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'Syria Accountability Act' being rushed through congress

by ADC action alert
This legislation was drafted by Israel's supporters in congress and seeks to punish yet another Arab country on behalf of Israel. Please follow the link at the bottom to contact your representatives on this.
Syria Bill A Step Closer to Vote
Contact Congress to Relay your Opposition

Issue: Representatives Eliot Engel (D-New York) and House International Relations Subcommittee on Middle East Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida) introduced on April 12 the "Syria Accountability Act and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act" (H.R. 1828). Senators Barbara Boxer (D-California) and Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania) introduced similar legislation on May 1 called the "Syria Accountability Act"(S. 982).

A hearing before the House International Relations Committee on H.R. 1828 is scheduled for September 16 and 17. This scheduled hearing increases the possibility of the Syria Accountability Act coming before the House and Senate for a vote.

The proposed legislation includes a series of findings, "sense of Congress" views and statements of policy, all of which are highly critical of Syrian government policies. The proposed legislation seeks to "hold Syria accountable for the serious international security problems it has caused in the Middle East" by requiring the President to determine and report to Congress that Syria has completely stopped support for terrorism, ended its occupation of Lebanon, stopped its development of weapons of mass destruction, and ceased its illegal importation of Iraqi oil and illegal shipments of weapons and other military items to Iraq. The President must also certify that substantial progress has been made in achieving peace agreements between Israel-Syria and Israel-Lebanon. Until the President does so, he is required to prohibit export to Syria of any item on the U.S. munitions list or Commerce control list of dual-use items.

In addition, unless Syria meets certain conditions, the President would be required to impose two additional sanctions from a "menu" of six sanctions. The President would also be required to report to Congress every six months detailing Syria’s progress to end terrorism and meet other obligations outlined in the proposed legislation. According to H.R. 1828, the report must include details about any connections between terrorists or terrorist groups that maintain offices, facilities, or bases in Syria or Syrian occupied areas of Lebanon as well ways in which the U.S. is increasing efforts against Hizballah "given the recognition that Hizballah is equally or more capable than al Qaeda."

Response: We urge you to contact your members of Congress to express your opposition and to ask them to vote against "Syria Accountability Act" (H.R. 1828 and S. 982) should it come to the floor for consideration. The proposed legislation could circumvent the Executive Branch's constitutional authority to conduct U.S. foreign policy. In addition, adopting the proposed legislation as fighting continues in Iraq and the Bush Administration continues to work on the "Road Map" for peace in the Middle East would send a confusing message to the international community that raises serious doubts about American intentions in the region and about the Administration's commitment to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Finally, the proposed legislation appears to purposefully set the Syrian compliance standard so high which would force the President to severely undermine current U.S.-Syrian relations and possibly jeopardize successful U.S.-Syrian cooperation in the war against global terrorism. Instead of singling out one country, the U.S. Congress should endorse the creation of a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). ADC firmly agrees with Secretary of State Colin Powell statement on April 15, 2003: "With respect to weapons of mass destruction, it has always been U.S. policy that we would like to see that whole region free of weapons of mass destruction."

Take Action: Call, write, fax or email your members of Congress expressing your opposition to the "Syria Accountability Act" (H.R. 1828 and S. 982) and asking them to vote against it. A rush to pass this legislation could preclude alternatives to addressing American concerns about Syrian policies. This could lead to serious difficulties for American credibility and national security interests in the region.

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by Who are the terrorists?
All the pro-ethnic cleansing activists who support Israel incessantly whine about "Israel being singled out." Israel *is* being singled out -- it's being singled out for good treatment. Any other country with the horrible human rights record that Israel has would have long ago lost the $6 or so billion that is meant to help only the 4 million Jewish citizens of that state (Israel's one million Arab citizens are treated as second class and don't see a penny of that money).

