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Indybay Feature

Homeless sweep in Fresno

by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
Police sweep in Downtown Fresno
At 8am this morning (2/4/04) Police forced hundreds of homeless people to leave downtown Fresno.
§cooking fire
by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
Fire department moves in to put out a homeless persons camp stove.
§fire barrel
by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
warming fire put out.
§Homeless tent
by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
Sanitation workers then came through pushing homeless belingings into the street.
§Tent in Trash
by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
Then homeless belongings where thrown away.
§Time to leave
by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
Police negotiate with a disabled Veteran refusing to leave.
§Where Am I to Go?
by Dallas Blanchard (fresnofnb [at]
Disabled Veteran asking the corporate media " Where the fuck am I supposed to go now?
Meanwhile tonights temperature in Fresno is supposed to be in the mid 30s.
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by Eric (infidel [at]
A small detail missing from this report is that a "tent city" was constructed across the street at the homeless shelter for all of these people. The only catch... no alcohol or drugs allowed. Some refused to go.

Besides drug use, the 'shanty town' being removed was plagued with prostitution and horrible sanitary conditions.
by just wondering
This site allows live links to racist websites!?!

Have they no shame?
by Dallas Blanchard
The issue of the official sanctioned tent city across the street was already addressed in a comment to Mike Rhodes earlier report.
Hope this helps Eric.
by John from Berkeley (nrthrd2000 [at]
This reminds me of Peoples Park eviction in Berkeley 1991, where streetpeople had their belongings thrown into trash truck. About 2 years later after lawsuit, a few of the people involved got a few thousand back. It's really a crying shame.
by skippidyhop
They should at least allow people to remove their belongings. this is all these people have left!
by Mickey McLicker (dvp64 [at]
I am trying to and think we might all do well to take the leson of the Chicano's in NYC not so long ago and CD a squat in a public houseing building. With beds Health clinic clothes and food It can be done. Look to us soon and lets give each other hope. Peace
by Rover00 (tonynewett [at]
I think the Homeless situation is to America's shame to a degree.

I think places need to be built for these people, but they have to be made to help look after them and not get a ' free ride'

Its a shock to see people living this way.

I dont see things like this where I live (as yet)

by local activist
There were four days of fighting, with fire, gas and rubber bullets. Eventually, we exhausted the city and county's budget for riot suppression. Sacto wouldn't come to their aid, so they backed down and gave in to our demands. We won. It was pretty nip and tuck there for a while, expecially the third and fourth nights. But we did win. It can be done.
The shame of it all, that a Government who can spend Billions of dollars to go to war in foreign countries cannot spend a few million to build some simple buildings with some bedrooms and bathrooms to hold these homeless people so that these unfortunate people can have a place where they can sleep at night.

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