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Indybay Feature

Attend the Freeper rally and picnic sept. 12th & 13th

by Freepwatch Network
Activists: attend the Freeper Rally and Picnic sept. 12th & 13th
Come disrupt the annual Freeper Rally in Fresno Sept. 12th & 13th 2003
by freeper • Monday September 01, 2003 at 12:40 PM

Going to miss the WTO in Cancun? Here's an alternative event author: Freepwatch Network Annual Freeper Rally/Gathering in Fresno Sept. 12th & 13th 2003 If you are going to miss the WTO ministorial in Cancun here is an alternative: Lets counter the counter-protesters.

We already have many people committed to attending and disrupting the Freeper annual picnic thrown by Freerepublic owner Jim Robinson. We are hoping to see as many people as possible show up to disrupt their little gathering. Should be a lot of fun.

The Fresno chapter of FreeRepublic Network is throwing their annual picnic sept. 13th and 14th in Fresno. The Freerepublic network is based in and operates out of Fresno, under the control of owner Jim Robinson. The Freerepublic is the largest, busiest, and most widely read political forum in the world, with around 100,000 members. Membership is comprised largely of right wing GOP and other militant right-wingers. DO NOT underestimate the power of the Freerepublic. It is a major organizing tool of the GOP party and right-wing thought throughout the US and overseas.

Freerepublic members are anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-peace and justice, and anti-environmental. These are the people who organize counter-protests throughout the country to many progressive causes, including anti-war protests of the past two years.

Freepwatch suggests activists register an account there and actively disrupt the website. Disruption of the FreeRepublic network will help to stop their GOP fundraising and Republican organizing for the 2004 election. Show no mercy.

Here is an announcment posted by Jim Robinson himself regarding the annual Rally and picnic. More information on this event will be posted soon.


Announcing the 2nd annual tailgate and rally-sept. 12th and 13th

The Fresno/Central Valley Chapter cordially invites one and all to our second annual Fresno Tailgate and Rally on Friday and Saturday, September 12th and 13th, 2003.

Our rally will begin at 5:00 pm and end at 7:00 pm Friday night, at the corner of Blackstone and Shaw in Fresno. Afterwards, the group will retire for dinner and refreshments at the nearby Ramada Inn.

Our tailgate pot-luck picnic will be at Woodward Park on Saturday, September 13th. We have the Mountain View Picnic Area from 3:00 pm until 10:00 pm.

The entrance to Woodward Park is on Audubon Drive, just off Freeway 41 on the northern edge of Fresno. The Mountain View Pinic Shelter is near the center of the park and is the second parking lot on the left from the Audubon entrance. Bring your flags, banners, signs, family and children. Prepare to support your country and enjoy the company of your good FReeper friends!

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by Radish
There will be no organized counter-protest for this event. Affinity groups and keep stategy discussions off ine. It is a public park, so we have every right to be there.
by Jim Casey
I will not be attending. To protest them is to acknowledge them as legitimate force in public opinion, and I will not give them that satisfaction.
by no violence
Don't do anything like this:
by trudi
No, just do what they were doing during the Iraq escalation - get some trucks and start circling around the park with pink and black flags hanging out and keep swerving and hooting out the window and accelerating and braking with a jerky sense of irritation and speed towards pedestrians as though you're not going to stop. I saw a bunch of them do that in San Francisco.
by muslim

by muslim WHO DOESN'T READ?Quran

for the muslim WHO DOESN'T READ?Quran

Quran (9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.
by truly sad
how sad, when a westerner can quote the Quran
better than a practicing muslim. go back to sunday school and this time leave your gameboy at home!
by just wondering
You mean plow your car into the crowd and break people's bones?
by trudi
no, of course they shouldn't actually do that. Anyway, if you read what was written, it says drive to appear "as though" they drive like Freepers. In fact, I did see two different situations in the Iraq escalation period in SF where angry reactionaries actually did drive their car into people and have them fly over the hood or remain clinging to the roof, and the freepers had many online discussions well-documented by search engine archives about going to San Francisco and intentionally running people over. However, most of the people growling their engines and waving american flags and yelling didn't hit anyone but just drove around downtown. I wrote that someone could drive around in the same fashion.
by just wondering
I suppose we should demonstrate our moral superiority or something. But what about the freepers who actually did run people down? Should they ba allowed to get off Scot free, or should people's justice hunt them down?
by Lumpy
The biotic baking brigade might have to seek out Jim Robinson on this one.
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Has anyone who is planning this event bothered to contact any of the progressive groups in Fresno to see how they feel about counter demonstrating against the Freepers? You can find a whole list of groups in the Fresno area at:

I live in Fresno and am active in the progressive community here. This is the first that I have heard about this action. I am alerting groups to the discussion that is taking place and I will let you know what I find out. I am not against a counter demonstration against these thugs, but think that it would be good protocol for whoever is organizing this to at least be in touch with local folks.

