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Indybay Feature

LGBTI/Queer Photos from 3/20 SF March

by Mahtin (themahtin [at]
I didn't get to see all of the queer contingents, but I saw a few...
This first picture is a Marriage Equality California banner. They are an organization that has been doing a lot of work around the same-gender marriage licenses in San Francisco.
§Freedom to Marry
by Mahtin (themahtin [at]
I suppose she means for the upsurge of progressive activism and for the 4000+ same-sex marriage licenses that were issued in San Francisco from mid-February to mid-March.
§Boys not Bombs
by Mahtin (themahtin [at]
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by leo (dissident view from Berlin)
The PACE rainbow flag was designed by the Vatican as a replacement symbol to erase the meaning of the gay pride flag.

How can lesbians and gays use this symbol of theocratic oppression?
by SF Fag
Point one: the Vatican IS a gay organization.

Point two: What's the big deal with other's using the "rainbow flag" to promote peace?

Point three: Queers for Israel? Not this one. And speaking of theocratic oppression, hello?

Point four: Your message is lame because A: we are not the willing dupes you would have us be (thanks asshole) and B: the picture you refer to has a demonstrator holding the flag in question in the background of the subject of the photo, obviously not connected with the queer person who is the subject.

Point five: a little less knee-jerk, jerk.

Point six: maybe if you Germans were a little more focused on yourselves instead of a little protest march in SF, you wouldn't have let the gay victims of the Nazis languish in concentration camps long after everyone else was freed. SHAME ON YOU!
Gay Vatican? I hope they perform at least some good f-cking in their confessionals, but for decades the Popes have been the greatest political foes of gay emancipation in Europe, and today Catholic priests still are outmatched in anti-gay hatespeech only by their Islamic counterparts. I don't care for what alleged purpose Vatican claims to employ its flag, I just complain that an oppressor of homosexuality is using the rainbow colors because that is a _hostile takeover_ of a symbol of liberation.

Further, you might be wrong on Israel (the safest place for gays between Warsaw and Bangkok), I was not blaming anyone specific on the photograph, I didn't come to this website for the purpose to discover the Vatican flag, and you might also be wrong on guessing my efforts on Pink Triangle historical research.
by T
speaking of stealing the rainbow flag... wasn't it originally a native american symbol?
by ++
where is my freedom to eat, or my freedom to have housing?
by beep
At first I saw "PACE", and I said, "Where's the E?" Where's E for Equality?

by let's see some photos!
did gay shame even show up? does anybody have any photographs showing them marching?
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