, both in testimony before the Senate and in an interview.

"Yes, I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed," Kerry said in the sound bite. "I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages."
by Angie
>>>"add one more to the list of guilty
by Angie Saturday, May. 08, 2004 at 12:47 AM"

The post cited above is a forgery.
Reading news and seeing those photographs I am very shocked. It is very clear that every camp of US and UK armies is the centre of torture cell. Without the prior permission of the higher authority or officer, no solder dares to do such thing. Every solder knows it very well that he or she will have to face martial court if he or she does this. Still they dare to do that. It means that the higher authority is certainly involved with this type of activity. Their group torturing proves very well the brutality of the solders. One the other hand it proves that there is no proper chain of command in the army or proper training if the higher officers are not involve with this. It is really a shame for the US and UK who claim themselves as civilized nations. I do not think so (they are civilized – It is a show to the world) if every solder is involved with this type of activity. We should not forget that it is the only evidence given by their fellow solders. Don’t you think there are thousand of untold stories of their torture and killing?
by vinz
i'm a french young man, which does not really agree the american policy. But despite that, I respected the USA before I saw these pics. Do u really think u can advice something to another country??????? u're at the same level as Sadam Hussein, so how do u think that Irakians could approve the fact u stay in their country? The so-called "1st power" of the world has really disappointed us...I don't think I will now be able to respect u anymore...
by ramkishan (ramkishan1987 [at]
This is our real picture and real charecter. We have done in white house and prison. I am glad there is uproar. Still element of humanity exist in uor heart. I hope for better to come.
by Salam Abbas
It's painful for me to see these pictures, but I hate it more when people comment on them saying: "What did you expect? They did this and that to us!" Remember, NEVER fight fire with fire! You can't JUSTIFY THIS ACT! I don't care what reasoning, you're a deaf stupid idiot if you try to jutify acts like these. We're not animals, we're civilized! That's why you find people who justify 9/11 saying they did this to us, and you justify this saying they destroyed our buildings! What does that make it! You're equal now! You can't generalize. You can't kill, rape and torture because his cousin slapped you! So whoever whoever whoever finds this act justifyable, to me he's not a human being but an animal with an IQ less than a 100.
by wrong
No they didn't. Somebody else did. Not a single Iraqi was involved in 9/11.
by aaron
In response to "g bush" and "adamnproudamerican"
first off, "g bush", as it was metioned by a comentator imediately after your post, i will mention it again because people like you tend to be less than quick at assimilating information. there was neveran Iraq-al queda link. never. not one........ever. in fact, the likelyhood of there being an Iraq-al queda link ist infinitely small, given the fact that Ossama Bin Laden and Saddaam Hussein wee not friendly with each other. in fact, they really didnt even like each other. Bin-Laden, being a fundamentalist, considered Saddam an infidel because he was the leader of a country composed almost enirely of Muslims, yet he was secular. meaning, he did permit other religious practices. Saddam, being a sadistic bastard, didnt like anybody calling him an infidel. so, you argument is.............bullshit.
As for "adamnproudamerican", well your name is very telling. are country's military has caused the death of thousands upon thousands of Iraqis, over 700 of it's on servicemen, brought the country to the brink of civil war (where it still remains as i type this), set a precedent that nobody has to listen to the United Nations and therefore, International Law is thus null and void, has rountinely, systematicly, and MANDITORILY abused and humiliated prisoners. Your statement that by and large, Anerican soldiers are not abusive is completely base-liss. i dare so you have no greater insight into what goess on in the occupation than anyone else who gets their spoon fed news of the day from Fox news. i have friends in the military, peple that i love dearly, and they have describeed to me some of the desspicable things they have done. the only timee these occurances are reported are the once in a blue moon scenarios where someone slips up, or in this case, an individual has the courage and the sense of resposibility to blow the whistle. needless to say, with the structure of the military and the possible repercusions of said whistle blowing, this is not a common occurance. and for this, you are just one proud american, now arent you? i'm gonna share a few words for you, spoken by Bertrand Russell: "Patriotism is the willingness to die for trivial reasons". you are willing to talk, but i doubt you are willing to die. you might want to meditate on that one for a while.
by America: shame of the world
What kind of sick mind would take pride in this?
by John
What the hell put peoples flying plane against to buildings, huh?

One nation, one country!
by Antonio
American soldiers destroyed again the Twin Tower by words for that.....
by heard it before
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer.
by Quote of the Day
"Iraq is free of rape rooms and torture chambers."
-President George W. Bush, October, 2003
this makes as look like the same idiots we are supposed to be stopping. as for the idiots who keep saying"they blew up our buildings" there were no iraqis on those planes they were mostly saudis you know our friends the saudis. 9-11-01 and iraq are two seperate and distinct things . Stop watching fox news and maybe you'll get some truth for a change believe me people fox news and rush limbaugh have never let the truth intefere with what they think is good tv or radio . only problem is it's not good journalism.
by Steven Grugin (Stevensenigma04 [at]
I am absolutely appaled and outraged of the treatment of humanity when it come to the photos of abu ghraib prison on iraq. American soldiers are suppose to be upholding american values and not falling to the suppression and inhumanity of what iraq once faced. America is sticking to the standard of healing a nation, not hurting a nation. Any american soldier that that cannot abide by the standards of the geneva conviction should not be in the military or representing our country as a whole. true that 911 had many horrors and deaths but how much more can the world take when it comes to mistreatment and death of humanity in itself.
by Ellen
We are the new Nazis. When President Bush referred to Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the axis of evil, he failed to differentiate between the governments of those countries and the people. Thus our soldiers have just taken that and run with it. This has far worse implications than anyone can imagine. We are over there for shaky reasons at best, and now we are abusing people as well.
by Firman (fiermania [at]
I'm so sad to see my brothers been abused. its not fair 4 them? they r a human too. So in this case, we faced the fact that the 'American an Britain Troopers" dont know whats the 'BUSH" point to againts Iraqi. I m a mosleem. In our religion thought to give our love to anyone including your enemy and your prisoners.
by A.Sherif (asherif [at]
is that the target from this ware!!
really where the nuclear weapon on that the weapon which american searching that the freedome which is get for the iraq people.........whtich religion order human to do that!!!!!!!
where is the answer!!
where is the excuse!
leaveiraq for iraq`s people why u still there!!!!!!!
by Billy Yoste
Most of these are not the torture photos
They have still to be released, and will also leak out in due course as informers give them up in return for immunity.
This particular victim on the box managed to stand there for three days (and nights), I heard on a TV news report. Rummy managed to get CBS to stall on release of these photos while he prepared a response... this is the only first batch of "humiliation" jpegs. It may be Rove thinks the story will have run its course by the time the jpegs of worse abuses come to light.
The court case currently against the UK government for the deaths by UK military tells more about the real torture.. those that died in the process, such as the hotel receptionist who had more than half of his face torn off. Some of the worst photos will only surface on the edges of the net.. the mainstream media will not publish them.
The Bush and co. lies that Iraq had links to 9/11 is partly to blame for this latest USUK attrocity, but it fades into insignificance when one considers the thousands of civilians bombed and shelled in cold and the ongoing massacre everyday.
It accelerates the suicide of Bliar and /or his offspring.
by Mike
Like most Americans, I'm deeply saddened and dissappointed that the world's attention is focused on the USA for the actions of a few on a secluded, apparently improperly supervised outpost.

To anyone from other countries, I want to say that this is not the average American soldier's attitude. We spend our entire lives trying to do only what we feel is best for our nation, as well as what's best for others throughout the world.

I understand that we can't turn the world's opinion away from what they've seen in these photos, but it's not fair to think this is normal American behavoir.

As for the statement of the person that said "we are the new nazis", that person needs to pick up a history book and study from 1933-1945 and see if taking "humiliating pictures" is what the Nazis did. Unlike the Nazis, OUR entire political and government systems ARE NOT behind the actions of the soldiers guarding and interrogating the former soldiers & suspected terrorists.

I pray for our military, I pray for the good of Iraq and it's people and I pray that life will be much better for the millions of Iraqis in future years because of the American and other countrie's soldiers that have died for what we're doing in Iraq.

I wish that the fighting was all over and that all of the soldiers were withdrawn, but rest assured that we only want to see that Iraq is stable and then get out as fast as possible.

These photos capture truly shocking and outrageous acts by a few soldiers who should be brought to justice indeed. However, most likely they were acting on orders that follow an agenda of US imperial domination that uses terror as a tool of conquest. It’s important to realize that the US engages in terror systemically at home and abroad and has since day one in order to maintain its position as the world's #1 power and constantly expand its markets. Just ask any Native American and any person of the various nationalities that have had the unfortunate contact with the US' insane violent conquest of the world. It’s all the more horrifying to imagine that this happens everyday all over the place and has since the US' inception. We are only just now privy to these kinds of images in the Mainstream media so now all of the sudden people are surprised and outraged. Hopefully people will realize these images reflect only a small percentage of the terror that this country inflicts on a daily basis and will realize that this is a common occurrence in our prisons and streets at home and places like Iraq and Afghanistan. These kinds of things will continue everyday unless people who understand what the US’ agenda really is stops them. Power to the people.
by Hany
Show yourself in your true colors America ..
Porn Clubs......
Porn Movies.....
Pregnant Teenagers......
Gay Marriages.......
And finally , the new version: Sex in war.
As if you never had enough in your country.
This picture tells u what most of the world think of u.

by Thoughts like, "Oh, the irony..."
Remember, Hany, the warriors agree with you, that sexual permissiveness leads to social decadence of various kinds. The pro-war people are all anti sex. The average pro-sex American is, generally speaking, profoundly anti-war.

Quite a contradiction?

Why doesn't the military let gays serve in the military, but then uses homosexuality to humiliate prisoners? Why is that?

Maybe the pictures we're seeing are the result of sexual repression, not the result of permissiveness. That and the inherently sick and degrading nature of military culture.

Armies rape. It's a fact as old as warfare. That's the kind of reason why decent folks are against war. These pictures are only shocking in that they make blatant the hypocrisy that's always been inherent to the position of the US government. Torture in prisons isn't news, is it? That does not make it right, that makes prisons wrong.

Remember, the people didn't elect this president. It would be a mistake to presume these actions are sanctioned by the people-- most americans, pro or anti sex, are appalled at these pictures and what they mean.

The burning question is whether a fundamentalist christian administration can survive a sex scandal, one that puts the Monica Lewinsky affair in quite proper perspective.

280 million americans are very, very sorry right now, Hany. Can the muslim world take advantage of that opportunity? Or will it settle for a sense of moral superiority and continued political futility?
by Steve
I think it is very appropriate. Maybe it might scare the crap out of these people who do it to anyone the want with NO remorse. These bastards kill people all the time and nothing is done to them. Keep up the good work.
by Pirate Prentice
Fascism is not confined to any one ethnicity or nation state. I forgot who I'm quoting but the quote went something like, "The Nazis lost the war, but their ideology triumphed". Think of the British in colonial Kenya, the French in Indochina and Algiers, what we did in Vietnam, what the Israelis and Palestinians are doing to each other right now, what happened to the Tutse in Africa, Bosnia, Czezchnia....

Jorge Luis Borges short story "Deusches Requiem" expresses it better than I ever could. .
by two wrongs don't make a right
If “they do it, too” was a valid excuse, Hitler would be off the hook for killing six million Jews, because Stalin killed six million Ukrainians.
by Oldschool
Lets see where to start. Well I'm a proud american who is sick of defending all you other ungreatful weak nations..

You borrow our money, use us in defending your corrupt countries then call us names and try to say we are taking over the world, are nazi's and are baby killers.

Well if you all got off your lazy and coward asses then we would'nt have to do all this. Personnally i would like to pull out of Nato and let you Euro's start killing each other like your so good at anyway. Oh wait your birthrate is so far down from your self-indugent liberal views that you wont be around for much longer anyway haha!! Pretty soon you will be a muslim nation over there anyway look at france as an example. Anyway the french aint good for anything so good ridance. Don't forget europe is respondable for two world wars and over 70 million deaths in the last 100 years!!!! So where do you get off on blaming us for being barbarians? look in the mirror buddy!!

Second I would like to pull out of the middle east period. End of story! I think we should work on a alternate fuel and let you fanatics fall back into the stone age where you belong anyway.... And for you liberal weirdo's out there that are filling up your suv's, well that speaks for itselfs does'nt it?

As for Korea i would like to pull out of there too and let N. Korea gobble it up. Big deal like i care about them anyway. Will bring back more american jobs back too boot!! What a deal muhahahaha. Let China and Russia deal with that problem...Oh wait Russia can't even feed its own people what a power they have become...haha

As for the moron that said the u.s. has gay marrages i think your thinking of Pot smoking Canada. There the one's with gay marriages.

As for the americans that are ashamed to be american. Well here's the door take your ass to canada or europe. Wait better yet go to the middle east im sure they will take you in with open arms. Yeah right you will be hanging from a bridge somewhere haha who needs you anyway.....

Just my two cents.. Half -way through a bottle right now so hope i wasnt too blunt!! But if i was tough shit haha!
by born here
This guy is *exactly* why I'm ashamed of America. It produced him.
by Proud American
I think our soldiers shouldn't be getting court marshalled they need a medal. Why should they be able to treat our POWs any why they feel is right but when it comes to the USA heaven for bid we do anything wrong. I think it was sick but I can't change what they did. Also the British soldiers are doing the same thing why isn't it plastered all over the place?
by ashamed of America
But even if they weren't, two wrongs don't make a right. If “they do it, too” was a valid excuse, Hitler would be off the hook for killing six million Jews, because Stalin killed six million Ukrainians.
by M. Tolentino
Those Are Pictures Of Terror And Human Rights Violation
Rumsfeld & Bush Knew All Along Just Read What The Red Cross Is Saying.
by Me
Since when did our people become of more worth than other nations'? When did it become right to kill thousands of theirs just for some sort of sick retaliation? I am a freshman in college and never before have I been so ashamed to be an American citizen. Sure, we have rights that people in other countries don't, but at what price? Should I be glad that I have freedom of speech *as long as no one too important is offended* or freedom of religion when those very people that we're taught to feel sorry for are being killed by American troops? Their innocents are of no less worth than those innocent people in the World Trade Center. It makes me hurt inside to think that we are justifying all of this killing and that people can be filled with so much hate. I hope that people realize that their actions today will affect them for the rest of their lives, and I hope they're willing to live with that.
by Sad (pocketmonkey [at]
It is a shame that this marines or what ever rank they are did this horrible things to this people. How can the iraqi people belive in the american troops when they act like Natzis and how can they have gotten orders to act and conduct such a barberian acts. I think this animals(marines) should be punisht and serve a long prison term.
by S_Silda (S_Silda [at]
this is so humiliating for us americans. we call ourselves peace makers but then our american troops embarasse the american troops that are trying to help others. i think the ones who help out in this horrible act should be punished and taken out of the military. why should we feel shamed to be americans because they do this horrible and discusting act.
by AYMAN (ayman_19 [at]
why all that treatment
we thought that AMERICA is the country of freedom and human rights
but ... WHAT A SHAME to all Americans
the Americans nowadays are the most hated persons all over the universe
may i ask .. WHY all that ????? and for what ?????
by RJ Cook
I too am ashamed of what these soldiers did but I am not ashamed of being an American. Don't paint with so broad a brush, those few and maybe other higher ranking officials should be prosecuted and punished.
by Khan
Images of Iraqi Presoners showed the True Picture of a Highly cevilized nations called USA (United Sicks Amercans) and UK.
by aaron
in response to "oldschool"
lets see, where to start. well, you are absolutly correct. we do offer a lot of financial aid to other countries (understandable that we do comand the largest economy?). but your image of a kind United States just oozing with charity is simply bullshit. we shell out "aid" with interests in mind. this is so we can forclose on whatever we want or at the very least, have major influence on another state when we offer a great deal of capital that we know they will never be able to paay back (except for Israel, who being the 16th richest nation somehow gest 1/3 of the US's entire foreign aid and has had every single debt to the US forgiven). Ever heard of the lend lease act, dickhead? this occured during the second of those big world wars that those damn europeans cant seem to help but start. and while dragging our feet about jumping in on the side of our "allies" (the brittish and those good for nothing french as you so profoundly put it) before finally, after a direct attack from the japanese, joined in the fight. we lent, and thats a key word, lent, the Brittish 50 "aged" destroyers for the leasing of brittish military bases for 100 years, with the option to renew. this lease wont even be up until somwhere around 2039, 2040 and then we can even try to renegotiate. till then, we have pretty much free reign over brittish militaryt bases (could that be why supposed liberal tony blair cant get that texas dick out of his ass?) but you right old school, us americans just give and give and give, dont we? and as faar as the europeans being so good at killing each other off, well i'll inform you of some facts (cause your obviously and idiot as well as a drunkard), the US has the highest murder rate of any industrialized country, along with a similarily high poverty rate (remember what i said about largest economy). but yeah, the europeans are the killers. and i wont even touch what our great ancestors id to the native americans, im sure thats beyond your comprehension.
and as far as your comment of letting the middle east fall back into the stone age where it belongs, well, i must say, i dont have any real facts here to refute your argument. i can only say that you are obviously a racist in addition to a drunkard and an idiot (a trio often found together) and you should be sterilized for the benefit of the community gene pool.
and finally, as for us ashamed americans being shown the door to canada and europe, i take upon myself to speak for my unamerican comrads on this mesage board when i say.................fuck you. im sure american history was as difficult for you in school just as much as anything else that involved thinking, so i will help you out here. this country was spawned by people who did not agree with the ruling party. massive and important change has occured numerous times as a direct result of people refusing the practices of the authority (civil rights movemnt is an example, though you probably dont care) your blind faith in the US government, especially one such held hostage by Dick Cheney and the neocon fucks that created this project for a new american century that is well in progress now, is the real danger, not us. if anyone should leave, it's you (but i doubt any one would want you). but i wouldnt tell you to do that. because you hve just as much of a right to voice your opinion as i do, even though it really isnt your opinion. but i'm right, and your wrong. and that my friend, is the bottom line.