In Solidarity,

Mike Rhodes
Community Alliance magazine
P.O. Box 5077
Fresno Ca 93755
(559) 226-0477
AllianceEditor [at]
The Fresno consensus so far seems to be that this isn't worth the violence that might happen at a confrontation, let alone bad press that the Fresno progressive might have to deal with long after the out-of-towner counterdemonstrators went home.

Question is what to do with folks who might come from out of town to do this. The article also mentions Blackstone & Shaw on Friday so there might be an opportunity to talk to some of these folks.

An anti-war rally at some location OTHER than Woodward Park (Saturday) might be a way to provide an alternative to confronting the freepers on their own turf.
by Stephen D. Malm
People: Can those of you who suggest confronting the Freepers on their own turf not see the fundamental contradiction? We argue against invading Iraq because it is for those people to find their way to freedom on their own terms, to come to a truth of their own accord; to attach ourselves to a counter-Freeper event is to commit the very same fallacy that our government has followed. How does such an invasion promote the ends of peace?

Let's free the Freepers and let them, in their own little corner of the world, find truth in their own way, bearing in mind that any act to "counter" their ignorance will merely serve to reinforce it. As always, the press and any onloookers will have a difficult time sorting out the good from the bad, or "us" versus "them."

I think this is a case where we need to be focused on the issue, a government gone astray with its policies, American values gone awry, not the cheerleaders who follow the illusion.

Free the Freepers so they may discover their own ignorance in due course; don't fan the flames of their hate and ignorance.

Stephen D. Malm, member of Peace Fresno and Fresno resident.
by no it's not
It's payback for spamming our websites, threatening our livesand running some of us over with their cars. Behavior like that has consequences.
by thread
Wow - that free republic thread that you linked to up there, where the freepers are looking at this newswire item about their picnic, is really active. They have about 300 comments and they're freaking out! Ha ha. The thing is, no one is really going to be bothered to drive to Fresno from another city, particularly the Bay area. Hardly anyone from San Francisco went to the Sacramento WTO meeting, for instance. But that's pretty cool, that one sf.imc newswire post will have them spending hours prepping their weapons etc.
by somebody else
Here it is:

* * * * * * * * *

Comments from Fresno
by Mike Rhodes • Wednesday September 03, 2003 at 05:09 AM

I am undecided about whether a counter-demonstration is a good use of our time. Should the progressive/left in Fresno position themselves as the "shock troops" that confront these neo-fascists? One thing that seems pretty certain is that there will be a confrontation. It sounds to me like people are serious about coming here and confronting this group. The question is: how will we respond?

See below to read what has been said so far. And, if you want to follow this thread on Indymedia, go to:

Mike Rhodes
Community Alliance magazine
P.O. Box 5077
Fresno Ca 93755
(559) 226-0477
AllianceEditor [at]


Mike, if you kept up with the Freepers, you'd know this already. <g>

The Freepers are already aware of the counter-rally. It's a hot topic:

[link redacted]

However, given my own personal loss to this goddam war this week, I will NOT support any action that feeds any cointelpro type PR scene out there that may result in violence from the cops or the freepers. Read the whole freeper thread; they already plan to hang a violence jacket on the peace movement if we show up and get sucked into some stupid confrontation with them. Then read the page they link to: it's even worse than that. I have no doubt that Psycho Saundra Duffy will do everything in her fatmouthed power to incite exactly that.

Their silly little rally (picnic, actually) is the same day that the Fresno Free College Foundation commemorates its 35th anniversary of supporting free speech in these parts. I'm inclined to let them have their free speech, in a Woodward Park cubbyhole where they are likely to be ignored by the media, as they SHOULD be.

I'm not opposed to a silent peace vigil on the Friant Road approach to the park, or something more creative that can avoid provacateurs from giving those creeps even one SECOND of TV airtime on the news, or worse. Picnics aren't news. A confrontation with those nimrods may just give them publicity they don't deserve.

These jackasses aren't deserving of our time.

--Debbie Speer


Well, after all of the support the Freepers gave our vigils, I think we should return the favor and augment their numbers at the rally.

uncle bill


Uncle Mike sends along an interesting item and some comments. I am sure
many of us who had to put up with these rude bastards for so long on our
vigils would like to pull the same crap on them as they pulled on us. These
are the modern equivalent of Hitler's brownshirts, and I don't think pushing
for a confrontation with them would serve out cause well, as it would lower
us to their level. We don't need to play their game, but invent our own.
We have two days to get creative.

Whatever the action, if any, would need a strong police presence and video
cameras. The press, which always gave them far more coverage than they
deserved, might to the same for us. Check this out.

uncle bill


Auntie Debbie has a good point. Confrontation is their game, not ours.

uncle bill


Thanks for your info, Debbie, on this stuff. I read some of their garbage, such as "I sure hope they take showers" about the liberals and I'm really split on whether to participate or not. I see your point completely about providing the media with a chance to give the Freepers publicity. The problem is, there will definitely be a counter-rally. I mean, this is being promoted as an alternative to Cancun! It's not a local event and it's likely to be publicized. So shouldn't the numbers be there as a show of support? In, as you suggest, a peaceful, silent vigil?

