Racial Justice
Racial Justice
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Dave Kersting: Peeling Away Layers of Zionist Lies and Racism

by Dave Kersting
Those who try to build a holistic, comprehensive approach to progress, addressing ALL issues - equality for everyone, minors' rights, women's rights, environmental sustainability - find a thousand times as much slanderous and violent opposition on the issue of equality for Palestinians as we do on all other issues combined. Only in the case of Zionism is one "chosen" ethnic-group's claimed "need" for ethnic-supremacy so obnoxious as to vilify EQUALITY as an "attack" against their "survival." That is how Zionism has exploited the suffering of Jews...
Someone wrote:

> When I see you consistantly & repeatedly call for full
> racial/ethnic/religious equality for ALL countries in the ME, I'll take you
> seriously.

Dave Kersting replies:

That standard, last-ditch Zionist dodge is taught by AIPAC reps and other Zionist leaders.

The process uses several layers of racist lies. If one layer is exposed for what it is, some people will fail to realize that all moral credibility has just been lost. And the Zionist method is to fall back on layer after layer.

It goes like this:

First try to appeal to racist impulses by decrying the "Arab" suicide-bombers and other ostensibly genetic defects of "the Arabs," "the Muslims," "the Arab nations," and "the Arab world."

If anyone catches the trick and points out its fundamental racism, he should be vilified as "anti-Semitic," due to his disregard for Israel's tragic history - which is then falsified in the standard Zionist pattern: simply a matter of peace-loving Jews escaping persecution and going to Palestine to "rebuild the land," but immediately attacked by "five anti-Semitic Arab armies," who tried to "strangle the Jewish state in its cradle."

If anyone knows the truth about the long-standing Zionist plan to ethnically-cleanse Palestine and offers the standard reliable sources, he cannot be disputed, but he should be vilified as "anti-Semitic," because the legitimacy of a preferentially "Jewish" state is ostensibly rooted in the Balfour Declaration and the UN Partition Plan. (Thus, if the Palestinians had not been so fundamentally violent and genetically "anti-Semitic," they would have picked up their things and peacefully walked away from their ancestral homes, villages, towns, cities, fields, and orchards, to be welcomed by their "Arab brethren.")

If anyone points out that Balfour never called for Jewish supremacy, anywhere in Palestine, and that claims of international legitimacy for forcibly dividing a land into two ethnically-preferential "zones" are further evidence of racist intent, that person should be vilified as "anti-Semitic" due to his notion that only "the Jews" may be denied a right to "self-determination."

If anyone recalls that self-determination is not a special ethnic privilege but is a human right for geographic populations, a right which must be PROTECTED from those who would chase people away from their homes and country, under the excuse of "needing" them for the creation of a new, ethnic-supremacist state, for one particular ethnicity, to be imported from all over the world - that is, if anyone recalls that "self-determination" as an ETHNIC right is a violent doctrine of racist supremacy - that person should be vilified as "anti-Semitic," because he has "singled Israel out," from among "the Middle East countries."

The Zionists are hoping that no one will see the mistake of listening to yet another alibi, and another, and another, as each is exposed as a lie, or an abject display of racism, or both.

The Zionists are hoping to appeal to those who will listen to the whole sequence, over and over, without ever having enough of the lies. Of course, this has worked, for decades, as a way for Zionists to keep themselves cycling through their rationales for mass murder - and avoiding the difficulty of challenging their Zionist mentor-masters - but it does not work on ordinary people.

So, all you ordinary people out there, we do not answer the Zionist nonsense as a way of convincing THEM, but only to display the weakness of their position, for others, and to show how to respond when the Zionists try their tricks.

As to this latest layer of nonsense from ... (He has already cycled through the previous layers and has been caught and exposed quite abjectly):

> When I see you consistently & repeatedly call for full
> racial/ethnic/religious equality for ALL countries in the ME, I'll take you
> seriously.

That layer fails for the following reasons:

1.) We are not paying millions of dollars a day to finance flagrant ethnic-cleansing, with its whole repertoire of atrocities, anywhere on Earth, except in Palestine. (And no one, in good faith, can require us to remind them of that fact.)

Our country has not been subverted into financing ANY flagrant and officially racist policy anywhere, by anyone except Israel's partisans here in America.

And those policies of Zionist Israel - OPEN ethnic-cleansing in broad daylight, constant new "Jewish Only" settlements, live ammunition against stone-throwing children in their own neighborhoods, assassinations of all viable leaders and anyone who fights back, bulldozing of neighborhoods and orchards, etc. - are stretching open the envelope of familiar and "acceptable" horrors, beyond anything seen anywhere on Earth.