by J. L. R.
Why would anyone permit cameras into such places? I do believe there is a lapse of security in that department. Certainly these pictures are wrong; but I do believe the people would not have them posed like that, if it were not for the cameras. Certainly people will be Court Martialed, not for the offence; but because of the lack of security. Why would anyone permit the cameras into such places?
by this guy
this doesn't seem to be any different than other wartime behaviors exhibited by any other country in the world.

and before you all jump on me, claiming that i am "justifying" these actions, hold those horses for a moment and listen up.

war atrocities have been commited from time inmemorium. the massacre, humiliation, and torture of people is not not an American invention to any extent. nor is it any other nation's invention, no matter how "barbarous" that nation may appear to be to our "refined" Western world view.

the thing that gets my craw, is the whole United States' hypocrisy in this. as if the United States government and it's military is "the good-guy," incapable of any kind of gross misconduct. that's a lie, and those who believe that are just feeding into the hypocrisy, perpetuating it. does anyone remember the Green Beret's vile conduct in Vietnam? yeah, that was a good cause... and we were doing the right thing, killing grandmothers and little children for no reason other than vulgar malice.

for the record, i understand and empathize with the world's current view on the US. i just don't see any difference to historical acounts of war atrocities world-wide, and, therefore, i am not shocked by these awful pictures. The US isn't innoccent, and niether is any other country; we are all in this mess together.

call me desensitized.

like i said, i am not justifiying this, i am meerly saying that humans do horible things to each other, no matter if there is a Republican in the US seat of power or not. This comes as no shock that actions like this occured. and as sickening and human as it is, we as humans need to understand, that as long as there is any notion of "power-over-another," nations will continue to eat other nations, soldiers will continue to kill mothers and grandmothers, and McDonalds will continue to wield a Big Mac (TM) and a large fry against our arteries.

our lot is a sad one indeed.
by Claudia Brandt
Whether these atrocities are "common" in times of war is besides the point. This was supposed to be a "liberating" operation (forget WMDs, as we have learned) and liberators come bearing freedom, not torture and degradation. - Fact is, the U.S. is having a hard enough time defending its case to the rest of the world and especially to the PEOPLE in Iraq who are witnessing not the dawn of democracy and freedom but brutality and oppression. Only the perpetrators have been replaced.
By the way, my "Arian" grandparents lived in Germany during Hitler's time but had nothing to do with his murdering and henchmen. My friends in the U.S. have nothing to do with the crimes against humanity committed in Iraq. And many common folks in Iraq have nothing to do with terrorism. Let's not forget we are all people. And cruel and perverted bastards can be found no matter where you look.
No need to be ashamed to be American. Evil is universal. America, though far from perfect, still has its many wonderful people who make it a great place to be in. - I personally won't let what's going on disturb my love for the U.S. - and I'm not even American. (It goes without saying that my love does not extend to the people up top who obviously don't give a lick about the common folks, despite all the lip service they're paying...)
by this guy
yeah i know that it's besides the point that atrocities are common during war... i just sometimes feel a need to tell people that we as humans are capable of horrors upon horrors. a lot of people who aren't United States citizens seem to think that we're all loud, boorish, fat, hyper-patriotic scum. not that i am perfect, but i was born and reared in the US and i don't like the majority of US policy and practice, and i am not a dumb yank like so many people in the world like to believe us all to be. pretty much what i was trying to say, and i know it wasn't very clear, was that most people living in the US are innocent and good. as far as that statement goes when talking about humans... and that we are not all gung ho about killin' and maimin' little brown people
for the fun of it, and to suit our imperialistc urges. i don't recal a time i ever took over my downstairs neighbor's appartment and declaired it my land...

sometimes, i think the only part of our government that works properly is the mail service. but even that is in doubt: i get bills after they are due. what the hell?
by ontty
You can not hide for ever, the truth will always prevail, so God is just revealing a tiny section of the bigger picture. Can some body tell me what this "thanks giving" is all about?
if all are focused on this issue, atrocities- what about innocent people killed in iraq...why no voices all around the world..are we one-sided! why no comments on innocent civilians ambushed, burnt and hanged in the bridge! are atrocities only blamed to americans..what happened to people beheaded in southern phils in asia by abu sayaffs...was it an isolated case? war or no war, these are the present situation of our planet called earth...i agree this are all war propaganda to justify the continous feel how people will react..gradual process.. I HOPE THESE THINGS WILL BE STOPPED.. i hate reading articles of HITLER, STALIN in history books..much i dont like reading things about americans doing these atrocities in WAR...but i think this happened everytime there is war....
by this guy
yes... i agree that it's not just the US that commits war crimes... <b>Nobody</b> seems to know or care about the horrors the Japanese commited against it's enemies in WW2, and how they punished themselves. <b>Nobody</b> seems to know or care about the millions of people dying in Ethiopia and Ertrtia... What about the millions of the dead Armienians at the hands of the Turks?

i don't think i need to go on.

in a time of war there will be death. we, in the US, are lead to believe that war is cut-and-dry noadays. that it's some sort of clear-cut, taking-out-the-trash kind of opperation where only the bad guys are dealt with, and civilians can still get around and get to the local McDonald's and the local supermarket and buy Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (tm). i don't think i need to tell the people on this site that it's not. i think the US military term for it is "Acceptable Losses." "acceptable." acceptabe to whom? certainly not that mother and child who's father was incinerated right before them. war is disgusting, to be simple about it.

so, i agree with L.I.G., but there is a reason why we are not shown the civilian death: the fact that these are real people with real stories and real faces... is much too much for a person with a heart to bear. it's much easier to deal with hearing the words: "Serviced Target," than "Chared-Hole-In-The-Ground-That-Used-To-Be-A-Town-Teeming-With-People-Just-Like-You."
by Chris
You know what US Boys?? You never experiecned beeing Bombed, like our country in WW2 (Austria).

Make war in your own Country, and leave the world alone with your bullshit!!! NO ONE WANTS YOUR WAR CRIMINALS ANYMORE
by Chris
that goes only to the War-friendly us guys of course. I know there are many intelligent guys also....

I just got annoyed, because the posting up there somewhere, where some fool still crys for revenge for september 11th.

Hey, your army killes so many thousends innocent people more already, then ever died in the WTC. Is that your way of justice? I guess so. I'm just glad to live in austria, a country that learned that war is not an answer! NEVER
by this guy
yeah i forgot...

another reason we don't hear of these conflicts in remote places is because they have little or nothing to do with US money or people, so they are deemed unimportant.

i don't see how we get such an isolationist view about all this, seeing as though we are all one people living on one small rock.

listen to me; i'm the friggin' dhali lama.

by killakeepa
you have never fought in austria because your bitchass government rolled over for the nazis. if you had an army or air force of formidable size then maybe your government would stand up for itself instead of being the doorway by which other countries move to strike another.
damn right we're still pissed about 9/11. every self respecting country and its citizens are and should be. it has not a lot to do with it being done on american soil...but in fact it pisses everyone off because these people are born and bred to kill. ruthlessly and without hesitation any american or european they happen across. they have camps where they train for this. our children go to summer camp to learn how to build campfires, while these bastards are learning the art of death upon americans.
if you think we are stupid for reacting the way we are then keep your mouth shut. you are a doormat. what would austria be today without the US? matter of fact what would all of europe be today without the "evil" americans....sprechen sie deutsch? da. youd all be nazis and your bloodlines would have been cut.
you have no right to an opinion of how we are handling this situation. your grandfather and great grandfather would raise a glass in toast of america becaus ethey know without us you wouldnt be where you are today.
i hate what these soldiers did. not because i feel sorry for the poor idiots they were doing it to, but because it takes the US that much further back. people were starting to see the good in what we were doing and now all they see is the bad. i think these idiot army reservists should go to jail for a long long time. especially that dumb assed bull dike who said she didnt know what she was supposed to do and that it was an order. fuck that. ive been there and done that. no orders like this are given.
i have a metaphor to leave you with. after 9/11 everyone looked upon the muslim world as all a bunch of terrorists...when in fact it is only those few who translate the Qua'aran their own way and act upon it who are terrorists. the same goes in this situation...just because you see 20-30 soldiers doing bad things doesnt mean that we all are.

by Uncle Sam
Lets say this is Americas vengence for 9/11

Lets say that the Arab regimes and the Arab people are not really a merciful people , and they do worse things that what is depicted in those pictures .

Why dont the cameras go to the prisons in the Syria Egypt Saudi Arabia and have a look .

If the media wants to be unbiased why do they only cover " tortures " when the west does it and not when the dictoratships do it ?

I just cant believe that the soldiers were allowed to take cameras and tape this stuff , cameras should never be allowed in such places ! how stupid it was !

Another thing , I think the solution to such a barbaric people is to bring back Saddam to them , this time he will do all the killings for the americans i bet he will wipe out at least half the iraqis for sure all the shia will be wiped out .

Pull the american troops out of iraq , bring back Saddam ! and donot risk the lives of American troops thats what i think u politically correct weeds out there !
by Pirate Prentice
Austria `did not 'roll over' for the Nazis most of them were Nazis. Austria was annexed to Germany with the overwheming spproval of most Austrians. And a lot of them served in the German amed forces as well as the SS. Yes, Chris, Austrian civilians suffered horribly during the WWII. So did German civilians. That's what happens whren you lose a war of agression. Like they say "Payback's a bitch". When's the America's payback gonna come. The manner of delivery, and those who will deliver it are still unknown. But one thing I'm sure of payback's gonna come.
in response to the above post:

a lot of misinformed Americans think that most of Europe just rolled over for the Nazis. a lot of misinformed Americans also believe that our army "won that war for the world." not so. if it wasn't for the Soviets, WW2 would have been lost. although i highly doubt that the third reich would have lasted very long, because it was highly disorganized. too many examples of that to list here.

European nations didn't just "roll over" for the Nazis, they were coerced and bludgeoned into giving up the ghost. with Hitler secretly building back the German Werhmacht, and the Nazis threatening war for lebensraum, don't you think that may have been intimidating? people always talk about how France just gave up to the Nazis. what were they to do? they were broke after the war, their military was weakend, and they didn't have the sheer military technology and presence that made Germany such destructive and intimidating power.

and yes, a majority of people in Austria and Hungary were Nazis. Adolph Hitler himself was of Austrian heritage. everyone knows that.

by fucking bustard (bunyamin [at]
this lady is a mad cow who is sent by fucking bush.bush had fucked her million times and her hole is too fucking bush decided to send to irag so that she get killed.but unfortunatly the bitch still alive in irag and doing this kind of fucking brutality.fuck you bush and fuck you that monster bitch.
by L.I.G. (littleindiangirl [at]
i believe, and i really believe that talking about war crimesor whatever acts of tortures, by military terminologies is how extract informations. writings in the website so indicate that we really hate these things.i also believe that telling our experiences during war is something to or reason to hate people of different countries or origins. let's forget about it. instead of hating contributors here, why not do some alternative ideas to stop these things. let's unite to do something or introduce solutions to make a peaceful world. a world that is not greedy of oil, economic power, or arms supremacy. why hateamericans? why hate arabs, why hate muslims? why not do something to love them! are we really helpless to do things?
by bush and the amarican goverment are wild anim
bush and the amarican goverment are wild animl
by kendil
lindsay....u better be a hooker!......u make my dogs horny
by Toni tannous (trindevie [at]
At last, some images that show how US people and soldiers are sick. And I'm convinced.
by someone...
je suis desole mais pas tous les americans sont comme ca...It is not good to generalize that all Americans are the same way because of what a select few deranged people have or will do...No matter what country they come from.
by Just me
Here are some discrete thoughts I want to share:

I think it’s not fair to judge a race, a nation, a religion or any group by the deeds of some of the followers.

I know that Americans are not all happy of what’s happening in Iraq, I know that most of them didn’t even vote for that GWB in the while house but I think it is not fair for any nation to decide what’s right for another!

I think the people is not to blame for what the government is doing – but it’s democracy in the US (you say!) & you elect the government & the government killed my people!!!!

Your choice of GWB leads to the killing of millions of innocent people around the world not just in Iraq.

If a criminal has hostages in a building is it right to bomb the whole building killing everyone inside just to get that criminal?

I was in America a decade ago – I asked many people how do they think about the bombing of an American camp in Beirut-Lebanon killing about 200 American solders to my surprise most of them did not even know where is Lebanon on the map nor why the US army were there!! I wondered!!!

I wondered how clear it is that War In Iraq has nothing to do with “liberation” but more to do with oil (the first thing that the solders did was to secure the Ministry of Oil & mineral – leaving the rest of Baghdad to be roped)

I wondered how clear the relation between ‘ALL’ the current US government leaders and the oil industry & no one said anything about the cause of the war!

I wonder why bombing innocent people with rockets lunched from an Apache helicopter considered OK while other action are considered terrorism.

I wonder … & wonder … & wonder …
by john
this is a reply to the guy who wrote the "do not generalise" article....
I am willing to be openminded and be as objective i can be but everyday when i see the news...speaking with other people(us citizen included) i come to the result that you are the masters of your own fate and you seem to enjoy what is happening...and these piictures i think are just the pick of the iceberg, imagine that if we get to see that what is really happening by those who went to iraq "to establish democracy and end the tortures of iraquis"...and you that don't want us to generalise the people of US you have a chance to prove me wrong...and this chance are the elections...but unfortunately for you and me the stats show tha 55% (at least) of americans are HAPPY with their govevernment ade they support their president........WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by kian (Devil_nbf [at]
I am an iranian & we have a serious war againest iraq
when we were fighting with iraq i wa a teen boy. in my mind
iraq was & is a enemy but when i see your site & this picture
i think that Bush is a wild animal that need a strong chain to rstrain him ,
Saeed Kianoosh
by Oldschool
Well let's see. First to the man who said that russia one WWII. Your wrong on your statement. Without U.S. aid russia would've died like the dogs they are. You seem to forget that America was also tying down Jap forces that could've been unleased to open a 2nd front for the axis against russia.

Also like i said the only thing that keep russia alive was the aid coming in from the U.S. in the from of texiles,steel etc.......

You did finally say something that was correct that most Austrians where nazi's and Hilter himself was one.

For the dipshit that wrote back to me without ever using a paragraph, i didnt read it all. Use paragraphs next time instead of everything in one big block format. It hurt my head just looking at it.

And for all of you that are ashamed to be americans we are ashamed of you. I notice most of you are college idiots. I forget who said it, but someone said that alot of americans didnt even know where Lebanon was at. Well unfortunly that is true, but that is a side effect from the liberal college system teaching there far left beliefs over standard education.

And if you are a liberal then i blame you for the war. If you listen to what Bin ladin says it has to do with your beliefs. In islam you will be punished by death if you are a homo. He claims we have low morales and no higher beliefs. It is you liberals that has those beliefs and love to showcase it too the rest of the world.
by Passerby
I just happened to drop by this site and noticed your message. I find it incredible that you called someone a 'dipshit' and had the nerve to criticize the fact that they didn't write in paragraph form. Why incredible??? Look at your following comments:

First to the man who said that russia one WWII. (The correct spelling is WON)

Also like i said the only thing that keep russia alive was the aid coming in from the U.S. in the from of texiles,steel etc..... (Grammatically correct: the kept Russia alive).