Peace Fresno just tonight decided to go back to Blackstone and Shaw on the first Friday of every month from 4:30 p.m. on, beginning this Friday, 9/05/03. I notice the Freepers will be there 9/12/03, then be going on to dinner at the Ramada Inn. I hope they don't start showing up regularly at the corner again. I'm not interested in that kind of energy.

What do people think?

Karen Roselle


Re: engaging a pig in a wrestling match

One must always be mindful that when wrestling in the mud with a pig, one
needs to realize that one is getting all muddy, and the pig enjoys it!

uncle bill



Bill Warner suggested a couple of undercover cops working the Freepers deal for drunk and disorderly? Bet there will be lots of that.

I read some of their web site (in fact, I joined and now have a password - I feel so IMPORTANT)..........Only read about 5 posts about the "counter-protest" but "we Freepers are usually armed" was mentioned. I'm sure it was just posturing, but ????

Keep me posted, Mike. I'm really split on this.



Is there any particular theme to the Peace Fresno demonstration? How
about having a Kucinich for President rally on the corner?

Did everyone forget that there is a major event of our own that evening
at 7 pm. at the Mennonite Community Church 5015 E. Olive (at Willow)
about the School of the America's.


looked at the Freeper posts. Sounds like they're also kinda suggesting that their members bring guns to use on any protesters. I agree with Debbie that geting sucked in to any sort of a confrontation with them will be horribly counterproductive. And will have a huge potential for violence, either from them or the local fuzz. Personally, I think they're b&%*holes but they're not worth getting hurt over.
Dan Waterhouse


Re: Freepers

I know people will totally disagree with me, but here goes. Getting into any
sort of confrontation with these fruitloops will be horribly
counterproductive, and could lead to people being killed or seriously

One of the themes of the thread on the Freeper site is the suggestion that
the Freepers will be armed or are being urged to bring guns to the picnic. I
sensed that many of the Freeper posters would enjoy using violence on the
peace community.

Yeah, the headlines would look great--Freepers Shoot Peaceful Pickets--but
is it really worth the cost. Let them have their silly little picnic.

And, don't expect the Fresno cops to disarm these folks before they enter
Woodward Park. Many of the cops are neocons and despise "liberals". They
will look the other way for as long as they can to violations of the law by
the Freepers, and then blame everything on the other side when the balloon
goes up.

Summation: the local peace community gains nothing by getting mixed up in
this one. If they show up at Blackstone and Shaw, fine. They're then
invading the peace community's space and the community can win the PR war if
anything happens. But, invading their picnic (or being anywhere near it)
will probably just be adding gasoline to the fire.


Hello All,

I've been thinking seriously about the pros and cons of participation in protesting the Freepers' picnic and have come to the same conclusion as
Dan Waterhouse in this note, and Debbie Speer and Bill Warner in previous posts. On the Freepers' website, there are mentions of guns by people yahoo'ing it up at the thought of a confrontation. We'd be giving them lots of opportunities to use against us. I, for one, am not going to participate. Let's rise above them. We can combat the scourge of Freeperism in other ways, without adding good energy to their bad.

Karen Roselle

add your comments

by rumor control
No one is going to dust the Freepers with anthrax from a remote control model airplane, even though that's exactly what they threatened to do to anti-war demonstrators last spring.
by Steve
Dear no it's not: I agree that behavior like that has consequences. So don't act like them and create consequences none of us want. That's the trouble with war: once you get into it, you can't control the "collateral damage."

There is a doctrine in law called "the doctrine of unclean hands" that says when someone comes to court with unclean hands, they take nothing for their loss. If you reply to the Freepers in the same voice they have carried to you, what is to separate you from them?


by Peace loving but disgusted by Neo-Cons
There WILL be police in attendance and the Neo-Cons will be able to get away with no violence. I suggest people not be intimidated by their ignorant comment. Just be there, don't get violent, but let them know the whole world is watching them. The authoritys are well aware of the counter-protest and will be making sure there is no attacks. The Neo-Cons cannot stand scrutiny and do not hold up well under bright lights so I will be there.
by Peace loving but disgusted by Neo-Cons
There WILL be police in attendance and the Neo-Cons will be able to get away with no violence. I suggest people not be intimidated by their ignorant comment. Just be there, don't get violent, but let them know the whole world is watching them. The authoritys are well aware of the counter-protest and will be making sure there is no attacks. The Neo-Cons cannot stand scrutiny and do not hold up well under bright lights so I will be there.
by Mike Rhodes
First, an apology for the link to the Freeper web site. I did not know that linking to their web site was against Indymedia policy.

