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Indybay Feature

Local Training with International Solidarity Movement for Work in Palestine

by Int'l Solidarity Movement (ismtraining [at]
The Northern Calif. Support Group of the International Solidarity Movement will be giving an intensive training for those interested in participating in solidarity work in Palestine, Sept. 19, 20 and 21.
In preparation for the ISM Fall Olive Harvest Campaign, Palestine 2003

Northern California Support Group of the
International Solidarity Movement
Fall/Winter Trainings -- Sept. 19, 20, 21

Sept. 19, 7 pm, 522 Valencia --
Slideshow and Presentation on the History of Palestine -- Pre-1948 to Present , with Jess Ghannam, Professor of Psychology at UCSF (A benefit for Norcal ISM, $5 to $20 donation requested, refreshments served)

Sept. 20th and 21st, 9:45 am to 5:30 pm --
ISM Training for those interested in participating in solidarity work in Palestine this fall or winter (No charge -- bring a potluck lunch item to share)

We will work collaboratively to address topics including:
History and politics of Palestinian liberation struggle
Non-violent direct action in Palestine
Cross-cultural issues for U.S. internationals traveling to Palestine
History and structure of the International Solidarity Movement
Affinity group formation, functions, and consensus decision making
for solidarity work in Palestine
Issues of racism, privilege, and oppression for internationals in Palestine
The potential dangers involved, coping with stress and trauma
Media work
....and much more.

To reserve your space at the training, please email
ismtraining [at]
The Northern California Support Group of the International Solidarity
Movement will be offering some limited sponsorships to help pay for
travel costs. Please e-mail sponsorships [at] to receive an

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by Dick Cravat
Non-violent direct action in Palestine
Cross-cultural issues for U.S. internationals traveling to Palestine
>History and structure of the International Solidarity Movement
Will they detail all the structure of the terrorist groups that they support? Probably not, these are after all dupes that they want to use as shields.

> Issues of racism, privilege, and oppression for internationals in Palestine
Will they explain that this movement is racist towards jews? Will they explain why Islam considers muslim better than non-muslims, and wants to make "dhimmis" out of everyone who won't convert? What about the oppression of slavery for the christians that are captured by muslim raiders in Sudan?

> The potential dangers involved, coping with stress and trauma
Such as standing in front of bulldozers, or throwing rocks at tanks of soldiers with guns? How DOES one cope with the stress of being a pawn and supporter of terror?
by Striemel
Did you know that Alan Dershowitz has challenged N. Chomsky et al to debates on Israel, and has been turned down...EVERYTIME.

Get a hold of A. Dershowitz's new book entitled: "The Case For Israel". In a nutshell, it debunks almost every anti-Israel arguement with facts, maps, figures and quotes from the BIGOTS THEMSELVES.

by gehrig
I'd hope the training includes some basic safety fundamentals about the restricted visibility from the driver's seat of an armored D-9. That could have saved Rachel Corrie's life.

by Guantanamo
Given that this website is monitored, is it a good idea to advertise training for terrorism in Palestine?

Anyone funding, supporting, or participating in international terrorism could find themselves sharing a cell with John Walker Lindh.
by freedom
"Anyone funding, supporting, or participating in international terrorism could find themselves sharing a cell with John Walker Lindh."

Does that include the Americans sending money to support settlements in the West Bank? Afterall it was the Israeli right backed by the US that started the latest rounds of mass killing in the area (remember Baruch Goldstein) and it was an Israeli right winger (backed by many in the US) who killed Rabin.

Most Israelis are not nearly as crazy as the proIsrael lunatics in the US who just want more bloodshed.
by get your facts straight
They are training to help prevent terrorism by its biggest perps in the area, the IDF.
by Idiot Corrector
"Afterall it was the Israeli right backed by the US that started the latest rounds of mass killing in the area (remember Baruch Goldstein)"

Mass killing of whom? There hasn't been any mass killing of Palestinians or other Arabs, certainly not recently.
Baruch Goldstein acted on his own behalf, spontaneously, in 1994. That was recently, right...

