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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature


Wednesday, November 21, 2001
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Steps Of Oakland City Hall. 1Frank H Ogawa Plaza Near 12th St, Bart Station. Corner of 14th St, and Broadway.

SAVE OAKLANDS ANNUAL 3% RENT CAP ( WED NOV 21, 5 P.M.) STOP THE TASK FORCE DEAL Wednesday, Nov 21, a press conference/rally upon the steps of Oakland City Hall will take place to support Oakland Renters and the annual 3% cap on rent increases. Oakland has over 5,000 known homeless folks, and the rents in Oakland are now the 4th highest in the Nation. Greedy LAND LORDS want to abolish the 3% rent cap, and rents may sky rocket to another 18% for thousands of renters as a result. The Rent Board Task Force Proposal to replace the 3% RENT CAP with a CPI/less shelter formula to raise the rents, will be voted on by Oakland City Council December 11. Everyone need's to be aware that they need to get down to Oakland City Hall on December 11, to persuade the Council Members to save the annual 3% rent cap! WE MUST SAVE THE ANNUAL 3% RENT CAP. The intent of the November 21 Rally is to raise awareness of the Task Force Deal, and bring attention to the plight of renters due to the cost of insanely high rents!. A signed statement by a number of Oakland Doctors as TESTIMONY to the negative effects of high rents upon their patients, shall be publicly read for all to hear. Further TESTIMONY from numerous others shall also be heard regarding the life threatening effects of ever increasing rent increases upon a stressed out population. Join us for a Press Conference/Rally upon the Steps of Oakland City Hall: When: Wed November 21, at 5 p.m. Where: Oakland City Hall/14th and Broadway near the 12th St, BART STATION. Guest Speakers Include: Wilson Riles Jr; Mayoral Candidate. Cindy Pyle of St.Mary's Center. Kendra M.Wilson; Community Activist. Rob Rooke; Campaign for Renters Rights. James Tracy; Coalition On Homelessness. The Po Poet's; A project of Poor Magazine. Beverly Blythe; Community Activist. Gabriela Maltz Larkin; Chicanna Actress Richard Mellor; Labor Activist. Yessinia Rios; Family Advocate. Edwin Johnson; Peer Counselor Jim Lynch of Compumentor shall be MC. This Rally supported by Building Opportunites for Self Sufficiency/BOSS! Bring your friends to stop this huge shift of money from the renters to the Land Lords. Bring signs and noise makers! TENANT ACTION NOW is needed to stop the Task Force Deal. For More Info:510/763-1085
Added to the calendar on Tue, Feb 3, 2004 10:25AM
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