There has been a lot of discussion about this issue in Fresno today. I have not heard one person say that they want to see a counter demonstration against the Freepers take place here. Most of the people I have talked to are concerned about the very real potential for violence and how that might affect our work here. It is difficult enough organizing in this region without giving the Fresno Police Department a reason for retaliation and more infiltration. Having said that, if there are folks from other parts of the State insisting on coming here and confronting these neo-fascists, so be it.

But, I am curious - who are you? Is this part of an organized effort? Or, is this just individuals who are outraged at the Freepers politics? Several people have suggested to me that this situation was probably created by the Freepers themselves to create publicity for themselves. On the other hand, I remember the anti-Klan rally in Greensbourough, North Carolina. The damn KKK said they were going to bring guns and shoot the anti-Klan activists and I’m here to tell you - that is exactly what they did. This is Fresno, in the heart of the Central Valley - there are some redneck/Nazis that probably will come to this event armed.

As a side note - I just learned today that one of the Freepers at Shaw and Blackstone died in a motorcycle accident. In the obituary in today’s Fresno Bee they mention that he was working with the Fresno Police Department and was a member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). This guy, Aaron Kilner, was with one of these Freeper thugs when he accosted my friend at an anti war rally. The agent was his back up. The Freeper told my friend that the next time he came out to the corner (Shaw and Blackstone) that he better where his bullet proof vest. My friend took this as a death threat. The late Aaron Kilner, we have now found out, also attended Peace Fresno meetings and took copious notes. Aaron was obviously a government agent disrupting the legal activities of peace groups in the area. Interesting that he also worked with the Freepers and assisted them in “terrorizing” peace activists. Maybe that is why they call it the Joint TERRORISM Task Force. So, if you are coming to Fresno thinking that the Fresno Police Department (FPD) are going to stop the violence, think again. The FPD and the Freepers are joined at the hip. As a matter of fact, one of Fresno’s City Council members is a Freeper. Councilman Jerry Duncan is often seen out on the corner with this group of hoodlums.

Well, that is way more than I planned to say. Following are new comments on this issue from the folks in Fresno today.

In Solidarity,

Mike Rhodes
Community Alliance magazine
P.O. Box 5077
Fresno Ca 93755
(559) 226-0477
AllianceEditor [at] comcast.nethttp://
Dear Fellow Peace Lovers:

Our family will not appear at Shaw/Blackstone next Friday with the Freepers
present. There is simply to much risk of confrontation that could shed a
negative light on the peace community. If the media is present, all it
takes is ONE person in the peace community to have a verbal or physical
altercation, and that is what will lead the news (remember the Fresno State

If, on the other hand, people decide to go, clear guidelines should be
established and communicated with everyone present. Flyers of the
guidelines should be handed out and read. Two excellent examples are
available online.

Suggestions For Nonviolent Action

Reducing Verbal and Physical Violence


I would encourage Peace Fresno to consider another location, perhaps Martin
Luther King, Jr. Blvd. It is counterproductive to feed the Free Republic.
--Ken Hudson
Hi, all. One of the reasons proffered for leaving Blackstone and Shaw
was that our presence offered the Freepers a forum for a "parasitical"
relationship with us, a platform for their ignornace. I wouldn't want
to see us fall into the same trap: to the extent we "respond" to their
rally, we allow them to dictate policy. What they do has very little to
do with reality and I think it's best just to let them exercise their
democratic rights in the privacy of their own little Appalachian


I think it would be productive to share the feelings of the PeaceFresno
group with the SF Indymedia forum. The thought occurs to me that there may
be a freeper infiltration onto that site urging disruption and confrontation
which is exactly what the freepers want. Am I getting paranoid?

Would they try to disrupt their own meeting just to get publicity? I thinkyou know the answer to that one...

uncle bill from porterville

I agree with Ken on this one, although perhaps River Park is a higher
visiblity local than MLK. It is most liekly that where ever the anti-war
protest goes the Freepers will follow, but that action of them following us
says a lot about power dynamics and organizational identity.

While there may be some spesific Freeper actions that should be protested,
their social gatherings and weekly "Support or Troops" rallies should be
avoided. Like most fringe ultra right wing groups they thrive on and depend
on controversy and conflict to survive and recruit new members. In this
sense they are no different than the Nazis's, KKK and other extremist. The
best thing for us to do is leave them alone UNLESS they are hosting an
event/speaker with a publicized message that is offensive. E.g.. bringing in
Ashcroft, or having a "Deport Arabs" rally. They draw their idenity from
protest of US, for us to protest theri existance reduces us to their level
of identy. I think Peace Fresno and the rest of the progresive community
would be much better served by doing something positive such as a peace
picnic or a tree planting.


I like the idea of a tree planting. Call it the "Tree of Liberty" or similar. Might be done with speeches reaffirming our commitment to the constitution protections and human rights presently under attack.

Forget the quote that says "The Tree of Liberty must be periodically watered with the blood of tyrants." Our founding fathers were a bit too revolutionary to be taken seriously. We don't want to suggest that anyone off Bush.

uncle bill

I would stay away, more worried about whether I will come home to find my cat and dogs still alive, rather than a bunch of bananas letting off steam.

