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Newsom Busted: Gave the Republican Party $$$ to support Bush against Gor ein 2000

by Frontlines Newspaper (alternative [at]
In 2000, Gavin Newsom gave $500 to pay for the Republican Party slate card that included George Bush and his own name as candidate for the Board of Supervisors.
Gavin Newsom Busted: He paid money to be included in the Republican Party’s 2000 Presidential Election Mailer supporting George W. Bush Al Gore comes to San Francisco on December 2 to endorse and campaign for Newsom. Does he know that Newsom was endorsed by the Republicans and paid for a mailer supporting George W. Bush for President? Exhibit one: Official Mailer of the Republican Party for the 2000 Presidential Election. Gavin Newsom, then running unopposed for City Supervisor appeared in the same mailer supporting George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for President and Vice President. Gavin Newsom paid money to the Republican Party to appear in this mailing thus helping the Republicans support Bush with his money and his name as a Democrat in the same slate card. Exhibit 2: This is the report from the Republican Party listing the contribution from Gavin Newsom to their mailing promoting George W. Bush. A Democrat, Gavin Newsom, appeared supporting the candidate of the Republican Party that stole the election from Al Gore. Now, Gavin Newsom is inviting Al Gore to speak for him and help him get elected. Does Al Gore know about this contribution to Bush by Newsom? Exhibit 3: Of course, Newsom will say that is “customary” to be included in slate cards that candidates do not support entirely. This, of course, is lacking any principle. In addition, the Republicans did not see his support or their endorsement as a mere economic helping hand to produce their literature. In one side of their 2000 mailer, in the right hand, you can read that the Republicans wrote that they examined each candidate included in the mailer, including Newsom “under the light of fundamental Republican principles. For that reason, your County Central Committee has taken great care in making recommendations on local candidates.” The told us that they only interviewed and voted to support those candidates who answered extensive written questionnaires and the “interviewed each candidate twice.” Finally they voted for each of them. Newsom met the requirements of a candidate that was chosen “under the light of fundamental Republican principles.”
§The Republican Party mailer
by Frontlines Newspaper (alternative [at]
Well, what Al Gore will say to this?
§More evidence
by Frontlines Newspaper (alternative [at]
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by needs mainstream coverage
The mainstream media is starting to cover Newsom's fake email trying to get Greens to protest Gore, we really need them to cover Newsom's contribution to the Republicans.
by Shock and Awe
Reminds me of stealth Republican Wesley Clark.
by ?
The fake email is now a major local story in the media (although they are trying to spin it to make it less damaging to Newsom) but this hasnt been covered yet. I guess they cant spin his support for the GOP so they are just choosing to ignore this?
by Duh-- green?
small minds are easily manipulated (green party)
by damn!!!
this is a serious fuckup on gavinns part.
by echo
Ummm ....

a closer look at the Newsom 2000 campaign contribution filing shows that Newsom 2000 also gave $250 to the campaign to re-elect Mark Leno (progressive) and another $500 it looks like to the Democrats. Since many people don't think about politics very much and want their politicians to be loving, coalition-building tends to play well. Even if this story got covered it wouldn't hurt Newsom. Working with people you disagree with is something that the progressive left sees as more of a fault (because we're so overly concerned with purity), more of an indication of lack of values, than the right. On the right it can be considered evidence that you "love the sinner, not the sin."
by this will hurt Newsom
Sure he also gave money to progressive causes, but that doesnt excuse funding Bush. If a candidate gave money to both the KKK and NAACP, people wouldnt feel like the money to the NAACP ballanced out support for a racist institution. Giving money to Bush in inexcusible and the SF voters will see it as such if the media dares to cover this.
by is not
Funding their campaigns. There's a big difference between working in city hall with people, and giving money to them. Especially in the year that Bushmoron was elected.

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