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Signs of the Times - Exposure of the 911 Lies and Cover-ups at M20_04

by Reader
These were the 9-11 Cover-up signs that were done by 911 activists to help get the word out about how many now know about the cover-up and want answers.
Obviously, a lot of regular people were more than willing to carry these signs. I talked to many of them about the physical evidence aspect of the demolition of the towers and was amazed to see how many people are now clearly receptive to the fact that we are being lied to about how the towers came down. More surprising was that the regular folks would come back at me with curiosity, agreement, and support, with phrases like, "What do you think it was? Explosives? Is that what they did? Probably the CIA . . ."

Those most receptive people were often people of other nationalities, but there was a large mix of regular Middle American homeowners that now - with the barrage of lies coming daily from the Bush regime - are willing to consider lies they just hadn't thought possible before . . . the ones that are done right before their eyes.

For more info on how the WTC towers were demolished (right before your eyes), see :

For a wide variety of 911 information, come to the International Inquiry happening this weekend in SF (M26-28)

It's expected to sell-out.
§More 911 signs
by Reader
§More 911 signs
by Reader
§More 911 signs
by Reader
§More 911 signs
by Reader
§More 911 signs
by Reader
§A no more wtc sign
by Reader
§Bush Loves 911
by Reader
Gee, wonder why?
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by Reader
Protester Christine Brozyna (2nd R holding placard) from Bridgewater, New Jersey takes part in an anti-war demonstration in New York, March 20, 2004. Her boyfriend is a National Guard soldier serving in Iraq for the next 11 months. Thousands in New York city attended the rally, just one of the many anti-war protests taking place in cities around the world on the anniversary of U.S.-led war in Iraq. REUTERS/Chip East
by Neo
Now there's a way to win hearts and minds for peace.
What the fuck is the matter with you people?
by Dave Brown (unstableelements [at]
"Point at the moon, and an idiot will stare at your finger"
-Mao tse Tong

You...people...are..simply...USEFUL IDIOTS!!!!

"Leftists" marching in support of a right-wing, theocratic, misogynistic, anti-humanist, fascistic, oil-dependant movement (i.e., ISLAMISTS).

May the ghosts of 3000 murdered New Yorkers curse you for all your days.


by warmi

Bush should use this stuff in one of his ads - couple of signs like these with appropriate commentary would marginalize this "peace movement" completely.
by Dan (London, UK)
I don't get it. Is he being sarcastic or is he just an idiot ? Either way it very bad taste. Why did nobody challenge him ?
by REBmiami (rebmiami [at]
You depraved sick freaks are not for peace, you are just rooting for the other side.

I cherish freedom of speech, and I have put my life on the line for four years to defend your right to vehemently disagree with me, but by blithely tolerating in your presence psycopathically depraved treasonous sentiments like "NYC is better off without the WTC", well, let's just say I wouldn't cry about what would happen to you if you were dropped into an NYPD and NYFD convention with those signs around your neck....

Oh and on a much lesser note, your demolition theory is pure tinfoil hat wacko fodder. Burning jet fuel incinerated the steel support beams. Period. The wonder is how long they stayed up. They were magnificently engineered structures, but were never designed to take an direct impact from that size jetliner.

If you freaks ever took one physics or structural engineering course instead of queer social theory classes (not that there's anything wrong with that :P) you might realize how absurd you sound.
by Brian
there were people in the World Trade Center. Is he happy to see them go? I guess they were committing the sin of making money so death...
by reader
The guy's sign was obviously not meant to say he wanted people dead and does not 'marginalize' the peace movement.

Maybe he didn't appreciate the design of it. Maybe he thought it was ugly. Maybe he is deeply against the meaning of these huge towers - that corporations RULE THE WORLD.

Massive office towers are not places that nurture human existance or build communities or support values like non-violence. They are places where corporations make massive profits and essentially drain away our rights and our Democracy at every chance they get.

Stop Corporate Personhood.

And trolls - stop trying to paint him as supporting the deaths of innocent people. He has said nothing of the sort.
by Mr. Grey
It is certainly nice to see that so many of you are open to the ideas and opinions of other people. Neo, the matter with "us people" is that we happen to feel that the murder and exploitation of peoples of lesser economic and political standing is wrong, and we choose to speak out against the government and businesses that support them. Dave Brown, big words, clever quotes and put downs will never make an arguement valid... or intelligent. And the words that you used to describe the countries that we were marching for also describe the country that you are so proud of. Warmi, I am excited that you want to see a peace movement "marginalized." REBmiami, the last sentence of your rant sums up your intelect, enough said. Brian, making money is not a sin, but raping third-world countries of their only reasource and reaping the benefits all while killing thousands is. All of you have a nice day.
by Dave Brown (unstableelements [at]
Mr Grey, if you find the US to be such an oppressive place, please move to Syria or Iran.