Syria (and Iraq and Iran and Lebanon and Libya, etc, ad nauseum) really are being singled out by the US government on behalf of Israel.
by No Sanctions on Syria
If your congressmen insists on voting on sanctions on Syria, remind him/her that it is Israel that is occupying and ethnically cleansing another people, that it is Israel that is the only country in the Middle East with all sorts of Weapons of Mass Destruction including nuclear weapons, that it is Israel (not Syria) which is in violation of 69 UN Security Council Resolutions and that number would have been much higher had it not been for the US veto.

It is simply a travesty of justice to slap sanctions on Syria while at the same time arming Israel to the hilt. Yet this is what these congressmen and senators (mostly liberals by the way!) are suggesting in all seriousness.

If it weren't for real, it would actually be a pretty funny black joke.
by hahaha
Yeah, never do anything to anyone other than Israel!

Never hurt anyone other than Israel!

Muslims should be allowed to do any evil stuff they want, the important thing is to just focus everything bad on the jews!

by always the victim never the victimizer
Right. Israel is always the victim never the victimizer.

I just love to watch Israel's apologists whine -- everyone hates us, blah blah blah.
by Idiot Corrector
~ "any other country with the horrible human rights record that Israel has would have long ago lost the $6 or so billion"

Oh??? Then how come Egypt, which receives $2.5 billion annually in aid hasn't lost it, even though its human right record is much worse than Israel's? Morover, it's an exaggeration to call Israel's human rights record "horrible".

~ "the $6 or so billion"

Israel receives $2.7 billion.

~ "that is meant to help only the 4 million Jewish citizens of that state (Israel's one million Arab citizens... don't see a penny of that money)."

What proof does this person offer for alleging Israel's Arab citizens don't enjoy even a cent of US aid money, as if it's an established fact??? Besides, there are more than 5 million Israeli Jewish citizens.

~ "it is Israel that is ethnically cleansing another people"

Wrong. Israel hasn't deported local Arabs to other counties (except for a few isolated cases of punitive actions) or committed intentional murder since 6/11/67. And the Palestinian population in the disputed territories has grown rapidly to over 3.5 million! These facts don't jive with ethnic cleansing.

~ "It is simply a travesty of justice to slap sanctions on Syria while at the same time arming Israel to the hilt."

Israel NEEDS to be armed to the hilt in order to be able to defend itself from aggression by Hizballah, Iran, Syria and other potential threats. The real travesty would be giving Syria a free pass for illegal occupation, war crimes, crimes against humanity and aiding Hizballah and Palestinian terrorism.

~ "Yet this is what these congressmen and senators (mostly liberals by the way!) are suggesting in all seriousness."

Hmmmm...does that mean all those liberals are extreme Zionists blind to the truth and void of humane values??

~ "Right. Israel is always the victim never the victimizer. I just love to watch Israel's apologists whine -- everyone hates us, blah blah blah."

Sarcasm won't save the day for anti-Zionists on this matter.
by end aid to Israel's allies
Egypt gets that money for one reason and one reason only. It is being bribed to not challange Israel. This frees up Israeli defense funds for use in other areas. If Egupt wasn't being paid off, Israel would have to spend money on defense against the threat of war with Egypt that it now doesn't have to spend.

So giving money to Egypt *is* giving money to Israel.
by Idiot Corrector
Egypt enjoys this "bribe" and utilizes it to its benefit. Yet, of more importance, you're forgetting something very fundamental re lofty moral values: morality is indivisible - you can't stop aid to Israel for moral considerations and keep aiding Egypt for political reasons. There most be one rule for all.
Wow, pass the bong man!

Firing missiles into apartment buidlings that murder kids and families - cool with me dude, no hr violations there. Huh? Oh, gimme a toke.
by Idiot Corrector
The missiles which are fired into apartment buidlings target terrorists, kill them and occasionally (or many times) kill some kids and family members too.
Go back to 1st grade.
by Angie
Wonder how you'd feel if you were one of the few (or many) in your residential building that watched while your innocent children and those of your neighbours, or, your neighbours, themselves, were blown away by a bomb dropped from above aimed at annilihating Mr. X on the seventh floor?