"it was an Israeli right winger (backed by many in the US) who killed Rabin."

A very small circle of co-conspirators were in on the plot to murder Rabin, all of whom were brought to trial. The Israeli public, let alone pro-Israelis/pro-Zionists in the US or elsewhere knew nothing of the scheme.

"Most Israelis are not nearly as crazy as the proIsrael lunatics in the US who just want more bloodshed."

Most pro-Israelis in the US are not more loony than most of the Israeli Jewish public.

"They are training to help prevent terrorism by its biggest perps in the area, the IDF."

This nonsense is not even worth trying to refute.
Here's another:


by Barry Chamish

In March, 1994, an angry and crazed Dr. Baruch Goldstein supposedly walked into the Hebron Mosque within the Cave of the Patriarchs and shot 29 worshipers dead, while wounding another 60. A reexamination of the evidence more than indicates that Dr. Goldstein was, in fact, a completely innocent victim of a Shabak (General Security Services) sting operation.

I had suspected something like that back in April 1994, when I published the article, Goldstein's Accomplices in my newsletter Inside Israel, but I didn't have enough evidence to reach this conclusion until an Israeli researcher, Avraham Yosef, provided me the smoking guns this week.

My suspicions were based on the following facts:

On the very day of the massacre, an Arab reporter for the news magazine Yerushalayim, Khalad Abu-Tuama interviewed 25 survivors from age nine to eighty in six different hospitals and all said there was either two or three shooters.

A dozen of these survivors testified that there was more than one shooter at the Shamgar Commission Of Inquiry Into The Hebron Massacre headed by Meir Shamgar, the same former Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court who later presided over the government inquiry which whitewashed the Rabin assassination. Three soldiers on duty also testified that seconds after Goldstein entered the mosque, another Jew carrying a Galil assault weapon followed him in. Shamgar ruled that all the Arab witnesses perjured themselves and that the soldiers were mistaken. Only by doing so could he reach the desirable finding that Goldstein was a lone gunman.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) originally announced that Goldstein had arrived in uniform at the mosque in his civilian Subaru. The Shamgar Comission heard very different evidence. Dr. Goldstein's wife Miriam was surprised to discover a note informing her that Baruch was called to reserve duty. She phoned the IDF duty commander for Kiryat Araba, Shmuel Eidelstein to ask if he knew where her husband was. He said he didn't. And yet, evidence presented at the Shamgar Commission proved that Goldstein arrived in Eidelstein's IDF jeep.

Orders were issued by the IDF to soldiers at the mosque to prevent all women from entering. No such order had ever been previously given in the soldiers' service.

The IDF ruled that Goldstein shot 111 rounds in a minute and a half. Ballistics experts such as Mustafa Adawi of the Palestinian police force denied that was possible. All victims of the massacre said the shooting went on for five minutes at least.

The IDF denied that any of the victims died outside the mosque. In fact, six Arabs, including the mosque iman, were shot by IDF soldiers at an exit door. Shamgar ruled the soldiers shot into an unruly mob in self-defence.

Police, normally on duty at the mosque, were called away to investigate the shooting of one Muhmad Ibrahim Ayat in Kiryat Arba a few minutes before Goldstein arrived at the mosque.

In the wake of the Rabin assassination, another fact proved most bothersome. The Shabak ran a creepy division in Hebron called the Jewish Department. Its duty was supposedly to surveil "radicals" but in fact, it entrapped young people opposed to the Oslo Agreement in a series of sting operations. Until the Rabin assassination sting, the most serious incident was the entrapment and subsequent long imprisonment of the Kahalani brothers, two innocents set up for planning a "massacre of Arabs." The full details of this sting are found in Chapter Seven of my Feral House book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin (cult [at]

The head of the Jewish Department at the time of the Hebron massacre was Carmi Gillon. Though it was his duty to surveil a "radical" like Goldstein, he was not called to testify at the commission of inquiry. This was faciliated because his brother Ilan Gillon was the registrar of the court, responsible for witness registration.