Oh yeah... neither did you write in paragraph form!

As a completely neutral person on any of this commentary, the point here is not to criticize flaws in others when obviously you’re not paying attention to those within yourself. Finally, I hear this word ‘liberal’ thrown around as though it’s the worse thing in the world; almost as though being ‘conservative’ has become a religion. I don’t aspire to be anything other than a good human being. However, just for my understanding, would you please define the terms “conservative” and ‘liberal’. It really makes no sense to me at all. It’s no different than making the unbelievable statement that all people of any religion, race, or ethnicity are all the same. Unbelievable!!!
by arab + muslem
we expect more than this from those who born in the dirty streets from adrunk dirty father and ahorn bitch .
every one dont know afather or a mether for him he can do more than this ,
i am sure most of the american had no fathers just they have abitch as amother .
what we expect from those who make sex with dogs and horse
what we expect from those who fuck their mother and sisters
what we expect
we expect every thing agly and dirty
islam is still and islam is the end every thing is disapeared but islam only still for ever what ever you do nothing islam is the biggist the stongest islam is ever.
by Adam
The Abu Ghraib photos are not a scandal, It's a Psychological Warfare Operation, Israeli Style

By David Little
May 14, 2004
The photos were released because an upstanding young American soldier who could not live with his conscious, came forward and reported what was happening. He gave the photos to a news organization which eventually showed the photos and exposed the current situation in Abu Ghraib and other prisons all over Iraq. How can the illegal torture of people, in contravention of the Geneva convention, be anything but a scandal?
The release of the Abu Ghraib photos is a psychological warfare operation by the USA against the Iraqi people. Let me explain.
In the recent past, a man named Mustafa Dirani, who was held as a prisoner by the Israelis, testified in an Israeli court. Mr Dirani testified that he had been sodomized with a police flashlight and also sodomized by an Israeli soldier. The Israelis did not deny this. In fact one of the people who was quoted said something to the effect that "George, the alias for the sodomizer, was out of control, but no one could stop him". This man was telling the court that even though George was involved in illegal acts, sodomy against a helpless prisoner, the military was unable to act to stop him. Is that believable?
I was stunned by this event. Mostly by the atrocity and evil of such acts. I was also stunned that the Israelis had allowed Mr Dirani to testify. The Israelis go to extreme lengths to stop any news they do not want from being printed. This includes the killing of international journalists by Israeli troops. Why would the Israelis allow a man to testify that their military treats prisoners in contravention of the Geneva convention. It made no sense to me. Until I began to think. If I was evil, with no compunction against evil acts, what would be my motivation for allowing Mr Dirani to testify?
Mr Dirani was allowed to testify because the Israelis WANT the world and the Palestinians to know of the atrocity. The Israelis allowed Mr Dirani to testify so that the average Palestinian on the street will wonder that, if he is picked up by the Israelis, will he be sodomized? Because the Palestinians are brave and do not fear the Israelis or their tortures, they do not obey the Israelis. BUT. According to Islam, sodomy is very bad. So the Israelis, instead of threatening the Palestinians with violence, which does not work because Palestinians are tough, the Israelis decided to threaten them with sodomy.
Now consider the situation with the USA abuse of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib. When were the photos released? The photos were released when the trouble in Fallujah and the rest of the country was flaring up. Killing 600 innocent people in Fallujah did not work. The people in Fallujah continued to resist.
There are confirmed news reports that the Israelis are working with the the USA in Iraq. There have been confirmed reports of Israeli training of USA forces as well as unconfirmed reports of Israeli death squads working in Iraq.
What I believe happened is that when force failed to work in Fallujah and the rest of Iraq, the Israelis advising the American proxy forces recommended that the Americans do what the Israelis had done in the Dirani case. Publish exactly what type of abuse an Iraqi who is arrested will suffer. Publish photos that show that the evil Israelis and Americans are not only torturing Iraqis for sport. They are torturing Iraqis on religious grounds. They are defiling the religion of Islam and the Iraqis who practice it.
This idea is born out by the type of photos being released. None of the photos are of horrific physical abuse. The majority of the photos depict abuse which goes directly against the tenets of Islam. The purpose of the Israelis and the Americans is to defile pure and good, God-loving people. They put their degenerate sexual practices and degenerate social practices onto the Iraqis in an attempt to pollute the purity of Islam in the Iraqi people.
The Iraqis are a brave and strong people. They are being killed like rats and they still fight back. What kind of a devoted Muslim, praying to Allah, will want to fight when he knows that the forces of evil are not going to torture him as one might treat an honored opponent. The forces of evil are going to defile the devout Muslim and make him impure in the eyes of Allah. The forces of evil will force their dirty sexual practices onto the clean religious Muslim Iraqi.
The USA, via the man Rumsfeld, has said there are many more photos and even video. I predict that if the resistance dies down, the public will never see these photos. On the other hand, if the brave Iraqi people continue to resist, more and more photos and videos will be released. Not as a part of an expose on a scandal, but as part of a calculated psychological warfare campaign to show what kind of evil acts the occupation forces are willing to engage in against the godly Iraqi people.
I have used the term evil multiple times in this article. I have found that many people react strongly to this word. They think it is hyperbole to use the word evil to describe what is happening in Iraq. I was astounded by this assertion. How can torture and killing and the theft of Iraqi assets be described as anything but evil? Then I realized why people did not like the word evil. Most people, when they think evil, they think of movie evil, special effect demons and monsters. That is not evil, that is movies. In order to remind people what evil is, I have included a dictionary definition of evil.
Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful: the evil effects of a poor diet
Do you see? Evil is not a movie special effect or a monster or a demon. According to the dictionary, evil is an act that causes ruin, injury, pain or is harmful. I think that we can all agree that Lynndie England pulling an Iraqi prisoner by a dog leash is an act designed to cause ruin and injury. Just as piling naked Iraqis, in direct contravention of the tenets of Islam, on top of each other is an act designed to be harmful. I do not think we need to question at all that forced sodomy by a USA soldier is an act that is causing injury or pain, the dictionary definition of evil.
The Abu Ghraib photos are not a scandal, they are a purposeful psychological warfare campaign to demonstrate to Iraqis that the forces of evil in Iraq, the USA and Israel, will purposefully try to sully the goodness, the religiosity, the holiness of the brave Iraqi Muslim people.

David Little, affiliated with concerned homebodies against abuse of regular people
This is G o o g l e's cache of
G o o g l e's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web.
by F.L.Tepedelen (ltepedelen [at]
"...millions of Armenians" That is one bubble exploded ages ago. Do read Justin McCarthy.
by nitro
I`m glad you made America`s point on evil,now watch the video of the airliner`s flying into the tower`s!!!. That`s evil!!! Watch the video of Nick Berg,again the definition of evil!! Watch as the palestinians pay there own children 12 dollars to blow themselves-up in the hopes of killing some jew`s. Thank`s for you`r definition of evil.
by Just me
Normally & naturally: evil produces & leads to evil

And I need to say again:
why bombing people with rockets lunched from an Apache helicopter (if you have not seen the out come of this, just imagine using an axe to cut a human body to pieces - not just be-heading) is considered OK while other action are considered terrorism.

I'm against all kinds of human abuse, killing, ... but why only look to one side & negelect the other side.

If one rape your sister or brother or even freind in front of you, what will you do - or want to do?
by Claudia
There are some really weird folks writing here, expressing some pretty weird ideas... But I like Little Indian Girl's idea of a world not dominated by oil, money, arms supremacy etc. If all of us pooled the energy it takes us to vent on this site, do you think there'd be a way to make a difference? Alas, I don't think so and feel as helpless as a maggot under a pair of heavy boots - but I'll join L.I.G. in dreaming about a better world not governed by greed and hate but by love.

To all of you who think that what the U.S. military is doing is justified or excusable: These acts have hurt the world's view of the U.S. immensely, despite the fact that they don't stand for the entire nation. I remember my grandparents talking about the professional way U.S. soldiers were treating German POWs and civilians - THAT (and the generosity shown to starving folks by sending CARE packages etc.) is what won the hearts and minds of the German people. Perversion, cruelty and arbitrary violence, oppression and detention will never achieve that goal. So, if you think what has gone on is okay, then you must be forgetting about the alleged purpose of the mission in Iraq. Or am I totally mistaken and the true pupose of this operation was merely to kick some non-Christian butt? Then, of course, anything goes...
by evil is as evil does
(1.) If “they do it, too” was a valid excuse, Hitler would be off the hook for killing six million Jews, because Stalin killed six million Ukrainians.

(2.) Two wrongs don't make a right.
by Angry Man
It Wasn't Arabs by Edgar J. Steele
November 18, 2003

The following email came from a list member this morning: "Today's Jews are far from perfect! But their enemies are my enemies too. I detest the Arabs. To my way of thinking they are two-faced butchers. It seems as though most of the world's terrorists come from their countries."

I got a little carried away with my response, I confess. It felt cleansing, somehow, to list all the reasons why this person was wrong. Maybe it was my being included in the SPLC's recent "List of 40 to Watch," meaning right wingers they have targeted for elimination, wherein I was labeled an anti-semite. (You want anti-semite? I'll give you anti-semite!) Here is my response, in full:

I haven't the degree of antipathy you feel for Arabs, despite a couple that I would willingly have dispatched, had it been legal. Nor do I have any particular love for them, other than that normally reserved for the underdog. Your hatred seems born of something quite apart from personal experience. Here is just part of the basis for my outlook:

It wasn't Arabs who tried to steal my law practice - it was a jew.

It wasn't Arabs who threatened to kill my children and wife - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who threatened to kill me - and continue to do so with regularity - it was/is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who screwed the stockholders of the company I worked for in SF - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who fill my email inbox with pornographic spam - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who send all those viruses to me over the Internet - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who try to get my ISP to cancel my internet access - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who periodically forge mass spam mailings to so many, using my domain name - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who send me all that incredibly vituperative, irrational and pornographic hate mail - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who blocked my PayPal account and stole the balance it contained - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who painted a bullseye on my chest by labeling me one of "40 to watch" - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who have made it all but impossible for me to work as a lawyer - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who maintain a dossier on me and draw from it to defame me on every venue possible - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who have been bent upon bankrupting and imprisoning so many that I know - it was and is jews.

It isn't Arabs who have arrested and imprisoned Chester Doles as a felon in possession of a gun, though he is no felon and owned no guns - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who indicted David Duke on tax evasion charges that were pure speculation, forcing a plea deal and a 1-year prison sentence because he dared not go before a jury - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who arrested Artie Wheeler for domestic terrorism because he had firearm reloading equipment and supplies - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who arrested and imprisoned Christine Greenwood for distributing clothing to needy white children - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who sued and bankrupted Richard Butler because he provided shelter to some derelicts who stupidly shot at some people - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who had Ernst Zundel deported to Canada - it was jews - where he now stands accused of thought crimes - by jews - for which he could get deported again, to Germany, where he will be tried for more thought crimes - by jews.

It wasn't Arabs who sued and bankrupted Tom Metzger because one of his followers stupidly killed another - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who have hijacked my government - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who have hijacked the American legal system and now are transforming it to conform to Talmudic law - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who own and run the Federal Reserve Bank, which is in the process of destroying the dollar and the American economy - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs rigging the US stock market and commodities futures markets - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who refuse to serve in the US Military in numbers proportionate to their population percentage - it is jews (1/10 of 1%, vs. 2-1/2%).

It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove the Ten Commandments from that Alabama courthouse, had Judge Moore removed from the bench and now seek to disbar him - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who sue to remove nativity scenes from public venues - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who erect menorahs in public venues in place of crosses - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove group prayer from public schools - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs suing to remove decorative lights from schools at Christmas - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who refuse to allow children to say grace over their school lunches - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who continue to impose affirmative action upon us in all walks of life - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who began and continue to expand militant feminism - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who buy off all our legislators with our own tax dollars - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who tried to sink the USS Liberty and killed and maimed so many of its crewmembers during an extended attack - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs enacting hate crime laws designed to outlaw criticism of themselves - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who run NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs suing to force us to allow homosexuals to lead boy scout troops - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who started and ran so many black organizations like the NAACP - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs importing huge numbers of Somalians and Bantu into American cities - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who formulated American legislation providing pensions to Russian jewish immigrants for doing nothing - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who run organized crime throughout America - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who import tons of drugs into America every day - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who literally own and run all of Hollywood's moviemaking enterprise - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who literally own and run all of America's mainstream media - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs spewing obscenity and race-mixing propaganda from the TV and movie screens - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs trying mightily to block release of the Mel Gibson movie, "The Passion" - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs lying about and guilt tripping us with "the holocaust" - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs stealing American tax dollars to fund all their holocaust monuments throughout America - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who forged the Anne Frank "diary" - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who lied about gas chambers at Dachau and Auschwitz - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who lied about mass graves at Treblinka - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who lied about jews being made into lamp shades and soap during WWII - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who doctored WWII prison camp photos to appear to be belching smoke from crematoria - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who used WWII pictures of dead non jews,
claiming they were jews - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who made anti-semitical talk punishable by death in Russia after they took power - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who killed over 20 million Russian Christians - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who looted and destroyed the Russian economy - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs who have amassed an illegal arsenal of over 300 nuclear weapons in the Middle East - it is the jews.

It isn't Arabs who brag about controlling America - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who advocate the use of torture by and on Americans - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who twist American laws to punish anti-semitical speech - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs endeavoring to get America to outlaw anti-semitical speech - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who sell goods that it is illegal in America to boycott - it is Israeli jews.

It isn't Arabs who extort "fees" for allowing their kosher label on goods - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who retaliate against rock-throwing children by shooting them in the head - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs stealing land in Palestine - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer - it was a jew.

It isn't Arabs who have caused America to spend $2.5 trillion ($31,250 per American family) in the Middle East - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who send teams of trained assassins into foreign countries, including America, to kill people with whom Israel disagrees - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who run the ADL, which maintains dossiers on thousands of law-abiding American citizens, for the purpose of punishing those with whom they disagree - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who break into and enter the offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure evidence both for their database and in the hopes of getting evidence they can pass to the FBI for prosecution - it is jews.

It isn't Arabs who have caused America to go from being the most-loved country in the world to the most hated - it is jews.

Finally, though most won't believe it (all the preceding are facts - provable facts):

It isn't Arabs who regularly phony up "hate crimes" against themselves - it is jews.

It wasn't Arabs who caused the Great Depression - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who started WWI - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who started WWII - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who killed JFK - it was jews.

It wasn't Arabs who demolished the World Trade Center - it was jews.

It isn't Arabs bent upon destroying Christianity - it is jews.
And, lest we forget:
It wasn't Arabs who had Jesus Christ crucified - it was jews.

New America. An idea whose time has come.

"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."
- Morpheus
Copyright ©2003, Edgar J. Steele
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate
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by just wondering
Why does SFBay-IMC publish anti-Semitic crap like this?
by just me
You have not answer the question!

What will be 'your' reaction to being raped or your wife being raped or your sister being raped or your son, daughter, mother, father, .... or your country?????!!!!!
by just me
I can say he is anti-Arab too!!!!!!

I haven't the degree of antipathy you feel for Arabs, despite a couple that I would willingly have dispatched, had it been legal. Nor do I have any particular love for them, other than that normally reserved for the underdog.

Why the Jews don't like criticism whatsoever?
Everybody is free to say anything about anybody (even prophets!) but if it comes to Jews it's forbidden!!!!!!?????
Isn’t it silly???!!!!!!!!?????

Truth always hurts
by No comment
No comment jewishtrophy.htm

by evil
How about 'Rachel Corrie' who was deliberately crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer in the Gaza Strip.