I can imagine you, screaming in your grief and anger, that, oh, but Israel only meant to kill the "terrorist", Mr. X on the seventh floor. Israel didn't mean to kill my four children, and those of my neighbour, and those adults on the fourth floor. It was all "self defence".

Human beings in times of horror are that ready to forgive and simply go about finding the remains of their loved ones? Not bleeding likely!

We would not be able to do that. Why would you expect (and how dare you expect) an innocent Palestinian family to do it?
by Idiot Corrector
But how dare you speak to me in such a "how dare you" tone! Watch it.
The cardinal aspect to remember is that in these cases Israel is in the right. A military must take terrorists out. The Israelis are not excluded from this right (and duty) just because you and your friends disaprove. Other militaries would have already gone APESHIT long ago if they were in the IDF's place and show little restraint if at all.

I'm aware of the humanitarian perspective though I'm not elaborating on it, but you gal are the one who isn't looking at the broad picture.
by Angie
"Watch it", he thunders in a threatening voice.

by anti Angie
I'm not the only person now who has berated you for your "how dare you" scolding tone. I just don't know why you referred to him (her?) as "he". You couldn't address him/her? (rhetorical question)
by Angie
Considering the threatening bossy tone used by "Anti Corrector", it's conceivable, is it not, that you are one and the same person? Everyone here knows that you've been bossing me around since last weekend.

NOTE: See List of Orders by Anti Angie I've outlined in the Rachel Corrie (Video) thread. Then come back and talk about my "how dare I" tone? I'm learning it from you, lad!
by anti Angie
You're so damn suspicious! I'm not "Idiot Corrector", so try to relax. If that fails, please take Xnax of some other anti-anxiety over-the-counter pill. You know how they say it, take a pill and chill!
Btw, your anxiety made you call that poster "Anti Corrector". Boy, you're such a funny wee Canadian lass! (Giggle.)
by Angie
You noticed my wee error there! Atta boy!

You're getting to be as good at Mr. Gehrig at spotting these things!

Of course, "Anti" sounds a lot more friendly doesn't it?

Actually, with respect to "anxiety", the only anxiety I feel right now is that I'm going to fall on the floor in merriment with respect to your last post in another thread.

And a word of caution, "Anti Ang"! When I AM "a wee judge" in Canada's Supreme Court, Sharon won't be the only one I'll be dealing with. Does the initials "AA" mean anything to you?
by Angie
Just wondering if you ever did read the list of your orders of last weekend alone? And, of course, the addendum to same? I think I covered them all. Did I miss any?
by anti Angie
at spotting those things, whether on this site or elsewhere. Quite often I say nothing when I spot them.
by Angie
Especially if I wrote them and changed the whole thing into a hilarious piece as opposed to nasty.

On reflection I know you read it because at some point in the past you mentioned something about Uri and that you wouldn't use the word "guru", etc.

PS Have you ever met him???
by anti Angie
And I don't intend to. I'd rather meet people more honest than him.

PS: Oh, you know what I'm getting a kick out of today? I heard on the radio a report discussing his recent 80th birthday and his CV, and it concluded with an amusing disclosure: he was the person who penned the song dedicated to "Shimshon Foxes" entitled such, an IDF unit which existed during Israel's independence war and was part of the Givati brigade; this song became the unit's hymn. Avneri fought in this unit's ranks. But the angle is I learned this song in the 3rd or 4th grade and still remember the melody...

No? You are joking? Uri a songwriter? Send me along a few lyrics.

He's been through a lot, poor man, in his 80 years. What do you know about the Kibieh massacre? Is it the same as the Qibya? I can't find any reference to it. Uri knows, however, seeing as how both his hands were broken when he criticized it.
by Comment
Syria is run by extremely evil human beings.