Nor was Gillon demoted for the Hebron fiasco. In fact, he was appointed head of the Shabak shortly after, a position he held until a second Shamgar Commission ruled he was guilty of sloppiness in the Rabin assassination.

I add that a few months ago, a source, well placed high in Israel's security and political circles, informed me the real goal of the massacre was to uprise the Arabs into conducting some massacres of Jews in retaliation, forcing the IDF to remove the settlers from Hebron and other sensitive areas in the territories for their own protection. After that, it would be much simpler to fulfill the full terms of the Oslo Agreement with the PLO.

Yet with all these facts and suspicions, I still did not have enough to conclude that Goldstein was just another patsy of peace. One fact stood out for many people; Dr. Goldstein was a mild-mannered, highly educated doctor and a major in the IDF. His transformation into mass murderer did not fit his personality. To bridge the reality gap, Jewish right wing writers have come up with the unlikely theory that calls for a massacre of Jews on Purim from the mosque drove Dr. Goldstein into a sudden, maniacal fit. As psychologically improbable as this thesis is, worse is the justification claimed by some desperate extremists that he slaughtered Arabs to prevent the slaughter of Jews and thus died a hero.

Thanks to the research of Avraham Yosef, we see that Goldstein died as a fall guy. He never intended to shoot anyone.

Mr. Yosef begins his article, The Murder Of Baruch Goldstein with an explanation of how he gathered evidence. Simply, he read every word of the Shamgar Commission report on the Hebron massacre. He notes that even though Dr. Goldstein wasn't there to defend himself, a great deal of evidence on his behalf was unintentionally offered, which was all, very intentionally, dismissed by Shamgar.

The following evidence, taken directly from the Shamgar Commission's Final Report, points to a very different massacre than the one Shamgar described to the public in his findings. Point by point:

Although the 60 people wounded were of varying ages, all 29 dead were old. Although complete medical reports of the wounded were written, not one full report was prepared for the dead.

* While some of the wounded were shot by bullets, most were hit by shrapnel, the vast majority in their legs.

A soldier in a booth had the duty of watching the mosque from three TV cameras within the prayer hall. One camera was broken that day and the shooter(s) stood within its lens field. Yosef asks if the shooter(s) was told where to be out of camera range beforehand.

Dr. Goldstein arrived in IDF unform. The guards asked him if he was on reserve duty and he calmly answered that he was. They reported no change from his normal behaviour. He left before his wife woke up and she knew nothing of a call to serve in the reserves. Yosef asks why he would have bothered putting on a uniform when he could have just as easily entered the mosque in everyday clothing.

The soldier guarding the prayer hall entrance within the mosque testified that Dr. Goldstein did not pass by him. That means he could have only entered through one of the two locked side entrances and since he didn't have a key, that would have required help.

An Arab witness who got a close look at Dr. Goldstein described him as being tall and wearing black ear protectors. Goldstein was short and his ear protectors were found in his gun belt unused and colored off white. According to this man's testimony, writes Yosef, Dr. Goldstein wasn't the shooter the man saw.

Numerous Arabs saw Dr. Goldstein subdued by up to twenty men armed with the same metal nightsticks. The IDF soldier watching the events on his tv monitor, saw three such men armed with iron batons subdue Dr. Goldstein. One Arab witness told the police he saw a man open a storage closet and hand out the nightsticks to the worshipers. Yosef concludes that such a collection of weapons would not likely have been stored inside the mosque unless planted there to be later distributed by an agent provocateur.

All witnesses, Arab and Jew, heard two explosions before the shooting. Yet no grenade shrapnel was found in the prayer hall. Shamgar concluded that the explosions were caused by the imam Sheikh Jamal Natsha, twice slapping his hand in fear on his microphone, which was broadcast loudly as booms in the speaker system after the shooting began. As Yosef notes, the explosions were heard BEFORE the shooting began "but we will never know the truth since the imam was shot to death while leaving the mosque."