Tony C
There are alternatives to validating the Freepers with our appearance at
their events. Try coming to some of our instead:

Friday Sept. 12, David Gans and Brad Rogers are performing at Club Fred
to benefit KFCF. I am coordinating the event and invite progressive
groups to come out and table there -- particularly those concerned with
voter registration and education like the Kucinich campaigners, Green
Party, Democrats, etc. Voter registration -- and getting the Bush junta
out of office is one way to constructively counter the Freepers. Please
contact me if you want to table the concert or want more information.
Supporting free speech radio is something positive everyone can do to
"honor" the Freepers on their big day.

Saturday Sept. 13 is the Fresno Free College Foundation's annual
banquet, commemorating 35 years, at the Downtown Club. Free Speech
awards are going to the founders of the organization, Dr. Kapoor and
Harold Watkins. KPFA's new manager, Gus Newport will be there along with
environmental geographer/historian Gray Brechin. Come help honor these
incredible folks. Wouldn't you rather hang out with allies and friends
than with Freepers (or be in jail) on a Saturday night?

The weekend of Sept 12-13 is very important one in the free speech
community. How sadly ironic it would be if even one ounce of energy were
diverted from these events and directed instead to the Freeper

If anyone would like more information about KFCF / Fresno Free College
Foundation events the weekend of Septemer 12-13, please contact me at
SatrnGrl at or check the KFCF/FFCF web site at

A successful weekend of our own is the best revenge, folks.

Debbie Speer

I am very concerned by this. A public park on a weekend day is no place for a pitched battle, with guns on one side and firebombs on the other. I would hope that the City could be persuaded to revoke their Woodward Park reservation on the grounds of public safety and basically tell them to move their party to a private area, like Combs Ranch, that can be sealed off and no innocent bystanders get hurt.
by Dan Waterhouse
Mike Rhodes mentions an Aaron Kilner in one of his posts. Kilner, who was killed in an off-duty motorcycle crash last week, was not with the Fresno Police Department. He was a deputy sheriff with the Sheriff's Department here.

As Mike says, the obituary in today's Fresno Bee said he had been assigned to an anti-terrorism unit (probably the JTTF).

Local law enforcement has monitored the local activist community for many years. During the Gap protests at Fresno's Fashion Fair, a Cal State University Fresno police officer was attending meetings of the student anti-sweatshop group on campus and passing information along to Fresno PD.
by Mike Rhodes

I made an assumption about the FPD. Thanks for the clarification.
by Juniper
We are not going to attend the Freeper Ball. They might massacre anyone who disagrees with their politics.
by not a freeper
But if I were, I wouldn't go to this picnic. It's too dangerous. Too many leftist whackos know about it. One of them might sneak in wearing a disguise and put LSD in the potato salad or something
by Grubby
Here's a choice little post by Jim Robinson himself. Stuff like this is one of the reasons we just can't resist the urge to show up at a function on his home turf:

Heart of Texas Chapter of FreeRepublic | 09/25/2001 |

Posted on 09/27/2001 2:17 PM PDT by Jim Robinson

On Saturday, Sept. 29th, unfortunately, a "huge" group of anti-freedom people plan to hold a parade and march in Austin, Texas. Our local chapter of FR plans to be there to "greet" them at the end of their parade to the Capitol.

All freepers, lurkers, and other interested people are invited to join us at the South gate of the Capitol at 3PM this Saturday. Please come and bring your friends, families, and any other freedom-loving Americans.

This will be a counter to the unAmericans, as well as a celebration of the fact that we have President George W Bush at the helm during these trying times. We are requesting that if at all possible, all attendees wear red, white, and blue, and bring their American flags. Also, bring any signs that state your support for this country. We intend to show our pride in being American.

We extend this invitation to freepers across Texas, particularly our other Freeper chapters in Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

by just wondering
Isn't that a waste of good acid? Wouldn't some e coli be more appropriate?
by don't do it
Especially don't mix e coli and LSD. Imagine what a park full of these poor souls would look like, all tripping, throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time. It sure wouldn’t be pretty. Funny, maybe, but not pretty. No sireee, not pretty at all.
by Gallup, N. M.
Let's take a poll. How many people here would laugh their butts off if they saw something like that?
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Yeah, the site of vomiting and hallucinating Freepers at Woodward park would be a hoot. Perhaps I am losing my sense of humor, but wouldn’t that just lead them to retaliate against us? We have already had to endure paint ball pellets shot at us and our kids, items thrown at us from cars, and death threats but I am sure the Freepers could escalate their tactics. Perhaps they could firebomb our homes. They might think that is a hoot.

LOOK, COMRADS, you are talking about coming into our community (Fresno) and taunting a bunch of Yahoo’s and then you get to leave. I would not go into your community, wave a BIG red flag (figuratively speaking, of course) at a bunch of Nazis and leave so they could attack you.