Syria's human rights record is absolutely disgusting.

Just because we don't like ariel sharon or israel's government doesn't mean that every single damn thing should focus on Israel. Syria's leaders are bad, bad people. I have to question why certain people and groups use the answer "Yeah well what about Israel?" to every question under the sun.

by arab perspectice
What a pathetic argument “idiot corrector”

-- Egypt, which receives $2.5 billion annually in aid hasn't lost it,--
Don’t you know when Egypt started receiving its Aid? The answer is when it made peace with Israel. In a strange way, even the support for the Egyptian dictatorship is an aid to Israel against the interests of the Arab people.

Israel received over 6 billion this year, Sharon asked for extra money to make up for the large expense through the massacre in Jennin, but Isreal has consistently received over 4 billion a year for over 10 years, from memory, over a third is purely for weaponry, and the rest is to be spent as the Israelis choose.

-- srael NEEDS to be armed to the hilt in order to be able to defend itself from aggression by Hezbollah,--
That would be funny if it was not so pathetic. Hezbollah has no more that 4 thousand soldiers. They only ever attack Israel from the Shebah farms, and area that the UN recognises as Syrian land, and Syria recognises as Lebanese land, and they only attack Israel in retaliation to border incursions or other attacks.
In the years after the war, only a tiny number of isrealis where killed against Hezbollah. Through the last year, im only aware of one Israeli death and that occurred in retaliation to Israel’s assassination of one of Hezbollah leaders.

The group has proven that it only attack when provoked, and though their rhetoric speaks of Palestinian suffering etc, they have proven that they will only fight on what is perceived as a legalistic basis of defending Lebanese land. If Israel frees the remaining farm areas, and stops sending planes in Lebanese air space, there is no doubt that the conflict will be over, and Israel will be same from Lebanon’s freedom fighters.

So cut the crap, and get real, if you want references to isreals crimes, then we will be more than happy to provide them.
by Angie
A Syria Accountability Bill? Well, well, well!

Why not a US Accountability Bill? An Israeli Accountability Bill?

Serious responses only will be read.
by wow
Wow, every time someone brings up anything bad on this planet, you guys twist into into an anti-israel forum. Quite telling.

You people are really fucked in the head.

by Angie
It's not half as telling as a "Syria Accountability Bill", sir.
by Idiot Corrector
Your lies and other nonsense don't go unchallenged and debunked here.

~ "In a strange way, even the support for the Egyptian dictatorship is an aid to Israel against the interests of the Arab people."

Yeah, I've read this line already. Yawn.

~ "Israel received over 6 billion this year"

Lie. It received $2.742 this year.The $6 are the loan guarantees that Congress promised Israel. It's not part of the annual aid.

~ "Sharon asked for extra money to make up for the large expense through the massacre in Jennin"

Parrot your pathetic massacre lie all you want. Sharon didn't ask for extra money t cover up financial losses due to the Jenin battle.

~ "Isreal has consistently received over 4 billion a year for over 10 years, from memory"

Your memory is quite unreliable indeed. Israel received over $4 billion only in 3 years ago in that time period.

~ "over a third is purely for weaponry, and the rest is to be spent as the Israelis choose."

Big deal. What a tragedy!

~ "They [Hibballah] only ever attack Israel from the Shebah farms"

Lie. they shell northern Israel with missiles (Katyusha, anti-aircraft...) from other area too.

~ "Shebah farms, and area that the UN recognises as Syrian land" "they have proven that they will only fight on what is perceived as a legalistic basis of defending Lebanese land."

You're lying through your bloody teeth. What a bunch of shit.

~ "they only attack Israel in retaliation to border incursions or other attacks." "The group has proven that it only attack when provoked,"

Not always true. For example, a few weeks ago they attacked Israel unprovoked and one kid was murdered.