Yosef paints the following scenario. Since he was on standby duty, Dr. Goldstein would not have thought it unusual to be called into the reserves in the middle of the night. He was driven to the mosque and escorted to a side door. He entered with his two unintended accomplices. They threw two stun grenades into the crowd and shot blank bullets. Then they left the prayer hall, locking the door behind them. Goldstein was alone and armed facing the mob.

The old people were trampled by the mob and they were the only ones to die. Notes Yosef, "Dr. Goldstein wasn't capable of killing people so he followed regulations and shot at their feet to keep the crowd at bay. Many bullets ricocheted off the floor, explaining the sharpnel wounds in the legs of most victims."



Avraham Yosef concludes, "Dr. Baruch Goldstein was found guilty of mass murder by the government media in a pre-designed campaign though he killed no one. The fingerprints of the real plotter behind this ghastly plot are on the hands of the then-head of the Jewish Department of the Shabak."

This conclusion I do endorse. No act was too ugly or hideous to be committed on behalf of peace.

by Idiot Corrector
I was stating a fact: Baruch Goldstein acted on his own behalf, spontaneously.

The report you cite is indeed one's opinion.
by hmm
How can you say he did not carry out mass killings? His attack was almost identical to a Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians. His attack and the later worship of Goldstein by the far right, the assasination of Rabin by Sharon backers, and Sharon's visit to the temple mount were key events in the present mess Israel has fallen into.

Israeli's really are not that crazy compared to Israel backers in the US:
see and you will not that the major Israeli newspapers stances on treatment of Palestinians and Sharon are more critical than the New York Times, Washington Post or CNN.
by Idiot Corrector
You're either short at spotting humorous remarks or making a straw man argument.
I was being ironic. I meant a massacre perpetrated in 1994 isn't a recent one. I'll disregard the rest of your paragraph because you've ignored what I explained about Rabin's murder. Obviously you don't care about factual truth on this matter.

In response to your statement that "Most Israelis are not nearly as crazy as the proIsrael lunatics in the US who just want more bloodshed", I stated most pro-Israelis in the US are not more loony than most of the Israeli Jewish public. If you refuse to accept it, too bad.

You want to keep talking in circles?
I didn't. Barry Chamish did, He made a pretty good case, too.

Your reading comprehension skills are abysmal. Go back to school.
by STOP THE International Solidarity Movement
Thank you for visiting our new website. The Georgetown Jewish-Hate Fest called the Fifth Annual Student Divestment Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement has created enough interest by all concerned Americans to help us finally launch this new website to Stop the ISM. We are asking readers to please be patient as we get our bearings. The main purpose of this website is to call attention to the International Solidarity Movement, a.k.a. the Palestine Solidarity Movement, in the USA, and its major players.

The ISM is a movement composed of American anarchists and communists, neo-Nazis and Arab militants, social misfits and plain old anti-Semites all working in unison, or "solidarity" as they call it, to try to dismantle the Jewish democracy in the Middle East that is Israel.

They do this in a program modeled partly after the old ComIntern system of the Communist party USA and with help from PLO and Saudi propaganda ministries. They masquerade as a "peace movement" and "peace activists" when they are in fact a revolutionary war movement opposed not only to Israel but the United States itself. Allied organizations such as International ANSWER and the International Socialist Organization that belong to the ISM advocate the violent overthrow of the US government.

The movement was started when Palestinian Arab communists and radicals educated in the West hit on an idea to mobilize other communists on how to work together to fight the USA and its "proxy" in their mind, Israel. For western communists this meant money coming from wealthy Arab oil sheiks. The PLO/ Communist Revolutionary tactics and dogma from the past would now be combined with the worst Arab propaganda and money to produce an arm of the PLO's "revolution" called the ISM to destroy Israel. America will come next.