And they are dishonestly and violently promoted by people right here in our own communities.

2.) It is absolutely understood that ethnic-equality activists mean "equality" to apply to everyone: the only EXCEPTION we have seen, passing totally unprotested for decades, has been the "special case" of open racist speech and stereotypes against "the Arabs," "the Arab nations," and now "the Muslims."

If Americans fail to SHARE in the violent exception commonly made for Zionist Israel, against the "Arab" Palestinians, we are hit with the life-threatening slander of "anti-Semitism."

Those who try to build a holistic, comprehensive approach to progress, addressing ALL issues - equality for everyone, minors' rights, women's rights, environmental sustainability - find a thousand times as much slanderous and violent opposition on the issue of equality for Palestinians as we do on all other issues combined. That huge, gory hole in our "holistic" progress is as fatal to real progress as a knife in a living organism.

Only in the case of Zionism is one "chosen" ethnic-group's claimed "need" for ethnic-supremacy so obnoxious as to vilify EQUALITY as an "attack" against their "survival."

That is how Zionism has exploited the suffering of Jews, abused our desire to help, subjugated a vast part of the "Organized Jewish Community," and subverted our country - not far away, in the Middle East, but right here in our midst.

3.) We must stop the subversion of OUR OWN country and OUR OWN Constitution, before we have the moral authority - or even the national ability - to help other nations develop democracy. We must take care of our own country first.

4.) Only a racist hustler would pretend that healthy opposition to racism is an "attack," or forget that the racism we oppose is BAD for Israel and the US.

We are supposed to forget that racist policies are terribly bad - "even" for the society that perpetrates them - serving no purpose except a quick rise to power for the most rapacious criminals. In our sympathy for the Jews, the Zionists would have us turn the clock back a century or two and forget that very hard-won lesson.

This standard Zionist trick is like a parent saying "Don't tell me to stop my child from stealing, until you equally stop all the other crime in this town!" That is what we call an "unfit" parent. The children of Israel and Palestine need to be protected from the murderous criminality of their unfit Zionist "guardian."

It is love for our country that urges a return to our Constitutional principles, and it is friendship with Jews that urges an end to Zionist enthrallment of Israel in Jewish Community life.

It is exactly BACKWARDS to claim that Israel should be allowed to continue its self-destructive racism, until the rest of the world is simultaneously made perfect. Calls for decent, sustainable policies may be called "criticism," but we have seen what kind of society emerges when criticism is denounced as unpatriotic: Zionist Israel is just the CURRENT example.

Only a racist opportunist would treat criminal racist policies as a kind of advantage or privilege which should be perpetuated, even by the most self-damning arguments, as long as possible.

5.) The only way in which we are contributing to any failures of OTHER Middle East societies is in our support for Zionist Israel, with its open demand for official "Jewish" supremacy at the very heart of the Middle East.

That Zionist policy absolutely requires the subjugation of all Middle East populations, under rulers that can suppress their democratic will - because the moment real democracy is allowed in any Middle East country, the first thing its population will demand is an end to Zionist racism in Palestine.

We would demand exactly the same thing here, of course, if any part of a North American coastline were being taken over by one particular ethnicity, invading from all over the world and expelling the population, in order to create an officially preferential settler-state for their own ethnic "self-determination." No "Balfour Declaration" or "UN Partition Plan" would inhibit our all-out opposition to racist conquest for one moment.

The fact that we support Zionist Israel, in a regionally destabilizing racist project - and expect "the Arabs" to "peacefully" accept something we would never tolerate here - shows that we have already been partly seduced into Zionist, anti-constitutional anti-Arab racism.

Those who want to see "racial/ethnic/religious equality for ALL countries in the Middle East" must start by ending our own unconstitutional and self-destructive support for the most flagrant and destabilizing of all such policies.

And the best way to expose the Zionists for what they are is to keep them talking.

They may succeed in "convincing" each other, over and over, that it's fine to continue their racist atrocities, but the rest of the world is not so enchanted.
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the banstustan plan (CFB)
Thu, Nov 20, 2003 2:04AM
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Thu, Nov 20, 2003 12:34AM
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Count Folke Bernadotte & the Stern Warnings
Tue, Nov 18, 2003 8:51PM
CFB and the Generous Offers
Tue, Nov 18, 2003 4:07PM
the real debate coach
Tue, Nov 18, 2003 1:18AM
the real debate coach
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