~ "If Israel frees the remaining farm areas, and stops sending planes in Lebanese air space, there is no doubt that the conflict will be over, and Israel will be same from Lebanon’s freedom fighters."

All indicators point to the opposite. You're just lying and spewing propaganda. And you can forget the "farm areas" because the UN acknowledged it's Israeli territory when Israel retreated from all Lebanon 3 years ago, and Israel is showing no willingness to open the issue to negotiation.

Your hollow propaganda is easily trounced. You're not playing now on your turf. If you want to play with the big boys, you must ditch your pathetic propaganda. Ah, and yes, go back to school.
by response
Israel annually receives around $4-6 Billion. Not all of it is above the table, so it's hard to say with any confidence the real amount it receives. For example, it is the only country in the world to which a US citizen or corporation can make a tax-deductible contribution (as though it were a non-profit charity) -- and this amount is never added into the total aid tally.

It received $9 billion in loan guarantees this year. Israel never has to repay loans like other countries (like Egypt which has gone into debt over its loans), so this is really an outright gift.

Israel killed a Lebanese man in Beirut a couple months ago with a car bomb. After this, Israeli war planes entered Lebanese airspace and Hezbollah fired anti-aircraft missiles at them. One of those missiles came down in Israel killing an Israeli man. That sounds more like retaliation than terrorism to me on the part of Hezbollah. On the other hand, what Israel did in instigating this situation (bombing a Lebanese civilian and sending warplanes into Lebanon) is terrorism in the classic sense of the term.

Also, Shebaa Farms is fertile Lebanese territory still occupied by the greedy, land-hungry Israelis. Israel (and the US and subsequently the UN) claim that Shebaa Farms is Syrian territory. Syria and Lebanon both say its part of Lebanon. The reason Israel wants this to be seen as part of Syria is so that the UN can certify that Israel has vacated all of Occupied Lebanon as UN Resolutions mandate and therefore any resistance to its current occupation of Lebanese territory could be deemed illegitimate.
by Idiot Corrector
"Israel annually receives around $4-6 Billion. Not all of it is above the table, so it's hard to say with any confidence the real amount it receives.For example, it is the only country in the world to which a US citizen or corporation can make a tax-deductible contribution (as though it were a non-profit charity) -- and this amount is never added into the total aid tally."

Ah, now you're down from "over $6 billion."...Way to go. The following impeccable source indeed acknowledges your argument, so I trust you won't sound the corny and pathetic claims that I'm using, "as always", a (pro) Zionist source: . What's your source? Please post the link. Be specific.

"[Israel] is the only country in the world to which a US citizen or corporation can make a tax-deductible contribution (as though it were a non-profit charity) -- and this amount is never added into the total aid tally."

Again, please post the link. I've found something which appears to prove you wrong (see near the bottom, concerning US-Israel and US-Mexico).

"Israel never has to repay loans like other countries"

Wrong! See , (scroll down to the middle, read the paragraph which ends with the sentence "Israel is still repaying the United States approximately $3 billion indirect economic and military loans.".

"Israel killed a Lebanese man in Beirut a couple months ago with a car bomb. After this, Israeli war planes entered Lebanese airspace and Hezbollah fired anti-aircraft missiles at them. One of those missiles came down in Israel killing an Israeli man. That sounds more like retaliation than terrorism to me on the part of Hezbollah. On the other hand, what Israel did in instigating this situation (bombing a Lebanese civilian and sending warplanes into Lebanon) is terrorism in the classic sense of the term."

The incident was attributed to Israel but it wasn't her doing. And even when Israel executes such assassinations, it assassinates Hizballah terrorists and not merely "a Lebanese man". You're trying to paint a picture where Israel was at fault, yet this sequence didn't occur, that's the problem. "Bombing a Lebanese civilian and sending warplanes into Lebanon"? I've followed the news closely and can testify a thing never occurred. You're making things up. Note the poor logical flow of the above quoted paragraph.

