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Cops riot on Market St.

by Duff
While arresting a large group peacefully assembled in Market St. a scuffle broke out. Cops went balistic and took advantage of the confusion to beat people with batons. Watch the video.
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by sean
wow, good footage of police brutally abusing their power.
by badcop no doughnut
I went through the police academy in 98 and we never were taught to swing our batons wildly like this. I hope you guys got the star number and more video on this crazed out of control idiot. Remember legal action is the only thing that will change policy and affect bad cops like this, so do it! There are many other non-confrontational tactics that work that police can use.
by cop attack videos (b_perusek [at]
I was wondering if any of these videos of the police violence were available in windows media? I want to show them to my mom, but she is unable to view them. I am also unable to view them. How can i see them? Thanks. -B
by dave id

go here to get quicktime player...


by brother d-day
i didn't see any violence. the cops were just doing their job.
by you make a great cop
keep your eyes open...
or better yet open them and pull yourself out of the doublethink mentality that you are stuck in

war is not peace
slavery is not freedom
ignorance is not strength
by Raevon Groovez (raevongroovez [at]
Fuck You. Those pigs werent just doing there jobs, they were fucking with anyone they could. If you look at the video, you can cleary see pigs pushing kids from the"safe" sidewalks out into the streets. I had to pull my girlfriend (whos pregnant) and two other GIRLS out of the streets.
Fuck the pigs and fuck you if think they were just doing they're jobs.
My girlfriend now has a scar above her stars on here back. Thanks a lot pigs.
by S.F. professional
i'm sorry if your pregnant girlfriend got hurt, but if you were at work instead of causing shit on market st it never would have happened you fucking punk. and if you would wear condoms, people like you wouldn't be reproducing.
by brother d-day
i guess nobody sees a garbage can getting thrown at the cops. you only believe what you want to beleive and block out the stuff you don't.
by Duff
One of the major jobs of cops throughout history is to repress active dissent. So yes, they were in fact "just doing thier jobs". Study history and you'll see cops have always been used by the wealthy rulers as a violent thugs against popular movements that challange existing authority.

As to the lame SF Professional who thinks everyone should just be "at work" instead of taking part in dissent, (on a weekend no less!) You're just too inconceivably stupid to take serious.

And as far as the garbage can goes, it seems pretty clear that it could be argued in court as "self-defense" Most reasonable people believe that self-defense is legitimate when you are violently attacked. Even if the violent attacker is a cop.

People standing or "assembled" peacefully on the sidewalk or in the streets for that matter, is a constitutionally protected right under the first ammendment. We don't need permits to peacefully assemble. The SF police surrounding and arresting them, let alone attacking them with batons, is totally out of order, illegal and immoral. But Americans are so used to this type of reppresion that it is hardly considered abnormal. In fact it is quite normal for police violence to go unquestioned, unchallenged and certainly unaccountable and unprosecuted.

The Rich who run this country, and those who gain and seek privlege by working for them and kissing thier asses, as we see by the above coomments, condone and applaud this type of violence, blame the victims, or else simply ignore it.
by fellow worker
They are fellow workers. As such, they deserve our comradely solidarity. Instead of fighting them, we should be helping them organize a strike.
by _____
Yes, they are workers and could be considered the working class. Although, I disagree with you on the point that we should stand in solidarity with them as if they were our brothers and sisters fighting the same struggle as folks say in the fast-food industry. Historically, the police (along with all workers of the police state) have and always will serve the upper-class and protect this class. Remember the Haymarket Massacre? this wasn't just working-class folks fighting working-class folks. It was a powerful state-system trying to oppress folks fighting for working-class struggles. Look at history and most if not all working-class struggles have been stiffled by police of one form or another. I find it hard to support and not criticize this power-dynamic created by the fact that the police protect the interest of the wealthy and in opposition to the working-class. As indivduals, I do support police officers in their struggles. But, fundamentally, --as a whole-- I do not support the police. Nor should any person fighting for woking-class struggles. solidarity!
by _
ever hear of the middle class?

cops make very comfortable upper middle class salaries. heres a fun recent reference:

i'd expect that organizing cops would end up being a lot like organizing well-to-do liberals, in that you have to put in a lot of time helping them deal with their "issues", so youd end up being part organizer, part psychologist (for free).

if you wanna talk about the working class, whether you think cops are part of it or not, define your terms.
by bad definition
a high paid worker is a worker? so you recognize no relationship between what someone is paid and their "need" to work. bad definition.

first, i could argue that noone "needs" to work, to some degree they can go on public assistance and they will survive.

second, i can point out that if i have no money in the bank today, i am compelled to work, by your argument, yet b/c i am super-me, lets say i will get paid 1 million dollars an hour working as a consultant. hence, by your logic i am a "high paid" worker, even though after i work 1 hour out of the year, i no longer have any material "need" to work.
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