Last comment - I find it extraordinary that nobody here has the huevos to tell us who you are. I have asked several times what groups are involved in this pilgrimage to our city but there has been silence. I am sure that you are not all agent provocateurs, so give us the courtesy of knowing who is coming to town. You can either post the information here (Indymedia) or contact me by email - mikerhodes [at]
by John Posner (healthcareshouldbefree [at]
LSD and bacteria in Freeper food? Sheesh, you guys are violent, and even willing to joke about a serious federal felony.

You realize what you are setting yourselves up for if you discuss domestic terrorism in a public forum? Ashcroft himself will come after you if anyone takes you seriously, like a high school kid caught with a hit list.

Grow up or nobody will take us seriously.
by flip side
let the freepers have their get together – why should anyone really care? doing an anti-freeper protest is just as stupid as the freepers showing up to one of the anarchist vs communist soccer games and protesting the players and people. it’s counter productive and only provokes each side into violence.
by Amazing
Are you saying that you stood on the corner of a busy street during rush hour with your signs and people passed by and made fun of them threw things at you?

Don't they know you have the right to free speech?

They must be part of some vast right wing conspiracy.

Normal people would never expect a person to be held accountable for public actions.

Surely Freepers must be responsible this. Any clear thinking person can see this. I'm sure you would have had the whole city of Fresno joining you, but they must have been intimitated by those half a dozen Freepers on the other corner.
by false flag
Some freeper probably posted that stuff about LSD and e coli, just to make us look bad. They do stuff like that.
by ?
Hey, you know how Sherman Austin got sent to jail for a year because of a link that someone else uploaded onto his website (they have a newswire kind of like this site's) that went to website run by a son of a republican in Orange County?
Is it legal for the police to choose to press charges against Sherman and not against the actual writer of the bomb instruction website? isn't that really selective enforcement of the law? Also, could we upload those links onto free republic and get the owner of the free republic sent to jail? If you look through those threads on the free republic, they seem to be conspiring to shoot lots of hippies and openly discussing their guns and plans.
by Grubby
Drugging the Freepers is a bad idea. Violence is not an option. Please don't do that people, however funny the idea might be. It would seem the Freepers have been exposed as being violent thugs(under the guise of "self protection"). The idea of the Freepers being challenged to a food fight appeals to me. A fair food fight at that.
by Cribbage
I don't think Freepers are in any condition to play Soccer, as most of them are fairly burnt-out, as their political stances indicate. Besides there would be too many cardiac arrests among the Freepers. I am really concerned about this idea of a Soccer game, It could be really dangerous. Someone could get hurt. Just let the poor Freepers have their rally, they aren't hurting anyone.

If you do attend, go in disguise. Dockers and a polo shirt will get you right into the event. Or wear a gas mask and that Amebix tee-shirt for that urban chic look and just lurk.

I think the Freepers are happy they are finally getting the attention they deserve.

by Steve Malm
Peace Fresno will not be going to Lost Lake as the prior email said; nor is Vince Lavery "ready to be thrown down." I've seen Vince fall down a few times, but he didn't really relish it. Time to take entries like the above with a grain of salt.

Obviously, someone needs a life and humor lessons.

Steve, Peace Fresno
by Mike Rhodes
These posts by someone who claims to be Vince Lavery points out one of the weaknesses of Indymedia’s policy of allowing people to post anonymously. Vince, who is very active in Peace Fresno, would never make the posts that are on this site (above). What this amounts to is “identity theft” for the purpose of setting someone up if violence occurs. I don’t know if Indymedia has a way of identifying who really made these posts, but if they do I would be curious to know if legal action could be taken against the perpetrator.
by history buff
That's what people said about those silly Nazis and their comic opera uniforms.
by Re:
"That's what people said about those silly Nazis and their comic opera uniforms."

You mean those patriotic half-time shows at the Super Bowl? The Navy jets that fly over arent usually bombers so I would give them no thought.
by dr. smiles
I'll make the drive down to Fresno from Oakland. It sounds like we could have some fun with this.
by Angie

As I mentioned just now in another post, today has seen me giggle and chuckle non-stop.

This is a priceless bit of prose, "Vinnie". Priceless!!
by Vincent Lavery
Whisky you're the devil! I don't remember what I did last night. me head flippin hurts. tis a peace Fresno meeting on Tuesday and I'll be bringing a jug-o-punch for all me brave lads that stand on the corner with thar signs held bravely buv thar heads. I'm sure that the boys of the fighting 69th would be sad at what a puss I am though...I shall go drown me sorrows with me glass and spoon.
by impacted stool
Because the picnic goers will have plenty of bats.
by peter G
Isn't that illegal? Threatening to assault someone with a deadly weapon likea vehicle is a felony.
by jonas salk (nelson [at]
I wouldn't do that traitors. Most Freepers believe very strongly in the 2nd Amendment and thier right to be left alone.