Isn't evil too!
by Rachel
I wonder if these soldiers/and or individules realize the immeasurable amount of damage their stupidity has created for a nation...a nation that both in the past and present encourages responsability. A nation that is good because it is created on the idea of accountability. I know war is a different situation all together... But the prisoners are just that...prisoners. Taking pictures was a really stupid idea. I think this one will hurt for a long time.
by Dwaan2003 (dwana2003 [at]
U.S president think that the explenaton of Muslim people hatness to Amircan because of the develepment of it's country, But he ignoure the truth of unlimited support to Israel(Aharoon) and the behaveore of his troup-men.... ( Coming to pick up Iraqi people from the darkness of dectator Saddam!!!!!. HAHAHAHAHAH)..... aginist muslim people, which are disply what Amirican have in their deep hearts for Muslims.There are many developed countries in the world as Japan which is accepted by al Muslim nations because of its polite people and full of love to othe nations. Coud you please think more exlent to see why???????.
by Dwaan2003 (dwana2003 [at]
U.S president think that the explenaton of Muslim people hatness to Amircan because of the develepment of it's country, But he ignoure the truth of unlimited support to Israel(Aharoon) and the behaveore of his troup-men.... ( Coming to pick up Iraqi people from the darkness of dectator Saddam!!!!!. HAHAHAHAHAH)..... aginist muslim people, which are disply what Amirican have in their deep hearts for Muslims.There are many developed countries in the world as Japan which is accepted by al Muslim nations because of its polite people and full of love to othe nations. Coud you please think more exlent to see why???????.
by Mario Quino (mario_quino [at]
To clean America from them including you. Its selly question- why allow camira in such places-
by sickened by the lack of american ethics
lynndie england is god, the thought of someone like her having a child is sickening...what would swine like her teach a child.....i hope she dies in labour...i hope she remains in pain for the rest of her life.
by sickened by the lack of american ethics
lynndie england is god, the thought of someone like her having a child is sickening...what would swine like her teach a child.....i hope she dies in labour...i hope she remains in pain for the rest of her life.
by Cinzia (Moxsi2004)
E' mai possibile arrivare a tanto, io sono una donna e vedere donne che commettono atti cosi' indegni per qualsiasi essere umano mi fa' star male, mi domando... ma la gente che riesce a perdonare certi atti... e parlo dei parenti di queste persone... come si comporterebbero... se la cosa venisse fatto al contrario...non so' che dire, la cosa e' sconvolgente veramente...da qualsiasi parte questi atti arrivino.

by keep
driving your cars, idiots. Cus that's why we are there.
by the way, critical mass is friday
by Inhuman (raygatt [at]
These photos make America not America
by primal
most of you people in here are fucking stupid, i'm an american and i'm grateful for everything i have here(beside bush and his administration) . the reason i say most of you are stupid ass hipocrites is because when the world trade center was attacked and the pentagon was attacked and even more people died by giving their lives to save other by forcing the highjacked planes they were on to crash people from the middle east here in the us were begging us to please not think that all muslims where the same and that the actions of the highjackers didnt represent muslims all over the world, now however, a FEW american soldiers did horrible things to the prisoner over there and all of a sudden people that dont even sound like they've been in the US or at the very least met an american are juding us left and right and acting like they or their country is any better then ours. trust me NO ONE in the us knew about the torture, only the government knew, we didnt know anything about it until the pictures showed up, i'm pissed that it happened, and deeply sorry that it happend and so are most americans, bush cheated his way in to power and most people cant wait to get him out,all most most americans want it to have their sons, fathers, uncles, and brothers, mothers, sister, and aunts to come back home but the government wont allow it, you people think you are the only ones that have problems but you aren't, and when we drop what we're doing to help, you all act like a bounch of little bitches if it dosent go the way you want, the reason i'm writting the way i am is because i'm pissed off at people that keep saying we dont have morals or ethics here by the people that wish they could get away from their shithole and move here, i'm a 19 year old american and i've been watching everything unfold from every angle and from every view point and i realize we went to war for no reason, the whole war has been driven by lies and the only thing bush and his buddies want out of it is money, why else would they want to profit so much from it, billions of dollars have been made by chaney's old company alone, and even if bush gets thrown out he is still going to be well off because it's not like they are going to give people their money back, instead we americans will have to pay for with higher taxes and the gas prices.

For anyone that reads this i want you to know all i want is for the war to end and for everyone to stop talking like all americans are like those few soldier who did horrible things and should be punished for what they did. ALSO, for those AMERICANS out there who try and justify what they did or try and say they were only following orders, they sure didnt refuse to do it and it sure looked like they were enjoying it, so you can just shut up and stay out of this now.

And no one better judge my writting either because this is a board for comments not papers on the situation
by Craig
Why does it seem that nobody posting their opinon can speak properly. It's all broken English. I have yet to meet a "real American" who disagrees with the way the prisoners are treated. If the amount of people who think nothing is wrong would speak up ,they would drown out those pathetic crys of the wussies who think this is so bad. These guys are in prison for a reason, it's not because they were nice people contributing to the well being of others.
by Al Gore Jr. (krbunn [at]
The scenes fromt he prison are heart warming. We need to torture and or kill all of those who wish to kill or harm innocent people around the world....

LONG LIVE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Just me
To all how said that the scandal is just "individual acts":

Top general in Iraq being replaced
Sanchez was ensnared in the prison abuse scandal after The Washington Post reported that a military lawyer stated at an open hearing April 2 that Capt. Donald J. Reese told him that Sanchez and other senior military officers were aware of the abuse at the prison and that Sanchez was present at some of the interrogations.

by this is utterly appalling
SFBay-IMC publishes pro-torture propaganda!?!

Is this official editorial policy, or are the editors asleep at the switch?

Either way, it's utterly appalling. For shame, SFB, foe shame.
by Cinzia
I destroy you.. you destroy me.. I destroy you.. you destroy me.. I destroy you.. you destroy me.. I destroy you.. you destroy me.. let do this game for ever and ever.. nobody win..try to be a little bit smart.. I know you can do it.
by van_bub
He given peace
...has no inner stir.

Iraqi's tortured are then given peace.
...Bush's perennial lies nailing them again.
If somebody act to his fellow human being in a cruel manner that is cruelty. God never like people who are cruel to others. It is also inhuman to torture somebody like if they are not human.
I think God should make them pay what they have done by sending them to hell, Amin.
by L.I.G. (LittleIndianGirl [at]
by A Jew
This is mild in comparison with what you Muslim freaks do to people. Long past time you got some of what you've been dishing out for 1,425 years.
by history buff
Up until the advent of Zionism, Muslims treated Jews better than anybody else on earth did.
by gehrig
What faint praise.

by Helen Taylor (taylors7_to [at]
These photos truly showed the merciless sadism that was shown to these prisoners. Unfortunately torture and sadism occurs frequently in the United States in prisons and youth treatment centers and wilderness programs. My own daughter was abused in a facility in Provo Utah. Six adults took her down, stripped her and forced a drug into her exposed and naked buttocks. The laughed and smiled while they did this while she screamed in horror and protest. The layed on her while she gasped for air. This was done to a mentally ill child. Of course we notified the authorities. I just recieved a letter from the Attorney General of the State of Utah, Mark Shurtleff, informing us that this was not criminal. When these guards and staff members get away with abusing prisoners, troubled youth and the mentally ill - they become brazen and continue to gain sadistic pleasure while abusing those under their control and dominion. This was sick - unfortunately our prisons, youth residential facilities, and wilderness programs breed these types of people. The United States of America is allowing youth to be tortured in the name of treatment. If they can do this then it is likely that these guards were given orders to break these prisoners down. Our government is corrupt and these photos are only the tip of the iceberg.
by cristusjusus (fur [at]
It is not about Moslems it about US jail guards and amount of prisoners in US.
Which country has the most people in Jails? China, Russia or US. Where is the more chances to be raped in Jail.
Why marihuana users and on the car pissers siting 10 years in US jails and child molesters and killers gets parol.
Why 3 strikes and you can have life in California jail for farting in public place.
Why it cost 70 K to keep a person in jails in US.
Because of the $ some people making and stupid lows.
Do you think US has many stupid peple? Each stupid can voite as a smart can. Majority wins.Elect Nator- Aligator.
by Critical Thinker
>>>"Up until the advent of Zionism, Muslims treated Jews better than anybody else on earth did. "<<<

It's all to easy to utter such claims which fail historical scrutiny. A person claiming to be a history buff should do their homework thoroughly instead of making unjustified kneejerk claims that favor a certain religion.

When Jews fled Germany to Poland due to the mass murders that swept that country for at least a century following the 1096 Crusade, they enjoyed better life conditions over the first few centuries, courtesy of the Polish kings, than Jews in Muslim lands had after 1492.
by miss.
i understand what the iraqis did to us wasn't right and we need to fight against them so they won't think that they can do it to use again but doin what our US soliders are doing to these prisoners is very wrong and disturrbing. 2 wrongs don't make a right
by huh
"When Jews fled Germany to Poland due to the mass murders that swept that country for at least a century following the 1096 Crusade, they enjoyed better life conditions over the first few centuries, courtesy of the Polish kings, than Jews in Muslim lands had after 1492. "

You point that there was a period in European history when antiSemitism wasnt very bad is interesting. Im unclear if the reference to 1492 is trying to claim that things got worse in Muslims lands after that date? It seems to suggest that even during the period in which Poland treated Jews well it was comparible to Muslim treatment of Jews before 1492, but Im guessing thats not what you are arguing? Does this date have somethingt to do with the mass migration of Jews from Spain to N Africa during the Inquisition?
Like any other people from different parts of the world, I empathize with those tortured iraqis.. Believe me I was hell mad with those mentally unstable american soldiers. Though some of what old school said was true that alot of countries have big fucking debts to america but this has been all paid off by the vested interest that america has from these nations... AARON is an example of an average american who think with their brain and not with their dick like oldschool... I hope america will produce more people like aaron!!!
by Just Me
To : meganwarford by miss

"i understand what the iraqis did to us wasn't right"
What did the Iraqis to you?????!!!!!!!!?????
What did you understand????!!!!!????

Don't you read the news? or you just read what you want to believe & negelect the rest????!!!!!

*No al Qaeda, Iraq cooperation

*The panel said it found "no credible evidence that Iraq and al Qaeda cooperated on attacks against the United States."

*The panel also dismissed reports that Atta met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in the Czech Republic on April 9, 2000. "We do not believe that such a meeting occurred."

*The report also found that there was no "convincing evidence that any government financially supported al Qaeda before 9/11" other than the limited support provided by the Taliban when bin Laden arrived in Afghanistan.

*The commission found that Saudi Arabia was a rich fund-raising ground for al Qaeda, but that it had found no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior officials within the Saudi government funded al Qaeda.

(From CNN:
by Hamid Abrar (taizy35 [at]
It Doesnt Matter that American and British Solders abused the iraqis solders becuse the both above nation are those who fuck thier moms their sisters ets which is crystal clear from the their history and meida so they can do anythingthey people have got marrige with their sister and with their moms and i have proof as the Bell clinton have fucked his Personal Secretry i think its ok for American and the British Princess Lady Diana she has Porn Movies with Differerent guys so this the poor condition of their Governament.
by generic person C
Does it even seem to matter? All the things we see in the world, all the misdoing of those who claim to fight for their country, in name of the law, a belief, an ideal. They all think they are right and we are the followers. The frustration which emerges from the colliding of nations and religions causes us to feel claustrophobic, agressive and agitated. It is almost impossible to smoke enough weed as to calm to nerves and realise that this is not necessary, and that we are all different and that each person has unique contributing qualities. This may sound soooo cheezy and irrelevant, but that is what we tell our children when they fighthe playground. The core of the problem is that we do not know how to deal with the ever expanding globalization of the world. To protect our personal best intrest, while maintaining our nation's best intrest...easy...exploit other nations to your benefit. But how to protect our personal best intrest, while protecting our nations best intrest, while thinking of the global picture and the best intrest of all nations as a whole...
?Beautifull words.....maybe cheesy....regardless "hate breeds hate" just take a look at this messqage board from the top down....its about US abuse and ends up arguing about semitism, anger, hate against US, or just the people, etc..
"Hate breeds hate, but how do you love someone you hate?"
by shoji / phils.
You just struck me straight from the heart cris.
I dont know much to say. i hope in the right time you could read this and maybe we could share some ideals.

well said, Dude, well said.....
by about this war
you can say to her.
by a k (geetraders [at]
these american dogs deserve everything they get in iraq, theyre a bunch of wild animals let loose, they have no sense of humanitarian empathy , respect for human life, moral standards , thayre worse than animals,
hope they get what they deserve and the iraqi people stand up to them,

a k
by dk
americans were fucking ass holes, are fucking ass holes, will always be. they including their president are all bloody gutless bastards in the whole wide world
by american32
im ashamed to call myself american after i saw all ofthese americans
by An outraged and deeply sympathitic AMERICAN
Looking at all these pictures that were posted and seeing people responses to them just makes me feel awful. I mean one person said americans are animals and terrible, but I would like to say that these people ( will not call them animals because animals kill only for food we kill just for the thrill of superiority) who are killing and torturing many innocent civilians, and say that this is American duty that every American should do exactly what they are doing is really not an american. I do not know what to call them maybe devils or evil. everything that they are doing is more of a reason for people to hate America and who suffer? The people who are the elites or upper class people? No its the innocent civilians who are Americans. I read that a few people said that they were forced to smile in those pictures but looking in their eyes i did not see fear or anything I saw the same look and smile as if they were posing next to their family member at a family bbq. Those people who feel that anyone should have to deal with anything that includes tortutring or killing people in that manner need to know how it feels to be done the same way when all those people were doing was trying to protect themselves from the evil beings that flooded their land as if they " were the law". But one day those things that did these horrible things will pay, and I dont mean by being killed in the war or by another persons hand but by God.
by that even good people
are capable of bad things in the wrong circumstances. That does not excuse the American military, their leaders, or their commander in chief. It indicts them, as they should be held to a higher standard, if they truly believe in the reasons why they are sent into a conflict.

If I was an 18 year old who didn't know any better, had no money, and got involved in the military so I could go to school, what might I have done in the same circumstances? These people should have been an example of justice, even if inexperienced/misguided and sent over there by a president who did the worst wrong that he could do, sending people to "defend our country" (and his interests) without just cause.
by that even good people
are capable of bad things in the wrong circumstances. That does not excuse the American military, their leaders, or their commander in chief. It indicts them, as they should be held to a higher standard, if they truly believe in the reasons why they are sent into a conflict.

If I was an 18 year old who didn't know any better, had no money, and got involved in the military so I could go to school, what might I have done in the same circumstances? These people should have been an example of justice, even if inexperienced/misguided and sent over there by a president who did the worst wrong that he could do, sending people to "defend our country" (and his interests) without just cause.
by SHAHUL (shahul_joy [at]
Oh! my god. Bush and american soldiers were forget onething that is
'God watching everything in the world'.God will punish the american soldiers and Bush.USA may be very powerful country in the world now,but it'll change.God will provide the very powerful punishment to Bush.God will provide the very peaceful life to iraq.
by Suadi Arabian Christian
This bit of truth is for those who are not American, who might be American, yet are not military, educated, or mature. Hopefuly I can help you guys understand some things and if not, oh well. For one you must understand the Iraqi prisoners( extremist), they are a people that murder their own mothers, sisters and daughters for just suspecting they might have any kind of relations with another man out of wed lock. These people have done far worse things to their own people, you think those pictures are torture then you have not seen real torture. Did any of you people know that in the midle east it is common for married and unmarried men to have sex with little boys and eachother because their extreme religion forbids it with wemen unless they are married of course. I am a christian and ex U.S. Navy, I lived in Saudi Arabia for 6 months and in Bahrain, I have been involved in mission trips to the Sudan, Kenya, Morocco, and China were real murder and genocide takes place I've seen first hand the worlds worst, and those prisoners had it easy trust me. America and other christian nations face a real threat a dangerous hate that most Americans are kept unaware of, and thank god for that. The moral struture of the world is disolving and in order to combat and protect against an enemy like the ones we face in Iraq among other countries we must strike a fear into their hearts a lil slap on the wrist won't keep another 9/11 from happening. Think about it when you were growing up if you were not properly punished you would always do bad things right? Well most people can't think on the evil level that these extreme murdering muslims, but let me tell you they hate us in the deepest way. So please try to be thankful that the fight is not on your door step and be thankful safe at home because you have a President like George W, Bush. Do you realize our enemies want Kerry in office now what does that tell you? North Korea, and Osama both said it clearly. So who would you feel safer with? think about it and maybe you guys could try reading a Bible rather than a news paper, Gods says it's best to conceal a matter rather than spread the knowledge of evil. THANKS for reading.
by An OUTRAGED girl
I saw these photos and all I can say is ...
These American soldiers are the SAME as the Israili soldiers and what they are doing and have done to palestinians over the years and still continuing.
I don't get how would these people TORTURE and BRUTILIZE innocnet victims [Iraqis and Palestinians] and thier only crime is that they are "Arabs and muslims" , that's pure prejeduce ..,and america the land of the free ??..the land of pure savagenss ,Were are the red indians to take back thier "rights".
How can these savages and terreriosts [American and Israilie soldiers] call themselves high class.. and what they do are the acts of mindless animals !.
Torturing the young and innocnet , babies ,kids ,older men and women...etc.
And tell me something "America" , as I always watch the Oprah show , it's difficult losing your daughter ,mother ,sister,brother.Due to rape or murder ..right??.
How about losing a newborn baby or a 14 year old being raped by old american or israli soldiers , and do NOTHING bout it ! \

How about these acts being CONTINUOSLY projected upon millions and trillions of innocent lives in Palestine and Iraq.
You'll ask the people , what are they being accused of and they'll reply .."I am being accused or being and Arab Musilm" .
by Useful Idiots
"I saw these photos and all I can say is "

Downtown, there are folks who will pay you to put your panties on their faces...
by i.e. consent to it
the difference is consent.

do you not understand consent?

howzabout we come put our panties on your faces... wait, don't answer!! we didn't ask for your CONSENT!
by unknown
we make a big deal of them being "tortured", watch the news, they are cutting our mens head off, and we make no big deal of this, pull your head out of your ass people were in war.
by blopnuts
Just a few of my opinions...
I hope this war ends abruptly. I think we are heading toward a very very bad time for the whole globe. This will be world war 3 but for the first time the whole goddam world will be involved as we find a way to piss off every country including half of our own. Who know how long this is going to continue and how big it will get. For the first time just this week, we have more troops over in iraq than before. Apparently things arent working out so well.