The ISM works in "affinity groups" modeled after communist cells that fought in the Spanish Civil War and that mirror Lech Walesa's "Solidarity Movement" in Poland. Lying to the public is standard operating procedure. Their motto, "By any means necessary," was taken from Malcolm X. Malcolm X ultimately became a true "peace activist" and was murdered for it by the same types who run the ISM.

To swell their ranks they seek out any groups or individuals who perceive themselves either as oppressed or fighting oppression. They also recruit society's misfits— sort of the Trekkies of alternative lifestyles. They are, in fact, very nice to these people. This explains why the movement has a large homosexual contingent when the Palestinian Authority and Arab governments whose goals they support in fact persecute and murder gays, contrary to the fact that Israel provides refuge for them. People with parental issues or issues about any type of authority who happen to be Jewish also are prized cows in their organization. Some are of Jewish ancestry but abandoned Judaism long ago for a new god of communism, or anarchism. Most of the Jewish membership of ISM activists are gay. We mention this not to cast aspersions on their sexual orientation, but so you can understand how these people's perceptions of being "oppressed" in a heterosexual society makes them fall prey to the ISM. If the goals of the ISM were ultimately met by society, these gays would be the first to perish. But for now, the ISM is very nice to them.

US college campuses are their main recruiting locales, though they also are now striving to get into Christian churches and communities, even trade unions. They work to support the boycott of Israel to ruin the Jewish state's economy and hopefully bring about collapse. They also force Jewish children and the elderly to go to bed hungry at night. They serve as human shields for terrorist groups in the West Bank and Gaza, spotting anti-terrorist troops of the Israel Defense Forces, smuggling, interfering with anti-terrorism operations any way they can.

They invoke cynically the name of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi because they have learned these true pacifists/activists are more popular to the American public they seek to convert to their goals than the real calls in Arabic to "murder the Jews and drive them into the sea." Neta Golan, an Israeli ISM leader who spent ten years in Canadian mental institutions has referred in private to the "Gandhi gimmick" as a means to fool people into believing the ISM's goals are peace when it is in reality an arm of the terrorists in the PLO. That is why the ISM never condemns terrorism and in fact supports it. In the West Bank and Gaza they have Palestinian Arab "handlers" who orchestrate their actions against the Security Fence and Israeli soldiers. In Bi'lin for example, they incite in the mosque every Friday for the locals to riot. Some of their activities have in fact contributed to the deaths of Israeli soldiers.

And they eat their own useful idiots. Rachel Corrie, who was killed by a tractor while protecting a weapons smuggling tunnel that provided missiles and explosives that killed Israeli women and children, is glamorized as a "peace activist" when she, too, was an avowed anarchist who called Palestinian Arab terrorists "martyrs." Her death was cynically used by the ISM for propaganda purposes as articles within this site and a film later will reveal.

The ISM also uses its "Jewish" quislings to create front groups to try and divorce Jewish-American support from Israel. It uses Arab propaganda word games to claim they are not anti-Semitic, but just "anti-Zionist." Make no mistake about it: The ISM and even its "Jewish" members are anti-Semites as much as the Jewish Police that rounded up the Jews in Warsaw for the Nazis. Now they are seeking to "reinterpret" the Bible and persuade American Christians that its the Jews in the Middle East who are responsible for Christian persecution in the West Bank, when it is in fact the Muslim Arabs who persecute Christians. In an Orwellian manner, based partly on the propaganda techniques of communist groups in the past, and using the propaganda techniques of Arab totalitarian societies today, the ISM's goal is to dissemble information to separate American support for a fellow democracy--the only democracy in the Middle East--Israel.

If you wish to contact us for now, email us at StoptheISM [at] but we will soon have the means to do so with this website.

Please enter and retrieve information within so you, too, as loyal Americans and supporters of democracy, of the rights of the Jewish people to a refuge and homeland, and the preservation of America as a free society, can help STOP THE ISM!

-The editors
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