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Indybay Feature

Pointing out the obvious about the Gonzalez campaign

by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
The Gonzales campaign spent 1/10 of the amount spent by Newsom and campaigned for 1/6 of the time that Newsom campaigned. This indicates that many thousands of voters were not taken in by Gruesome's slick electioneering.
If we start organizing now, we will have a real democrat at the helm of this beautiful city in four years. I have been watching elections for thirty years and I have never seen anything like the amazing gains Matt made throughout the night as the votes poured in. Never before have I been as enthralled by watching a vote count climb. As the percentages narrowed, I felt hope about politics again. It sure felt good to imagine the tightening and shriveling of various body parts among the Newsom campaign staff and its elite supporters. HAH! For a brief moment, for a change, they were anxious and distressed, and I was jubilant.

I am in the middle of law school finals now, writhing with disappointment that I was unable to help the Gonzalez campaign. There is no question in my mind that democratic success is within our grasp despite the best efforts of so-called Democrats to keep us numb and acquiescent to the power of big corporations.

Matt, we are there for you now to ensure victory in four years.

Congratulations, Gavin, on your election. Make the best of the term you have.

P.S. -- democrats, get on permanent absentee voter status now. Never miss a vote again!

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by echo
D's right. But it's gonna be a long four years. The night before the election I got a phone call from some political survey firm that wanted to ask me what I felt about the wording of various ballot propositions for next November. Then they asked me to rate various arguments for and against revoking district elections.

"District elections are too politicized."

"District elections are a mess. The board of supervisors can never get anything done. It's time for a change at city hall."

"Women and minority candidates do better in city-wide elections."

"Supervisors should represent everyone, not just neighborhood special interest groups."

They were considering two propositions, one for city-wide elections of all supervisors and abolishing districts, and the other for city-wide elections of all supervisors with the requirement that though everyone voted, the supervisor had to be a resident of his district.

Scary. Scandalous. Deja vu.
by redgreen
So, it seems, that Communist Party and Committees of Correspondence members, Democrats masquerading as socialists were SPOILERS in this election. Whenever you see their sellout events, be sure to tell 'em so. They really need to hear it...

While real leftists, progressives, and socialists backed Matt. Congradulate folks from these groups when you see them.

On to Green Victory!!!
by green
There are no such things as spoilers. There are candidates and parties.

The term 'spoiler' is part of the Democrap mythology being used to trick people about what a democracy is.

Don't spread it to attack others. Just take it apart whereever you see it. Educate anyone you hear saying it.

In a real democracy, everyone is treated with equal respect, regardless of ability to 'win' via the corporate press and multi-millionaire funding.

The demise of the Democraps is only a matter of time.
by The Monk. Noe Valley.
Congratulations to Matt and all of us. Absolutely get absentee ballot status, BUT MORE IMPORTANT, Re-register as INDEPENDENT! Send another powerful message to the "elites". Discuss with friends and acquaintances and encourage them to do likewise. Support progressive candidates in all upcoming elections. Take some time for yourselves to recuperate, recreate and rejoice in our remarkable accomplishment. But then lets 's get back to work and build the momentum towards '007. Peace,Love and Power. The Monk. Noe Valley.
by twirl
Correction: Re-register Green!
by twirl
My sentiments exactly, Monk, except:

Re-register Green!
by tiny tim
with all the sniveling going on it is almost forgotten that this was an "election" the public has spoken
and Matt didn't make the cut,,,,, if he was the only one in the race it would have turned out the same way.
so go on and for god's sake get it over with....(don't turn this into another algore snivle fest )

time to whine,snivle and moan (and not in a good way)!
by BBrandt
Mother Jones: Don't mourn, organize!

and keep organizing...Matt's incredible perserverance is a lesson to us all, we need to organize all the areas of the city systematically and burrow into the next round of elections.

Victory is much nearer than we all expected months ago.
by ultra vires
...ignorant right-wingers who write in to annoy us can't seem to spell? I am forgiving about spelling errors...a husband and two children with dyslexia will do that to you. But even when they can't spell, they make marvelous sense. These lame-os like tiny tim must have teeny tiny brains though. They never make sense, they don't know how to use spell-check, and they have no grasp of facts.

It's PITY, and SNIVEL, tiny brain, and if Matt would have been the only one in the race he would have won...that's go molest a chicken or something. That's probably what you were doing before you wrote in.

Oops, apologies to chickens. They seem to have more of a brain than tiny, and they don't need to be molested.
by anarchist
The right has no heart. The left has no brain. The center has no courage.

They should all go see the Wizard.
by Joe Morse
Just a note: If you register INDEPENDENT, you're actually registering with a political party. The American Independent Party chose its name in hopes of picking up on that confusion. You need to register as DECLINE TO STATE to be truly independent. Of course, I think it's better to re-register Green. That will *really* piss the Democrats off.
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