You could say the troops are fighting for "us" but we didnt really have a reason to fear Iraq in america. They didnt cause 9/11, we found out that there are no Weapons of MD. They are not the source of the "terrorism" this war campaign is supposedly about.

A lot of people cant tell the difference between two people of opposite races. Like when blacks say all white people look the same to them, and vice versa. Black and whites both probably cant tell the difference between an iraqi, saudi, and a mexican. Oh, we'll just go ahead and kill the ones with tan skin and dark hair who live in the general area, whos parents fucked there and they got stuck living there, and therefore are evil.

Ont he other hand you could say we are doing it for the iraqi's, but we seem to be just applying a can of raid to everything over there. How is the election in january going to solve any of this, officials act like as soon as the election is done iraq will suddenly morph into a democratic wonderful place. Belive me, just like so many people here are misinformed about the war and our agenda and our own laws, iraqis aren't going to have a clue what the new laws are, and "insurgents" as they like to call them dont give a rats dick about some officials being elected, the election will solve nothing.

1. Rising in revolt against established authority, especially a government.
2. Rebelling against the leadership of a political party.

I guess you could say we are insurgents in that case, since Saddam was already the "established authority" there. Hmmm, so if we hadnt gone over there there wouldnt BE any insurgents against us. We have just sided with the insurgents against Saddam.

As for the torture issue, i think the military has let this get out of hand and shouldnt be happening. We have no reason to be torturing iraqui's period. Even the ones that we think are "witholding information" as this information is really none of our damn business anyway. This is what spies are for. Worse yet, they are just grabbing innocent people who want to go about thier daily lives and forcing them to sit in a camp and be sexually exploited all day. Our troops wouldnt be getting beheaded either had we not sent them over there in the first place. But even if we were on different fuckin planets the US would not be able to keep its nose out of the other planets business.

And now a word from my sponsor...

NEW from the United States! - Tired of swimming and boating for days to the US just to get some relief from your govornment? We have the solution for you. The US now caters to your doorstep, specializing in construction of new govornments, christianity seminars, and camping for your relatives. Our simple 1,576,463 step process will have you and your remaining family members cherishing your new govornement in just under a decade. No purchase neccessary, complete details will be made up on the fly, void where democratic, offer ends january 2009.
by Aintskrd
What about 911. What about all the people that were killed in the WTC. I know it was only a group of people that did that BUT a lot of arabs selebrated including most of these people in the pictures. So. Pay back's are hell.
by Shahab (shahab [at]
That shows the true face of neo colonial era. We are heading towards an international anarchy with no one with enough courage and power to stop this new war against humanity in the name of maintaining peace.
by rudy
making the statement " ein volk, ein reich ,ein furher"
proves nothing but your inablity to make a cogent statement.
by blopnuts
In reply to

"Go Bush Go
by Aintskrd Saturday, Dec. 04, 2004 at 11:20 AM"

There you go proving my point that the difference between "Arabs" and Iraqis is something people just cannot grasp. I guess that they all just look like brown people with sheets on thier heads to you. AGAIN - THESE PEOPLE <<<<< DID NOT >>>> i repeat {{{{{ DID NOT }}}} TAKE DOWN OUR TWIN TOWERS. EVEN BUSH ADMITTED HIMSELF THAT THERE WASNT A LINK. You are trying to make a valid point on the basis of something that is incorrect in the first place. Please try to get your information from somewhere other than your ass.

For those of you that need reminded, we went into this war because Bush wanted to find those weapons of mass destruction that Saddam denied having. Well we did not find any and now we are stuck there trying to "convert" thier govornment to democratic while screwing up every Iraqis life in the process. (yes they did have lives before, children playing, flying kites ect.)

Now Bush seems to want to go around to all the countries he deems "terrorist" because they are "harboring terrorists", and do the same thing. Well, i got news for ya, WE are harboring terrorists as well in the US; they hide wherever is convenient without the consent of the govornment, so we shouldnt blame any race or govornment for harboring terrorists.

Whatever though, the police can search your car with the dog and tear it apart into shreds looking for drugs with no respect for your property and ruin your leather seats, and when they dont find anything, oh well, your loss. I guess we are seeing this reflected in our larger areas of govornment as well or vice-versa. The govornment doesnt give a bunghole about people. It used to back when we made the bill of rights but not anymore. The govornment cares about money, and unfortuanately needs people to generate it.

So go bush go, let them iraqis rot, let our troops rot helping them rot and let us rot too while we pay for this nonsense.

by blopnuts
oh by the way, does anyone know, or have a rough estimate of how many buildings we are getting reconstructed per day versus how many are being blown up or destroyed per day. in iraq of course. would be really interesting to find out
by J.
Stalin? Stalin didn't kill 6 million Ukrainians, maybe America wants it.
by Alexandra
simply!!! your country... yor politic and yourselves are a shit! i dont know how you can live in peace... a lot of chidrens died for your guilty!!!!! i dont think if God could forgive us... but i guess that you´ll go to the hell !!!
by Pr.Math
You think Saddam is a war criminal, well think again; Saddam didn't kill 150.000 iraqis in one year, like Mr.Bush.
Saddam didn't kill 4.000 USA solder, like Mr.Bush.
Saddam didn't destroy "accidently"more than 5000 house, like Mr.Bush.
Saddam didn't make more than 3000 child orphan, like Mr.Bush.

by otha
poda gontha pool
by otha
otha pool thevdiya pasangala.. ommala vera otha velya illama irq koothiyum sunniyum oobaringale da.. otha india mari irunga
by Michael McGinnis (fmminformation [at]
Inhumane torture? None of those in the "liberal" media were against the war in Iraq however they are appalled and deeply disturbed by these images.

I say that these are the lucky, well treated Iraqis.

In war it is ok to walk up to and shoot the enemy in the head but it is horrible treament to take a picture of them naked simulating a sex act??

I am glad that these photos are convincing people of the idiocy of this war but it is based on a backwards, retarded view point.

People die in war, kids die, innocent, hard working men and women just trying to live life where they were born die unjustly in war and that should be more appalling to people than some naked, weird pictures of detainees.

War by definition is "no holds barred". meaning you can and should and are expected to kill your enemy and if you are not against that then you certaintly should have no problem with these photos.

Why shouldn't they use these tactics if you are in a war. These iraqi men in these photos may have had their families killed by americans or an american bombs and no one is saying a word about that but these pictures, oh my god how horrible.

The media are disgusting, immoral and greedy. Americans need to know this and the media should be "shocked" and "deeply disturbed" by themselves including Viacom, News Corp, Disney and Universal/NBC.

Greedy, disgusting shills for the republicans greedy administration and they all should be ashamed of themselves.

These photos are tame and nothing to be shocked at in a war.
What do you except? It's a war.

There are no laws of rules in a war.
by Michael McGinnis (fmminformation [at]
Inhumane torture? None of those in the "liberal" media were against the war in Iraq however they are appalled and deeply disturbed by these images.

I say that these are the lucky, well treated Iraqis.

In war it is ok to walk up to and shoot the enemy in the head but it is horrible treament to take a picture of them naked simulating a sex act??

I am glad that these photos are convincing people of the idiocy of this war but it is based on a backwards, retarded view point.

People die in war, kids die, innocent, hard working men and women just trying to live life where they were born die unjustly in war and that should be more appalling to people than some naked, weird pictures of detainees.

War by definition is "no holds barred". meaning you can and should and are expected to kill your enemy and if you are not against that then you certaintly should have no problem with these photos.

Why shouldn't they use these tactics if you are in a war. These iraqi men in these photos may have had their families killed by americans or an american bombs and no one is saying a word about that but these pictures, oh my god how horrible.

The media are disgusting, immoral and greedy. Americans need to know this and the media should be "shocked" and "deeply disturbed" by themselves including Viacom, News Corp, Disney and Universal/NBC.

Greedy, disgusting shills for the republicans greedy administration and they all should be ashamed of themselves.

These photos are tame and nothing to be shocked at in a war.
What do you except? It's a war.

There are no laws of rules in a war.
Only a real moron has sympathy for these freak nuts that would do anything do slit our throats and bomb us Americans if they had half the chance. Awww, the were forced to wear underwear on their little heads. I am so outraged. FK THEM!
by Jossie (15 yo) (c_me_how_u_wanna_c_me [at]
i think those soldiers that were involved in the abuse case are a disgace to our country...americans have much more integrity than those as*holes...i don't find it fair that they are going to go easy on the first one who was being my opinion i believe that the soldiers had been there too long and seemed to pick up ideas off of other iraqi's..the mans lawyer is claiming that those were the specific orders..and if that it true i think our american army is screwed!! it was so wrong of them to treat them that fact i read that half of them were innocent people that the U.S. found and took there to abuse..they really need to do something about what those people have done to them...i mean im sure they wouldn't have liked it at all one bit...and i wonder how in the hell they can smile at beating someone to death...i think they should be sentanced to life in prison for what they have done!
by Jossie (15 yo)
this is about the pictures of the children who were harmed...if they can be proud of beings dicks in iraq..what makes people think that they are not going to do anything here...i think the soldiers treated those prisoners worse then saddam ever would have..i mean be-heading someone is one thing..they die almost instantly..but torturing people the way they did is just embarrasing on the us's part!!
by cp
Hello, it's not a war. When was war declared? I certainly don't remember that happening. World War II was a war. Roosevelt declared it etc, and there was an opposing army. Does Iraq have an army we're fighting? No.
by Ralf
When the scandal first came to light, many including me thought that these were a couple of "sick fuck ups" who just wanted some creative ways to have fun. It turns out it isn't. These pictures are obviously taken to humilate the detainees and to scare them. (The dead body picture was taken more than once). These acts were obviously clear orders, and all officers involved should be prosecuted under Iraqi law. If the army decided to take the side of these soldiers and the ones behind them, then America should expect an army of suicide bombers to be recruited in the next few years.
by ME
If you honestly think that Saddam did not torture his people, or any people...then you need a history lesson.
I am not saying what those soldiers did was right or wrong,but you said atleast the people he killed were not tortured!!! Just look what his sons did to the women and children. Look at what they did to the sports teams when they lost or did not play as well as they thought they should. Just look at the innocent children that have been slaughtered...for the pure fun of it. Women dragged out of their homes and beaten and raped while their husbands were tortured and killed. And Saddam is the king of a this country...he allowed it all...he is a sick individual!!!

Read up on your history kid!!!

USA is the best place on earth...the best that we can get. We have to deal with ups and downs in anything or anyplace we live. If you are not happy with what someone else has done, you need to move the heck out of the land of the free!!!

Great Job BUSH!!!
My prayers are with our troops, even if they make bad decisions...I love you all and Thank You. Service men (and God of course) are what have made this the land of the free. May God bless you all!!!
by ME
Your crazy dude!!!
Add up all of the Iraqis that Saddam himself killed...add them up. Oh wait you can't! Way too many to count!!! Far beyond the 150,000 you came up with!!!!

I love you "MR. BUSH"!!!!!
by Saddened
As I have read most of the reply's, many of which lack any logical merits - at all. On one side we have the "proud Americans" that regardless of the surmounting proof that your President Dubya led your young men and women into an illegal war on lies. Lies that now seem to have been forgotten by the people. Almost 1500 servicemen & women have gave the ultimate sacrifice for what ? So the rich can get richer, and corporate hitman can now whore freely in the middle east. I don't think they signed up for that. But let's move on cause the topic isn't the Unpatriotic Governement (Corporate) America.

You "proud Americans" then go on to bring up 9/11 ? What point are you proving ? Iraq had nothing to do with the two towers. The FBI, CIA and DOD have all stated this. In fact, quite the opposite. Saddam wanted and has wanted Bin Laden dead for many years. Using this as a reason to invade Iraq, is very puzzling and is proof that you are ignorant in regards to the reasons that led your nation into this war. If my nation was about to go to war, I'd dam well want to know the reasons, why don't you ?

So let's move onto another popular quip, "there is and has been harsher types of torture" - woah this is really fucked up. The Pentagon has admitted to atleast 75 deaths of POW's( I thought they were enemy combatants ?) If the Pentagon is willing to admit to 75 we can safely assume that the number is that much higher.

Also you have to remember that these muslims / arabs are very religous people. They'd have to be as they pray 5 times a day. To these men what they wer forced to do was actually worse then physical torture, it was worse then killing them.

You' "proud americans" have seemed to have forgotten what you fore fathers fought and died for. You've seemed to have forgotten about a peice of paper that stated that men should fight and die for what is right - and this "war", and the treatment of the muslim men is far from right. It's far from "democracy" and it's far from "American". What's weird is that someone that isn't American can see that and you "Proud Americans" don't ?

Now on the other side we have the popular "anti american"crowd that profess intillegence, yet think that every American is a hatefilled, war mongering racist. Sure there are a few unintelligent mongors that think it's cool to torture unarmed men that can't defend themsylves. These "people" are sick and do not speak for the majority Americans. In fact wasn't it an American serviceman that blew the whiste ? If this was a nation of evil - why would a soldier of all people come forward and show remorse and compassion to his "enemy" ? Why would thousands upon thousands voice their opinions of disgust on the web, radio and tv ?

I have met many american servicemen abroad, specifically South Korea were I resided for 2.5 years. I'll say 95 % percent of them were good decent folk, trying to get a head and do something for themselves and there country. I had no problem what so ever raising a pint with them, they were no different then me. I suggest that you do not take the views and crewd ideas of a few and believe that it represents the whole USA.

Just thought I'd give my .02 worth on a horrendous topic that bothers me, and hopefully 99 % of everyone else out there. For I fear that if you can look at these and other pictures and not have saddness fill your heart, you've lost your humanity.
by Realistic (navybusterd [at]
I was always hearing that the americans are brainless nation. I now trully see this. You must be either so blind that you dont see the above pictures or dont watch any independent TV chanel rather than CNN or so brainless that you see what is going on but can not understand anything. I wish all you guys who says " we love BUSH" that you will see your brother or sister or your father and mother in the same situation and will think again if you have a little bit brain. If those " brave rambos" have little bit heart i also wish them to see in my country and show them how to do real war not in prison but in the field with heart.
by chela (rockinrobin558 [at]
this is disgusting they are all human beings just as we are and some of them were innocent iraqis who had nothing against the american soldiers the soldiers who did this is just cruel and should be punished to full extent of the law!!!!!
by jo
i am disgusted by the actions of these soldiers...however, responding with more hate is not helping either. especially with the ridiculious amount of anti-america propaganda i have been reading on this board. calling americans "stupid" and other childish names is only showing us the amount of intelligence you yourself possess.
by ooo (radwantaher2000 [at]
this thing has happend in G>W>BOUSH home....and the
mother of him was fucked a lot
by Human
Americans love houses, cars, wealth they own... They don't really care if someone DIES in another end of the world... Maybe they really so stupid to think it's just one of those HOLLYWOOD tricks ?? That's the price for all that american wealth... Hey.. WORLD... RELAX... There's nothing terrible... This is just another OIL WAR to let americans feel theirself comfortable because of CHEAP BLOODY PERSIAN GULF OIL....