"Also, Shebaa Farms is fertile Lebanese territory still occupied by the greedy, land-hungry Israelis. Israel (and the US and subsequently the UN) claim that Shebaa Farms is Syrian territory. Syria and Lebanon both say its part of Lebanon. The reason Israel wants this to be seen as part of Syria is so that the UN can certify that Israel has vacated all of Occupied Lebanon as UN Resolutions mandate and therefore any resistance to its current occupation of Lebanese territory could be deemed illegitimate."

Take this trash excuse for Hizballah propaganda elsewhere.
by response
The poster above lists a website trying to prove his point and claims it is not a "(pro) Zionist" source. It is a US government website. Is the US not "(pro) Zionist"?

Israel is the only country to which donations are tax deductible:
"In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. The ability of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible contributions to a foreign government, made possible through a number of Jewish charities, does not exist with any other country. Nor do these figures include short- and long-term commercial loans from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in recent years."
Stephen Zunes

All loans to Israel are really gifts because they don't have to be repaid:
"Since 1992, the U.S. has offered Israel an additional $2 billion annually in loan guarantees. Congressional researchers have disclosed that between 1974 and 1989, $16.4 billion in U.S. military loans were converted to grants and that this was the understanding from the beginning. Indeed, all past U.S. loans to Israel have eventually been forgiven by Congress, which has undoubtedly helped Israel's often-touted claim that they have never defaulted on a U.S. government loan. U.S. policy since 1984 has been that economic assistance to Israel must equal or exceed Israel's annual debt repayment to the United States. Unlike other countries, which receive aid in quarterly installments, aid to Israel since 1982 has been given in a lump sum at the beginning of the fiscal year, leaving the U.S. government to borrow from future revenues. Israel even lends some of this money back through U.S. treasury bills and collects the additional interest."
-Stephen Zunes

(Dr. Zunes is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco.)

So, when taking loan guarantees into account (which are gifts because they are NEVER repaid) and excluding tax-deductible "donations" and other hidden costs not officially declared, this year we gave something on the order of $12 Billion dollars to the state of Israel ($3 Billion dollars in officially acknowledged aid + $9 Billion in loan guarantees). Now I wonder how much that would be if we could add in the tax-deductible "donations" as well as all the other hidden costs not officially acknowledged by the US government -- which, incidentally, is "(pro) Zionist", if you hadn't noticed.
by Idiot Corrector
"The poster above lists a website trying to prove his point and claims it is not a "(pro) Zionist" source. It is a US government website. Is the US not "(pro) Zionist"? "

You intimate anyone disagreeing with at least one of your opinions is pro-Zionist.

I've already debunked your argument that "all loans to Israel are really gifts because they don't have to be repaid" and backed my claim up with impeccable sources. Your source has a credibility problem. Too bad for you.
by lebanese citizen
I think all of you are missing the point.
Looking at it as arab vs Israel I understand your point. But none of you really understands the war in Lebanon. and if you did you would not be standing by Syria today. I am not pro-Israel, I think Israel should be punished for what it has and still is doing under the blind support of the US. but that does not make Syria a good state or democracy(which it is far of). I would suggest you would educate yourselves about the government in syria and the syrian invasion of Lebanon before launching yourselves into those endless pointless arguments
by pro-Lebanon
If you took a close look above, the action alert was issued by the ADC (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee) which was founded by a Lebanese American (Jim Abourezk) and the current President is Mary Rose Oakar -- another Lebanese American.

Why do you think they would oppose this act?

Ok. Syria should leave Lebanon. But I don't believe that's all this bill is intended to do. Eventually, what it comes down to, is disarming Hizbullah so that Israel can once again control Southern Lebanon (which if this happens, they would almost certainly do).
by Idiot Corrector
Israel, for its part, would like to see Hizballah disbanded or disarmed so it won't pose a constatnt threat to northern Israel, Israeli soldiers and Israeli civilians - even worldwide (remember Elhanan Tenenbaum was kidnapped on European soil! - proof that Hizballah is not a self-defense organization merely defending Lebanese territory from Israeli "aggression".)
by Israel needs to GET OUT OF LEBANON
The reason Israel wants Hezbollah dismantled is not because they are terrorists but because they effectively kicked Israel out of most of Occupied Lebanon except for the fertile Shebaa Farms area (otherwise Southern Lebanon would be just like the Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza Strip).

