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Indybay Feature

Pictures From The Reclaim The Streets Safeway March

by Z
At noon around 500 people gathered at the end of Haight St. in SF to celebrate Valentine's day with a radical street party. The march moved up the street to Haight and Ashbury and after several hours of music and fun, a labor march left to protest at a nearby Safeway. When the march arrived at the Safeway there were dozens of police surrounding the building and after shutting down the store for around an hour the march returned to Haight St.
DASW supports striking grocery workers and demands healthcare rights for all. DASW is dedicated to fighting the WAR AT HOME by standing up to the corporate attack on healthcare and social services. 70,000 workers in So.Cal are on strike or locked-out, many of whom are having difficulty paying rent, feeding their kids; many have even lost their homes due to the strike.
§Justice For Grocery Workers
by Z
by Z
§Have A Heart
by Z
by Z
by Z
by Z
by Z
§Safeway Surrounded By Cops
by Z
§Breaking Heart
by Z
§Safeway Surrounded By Cops
by Z
§Crowd At Safeway
by Z
§Safeway Rep talking to police officer
by Z
§One protester was detained
by Z
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by sa
Thanks to everyone who posted the awesome photos. Especially the last one, it is evident that the protester was not just being "detained" - ahh, wish I could have made it! Looks like y'all took care of business, though!
by Justin (mutinyouth [at]
Im the one who got busted, they put me in a cage in the back of a van for over a half hour before driving me to the richmond station, they let me go after the safeway protest started to die down.

Before they even got me in the van a great guy from the lawers guild came up and started talking to me about what i should do and Matt was there to take a bunch of great photos. Thanks to both of you guys.
by Josh (joshk [at]
Wondering who the organizer was who led part of the group to block the second entrance. Very good speaking skills; pretty media savvy; had enough energy to get people fired up.

That stuff should get out to a wider audence that just the couple hundred who show up at a rally.
by just another revolutionary
the people that led us over there were awesome, though i dont remember names and such. our small but enthusiastic party went over there, i wish more people would have come over to that side but oh well. Some woman tried to get in to do her recycling and the cops wouldn't let her in, so collectively we all pitched in what we could to give her money but she wouldn't take it. the cops probably tried to blame us for her not getting to do her recycling. bleh. i hope she got to do her business there eventually, felt bad that she was so fustrated and whatnot.
by jankyHellface
See this link:
by J of the UPA (none)
Thanks to those willing to wear the black mask of freedom in the face of
those who serve and protect the one sided Ideas of the rich. to the girl who gave me her loud speaker to use I still have it and am willing to drop it at a specifed location. I was the voice of the second strike and the leader of the late night safe raids, to all those arrested silence is your only true protection
NO names, NO fingerprints, NO words are to be spoken.
There can be no change without revolution
Thre can be no revolution with out revolutionaries.

Representaive of the UPM
by lani (lani [at]
Hey J,

thanks for telling me you still have that man, I was wondering what happened to that shit. you can email me or call me at AK Press (510) 208-1700


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