P.S. Wonder that people still believe in god, allah, budda or whoever....
by forgetting the reason for stacking
What simpletons are forgetting, and what is not reported, is the data gleaned from weakened prisoners have saved coalition soldier's lives. Yeah, they were stacked naked. How many of these captured prisoners had a gun in their hand and were shooting at us the month before? I am sure not all - but war sucks - and after these guys were done they were fed and kept warm better than they deserved.
Important FACT, they are prisoners for a REASON - you may not agree with the reason - many don't...but many do. And as long as the simpletons are home in Canada, or toasty warm and safe in their house watching football this weekend, we do not expect them to know.
Now - go pat your puppy
by get your facts straight
By the US government's own admission, almost all of those guys were innocent civilians who had been picked up in random street sweeps.

See also:


Iraqi Resistance forces fired a rocket barrage at the US Abu Ghurayb prison camp west of Baghdad. A correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Baghdad said that the attack took place at 1am Friday and that a variety of rockets, including the powerful Ababil and the Grad were used in barrage that lasted more than 15 minutes.

The correspondent reported that the barrage left four Iraqis dead, as well as the Iraqi woman prisoner known as Fatimah whose letter, smuggled out of the prison two weeks earlier disclosed outrages such as gang rapes that the US forces regularly perpetrate against the prisoners in the ill-reputed facility. (See below for Fatimah’s letter, reprinted here from the Iraqi Resistance Report of, 18 December 2004.) Friday’s barrage also severely wounded one 22-year old Iraqi woman.

An Iraqi who works inside the Abu Ghurayb prison camp told Mafkarat al-Islam that more than 68 US troops were killed in the bombardment as that the rockets specifically struck their barracks. But just one night before the attack, the Americans had moved more than 500 Iraqi prisoners to the east side of the prison, resulting in the death of many of them.

Iraqi puppet police brought the body of Fatimah to her home in the adh-Dhahab al-Abyad village in the Abu Ghurayb area, 45km east of al-Fallujah. The correspondent wrote that because of the family’s psychological condition at the time, he was unable to interview them. Their neighbor, however, spoke to the reporter. “Praise be to God, Fatimah’s elder brother, who is one of the mujahideen whom the occupation forces are searching for, spoke in the mosque at the nighttime prayer Thursday with tears in his eyes. Everyone in the mosque heard him say, ‘Oh God take her soul! Oh God this is a shame so please cleanse it! You are the All-Powerful! You are the All-Powerful! You are the All-Powerful!’ Then after the prayer, one of the worshippers came up to him and remonstrated with him for saying, ‘Oh God this is a shame so please cleanse it!’ The man told him, ‘Say rather, this is an honor, so raise it up and honor it. It is we about whom the word shame should be used, not Fatimah. She is the most honorable, purest, and cleanest of girls. I ask you for her hand in marriage after she gets out of prison, God willing.’”

The neighbor went on, saying, “Fatimah’s brother and his fighting detachment carried out more than 50 rocket attacks on the prison before and after her letter came out. Every day they would hunt down a car or two belonging to the occupation forces. His name became famous among them in this area, as famous as that of az-Zarqawi.”

The neighbor’s wife told the correspondent, “a month before her arrest Fatimah distributed candy and ‘brides’ fingers’ an famous Iraqi folk delicacy to the people on her street because she finished memorizing 13 of the 30 sections of the Qur’an. She told the women, ‘after memorizing Surat al-Baqarah, the rest of the Qur’an is easy to memorize. Give me three more months and you’ll see who’s better, me or Shaykh Khalid.’” (Shaykh Khalid is the imam of the mosque in the neighborhood where Fatimah lives.)

The neighbor lady says of Fatimah: “she used to be shy about everything. I remember once she was with the women at a wedding party for one of the local young people, and the other girls all asked her to take off her veil because there weren’t any men around, but she refused to, because she was so shy.”

Fatimah’s funeral took place at 1pm today, Friday, the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported, to the sound of exultant cries of Allahu akbar! God is greatest! and the Muslim creed “there is no god but God!” Fatimah’s brothers and father were not there for the funeral, however, because they are all wanted by the occupation forces, and the Americans surrounded the whole area of funeral – from Fatimah’s home to the cemetery – and kept everyone under close surveillance.

The medical report on Fatimah says that she was struck fatally in the head during the bombardment, killing her instantly.

At the time the correspondent sent his report (posted at 8:30pm Friday, Mecca time) white flags – the sign of a martyr – were flying over the Fatimah’s house. Local people stayed in the house to receive condolences from mourners on behalf of the family. It was as if Fatimah were saying from her grave to all the mourners:

\'\'How can you find sweetness when life is bitter?\'\'

\'\'How can you find pleasure when humanity is enraged?\'\'

\'\'If your desire is true then everything else is insignificant,\'\'

\'\'And everything on the dust is but dust.\'\'

Fatimah lies in the al-Karakh Islamic cemetery west of Baghdad. The mourners put a date palm frond on her grave so that she might remain in people’s memory even as the hot daytime sun dries up the palm leaves.


by (cont.)


On Saturday, 18 December 2004, the Iraqi Resistance Report carried the following story:

Fatima’s letter, a hand written document, was recently smuggled out of Abu Ghurayb. Fatimah is the sister of one of the famous Iraqi Resistance fighters in the Abu Ghurayb area. US aggressor troops raided his house some time back but failed to find him, so they took his sister prisoner in an attempt to force him to give himself up. Their family is known for its piety and uprightness. Mafkarat al-Islam obtained a copy of the letter.

Fatima’s letter.

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving. “Say He is God the One; God the Source of everything; Not has He fathered, nor has He been fathered; nor is anything comparable to Him.” Qur’an, Surat 112 “al-Ikhlas”

I chose this noble Surah from the Book of God because it has the greatest impact on me and on all of you and it strikes a particular kind of awe in the hearts of Believers.

My brother Mujahideen in the path of God! What can I say to you? I say to you: our wombs have been filled with the children of fornication by those sons of apes and pigs who raped us. Or I could tell you that they have defaced our bodies, spit in our faces, and tore up the little copies of the Qur’an that hung around our necks? God is greatest! Can you not comprehend our situation? Is it true that you do not know what is happening to us? We are your sisters. God will be calling you to account about this tomorrow.

By God, we have not passed one night since we have been in prison without one of the apes and pigs jumping down upon us to rip our bodies apart with his overweening lust. And we are the ones who had guarded our virginity out of fear of God. Fear God! Kill us along with them! Destroy us along with them! Don’t leave us here to let them get pleasure from raping us! It will be an act to ennoble the Throne of Almighty God. Fear God regarding us! Leave their tanks and aircraft outside. Come at us here in the prison of Abu Ghurayb.

I am your sister in God (Fatimah). They raped me on one day more than nine times. Can you comprehend? Imagine one of your sisters being raped. Why can’t you all imagine it, as I am your sister. With me are 13 girls, all unmarried. All have been raped before the eyes and ears of everyone.

They won’t let us pray. They took our clothes and won’t let us get dressed. As I write this letter one of the girls has committed suicide. She was savagely raped. A soldier hit her on her chest and thigh after raping her. He subjected her to unbelievable torture. She beat her head against the wall of the cell until she died, for she couldn’t take any more, even though suicide is forbidden in Islam. But I excuse that girl. I have hope that God will forgive her, because He is the Most Merciful of all.

Brothers, I tell you again, fear God! Kill us with them so that we might be at peace. Help! Help! Help! WaMu‘tasimah!.

This letter is ended, but the sufferings of the one who wrote it and the sufferings of her sisters along with her have not ended!!

Resistance ambush in Abu Ghurayb Friday.

Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets and BKC machine guns ambushed a US column on the highway in Abu Ghurayb, destroying one military truck and disabling a second at 9:15am Friday, local time. Eleven US troops were killed. Two Resistance fighters were martyred in the battle and a third was severely wounded. His comrades were able to get him away from the scene. US forces then responded to the attack by opening fire indiscriminately at civilians, disabling one civilian 1982 Toyota car and killing its driver.


Seven Americans killed in Abu Ghurayb Resistance attack.

A heavy Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded destroying a US Humvee and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle on the dirt road between the two other roads (i.e., the old road) in Abu Ghurayb. After the bomb went off, Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked, killing seven American soldiers and wounding an eighth. A US Apache helicopter came and opened fire indiscriminately at passers by and homes, but inflicted no harm on civilians.
by Egyptian
Although i consider myself as an educated and cultured man who believed in talking and discussion with other nations and culturs. But now i really gave up and become sure that "GENERALLY" western nations and specially Americans have a great hate towards Arab and Muslim nations, and i become sure also that we will be wasting our time by discussing and talking with anyone now, because it is the time of action. Now me and most of the people believe it is the time to drop our pencils and our civilized talk and sense and start holding our weapons against the new occupation and its soldiers who are raping our honor daily in Iraq and supporting Israel in Palastine and planing to hunt down other Arab countries like Syria.
So, please don't bother ... me and a lot of others gave up talking and will just acting as Muslim men who wish to die to defend on his religion and his honor than living without a pride. May be the western nations will never understand our culture and beliefs unless they taste our sords. So welcome to death till we clear our lands from these savage nations who think that they are the most civilized nation while they are way beyond the true meaning of humanbeing!!
Enough Talking and Start Acting!!!!!!!
by sarah,15
absouluty horrible no 1 deserves any of of that....shame......
by Euro
We are all very sorry to see that 99,9 percent of the US population is heavily brainwashed.
Well we knew that before, but it wouldn't matter if they could just keep their sickness between the borders of that sick sick sick! country.
US troops go home at once!
And stay there forever and ever!
by shaman
i like what saddended had to say above; i agree with everything stated.

i'm american; seventh generation. my father is pure irish, my mother half swede and half german. to me, america was founded on rebellion. i find it true in daily life here. i have education in psychology and have been a psychologist for children for 13 years. i also am a college professor (and to the guy who was slamming us 'college educated liberals'....your welcome for vaccinations, improvements in public policy, better safety for your children, ridiculous advancements in medical technology, ......and most likely, your welcome for your fucking job because you know someone with an edumakasion is in charge of you, or your boss, or your bosses bosses boss...)

i read through the vast majority of this entire thread, word for word, before i decided to respond.

all of this is part of the plan. get out your calendar and mark the year 2012 with a big red X. that's when things will change. there's but one major religion today that would not welcome and embrace another prophet (christianity seems pretty stuck on just jesus; i sure wish buddha, mohammed, zoroaster, and a few others were recognized as knowing how things work. PBH.)

i was raised in a christian house. since then i've read a lot. i know agree with what i was told last year by a muslim woman i respect: where judiasm left off, christianity picked up. where christianity left off, islam picked up. and to this i will add myself: where islam left off, ba'hai picked up. it's an accelerating mathematical progression.

quite honestly, i find it an annoyance to have to type: "people should not be abused." to me, that is like saying: "don't forget to eat today." wtf?

every 23,000 years the earth enters this crazy alignment with the dark spot of the galaxy. this IS NOT a horoscope, this is true science. when we enter that spot, things get crazed: magnetic poles shifting back and forth, techtonic shifts of epic proportion, and ocean bottoms becoming new mountain ranges.

that leaves me with this: buddhism is right. nothing is guaranteed, life is what you make it, and if hope is anything you might be right in what you believe. in the mean time, there is only love and fear in this life and you have a choice. "you must be the change you want to see in the world" (gandhi)
by kiran (lioness786_4 [at]
i cant belive it.that is so heart breaking those poor inoccent people going through all that pain, and torture it aint right,we should do something,im sick to my stomach i cant sleep knowing what there going through,i just pray that something could be done to put a stop to this,cause this has gone too far they'v been sufring for too long,we have to fight for there rights,allah is watching and those eveil soldiers will get whats coming,i really feel so useless sitting here writing this and bieng able to help them innocent men. PLEASE WE ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER TO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!!THIS IS SO WRONG...
by Big T
In about a year....we move to IRAN. FUCK EM! They want to play hero and hold american hostages, they want to play like big boys with their nukes? SEE YA ! You fucking piece of shit piss ants... What have they done for the world? WHAT??? NOTH ING #! THat's what. Na na na na hey hey hey bye bye!
by American
All of you whiners should watch the beheading videos. Who cares how we have to get information from these people...


by chris (chris_loynes [at]
It really does seem like the world has gone mad there is no defence for the killing of innocent people terrorism is wrong in any form even from super powers it can never be right to inflict torture I thought we were better than that
by ah
shit, you say? i'm not sure where you're from, but after reading that post, i'm pretty certain your education system is shit. if you expect anyone to take your opinion seriously, you may want to try using proper english.
americans know the truth
but our voices dont mean a thing to our government
we are victims as well as the iraqis
if we try to say what we feel or believe
we will be killed just like they do the iraqis
our free country is not free at all
and we know our last election was rigged
but if we try to stand we will fail
and if we try to stand for iraq
we will fail
we have no control of what our evil government does
but dont think we americans are stupid and blinded
and please dont look at us americans like we look at our own unfree gov.
by wael Egyptian (wael_adel [at]
thx god quz i`m not amrican..but i don`t belive by what u call : usa..look at ur roots if u didn`t escape from ur past to have another land..same u made..same and more what u`ll get insha allah..rape,kill,fight,hate,nuke,lie,washers minds,change the true,change the history ...etc..
it`s what the new shows we see it from usa...
p.s day for u and day for me..and my day is comming : )
well then if you dont like america then get the fuck out or dont ever come here. i think that alll you lil pussys sat over where you were and let us go over there and we went to fight. what are we supposed to do let then just fly over here and kill our people. we stood up for our selves unlike every one else. we should have killed every one of sadams people that are on his side. and if you are on jis side then you should be to. i think that you should all fuckin rot in hell for what you did to us. so fuck off you fuckun rag head wanna b
by fasdf
"well then if you dont like america then get the fuck out or dont ever come here."
You seem to be upset with people protesting, so it seems like you are the one who has problem with freedom. Why dont you leave?

" i think that alll you lil pussys sat over where you were and let us go over there and we went to fight."
Some of us took to the streets to stop the war. With millions in the streets months before the war started demanding it not take place you cant really say we "let" the war happen.

"what are we supposed to do let then just fly over here and kill our people."
Who are them? Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator but he was a secular Baathist who had no connection with the fundamentalists behind 9/11. The one group that has gained the most in Iraq after the US war are fundamentalists.

"we stood up for our selves unlike every one else."
Hitting out at those not responsible isnt standing up for yourslef. Where is Bin Laden now? Partying it up in Afghanistan as US soldiers get gunned down in Iraq?

"we should have killed every one of sadams people that are on his side."
That's scary. You really think the US should have gone in and set up concentration camps and killed several million people?

"i think that you should all fuckin rot in hell for what you did to us."
Someone calling for a mass slaughter seems much more likely to be going to hell.

