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after market st
Attack on the breakaway march after it left Market street, approximately 4:30pm

Shortly after the breakaway march continued on from Market street, cops on motorcycles blocked the street (and sidewalk) we were on. They didn't allow us to proceed (on the sidewalk), and were behaving very aggressively, chasing people with their club/nightsticks. The people who were standing directly around me were shoved and hit. This girl was trying to walk down the sidewalk and was jabbed by the cop; she kept saying "but I'm on the sidewalk" and was driven to tears.

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She is crying because she was viciously attacked by the cops. When the cops didn't like something that had been said they swung. And what was being said: "We are on the side walk obeying traffic laws, what law are you [cops] going off of that says you have the right to stop us?" "We have the right to lawfully assemble!" "Why are you hitting us, we are just standing here?!" When the cops first blocked the street most of us in the front at that point were women and my 15 year old daughter so quite naturally when the cops hurt us w/their battons others who saw who were behind us got angry and got loud. Then the cops started really swinging and beat everyone in site protester or not down the street. Never once did they ask us to move down the street.
I was at this particular incident and I first tried to walk past the police wall on the sidewalk, they blocked, poked, jabbed and pushed me back and I asked them why are you blocking pedestrians on the sidewalk, that is against the law, you cannot block and attack pedestrians for no reason except the orders that mayor Gavin Newtsom gave to certainly not allow any breakaway march make it past 5th street and into the shopping district, the imperative of police was to not allow demonstrators to show their displeasure with the occupation by interrupting the saturday shopping frenzy, The only crime of participants was dressing in a certain way and desiring to march and run through the streets to express our displeasure with the war and occupation. Demonstrations are not a tea party with police permission so fuck answer self appointed leadership. Fuck Gavin Newtwom with a police baton!!!! This is our city bitch!!!!!!!We'll see you soon!!!!! And if you don't allow a group of 1,000 to express itself, and you don't let a group of 500 express itself, and you don't let a group of 100 express itself, then there will be groups of 10 and 5 and 3 and 2 and 1 that will certainly express themselves and you certainly will not be there to limit anyones creativity. You think its your city with pre-emptive police tactics, we will pre-empt your brutality with our creativity.
this pig is Aicardo #625 who was out of control swinging wildly and attacking pedestrian women. Can we please pursue a complaint against Aicardo #625. Does anyone else have info or input?
#625 Aicardo was out of control swinging wildly and attacking women pedestrians. We need to pursue charges against Aicardo. Any other witnesses?
I am the Partner of the womyn crying in the pic and had just missed the brutality for trying to give the establishment and follow the street laws and have are voice heard. We will meet again and we will have the same game of activist and cop. But the day it happens in my eye I will defend my family and take any punishment unto death. I have said how this is just not working and getting arrested is not working. Still I will be up on assault charge and not think a thing about it, the line is there. I also want to send a message out to those who nock over signs and then run like a punk ass bytch at the first breath of police confrontation. We know you are snitches working to get your sentence-reduced cause you can't hang you on the list to. So when you feel the sting and it is not from the police check your so-called friends cause they know.
By all means necessary
Mickey McLicker
By all means necessary
Mickey McLicker
For more information:
I am the Partner of the womyn crying in the pic and had just missed the brutality for trying to give the establishment and follow the street laws and have are voice heard. We will meet again and we will have the same game of activist and cop. But the day it happens in my eye I will defend my family and take any punishment unto death. I have said how this is just not working and getting arrested is not working. Still I will be up on assault charge and not think a thing about it, the line is there. I also want to send a message out to those who nock over signs and then run like a punk ass bytch at the first breath of police confrontation. We know you are snitches working to get your sentence-reduced cause you can't hang you on the list to. So when you feel the sting and it is not from the police check your so-called friends cause they know.