It's your life fools
by Osama Bin Deadin
I hear there will be pig on a spit! mmmmmmmm my favorite.
by Yasser Arafat
After the IDF boots me out and I stop by the picnic for some fried pork and bacon, can I come stay with you at the Fresno Alliance?
by mega man
Let's see?

Ummm, "BRING BACK SADDAM! Being put ina shredding machine is not soooo bad!"

Ummm, "BRING BACK THE TALIBAN! Women should never be allowed to read!"

Ummm, "WAR HAS SOLVED NOTHING, except slavery, fascism, nazism & communism"

Ummm, "SADDAM ONLY KILLS HIS OWN PEOPLE, It's not our buisness"

Ummm, "FREEPERS ARE NAZIS, although the root of Nazism is National Socialism and anti-capitalism"
by this will be fun
Lets see... I got the sodas, the watermelon, fresh batteries for the stun guns, softball bats, pepper spray, my steel toed boots, arm bars, knee bars, chokes, neck cranks, wrist locks, shoulder locks...this should be a fun picnic...I almost hope that these uninvited guests show up.
by my new S&W 500
wow, at over 2 bucks a shot these hippies might not be worth it...I guess it's better than shooting paper targets though HEY! I'm saving a tree, see, maybe I am a little liberal HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by cell x
I find it 'curious' that there are some people here trying to dissuade an anti-Freeper protest or counter-rally to the Freepers picnic - especially with downright SILLY 'moral' analogies to the U.S. invasion of Iraq! Oh, that's a FREEPER/COP right there, posing as a "progressive". (The park is not the Freeper's "own territoriy" - it's a PUBLIC park!) Or some of the other really *SUSPICIOUSLY* SILLY reasons of dissuasion I have seen here. Or pretending that if there isn't an anti-Freeper protest or picnic counter-rally, the Freepers won't have any legitimacy. In this political system OF COURSE the Freepers have a nominal "legitimacy": they are *part* of the System. THE *SYSTEM* acknowledges them. And that's what progressives want to protest.

Also, if some people want to coordinate with some central person down in Fresno, then that's their decision. But not everyone should necessarily do so. I would be *WARY* of someone I do NOT know (if indeed I did not know him/her and s/he doesn't have known credible references) strongly saying that ALL anti-Freeper protest groups SHOULD 'register'/"coordinate" with him/her. That *COULD BE* an intelligence operation for the Freepers/police to determine in advance who and how many progressives are coming - what to expect.

People can certainly agree to meet in one general place/area, but not everyone has to let that one person know who they are and how many of them they are. Think of it as operating in cells. Do your own thing: centrally and specifically coordinate with one person or not, depending on how YOU and your group want to contribute, and how you think you can best do so, or how you plan to protest.

(Some good disinformation and diversion might also be a good idea to, to keep the Freepers off-guard.)

Let's go 'piss' on their picnic!!
Do I get to test it out!!!!!!
by my new S&W 500 Thursday September 11, 2003 at 02:27 PM.
by Liberals hate America
by PUBLIC SAFETY ALERT! Thursday September 11, 2003 at 03:27 PM

Timothy McVeigh hated his govt. and America...that sounds like the leftist Liberal hippies to me
by Freepers hate liberty
If you don't like our company, get off of our website.
by Mike Rhodes
There are many postings here (above) that are fake. In other words, someone has used our names (political activists in Fresno) and created messages allegedly from us. What is this about? Use the link below to go to the Boston Indymedia web site and read about how they exposed someone who was using similar tactics there.

Whoever is doing this is a liar and a coward. They should be banned from Indymedia.


Brownshirt Tactics Revealed
by @ Friday September 12, 2003 at 05:49 AM

SF IndyMedia moved to block various brownshirts recently. These brownshirts are part of the group that calls themselved KOBE.

Please read the thread pointed to by this link to Boston IndyMedia:

In this thread we manipulated "KOBE SBM" into admiting his tactics and goals.

It is important to defend yourselves against this kind of online activity. Whenever someone is posted "out of character" visa vi the author, assume it is forged. Contact the author and inform him or her that he or she is being libeled.

by impacted stool
Aren't you coming to the picnic to sermonize how great Islamist terrorism is and how bad America is?
(REF: "Do I get to test it out!!!!!!
by my new S&W 500 Thursday September 11, 2003 at 02:27 PM.")

oh really
by Liberals hate America Thursday September 11, 2003 at 10:05 PM.

by PUBLIC SAFETY ALERT! Thursday September 11, 2003 at 03:27 PM.<<

WACKO: "Timothy McVeigh hated his govt. and America...that sounds like the leftist Liberal hippies to me."

Of course you would twist the truth - in your own twisted mind - to suit your own WACKO purposes, just like your friend McVeigh and your friend "S&W".

Blue-eyed, blond-haired, good ole American made and born whyte boy Timothy McVeigh considered himself A WHITE *CONSERVATIVE* CHRISTIAN BORN AGAIN FUNDAMENTALIST **SUPERPATRIOT**!!