"so fuck off you fuckun rag head wanna b"
Yep, you definitely seem to be someone that wont be accepted into heaven. Sorry about that. Hope you dont mind burning for enternity because of your hateful views.
by jessie moncrief
wut kinda sick world do we live in?
by human
It is clear that most of the people who put such horrific comments on this website are uneducated. I don't mean book smarts, I mean uneducated about the world in which they live on. First of all, in regards to 9/11, the Iraqis nor Saddam Husein had anything to do with it. Terrorism is all around us. Open your eyes!
by ur mom
it was all the fuckin bin laden and iraqis
by mebigbob (mebigbob [at]
Love for everybody??? CUTTING off heads and displaying on television?? DOUBT if this is what the "Koran" teaches.
WAR is hell---Emotions run high especially when you see friends brutally mistreated or killed. We are ALL here for a very limited time---Let's treat each other civilly!
by Danielle (Mochaswirlgrrl [at]
All of the people who support this kind of event to happen are a disgrace to everyone on this earth who actually had a heart. YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENING TO You!!! It is not a correct thing to do there are many other ways to get information out of the iraqis if needed. Lyndie England and her other "playmates" should definately be in prison for life, and need to go back to school to learn about life and not that crappy things they do to other people. MORALS people!! They need to learn!!
by Mourad
I invite you to spare few minutes of your time in understanding what is Islam and it's teaching and rules before you judge Muslims. I think that is part of the civilization US people are talking about. You will not be sorry.
by nounou (nounou [at]
and after that they want us not to hate them fuck americans and fuck thoses how torture my brothers
by Dwayne (pesemistic [at]
I can't believe what I have seen and heard, I hope that the entire world knows that this is not what americans want this was what some sick bastards in our government wanted. There are so many american people like 49 percent or more that hate what has happened and hate what will happen. Why can't our government mind it s own fucking business, we have enough problems here in our own country why do we have to go fuck up other peoples lives? I know that there will be some idiot that will reply to this text and have a reason for the 'war' but there was no reason for this or these acts, I have a family that I love more than life itself and it kills me inside to know what has happend in this war. Americans are no longer free to have there choices heard, the government and its monkeys do what they will no matter what are people want, and I want everyone to know from the bottom of my heart and those americans in this country and people from other countries that hate this time of ignorance that we care and are loving people who want nothing more than to live our lives and leave everyone else to live theirs, no one has the right to take that away. Sorry.

by bob (alistockdale [at]
Frankly torturing the muslims and burning their lands and raping their women, etc etc and whipping up hate against Islam is good in only one respect: it brings the Muslim ummah together as it previously hasnt been for a very long time, and it makes non-muslim read about it. We muslims have rules for war which the christians etc never had till mid-20 century. Dont kill children, dont kill women, dont kill the elderly, any men killed must be those actively fighting, no slaying of the retreating enemy with his back to you, and no chopping down trees. Any prisioners taken must be fed and treated properly (ie whatever food i eat, so does he). No torture, rape or anyother humiliation. For us to win, it must be through better conduct than our enemy. Islam never spread, unlike as the Orientalist historian have repeatly misinformed the West, through the sword. But alway through the honesty and integrity which the Muslim must display during peacetime and wartime. We rely on those fighting us dishonouring themselves, and shaming many who were on their side, but sadly see that their morals are not the same as those they counted as allies. Kind of like Darth Vader. He took one look at Luke being tortured, and the horrible face of the Emperor, and thought "fuck that", i am will never be part of that, and chucked the bastard of the edge. Damn straight! At the end of the day, for myself, i judge myself not by my race, colour, height, wieght or gender, but by my principles. Anything not measuring up to that should be dumped. There is an old english saying: Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious, and nationalism the last vestige of the scoundrel. Very very true. Patriot and nationalist are outraged when someone commits a crime against one of their people, but when one of their people commit a barrage of crimes against others they look the other way and come up with excuses. Hypocrites and liars! They claim to be moral and principled, but national duty and patriotic pride makes them overlook even the most disgusting acts of inhumanity.
by Leo
What the fuck is this the men and women that did this with thesse iraq people i dont care if they are are american or not they have to be decaputaded( beheaded)
by Sheila
I know these people have tortured Americans for along time and I know the anger we feel when we see this, so how is what we did any better than what they did? Shame on the so called soldiers who did this. Sad day for Americans!
by Not Amercain (Wmenew [at]
To be No American is best thing you do it,
You always say American and American people., who are hearing you think that American people is the only humans on this earth , go and see what USA do in Sudan , and Iraq, and how they support Israel to kill Palestine people and what they do in Afghanistan ....etc.
I don’t have any place in this world that USA did not fit its hand in it.
Why you always look first in your benefit and USA benefit in Iraq.
Do you think that USA is sweet and nice to go to Iraq to improve Iraq citizen!!!
it has big benefit !!!!! And let may say it to you, it did not go to Iraq to kill horror. And let me ask you this question, why horror make USA is best target? Why the did not target any other company? i hope to think about what i said . and i hope to think more and more about that prisoner guard and soldiers in abu greeb , they are fucking people and animals do not get any human feeling . And some one say they have feeling.
i said that feeling belong to animals not to human . look to there ugly faces its animals faces not human .
Look to horror what they do , when they saw that pictures , that force them to execute explosion and cut heads ...etc.
Finally they are not human, they are just animals, and if i found other worst word than animals, absolutely I will say it about them.
by Justine
I am disgusted with americans, with its govenment's double standards and with it's mother fucker soldiers, with their stupid self assurance...
by G. Khoury (iceflame_2000 [at]
What the hell is this shit? God help these sick bastards, does this amuse u people? putting naked people on top of each other? i dont know about u, but i find that disgusting and sick and u guys r mother fuckin perverts.. And u know what pisses me off the most, how they have these ppl giving the thumbs up sign and smiling like its christmas.. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT! I hope u guys have fun in hell, thats where u belong.
by John
I believe all ofyou should shut your fucking mouth personally. I am a fleet marine force corpsman in th US Navy. You all talk bad about our people over there defending our country. I would like to see any of you go through the stress they do over there. I think that they should personally tourture the fucking shit out of the prisoners. Do you hear the iraqies having any mercy on our prisoners? Hell no. None of you have the right to critisize our troops unless you have been in their shoes. You have to realize that the people they are tourturing are the same people that were just trying to kill them. But I suppose you are all too damn airheaded to think that far.
by whats your last name?
If you really are a serving Marine would you care to list your last name and some contact info. I havent heard any Marine come forward and risk their jobs saying they know torture is going on and support it but you see people risking their jobs saying they know torture is going on and oppose it.
by You know the coward is full of shit
Like so many gun-ho right wing idiots. Probably in his momma's basement....
by m
hey you fuck of a soldier, maybe you think its normal beating the shit out of other people and maybe you think its fun looking at them carrying out sexual acts on each other but some of us normal people don't. i hope you get what you deserve and the same things that you people have done to the Iraqis will happen to you, only ten times worse. Rot in hell cunt.
by Michael
Ok, please dont base the United States military or citizens on these photos. Yes they are horriable and the poeple who did it should have the same things done to them but american citizens did not have a part in this. The authorites have taken care of this matter and the soldiers got punished.
by aussie (stown_ [at]
1st) may Allah give you hidayet so you make touba and have success in the akhira, if not
then may Allah punish you the same way as the poeple in the photos then give you torment for eternity in the akhira

by aussie (stown_ [at]
to - scrppy838 [at]

1st) may Allah give you hidayet so you make touba and have success in the akhira, if not
then may Allah punish you the same way as the poeple in the photos then give you torment for eternity in the akhira

by TW
"The authorites have taken care of this matter and the soldiers got punished"

Bull fuckin shit. The "authorities" singled out ONE scapegoat -- Lyndie England -- to take the fall for everybody else. What about all the other people in those photos? Does anybody even know their names? What about the equivalent scumbags staffing Guantanamo? Any of them locked up yet? How about that grunt that made mainstream news a few months ago, the one who shot the unarmed Iraqi captive in that mosque? Is he rotting in Leavenworth yet? What about the mafia goons, a.k.a "CIA agents," who transport victims to torture centers all over the world? All together, there must be thousands of these assholes on the loose. Where's the big crack-down? Fuggedaboudit, it isn't gonna happen.

People of the world: make no mistake, Americans are psychotically selfish planet-killing vermin, and I know cuz I watch them do their thing on a daily basis. To the extent that they fail to disown the criminal abomination that is now their government, They are ALL complicit in these crimes
by TW wants to give oral to hamas leaders
TW, why don't you just propose marriage to the hamas and islamic jihad members and get it over with?

Is someone paying you to be a mouthpiece for radical islamic organizations?

WHy are you pretending to even care about truth, reality and fairness?

by bush wants to protect us...LOL!
Fuck him
by Hey? is this a pic of our nut spammer?
I think it's him on bottom. Sure is.
by Autho
Damn hippie tards, it was found that these pictures were all hoaxes. Created by the French because they hate our freedom and hairless women.
by staci
I think those stupid prisinors got what was coming to them. It's their fault they wanted to brag about what happened on Sept. 11. Does anyone remember what they did the day it happened? The partying in the streets? I know I haven't forgot. And what about them dragging our soldiers through the streets dead? Does that not matter? In my opinion they should be thankful that we are even there instead of crying because they had their picture taken. You wanna talk torture: They are sending their children into US troops tents with bombs strapped to them do you really think that getting into fights in prison matters to them? I highly doubt it.
(1.) By the US government's own admission, almost all of the prisoners tortured at Abu Ghraib were completely innocent of any charge. They had been picked up in random street sweeps are were later released.

(2.) Not one Iraqi had anything to do with 9/11.

(3.) If you support torture, you're worse than the guys who did have something to do with 9/11, whoever they are.
by staci
You say the prisoners were innocent people picked up for questioning. What about the innocent people in the World Trade Center who were burned to death? They started this war, we are just finishing it.
by Jason Kidd
Have u seen the pics. The torture they went through makes it inhumane. As a US citizen I feel that our country is misusing it's power and money and vengence seems to be the only religion left in our society.

I say F**k the soldiers who did this they're even worse than the terrorists.
by indymedia
i think that this is crazy the things that are happening to these ppl and what is the gov. or pres. doing to help these ppl.But i hope that GOD has mercy on these ppl souls because what comes around goes around. It may not happen to them but, maybe their family.
these pictures are very obscene,very sick,and repulsing. I cant believe that the U.S military did this. I understand we are at war w/ them but if a soldier surrenders it doesnt mean that you have to torture them. looking at these pictures I just cant believe how harsh and violent we are. ANd the fact that these were actually orders from the pentagon is sad. what is the world coming to?
by eniamrej (jaimayn [at]
yo our american soldiers should be ashamed of what they did to those prisoners. thats just not right what they did and there real stupid because if you know you gonna take pic's of yourself disrespecting a prisoner lol at least were a mask you dumb ASS!!
by by sources friday
i think that what is happening to these ppl is wroung, and we see the type of ppl that the gov,and pres raise up. But , i hope that GOD has mercy on their souls because what goes around comes aroundmaybe not to these soliders but, to their families.
by Have you forgotten???
You are absolutely right! We are at war! Too many liberals in this country listen to the media like they know it all. Sensational stories pay their bills. I don't like what I see in these pictures either, however considerably less barbaric than the beheading video's of Daniel Peral, Nick berg and countless others! Wake up America!!!
by Have you forgotten???
Have you honestly convinced yourself that this doesn't exist in any other country in the world? Your picture forgot one thing that transends all other images in the photo and that's FREEDOM! What would your advice to America be? Sacrifice freedom and democracy so the world will like us? I'm mean Honestly now!
by Simpleton
Ahh.... where do we begin when it comes to educating you?
by here's a pic for ya
by Xmilitary
It seems obvious that these abuse crimes were started from a higher level than the soldiers in the pictures. However, that does not excuse the actions of the soldiers themselves. Not only should the orders have been refused, they should have been reported to up the command chain.

The real crime here is that we were there to begin with. Nobody is arguing that Saddam was a bad man. The world is full of them. But this all started with the pretense of recovering weapons of mass destruction. It amazes me that people become outraged over the infidelity of the previous president and tolerate the killing of thousands. What do you want to say the parents of the soldiers who died in this war now that we all know it was a lie?

The end of the cold war caused a closing of the federal checkbook and required at least some accountability. This is very inconvenient for the corrupt leaders we have in Washington. The war on terror is the replacement for the Cold War and is being used to further the hidden agenda.

Another thing that drives me up the wall, this war has NOTHING to do with September 11. If we were going to war with the country that was most involved in September 11, we would have invaded Saudi Arabia. Of course, that can't happen. It would ruin some lifelong friendships with the Bush family. Further, the most wanted terrorist Bin Laden, were did he get his training? FROM US. The CIA needs to be disbanded and sent were ever the KGB went. They are responsible for numerous coos over the past fifty years and I suspect the assination of President Kennedy. Do you really think it is possible that something as big as the 9/11 attacks could have slipped by? I don't I think it was planned.
by Nick (Europe)
quote :
<<Damn hippie tards, it was found that these pictures were all hoaxes. Created by the French because they hate our freedom and hairless women.>>

Stupid Fuck you're such an idiot, but you had me laugh and i needed it before shutting thse pages off ...
by kylie
i hope..

this f..king people who pained that people in prison so much..
will die..and slowly..i hope they will feel alllllllllll the pain that this people felt during this whole bullshit.

ecspecially that girl..if shes in my area i'd f..king slit her wrists open and spit on her ugly sh..t face.

by Henry Obispo
I am shocked @ this display of savagry. Its bad enough that we went there with a distorted cause, but to demean these individuals in such a way as to destroy their humanity for what appears to be merely for self content-- is ungodly. I do not think that hell awaits for these people when they die, hell for them will be on Earth.

Karma--live by it
by Henry Obispo
I am shocked @ this display of savagry. Its bad enough that we went there with a distorted cause, but to demean these individuals in such a way as to destroy their humanity for what appears to be merely for self content-- is ungodly. I do not think that hell awaits for these people when they die, hell for them will be on Earth.

Karma--live by it
by John
To the people who argue that this is justified in the name of Freedom and Democracy: WE prefer freedom and democracy. That is why we CHOOSE to live in America. These types of things would not happen if America did not feel that what works best for us will work best for everyone else or is what everyone else wants. Now I don't believe all the people of Iraq are happy with thier government, same as there being people in any country not being happy with their gov't. But when things get bad enough, it's up to the people to overthrow/wage civil war. Why do we believe we are to govern the rest of the world? Go spend some time traveling the world. You'll realize we aren't that great, and there is good and bad everywhere, why we need to "fix" everyone else's situations is really beyond me.
by Adam Reigle (adamwendigo [at]
What we did here looks bad but compared to how Iraqis and the Vietnamese tortured us… its nothing. The American soldiers were under great stress over there and were put in the situation to do these things and they were trained to be ruthless and bad ass… I love America and every part about it... I don’t care about what I see here… it’s a part of war. They would do much worse and do much worse to us.
by TW
"I love America and every part about it... I don’t care about what I see here…"

Yes, yes, when Americans get tortured by Koreans or Vietnamese or Cambodians or Iraqis, it's every bit as wrong as when we do it to them because you see IT DOESN'T MATTER that **WE** invaded **THEM** for no defensible reason. No, no, it's OUR RIGHT to do that because we're America and we're only capable of doing good in the world. When we unilaterally stomp into countries on our little jackbooted cat feet and smash their towns into rubble and gang-rape their women and strafe their wedding parties and massacre their children and destroy their whole world, they should just have orgasms of ecstasy over how good ol' America has come to LIBERATE them! If they respond with violent hatred instead, this can only mean they're evil and insane. Everybody knows this, and anybody who doesn't know it is The Enemy and needs to get 'softened up' until they do know it. Uncle Sam means YOU!

