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Indybay Feature

Break-Away Marchers: 1 w/Felony, 1 w/Broken Arm

by Chris Crass (chriscrass [at]
One Break-Away Marcher beaten by police and charged with Felony. Another taken to General Hospital with Broken Arm. Legal Support on it.
I just got off the phone with a long-time SF Food Not Bombs organizer who was arrested this evening at the break-away anti-war march. The police,chasing someone else on the sidewalk, ran into him and pushed him around. He was grabbed by a police office from behind and throw to the ground. An IMC reporter near by documented it. The police snatched the IMCer's camera, smashed it and then threw the
IMCer to the ground slaming their head into the concrete.
The FNBer was charged with felony lynching (assualt on an office).

The FNBer is bruised and freaked out from the experience, but all things considered, doing alright. The IMCer has a large welt on their head.

The FNBer also reported that a different break-away marcher has been taken to General Hospital with a reported broken arm (upper arm between their elbow and shoulder). Additionally, the FNBer reported that he saw atleast 60 people arrested and that most of them have been released. He doesn't know of anyone else charged with a felony.

We talked with legal support and the confirmed that indeed a marcher was taken to the hospital with a broken arm. They are working to get our people out (damn, those legal people are absolutely wonderful).

Legal Support working to get the FNBer out on O.R. (own recognizance). We're thinking of you comrade and hope for as quick a release as possible and an immediate dropping of your charges.

in struggle for liberation,
chris crass
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by chp
In my opinion, that video camera, hopefully turned on, of the IMC person is crucial. That will show that the IMC journalist and the other guy are innocent, unless the police take it and lose it. Even if they broke it, it should have a tape in it. If they steal the tape or something, that should be some proof for their lawyer to use that the tape had information which would show what really happened. Does anyone know the status of the camera?
by Aline
Dude was released with his camera. The camera could be broken but he has the tape in his possesion. Stay tuned to Indy as I am sure a copy of the Market St. footage will be uploaded.
by Jeff G
The longtime FNBer mentioned by Chris above was released on his own recognisence (OR) Sunday evening at 6pm. He sustained bruises, a black eye, and other moderate injuries from the police despite not resisting, but is relatively ok now. He believes his charge to be "Felony Inciting a Riot", though the DA's office recent announcement to the press seems to indicate "Felony Lynching". For court date info, call 285 1011
by Death to Islam (Death to Collectivism)
I love the sound of police batons striking blond dreadlocks.

I hope the cops shoot you commie fuckers next time. You're all a waste of oxygen.

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