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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Personal and Planetary Transformation

Saturday, January 05, 2002
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Motherwave Institute for Transformation
Location Details:
Mill Valley, CA Meet at Manzanitas Park and Ride between 9:15-9:45 for carpooling, US 101 at Hwy 1 exit.

BEYOND BELIEF "I have felt such an amazing shift in my energy and an awakening of my potential as a multidimensional being that has truly gone beyond my wildest expectations. Go for it!" – M.S. Motherwavework Institute for Transformation PMB 192, 38 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 888-MA-WAVE-1 415-389-6122 Please visit our web site at If you’re not living on the edge…you’re taking up too much space! Come and experience a taste of the motherwave Introductory One Day Training EMBODY YOURSELF – A SAFE LANDING Saturday, January 5, 2002 – Mill Valley, CA FORMAT: All Day from 10:00 am till 6:00 p.m. TUITION: $75, or free if you enroll in Wave 1. Bring a friend and save $10. Please call us at 1-888-629-2831 with any questions, for details, the latest updates and of course, to reserve your space. What's it all about? Why all this emphasis on waves? Motherwavework is based on principles of new science, such as quantum mechanics, chaos theory and fractals, which show that the whole universe is in movement, and that everything is actually made up of waves – even you! Leading edge thinkers now believe that our evolution is being pulled from an evolved wave-like source in our future, rather than our being kick-started in the past (and then abandoned!). The motherwave is a name for this loving, intelligent Future Source. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phone 415-389-6122 Email
Added to the calendar on Tue, Feb 3, 2004 10:26AM
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