On the other hand, there's what Albert Einstein said:

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality,


how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
by fmathias
we are porud to be american so go to hell............
by fmathias
we are porud to be american so go to hell............
by TW
You only need to hit the 'publish' button **ONE** time. You can count that high, right?
by Terry Payne
I agree with Albert Einstein.
by not all soldiers are bad
by mohamad amran (johuntx [at]
i know that not all soldier are bad and not thier false. The most devil and bad is thier leader. the devil named Bush. He should be blamed. As malaysian and muslim, i am feeling hurt when i see iraqi being torture. why?
by Ray (ray [at]
The lady says that not all the US soldirs are evil because her husband is the US soldier. Yes I agree with her but she forgets that not all iraqi are evil too. And if Americans think that the only one or two soldiers make the rest to be badnamed, then why americans don't think that the same is everywhere? and american don't care about the rest of the world. I think the leaders of americans is the reall evil. Like the poet says "The kings are fighting, but suffering the people" Americans just think what are you going to answer in front of GOD.
by Ninive Vargas

by Arabian
It is really a great freedom by Bush and Blair . Iraqis have to be united to face the unglosoxien terrorism . so those who welcomed of the troops let's take it all. It's just Iraqi oil and saving Israel the main target for this stupid war .
by Richard (richard1451231 [at]
America beware there are Terrorists in our rank. Our army, our great army has allowed it to come to this. What we stand for is not this to humiliate and torture. But to spread democracy and peace. We are above this, we are a super power. To the soldiers "you have nothing to prove but your ignorance. May God forgive, because your country won't. You have embarrassment your country soldier, you have done it nothing but disgrace. You are cowards. You ruined it. The name of American Solider is soiled by your actions. All the good men and women in the US military are embarrass. You are Terrorists, NOT HEROS.
by manne (ka_re_wa [at]
it very clear that the militry under go a special training that makes them hard hearted people
but they never go through any training that will remove affection from their heart.
every is maintain in a cycle form the circle will turn to them or their families or at least thier loved ones. it mustn't be by brutal law enforment officer like them but could be from mother nature or unidentified means......
by shariate (nashenas [at]
Now i have come to know what American democracy, human rights, and innovations are. wild democracy, infrindging the human rights are American innovations
by Trevor
Let's face it, I grew up with parents who would never punish me unless I deserved it, and they would ask me what it was that I'd done to deserve my punishment. But punishments were never unjust, nor they went to the extreme of abuse as the intention was merely reflection and responsibility for my own actions. I am sad to be growing up in a world were so much turmoil is happening. It really scares me at times, and also makes me think of how sick people are getting for promoting movies, sex, drugs, abuse, and many other things on our T.V. shows, and other type of entertainment media. We are demoralizing ourselves, degrading ourselves to the point in which we would not be distinguished between the Germans' abuses in WWII, or the killing left by sick leaders like Joseph Stalin and Lennin. We have even given up our own rights and believe me we are not less communist than China or Russia, and by doing such acts and atrocities we have become those nations we are supposedly fighting against. We are now part of what we prosecute, we are now members of the "Cold War" spreading that kind of terror. In reality, a war is never "friendly", and people's rights are always violated, we just want to think we are better, nicer, less sick, and powerful enough to bring "just" the enemy down without hurting the innocent. I read from Time Magazine about soldiers ripping out to pieces two scared kids who slowly tried to reach for some machine guns dropped on the floor. The soldiers yelling at them not to move, like if 2 children could understand our language. They were no exception to our society of "better educated individuals", and whose values are set to "protect the children", when you tear up the flesh off by discharging from all the group of soldiers present the power of the machine guns. These kids (ages less than 11) were entirely dismembered in many pieces, a real life spectacle not seen on our TV News or shows "Would that be the day when truth shines?". I can only let my tears run, and pray to God for these 2 innocent children, who had already lost their family, and were on the streets by themselves, scared, confused, probably even hungry, and who did not even know about the use of guns as they were trying to get to them very scared to probably feel that reaching them would scare off the enemy and let them be with their own misery. I am just a young american, and I thank God first of all, and my parents second, and all the good people I have come into contact in my life who have given me always a good advice and have made me acknowledge my errors for the America I grew up with is being torn apart by these sick and demoralized human beings who are nothing less than those terrorists, . I am sorry, for all those innocent soldiers on both sides who really want to serve their country. While some have to overcome the invasion, other are sent to invade to persue the egoist goals that make each human being no less than a drunkard, just for power and money. Reality is there, but truth is always blind to those who just want to narrow down their perspective to what the butchers want to present them because to keep a war and hatred going you present only what is convinient to do your own evil, and will never say what is really happening. I pray that God may bless the soldier who presented this core evidence of abuse, and all those who've opposed this inhuman acts of violence and sadism. I am for a free America and not communism. May God bless us all in both sides.
by Jamie
I'm still disgusted by all the images I've seen. It does'nt make me proud, or feel at all good that I come from the same Country as these soldiers. Whether not they took it upon themselves, were ordered, does'nt make a difference. We are there to try to establish some type of peace & protection, not to join in the same type of degrading, digusting havoc as our enemies. I'm sure that in a very sick way they probably evev thought it was a payback of sorts to the Nick Berg incident,(GOD rest his soul). But even if it did'nt cross their minds, "What were they thinking?" As far as I'm concerned with these soldiers one day they will have to answer to a higher power. Their is'nt a punishment suitable enough. But for all those men & women who are making the ultimate sacrifice, I'm sure your fellow comrads made you proud by giving you all a bad name. We know in our hearts not all of you would agree with the tactics. I hope 7 wish a safe return for all of you. For all those involved in this wreached behavior, you do'nt make me proud, you absolutely disgust me. Truth be known, you all probably got off on it. You make me SICK!
by hitch
first of all let me tell u dat i am a muslim,,a proud one,,,a true one.
do you think dat u can get away vid dis???do you filthy bastards think dat u can get away vid dis???dis is not ma style,,,but u r forcing me,,,.i am a complete rival against terrorism...tyranny against inhumanism.i do not noe wether d us govt will bestow them any kind of punishment,,,but i say u dis,,,god will not spare u.god will burn u again and again in d fires of hell remaking ur filthy dirty skin over and over again. i giv u my word,,,d face of dat filthy bitch and dat bastard in glasses will remain in d hearts of every HUMAN.

by Joseph E Pearce
Indeed. Every time we read, spoke, stated these words...America. A largely christian country. A pledge that stated 'Under god'. An army serving a country that stated such things. Lead by a man who believes wholeheartedly that we are doing the right thing. Regardless of belief, regardless of crimes, regardless of the predjudice, the rumor, the speculation...No human being has earned the right to be subjected to this. Be they Iraqi, American, English, European, whatever the hell it may be. No person, living or dead, has the right to inflict this kind of torture onto another. Let alone smile as they do it. To pose yourself so proudly. Did you think you were being heroic, hitting a man who was already chackled, half dead, starved, whipped, beaten, and broken? Was that the purpose of the smile? America? The big heroes? The saviors of the world? Disgraceful. As an American, More an more, I wish I was not. I am not a christian, no a believer in anything. I am not an Athiest. I dont need a religon, or a quote to tell you just how wrong this is. Sadly, I am not of age to vote. Thats right. Sixteen, And I can tell you just how wrong this world is. How I fear that I wont even make it to 20 because we're all going to bomb the hell out of each other. Because gods and faith mean more to us than human life, than the children of our brothers and sisters, or even our brothers and sisters themselves. At times, I am ashamed to call myself human. I am ashamed that in leiu of some nameless creature, it is my own kin that inflict this kind of torment and suffering onto another. Yes, I believe fully that some of these men are killers. No, I do not specify between soldier and detainee. My statement has been long, so I shall make it simple. If not beneficial, At least, do no harm.
by Looking4trth
It seems to me that if these "soldiers," as I use the term lightly, didn't think they could get away with this behavior they wouldn't have taken so many pictures (evidence)!
The US is in Iraq for all the wrong reasons and are treating the people of that country no different than Sadam did, with torture and brutality.
Our president invaded Iraq to have control of the oil in that country. The US now occupies Iraq, and controls all of the oil in that country; so, WHY are the US gas prices so high??? This is all about money, as most things can be traced right down to the almighty dollar.
There will be no consequences for these US military barbarians, and they no doubt knew this at the time. The last thing the US needs is more damage to our already bad reputation around the world. This is a disgrace and does nothing to encourage the Iraqi people to cooperate with the US occupation of Iraq.
by sydney
This is sick! no matter who we are we are all humans and should not be treated like this. we are setting a bad example for anyone. we would not want them to do this to our soldiers that are held captive, so why are we doing this to theirs. it is unfair, unhumane, sick, and personnaly disgusting in my eyes!
by D
Just Curious.....I wonder how many people would still be alive right now that were beheaded had the US soldiers in these disgusting pictures just did their jobs like they were supposed to. Now I know why they were asking to have the prisoners released right before they beheaded another person. My heart and prayers goes out to the family of the journalist, truck drivers, us and other soldiers from other countries, contractors and other individuals that were beheaded because of this disgrace.

I understand being an inactive US Army about protecting our Freedom but I don't condoned what these soldiers did. They should've got more time then what was given to them (after all as previous said.....others were beheaded because of their actions.) All I can say is.....God have mercy on your souls.

To fellow soldiers that are still on foreign soil....I pray for your safe return.
by Melissa
OMG!!!! I am not a plitical person. I am neither for nor against the war. I am extremely normal. I'm educated, I work hard, I pay my taxes. I live my little life and leave all the hard stuff to the people who get paid for it. I guess that I just naturally assume they're doing the right thing. I just happened to be surfing the web and I started reading these stories about torture in the middle east. I started seeing the pictures and I don't think i've ever been so disgusted! Don't get me wrong...I am not naive. Again, i'm fairly educated. So, it's not that I expect that the idea of war is all puppy dogs and rainbows; but I had no idea of what some of our "soldiers" were doing. I realize the terrorism and hate that comes from that area of the world. But, is what we're doing to them any better? I read some of the articles about how the soldiers weren't sure how to act and how to treat their prisoners. But come the *F* on!!!! It's inhumane, degrading, and just plain disgusting. I have to wonder if some of these "soldiers" had mommies! I give great respect to those that are fighting and dieing for the good of our country. I know that most of them are fighting for values, morals, and social rest. But what some of them are doing is just absolutely unnecessary. To any of "these soldiers" that read this... shame on you! You make me embarrassed to claim myself as an American; and honestly, I hope you get back what you dish out, 10-fold. To those soldiers who are doing our country justice, right on! Keep your heads, remember what your fighting for, and remember that we are all people!
by Mynie
How on God's wonderfull earth can things like these happen under a banner of any country??
How much evil hide behind that innocent looking girl face !!! I've stumbled upon the pictures while browsing the net, and won't forget them for as long as I shall live. All one can say is " Dear God, please forgive them, for they know not what they have done" I hope that these images will haunt and torture these people for the rest of their lives, the same way they have tortured their victims.
by Kayla Harris
You are all so friggin disgusting! I can't believe this!!! How the hell is this any better than what they're doing to your soldiers. So much for the land of the free. What the hell are you supporting and what are you trying to prove? These are people with families and their own lives. You disgust me. This is not what God wanted for his people, people being you. You were trained to protect your land, and conclude this war. You're all just causing more destruction in this messed up world. You'd be better off dead.
by Ali
this is western civilization ( unleashed)
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I beleive this whole thing is pointless for all our fellow brothers and sisters to be giving there lives for putos that don't even appreciate what has been done in Iraq for centuries.I mean what the fuck.......................we should be home getting help' from and for our families. I am an Native American of the lipan apache tribe and I know the consequeces of war but this is is not a war. I am no expert at it but I beleive that war is about taking over a country like the whites did to us Natives. So what the fuck is your point now that we have lost a shit load of troops? America has lost focus on the concept that we are still at war and we complaining about a little gas prices and foof? let me leave you alll with this..............There are real heroes out there in another country that hate the shit out of us, that don't have the food or comfirt that you all have. They don't get to go to the store or raid the fridg like mostly all of them would. Before you do anything today why not get up and say a truefully hard prayer for at lest 5 minunts and to bring them safely home to there families and childeren who I am sure cry day and night for God to bring them back safely. I know my friend Luis R Reyes who gave his life for me . his family cryied the same prayer and miss much and I could never repay them for that would give my best for them. Sincerely Sgt. Fernando G Vasquez I *(aka)Dancinghorse of the lipan apache tribe.
I beleive this whole thing is pointless for all our fellow brothers and sisters to be giving there lives for putos that don't even appreciate what has been done in Iraq for centuries.I mean what the fuck.......................we should be home getting help' from and for our families. I am an Native American of the lipan apache tribe and I know the consequeces of war but this is is not a war. I am no expert at it but I beleive that war is about taking over a country like the whites did to us Natives. So what the fuck is your point now that we have lost a shit load of troops? America has lost focus on the concept that we are still at war and we complaining about a little gas prices and foof? let me leave you alll with this..............There are real heroes out there in another country that hate the shit out of us, that don't have the food or comfirt that you all have. They don't get to go to the store or raid the fridg like mostly all of them would. Before you do anything today why not get up and say a truefully hard prayer for at lest 5 minunts and to bring them safely home to there families and childeren who I am sure cry day and night for God to bring them back safely. I know my friend Luis R Reyes who gave his life for me . his family cryied the same prayer and miss much and I could never repay them for that would give my best for them. Sincerely Sgt. Fernando G Vasquez I *(aka)Dancinghorse of the lipan apache tribe.
by Jakara
Wtf well first off im only 13. But thats soo messed up. I never knew our American soldiers did thosr things. Just because their people were terrorists? thats wrong..I never knew the world was like this I was almost ashamed to be an American. I almost f*cking cryed when I saw that.
My teacher talked about it last year and ever since then Ive been interested in it so Today I thought id go to google..and typed in torture, pics. then stuff about iraq came up then I saw this. Thats bullS*it and NOONE deserves to be treated that way no matter what.
ugh fucking distgusting..ill probably do like a 10 page report on this too. thats messed up dude
by David Brookbank
The JPRA/SERE program is the the U.S. government program which served as the lab for the "reverse engineering" of survival techniques to perfect torture techniques. Fairchild AFB in Spokane, Washington has been at the center of that process. A contractor with private contractor with SERE-Solutions recently raped a woman at one of the Spokane locations. An additional scandal -- judicial in nature -- is developing around it. The SERE program provides a lab for trial runs of the techniques depicted in these photos.

Here is a link, a comment, and some additional comments about the current scandal in Spokane.

Keep your eyes closely on this story but not so closely that you don’t ask more questions about the SERE/JPRA sites in Spokane and these private contractors. Drive past the SERE sites to take a look yourself. Don’t forget that the CIA, other secret U.S. government agencies, private contractors, and foreign governments are involved in these contracts and these facilities. And most importantly, understand that some of the activity at the SERE locations are pretty much identical to what you have seen in some of the pictures of Abu Ghraib and heard descibed about Bagram, i.e., SERE students being subjected to waterboarding, pummelings, blinded-folded and marched up and down the halls naked, sexual humilitaion and other barbarities. Call it training to survive capture and to learn resistance and evasion if you want. However, I would suggest finding some folks involved with the whole operation and talking to them about their disgust at seeing these private contractors, outside the accountability of the government yet earning earning incredibly more than our soldiers, abusing the process, turning these operations into circuses, and, at this point, having turned the U.S. into a global pariah, what is properly called a torture state (Abu Ghraib, Bhagram, Guantanamo, Diego Garcia, and our secret CIA black sites all over the world.) The program at SERE is intended to break guys down as fast as they can be, that is why it was used as a laboratory to reverse engineer the SERE training to produce infallible torture techniques. Type “Abu Ghraib photos” into Google to get an idea of what it is all about and to understand what is being “simulated” at SERE in Spokane and its other locations around the country. Type “Mitchell and Jessen” to find out about the CIA psychologist who had their offices at Riverside and Washington until not long ago.

Following these links to the reporting are some comments that might be of interest.
by Where are the real soldiers?
this abuse is disgusting and vile. In no possible way can such humilating degradation ever be accurately couched as "training." It is simply sadism run amock. Look up the Stanford Prison experiment from the 1970s. I would never allow one of my children to ever consider the military as a serious career option, given what we have learned from Abu Ghraib and SERE. Disgusting.
by hysteria
I'm ashamed to be called an american how would you guys like to be tortured like thay? Stupid americans hope you get what you deserve
by fuck america (troycarr78 [at]
fuck america, fuck the u.s. army, fuck all the presidents, i fucking HATE america. hope your whole country bleeds out. every u.s. soldier deserves cancer and i hope all american soldiers childeren get cancer and die
by Man 24 years
Do torture still take place in Iraq?

Well, yes our soldiers has got a nice little programme of humiliation and pain going. But what about the notorious torturechambers of the Saddam era? No, they are all under US army control.

However, many iraqi men own a whip. Electric schock devices are sold on the internet for less than 50$. And, above all the men of Iraq, still has strong sexual desires and sadist fantasies are commonplace and much more accepted, than in the West.


by Perverted Queer Male (ahotguy28 [at]
Michael McGinnis commented:
"I say that these are the lucky, well treated Iraqis. In war it is ok to walk up to and shoot the enemy in the head but it is horrible treament to take a picture of them naked simulating a sex act??

Mchael has a point. Our soldiers had fun with sadism in Abu Graib, but compared to the usual brutal treatment, that prisoners must endure in arab jails, it still has a few notable shortcommings:

i've seen some fondling of genitalia, some forced cocksucking has been reported, but to really humiliate a man, arab or otherwise, you need to rape him! Since homosexual men are de-facto banned from the US Army, I recommend, forcing the prisoner with the biggest cock to perform the rapes of his comrades. To persuade him, threathen to subject him to..

popular the world over, a handheld electric shock device can be purchaces cheaply in many countries and on the internet. these devices are marketed as "self-defense weapons" but in reality, they are designed to pump 50.000 volts into the body of a torture victim, without killing him. When applied to his testicles, is pains him, much worse, than if the soldiers were beating his balls to a pulp. Also, it is always fun to shock a womans breasts and yes, even between the legs ;-)

there are many more ways to humiliate a man and to inflict pain on him, but these two are the worst and even doesn't leave a lot of traces on his tortured body.

so, dear US soldiers: if you are using torture, then please use torture, not something gay inbetween. Thank you

by mcampbell
These images are a disgrace as are some of the comments on this site. Your American forefathers would hang their heads in shame if the thought that any of these actions are carried out in their name.What is the constitution of the US says "All men are created equal ?" Shame on you United States!You belie your forefathers aims under the constitution.
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