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5th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival - Franti in GGPark Sat. - Free!

by repost
In addition to the main stage, the festival features an open-air art gallery showcasing political visual artists, a healing arts tent offering massage and yoga, guerrilla theater, a DJ tent and green commercial vendors and food booths and more than 100 social and political organizations.
5th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival Free Concert and Social Justice Rally
Sat. Sept 6, 2003 - 11am-5pm
Speedway Meadow, Golden Gate Park - SAN FRANCISCO, CA

DJ ELLEN FERRATO (Sugar, 2nd Sunday)
DJ LORIN (Bassnectar)
DJ ADNAN (Uniting Souls)
DJ FUNKLOR (Youth Speaks)

On September 6, the visionary musician and social activist Michael Franti and his group Spearhead with Guerrilla Management bring you the 5th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival. This festival combines music, art and activism to uplift spirits and spread awareness.

We are proud that the event is in its 5th year with this year's mission in unifying, strengthening and preserving the peace and justice movement. Michael Franti states, "The 911 Festival began in 1999 as an international day of art and culture in support of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. The name 911 was chosen to call attention to the emergency status of Mumia's impending execution and 9/11 was the date of the first event. We expanded the event in 2000 to show support for all prisoners on death row, and to speak out against the exponential growth of the prison industrial complex. In 2001 the day of September 11th took on a wider significance as a result of the tragic loss of life by the attacks of the day. The 4th event in 2002 created a space for healing and compassion for ALL the people killed or displaced by terrorism and the war on terrorism."

In addition to the main stage, the festival features an open-air art gallery showcasing political visual artists, a healing arts tent offering massage and yoga, guerrilla theater, a DJ tent and green commercial vendors and food booths and more than 100 social and political organizations.

911 Power to the Peaceful will be promoted as a Western Regional Mobilization and Concert. Our past events have drawn audiences upwards of 20,000 from around the world. It is a FREE event in a beautiful location in Golden Gate Park. Bring your faith in the power of peace and justice and join us at the 5th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival, promising to be an enlightening, enraging and inspiring event!
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by Sounds Good
Cool! Hopefully, no electric power will be used since generators cause pollution and we don't want to further the oppression of middle-eastern peoples.
by Just A Worker
It is gonna take a whole lot more than Yoga and Massage to acheive social change, it is gonna take a revolution and it sure as hell ain't gonna be just a bunch of mellow bands and huggin' and kissin' and dancin' around.

by not just a binary thinker
It'll take a little bit of quite a lot of things to make change "just a worker," including ditching either-or, binary thinking that you seem to be coming from.

Chill out.
by ziggy
KPFA is going to broadcast the event, live. You can hear it streaming

The Hard Knock Radio crew is going to be at the event, doing the broadcast. It would be very cool if they toss-up an MP3 or two of the event following the show. I'm sure the streaming servers are going to be swamped. Who knows... maybe they'll do it.
by loki
Wow,lots of young people in a concert and no moshing.Boring.
by Average Joe
I heard he was having some health problems.Does anybody hear know how he is doing?
by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
“Impeach the Terrorists!” March , Rallies, and September 11th Events

Armed with evidence that implicates U.S. officials in a cover-up of the true story of 9/11, activists, community groups, and peace supporters will rally at the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park, Saturday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m., between Oak and Fell, bordering Baker.

“Impeach the Terrorists!” the theme of this year’s rally -- reflects the growing citizen belief that the U.S. government was complicit in the events of 9/11. Frustrated at the government and mainstream media obviation, citizens are taking to the streets to educate others about what they have independently discovered about 9/11. These include what top U.S. officials knew when, who flew (or did not fly) the planes/missiles that hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and what happened to the U.S. air defense system that day.

The theme of last year’s events was “Bush Did It!”

The protesters will march at 10:30 a.m up Baker to Haight Street and then will join the 5th Annual 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Festival at Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park.

To mark the day of the attacks, an “Impeach the Terrorists!” rally will take place September 11 at noon at the Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue, where Quaker Witness for Peace has held peace vigils for nearly two years and where The People’s Investigation of 9/11 held its first press conference.

Two Bay Area Forums to examine the truth behind the U.S. government’s story of 9/11 and what to do about it will take place Thursday, September 11th. The thought-provoking film, AFTERMATH - Unanswered Questions from 9-11, produced by the award-winning Guerrilla News Network, will be shown followed by a public dialogue facilitated by activist Carol Brouillet and journalist Joyce Lynn between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at The Parkway Theater,1834 Park Blvd., Oakland. A public dialogue addressing the events of 9-11, will follow the screening 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m..

At 7:00 p.m., at the Humanist Hall, 390 27th St, Oakland, a video compilation and several speakers will address 9-11. Other major 9-11 educational events are planned for Berlin, Canada, New York, cities across the U.S.A., a growing network of activists under the umbrella of the 9-11 Truth Alliance. The growing movement has been helped by the popularity of the Deception Dollar; over two million are in circulation, and the new million dollar 6th “Impeach the Terrorists!” Edition will go out next week. The Deception Dollar, a joint effort by Carol Brouillet and Canadian activist/artist Blaine Machan, has successfully overcome all media barriers to get their message to people everywhere.
by glad
i'm glad the event has evolved from just a "free mumia" "day of arts and culture" to something more universal.
by Philippe Snoeckx (snoeckxyboy [at]
I would like to express my support for this great event. However it's a little bit difficult to get there without spending a lot of money coming from Belgium (that tiny peaceful country in Western Europe struggling with the American gouverment for a better approach on the Iraq crisis) Yeah, we were a pain in Bush's ass, I guess! You don't have to be big and strong to have a big and strong voice!
I hope we get an European edition in the near future.
Spread the good vibes, all over the world! Michael Franti for president!!!!!!!

Vrede (=peace in Dutch)
From Philippe with LOVE
by A volunteer
Mario Africa spoke eloquently from the stage yesterday, about people taking all the good feelings, they have from the event and translating them into action. Personal actions that make a direct difference on a daily basis. This really is the critical message.

While many who read this will know that they are acting on those words every day, others will need to look inwardly and ask if they can do more, and the answer will be yes. Please do not put these efforts on the back burner of your life, make the sacrifices, reach deeper into yourself and find the strength and dedication, to make a personal effort in your sphere of influence. One by one transformation will come with consistent personal action. In our local neighborhoods, from one person to another, let fear and cynicism, shrivel up inthe face of small ( or large ) deeds, which have a direct effect on easing someone elses suffering. We all have an innate sense of right action, please listen to your inner voice and act on it. You will know when the time is right, because it will probably mean that you have to give something up. Your time, your money, a chance to watch Barry Bonds. In that moment be confident, that by acting, by doing what is right, you become one with the devine. The living embodyment of good. In this way one by one tranformation can take place. One by one we transmute decay into creation.


A festival volunteer who got the message...

by cynthia
Micheal Franti and Spearhead are amazing. They know how to drive a crowd into a joyous, dancing frenzy, while simultaneously renewing the inspiration to live and work for better lives, a better world.

Thanks so much to Spearhead and all the other people who worked for this day of joy and re-kindling hope.
by you'll never know
I'll be near by during the event
by unconvinced
<<Thanks so much to Spearhead and all the other people who worked for this day of joy and re-kindling hope.>>

I'd feel better if this hippie-shit *augmented* a politically and strategically intelligent radical movement, instead of being its replacement.

Just because this event had an *aura* of politics doesn't make it any less an exercise in mass therapy and new-age catharsis.

The ruling class just laughs at these events.

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