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Indybay Feature

anarchists arrested in spain

by amanda
Spanish police targeting squatters as "terrorists."

The morning of tuesday the 16th of sept. six anarchists were arrested in Barcelona. The Guardia Civil raided four different apartments while the comrades were sleeping. The apartments were searched and the comrades were taken the same day to Madrid to be interogated .
The Guardia Civil are claiming that the six are a terrorist cell that is responsible for a book bomb the was sent to the Greek Embassy in Madrid on the 8th of sept. that was defused. Because of the serious nature of the accusations the comrades are being treated as terrorists under the anti-terrorist law, meaning, that during three to five days the comrades will be held without seeing anyone except their interrogaters, including lawyers .The comrades are also being accused of other "low intensity" terrorist actions which are unknown to us on the outside .
In two of the four apartments raided fire arms were claimed to be found along with material to make explosives. Also, the Guardia Civil took computers, money, magazines, mobile phones and other things that could have no possible relation to any crime.
The same evening as the arrests here in Barcelona there was a demonstration with about 50 people ,there was a banner that read Free Anarchist Prisoners and some comrades were handing out flyers with the little
information that was known .The next demonstration will be Friday the 19th at 7:00 pm in Plaza Universidad in Barcelona. There is also a bank account open for bail and legal fees, if there are comrades that can organize benefits or contribute., the bank account number for international contributions is:IBAN ES58 0182 7028 2102 0153 0482.
We see this for what it is, as an attack againts the anarchist movement in general .We will not be stopped because will have a new world in our hearts.
Freedom for Joaquin, Rafa, Carol, Igor, Roger and Teo
For more information in spanish go to
<> .

The morning of tuesday the 16th of sept. six anarchists were arrested as terrorists accused of fabricating a book bomb that was sent to the Greek embassy in Madrid.The bomb arrived on the 8th of sept but was defused. The six are also accused of other ìlow intensityî terrorist actions that remain a mystery to those of us on the outside. In two of the four apartments raided the police claim to have found fire arms and materail to fabricate explosives .Because of the seriousness of the charges, the six are being held with out the benifit of a lawyer or the possibility to see friends or family during at least three days

We are writing this to inform people who might know Teo through his activity in punk. Teo sings in the group OTAN from Barcelona, plays drums in Destruccion from his home town of Arnedo, does a fanzine called Miguel/Escupe al Alcalde and also has a mailorder of t-shirts that he makes of old spanish punk bands. Teo is very active and everyone knows him but we still need your help pass on this notice.If there are punks that can organize a benifit or make a contribution we have a bank account open ,to make a contribution from your local bank internationally you¥ll need the following number :IBAN ES58 0182 7028 2102 0153 0482. Thanks.anarchy and punk
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