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Let's Take a Moment to Thank Gavin Newsom

by 'Cuz around here, civil liberties come first
Let's Take a Moment to Thank Gavin Newsom because, around here, civil liberties come first!!
Wow, looking at ALL these pictures of the SFPD brutalizing innocent antiwar protesters-- just like always-- makes me want to take a moment to be grateful for the "surprisingly liberal" Gavin Newsom, who so recently has so magnificently and publicly displayed his commitment to the civil liberties of each and every one of us.

I look forward to the unconventionally rapid response of his administration, as they strive to adhere to the spirit of the laws meant to protecty our freedoms, with a full investigation and unrelenting prosecution of these criminals-in-blue, who after all, work for his city and are answerable to him through his Police Commission. I trust he won't let minutae of rules and regulations, let alone the inertia of business as usual, stand in the way of what is right. I look forward to his bold and visionary leadership for the sake of my freedoms denied.

I look forward to having my picture taken on the steps of City Hall, weeping with satisfaction while I, too, clutch a sign saying to all the world: Thanks Gavin!!

He must have been too busy addressing all the tens of thousands of his fellow citizens and our guests, making common cause with us against war and terrorism, to notice the excesses of these his public servants.
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by jose
i am sure newsom had something to do with it, but my guess is, the new DA has more to do with it.
when i got arrested at an action last year all the cops knew i wasnt going to get prosicuted. they felt discouraged because they knew there was no point in arresting me when the DA is more occupied with going after the chife of police than anti war protesters.
by ...he's a civil liberties mayor, right?
i hear what you're saying about the prosecutor affecting the police's behavior, but the mayor is their ultimate boss. it's also a fine chance to see a little supervisorial leadership making sure the mayor acts like their boss and not just their pr flack...

i think we'd be seriously remiss not to nail the gav on this one. i mean, he's all about civil liberties above and beyond the letter of the law, right?

also, i can hardly wait for the marriage equality people to reciprocate all the solidarity shown them...
by mhm
This poster is always attacking gay marriage and Newsom for promoting it. It's fucking pathetic.
by anon
I'd partially agree with the assessment with regards to the DA, but would also look to the brass at the popo shop. They ultimately call the shots as to where to form lines and how deployment of the popo goes down. Whether to be harsh on the protesters or whether to go light. It ultimately depends on the chain of command. Police units operate just like military, they have a chain of command. look at the latest round in Miami during the FTAA protests. Piggies were brutal because that A-hole timnoey from philly said to be. If higher up brass is all cozy with the new DA, then that might explain why the harsh piggies. Gotta think about what these peoples roles are in their PUBLIC jobs.
by i was there

the cops were defintiely nastier this time around.

and this has everything to do with gavin newsom. he's the one who is in the position to tell the cops to go heavy or go light.

and it was clear that when the breakaway march got close to the market/powell shopping nexus, the police weren't going to let it get any closer.

did anyone see heather fong ot there? i *did* see alex fagan sr., though. in other words, no changes under gavin.

but when it came time to bash heads, the cops were ready, able, and more willing than ever. it's clear that the go-ahead came from newsom.

as far as the DA is concerned, i doubt the cops were thinking about her. they're just robots who take orders.
by come down, mary, scene's over.
"this poster is always attacking..."

this poster is always questioning the gay establishment's priorities and their underlying assumptions. it's only in a relatively free forum that it ever comes out though, because of the stranglehold that the gay mini-ruling-class has on community resources, not least of all fora ("forums"). so rare is effective questioning that you think it's an "attack." good and shiny morning, honey.

at the top of the news today: plenty of poor queers aren't lined up with your program. usually, you have the luxury of ignoring us. not here. big tough titties.

what's pathetic is your demand for hegemony of opinion even in a space that is pre-defined as radical. what's pathetic is your incessant smearing of anyone who dares look beyond your agenda or its implications to the bigger picture, of anyone who follows the dominant ideology to its logical conclusions, as is the case in this thread and by now many others.

what's pathetic is that cops are beating peace activists in the streets of the city of st. francis, and that publicly contemplating the connection between that and recent public relations moves on the part of the new mayor is somehow construed as homophobic. by you. again.

the mayor is a pig, i don't care if he let you play house for a day.

go to bed now. go get some of the beauty rest you've been so desparately lacking. this is a revolutionary kitchen, it's no place for those shy of a little ideological heat.

hell, it's not even personal.
by Gruesome Newsom
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