Israel should get out of the remainder of Lebanon.

And I know, I know. Before you even say it, the Standard Zionist Line: "Shebaa Farms is part of Syria." Right?

Even though both Syria and Lebanon say this is a part of Lebanon! This is so that the UN which has multiple Security Council Resolutions calling on Israel to leave Lebanon can certify that Israel has fully complied with those resolutions even though in reality it has not.

Excerpt from a really interesting article:
"Israel and the US have targeted Hezbollah because they constitute effective and, in their terms, principled resistance-bluntly put; they fear Hezbollah and its ability to mobilize many in the Shi'a population and beyond for a Totalitatmobilimachung. What many Americans don't know is that the resistance that wore down the Israeli occupation was also a total Lebanese resistance, with support from almost all parties in the country where middle class fathers would disappear for clandestine missions in the occupied south. Today Hezbollah retains a small fighting force and they fire anti aircraft guns at Israeli air intrusions-daily affairs-and occasionally battle the Israeli army in the occupied Shebaa Farms area (the UN and the US claim it is Syrian, though the latter and Lebanon maintain that it is Lebanese land-incredibly, that the issue is not occupation and resistance seems to be another Lewis Carroll inspired diplomatic canard on the part of Israel and the U.S.)."
-ANDREW C. LONG (AUB Professor)
by wtf
How come every single thread here turns into an anti-Israel thread?

by answer
Because this thread has to do with Israel and its supporters in congress.

The "Syria Accountability Act" has everything to do with Israel. Without constant pressure from Israel, this bill which targets Syria would not even be considered by the spineless congressmen.
by Idiot Corrector
You and your "rebuttal" and explanations are utterly pathetic. Please take your Hizballah lies and propaganda elsewhere. You're not convincing at all.

PS to the editors:
why did you remove the initial post? If you have a problem with the content and decide to remove the post, could you act like a decent person and tell me what's the problem you found that made you remove it??
by another straw man argument
Of course they aren't. They aren't even all evil. But that doesn't mean that Zionism itself is not evil. Zionism is racism. Racism is evil. Ergo, Zionism is evil.
by For the 4th time
Jews were kicked around for 2000 years. Zionism was a survival movement where desperate jews wanted to clamour together and form their own existence with their own government. It was not and is not based on racism against others.

It astounds me that "peace" activists say nothing of the anti-semitism that has gone on for 2003 years, and instead fault the jews for responding to it by flocking together and trying to build up their own state in a place that was not yet a state, and the owners of the land granted them the power to do so.

To just make a blanket statement that zionism was BASED on being racist towards others is utter bullshit.
by Freeman
Lebanon has 6.000 years of existence. It gave the world the first alphabet, the first openned city in the history, and most importantly the first sign and meaning of Democracy and Freedom.

Lebanon is a great and strong country by its history, its people and its fundamental beliefs.

So, no matter what would be the decision about the "Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration" Act, no matter how long the Syrian army remains in Lebanon, sooner or later this country will become again democratic, sovereign and free.

Free of terrorists, foreign amies and militias and particularly free of collaborators.

God bless Lebanon and Lebanese people
by christian lebanese
It's about time that the world is recognizing that the problems of the middle east stem from syria itself....they have murdered and raped the christian population of lebanon for years and backed terrorist groups in south lebanon...its time that syria gets out of lebanon and leave the lebanese people to govern themselves and make peace with Israel...after all the majority of the christians in lebanon support israel but the news media does not portray that....
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