By all means necessary
Mickey McLicker
By all means necessary
Mickey McLicker
For more information:
I was a part of the breakaway march on march 20th in San Francisco that departed civic center toward 5th and market and the shopping district to disrupt business as usual. The police blocked market street at 5th to prevent us from mixing with the shoppers and shops and proceeded within a few minutes to corral over 80 people on market street for mass arrest. We stuck around for ten minutes to witness the arrests and then broke away to go up a few blocks and around the police blockade and cross over to powell street so we could interrupt the shopping district with our anti-war message. The incident that I am about to describe is pictured above and as the cover photo for the story. The photo pictures officer Aicardo #625 in a full swing at pedestrians. I say pedestrians because after receiving orders to vacate the street 90% of the people did just that, vacated the street immediately and that is why the SFPD was only able to corral 80 some people out of a 1,000 plus march only a few minutes after the order and as the crowd was in retreat backing away from advancing officers. As we went up this hill to go around the police barricade we were met by a wall of police spanning the street and sidewalk. I walked up calmly to officer Aicardo #625 with my palms open and forward as civil disobedience training dictates. I asked him why he was blocking the sidewalk. I said we are not in the street, we are pedestrians and we have a right to utilize the sidewalk and you have no right to block us from use of the sidewalk. At that point officer Aicardo # 625 jabbed me in the ribs as hard as he could with his stick, I kept my hands in full view, attempting to ask this enraged officer what he thought he was doing. I backed away from his attack which he then turned against a defenseless woman standing near the wall. I moved to the left an spoke with an african-american officer about how blacks were beaten in the streets 40 years ago and it still isn't right. This officer told people to back up and held his formation with his fellow officers but did not unnecessarily lose his cool and begin swinging on people indiscriminately as officer Aicardo #625 did. Aicardo #625 did not hold the line with his fellow officers which would have been sufficient to keep the demonstrators from entering the shopping district who as I said were following police directions as given, and on this particular corner there were only about 20 of us. We were not in the street, no one was in any type of threatening stance, I don't recall that any of us there were wearing masks or black clothes either. I myself was wearing a white t-shirt and nothing on my head. Officer Aicardo #625 was incensed by my questioning of why he was obstructing the sidewalk and proceeded to advance and attack any pedestrian within reach. My complaint is not that the police do not have a role to play or a job to do, even on that particular day. I do disagree with Mayor Newtsoms orders, and do believe that we have a fundamental right, in a time of war and turmoil to take to the streets without license, and voice our opposition to the war, and interrupt business as usual without any destruction of property or harming of human life. The mission statement of the SFPD in their statement of values actually says "Our highest priority is the protection of human life", "We treat members of the public with respect and dignity. We maintain the highest levels of integrity and professionalism in all actions", and "We believe that policing strategies must preserve and advance democratic values". The police decided that it was there imperative to inflict harm on anti-war demonstrators who were in the streets, or on the sidewalk or anywhere. The police decided to assume that people who were dressed in a particular way, namely wearing black clothes, were ‘criminals’ and that they deserved to be brutalized, beaten and arrested. The police decided, perhaps at the prompting of the Department of Homeland Conformity, that any forceful political _expression needed to be crushed and repressed. The rage being demonstrated by many officers on saturday was above and beyond the call of duty and clearly has personal motivations due to peoples social-political dispositions. The scary thing is not what these out of control cops actually accomplish, they are entirely inept and slobby, and they only broke one arm saturday. But to watch this enraged pig Aicardo #625 riot on the public and lose control of himself, I am more fearful of what this cop tried and hoped to achieve if he actually landed any of his blows, I ducked and avoided several swings. This attack was entirely unprovoked by the citizens who were present at this incident. Officer Aicardo #625 was going on his orders, which need to be questioned, and on his rage, which needs to be questioned. My concern is with disciplining this particular officer but also with challenging the use of hatred and anger by police officers who are supposed to be, as their name indicates, officers of peace. The question must be raised of whether police should be motivated by anger, hatred and insensitivity and identifying their hateful behavior when it surfaces. Provocation and pre-emptive policing as such have no place in a democratic republic, especially when you are dealing with citizens not criminals, and certainly not in a ‘progressive’ city such as San Francisco. Mayor Gavin Newtsom gave the orders to repress us. Your little honeymoon and time of acceptance for the gay marriage stint is over Newtsom, OVER, we do not like you at all, we know you are an enemy to our city. The police took the streets from us that day. We will have the streets back this Friday for CRITICAL MASS meeting at 5pm at the end of market street embarcadero to cycle wild through the city. To all Newts and Pigs, THE STREETS ARE OURS, WE WILL HAVE THEM BACK!
Nate Collins, Rep. Berkeley
Nate Collins, Rep. Berkeley
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