Bon voyage, dhimmi.

by reader
Any AMURICAN who disagrees with you must move away, since that's the sort of 'Democrapcy' you want to 'liberate' everyone in the Third World from their lives for

Right wingers always need to tell everyone to 'go move there!' in response to any conflict, as some sort of solution. Problem is, that's not how a Democracy functions. The complexity of debate is integral to it, so you should learn to argue some points, rather than try to demand others leave, which would imply you have no actual case to make.
by steve miller
I absolutely LOVE this sign! It just says it all, doesn't it?
by BatCountry
If so,(idiotic jet fuel theory) why did the second tower to be hit,collapse 1st, even thought the whole world saw the said jetfuel, explode in huge fireball, OUTSIDE the building?
So what melted those trusses now, einstein?
Not to mention the fact that both towers collapsed @ the speed of gravity?Something that just isnt possible, unless you assist the collapse.
How could they get away with such deciept & treachory?
Poeple like you!
by kmina03
maybe it had more fuel for a longer trip.
by great website

Its an extensive article- check it out. It explains the science, the engineering, and the forensics.

"Healthy skepticism, it seems, has curdled into paranoia. Wild conspiracy tales are peddled daily on the Internet, talk radio and in other media. Blurry photos, quotes taken out of context and sketchy eyewitness accounts have inspired a slew of elaborate theories: The Pentagon was struck by a missile; the World Trade Center was razed by demolition-style bombs; Flight 93 was shot down by a mysterious white jet. As outlandish as these claims may sound, they are increasingly accepted abroad and among extremists here in the United States.

To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, POPULAR MECHANICS assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military."
"To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims..."

Half of which are good examples of the kind of flaky tabloid-level nonsense any movement gets mired in upon becoming a popular bandwagon.

But these are not the 16 most DAMAGING claims, or for that matter, the ONE HUNDRED most damaging, oh no no, far from it

Popular Science -- a bubble gum propaganda rag, by the way -- cherry-picked these 16 specifically BECAUSE they can be "overturned." This is what we call an "editorial agenda," not a serious forensic exploration. Not all of them are even overturned definitively, but only "overturned" to the standard of the average mindless TV-parented American narcissist dullard. Check your mirror.

Meanwhile, PS's "exposé" takes a 50-billion-mile-detour around anything that a) does serious damage to the official account and b) can not easily be dismissed. Gee, that's funny -- that's exactly the same thing the 9-11 omission commission did
by Martel

The popular mechanics article is very good. Here is a couple of other quality sites.

"Popular Science -- a bubble gum propaganda rag..."
-Maybe idiot can give some examples of what he thinks are credible sites.
by Oh man, you win hands-down
Thank you for DEFINITIVELY PROVING with this page
that you are a forensic imbecile

the "investigator": Dr. JOHN SMITH. how obvious does it have to get for you

his institution: Hoover University. No such thing anywhere on the planet. Go ahead imbecile, find it

his email: JohnDSmith [at] You should by all means email Dr. Smith to congratulate him...

Every single link in this page is another howitzer round fired into your fucking goo-goo baby refusal to think out of the box about 9-11

And you CAN'T EVEN SPOT THIS ABOUT IT, because your critical thinking ability is nil, zip, ZEEEEEEEEROOO. That's exactly why you have this blind thumb-sucking faith in the official account

It's just too delish. Thank you so much for showing me this page, I've already bookmarked it
by reader
Isn't it interesting how just as the Bush Admin and other associated scams are starting to unravel that it's suddenly time to start trying to spin 9.11 bogus crap again?

Hey everyone! Let's start arguing about JET FUEL and the MELTING POINTS of steel! Let's start pumping up our POPULAR SCIENCE rag on here .. . like the anarchists and radicals and socialists need to start reading that!
by Phil Jayhan & Korey Rowe
If you want to know what really happened...I suggest you watch this video. Be a real truth seeker. Let's Roll.

Go to to see the truth
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