He hated the government - and anyone who worked for it - just like Newt Gingrich and other right-wing ultra-conservatives kept repeating themselves and told people like him to do! Remember how we heard Newt & Co. say REPEATEDLY?: "Government is the ENEMY!!"

McVeigh merely 'made the [conservatives] word flesh', as the Bible would say. Or are you now going to claim that McVeigh was really a left-wing hippie!? Hahaha!!

Given all you WACKO right-wingers even in the Congress saying that "Government is the ENEMY!", McVeigh thought he would be aclaimed and honored as a hero by people - the American people! - just like you!! DO YOU?
by Mike Rhodes
I went by Shaw and Blackstone at 5 PM today (Friday, September 12) and there were no Freepers on the corner. Returned at 5:40 PM and there were 6 people on the corner. I think 1 of them was a reporter. Hey, that was worth all of our discussion about the Freeper rally/Counter-demonstration.

I think the point of all of this was to waste our time.
by Mike Rhodes
6:30 PM and there are 9 pathetic Freepers on the corner of Shaw and Blackstone in Fresno. There is not 1 counter-demonstrator in sight. This whole counter-demonstration thread was just an attempt by the Freepers to waste our time. They lied, impersonated Fresno and Bay Area activists, threatened violence and in the end it was just all smoke and mirrors.
by another possibility
maybe most of them didn't show up because they're scared of what we might do to them if we ever caught them out in the open. They're a cowardly lot by nature. Maybe it was just cowardice that kept them away. They talk mighty big talk from the safety of the internet. F2F, they're a bunch of wimps.
by Mike Rhodes
This picture was taken at 6:30 PM on Friday, September 12 at Shaw and Blackstone in Fresno. This shows how much support the Freepers can generate when they hype a rally.
by the rally
I'm not sure what this rally was about...I think your wife was the one that put the thing see while you were gone snapping pictures and feeling smug she called a few of my friends and I from the Fresno state basketball team because she wanted to bust a train...sorry mike, thats life buddy....hey, she isn't half bad....nice pictures of shaw and b-stone by the way...
by ASHneversleeps
I know the FReepers. I have monitored this group since 1996. I have been banned on multiple accounts there and know FReeper board culture all too well.

<p>They are currently warring about pit bulls (some for, some against), bait gays (Metrosexuals is their favorite label), crusade against "eco-terrorists like PETA, the Sierra Club, Green Peace ... oh yeah, and ELF and ALF, post Internet polls in threads to go to in numbers to screw up, and many other strange games only the politically unsavvy could love.

<p>They want Christianity to take it's 'rightful' place as the nation's official religion, want ALL Muslims removed or imprisoned ("Islam - A Religion of Hate" is a favorite mantra, along with Registered's - the FReeper graphic guru - picture of a jet hitting Mecca during the Haj), and they foam at the mouth at any mention of Clinton - Hil or Bill - or RINOS (Republican in Name Only) who displease them.

<p>I could go on and on, but you get the point. This is a site the carefully nurtures the seed of Fascism, a disease any country or people could come down with without enough vigilance to guard against it.

<p>Go there and sample it yourself. Play with the search engine and look at the treatment of your favorite issues. Read how Judi Bari bombed herself, how Mumia should die painfully, How Liberalism is a disease one cannot live with - that must be rubbed out.

<p>FReepers have an old war cry; "EAGLES UP!" It always puzzled me, as does their use of Eagles in their graphics as a trademark of sorts.

<p>The only birds I have ever seen there in that pit of a forum are middle fingers and buzzards circling overhead.

by Zippy the Pinhead
I saw a flyer in Fresno today that said this guy named Kevin Curry is going to hand out free joints at the picnic. Woo Hoo I will be there on time!
Remember Woodward is a public park, there is nothing the Freepers can do about "univited guests" being in the park. Let the games begin!
Two can play that game.
by Dawg
I hear the Freepers have now been classified as a hate group by the city of Fresno. They are finally getting the attention they deserve.
by anti-liberal
Take a look at todays Fresno Bee. Looks like the HRC's lie backfired on them...I'm sure peace Fresno was in on it too...hope they have a lawyer!

by just wondering
Cite an URL.
by two articles
Hmm. it seems that people don't get along in Fresno.
First a guy on the council said he was going to release a dirty bomb to kill all liberals in Fresno, and now they're getting rid of the human rights commission person who called the freepers a hate group:
Autry wants to suspend it for calling a conservative organization 'hate group.'
By Matt Leedy
The Fresno Bee
(Published Sunday, September 14, 2003, 5:16 AM)

Mayor Alan Autry will try to suspend the city's Human Relations Commission after its chairwoman issued a news release labeling a local conservative organization a "hate group."
Autry vowed Saturday to take action against the commission in the latest clash between the group and more conservative members of the Fresno city government.

He was reacting to a news release Chairwoman Debbie Reyes sent Friday that warned, "a rally is being organized by a hate group called 'The Free Republic.' "

The statement was stamped with the city of Fresno's seal.

The Free Republic is a Web site operated by Jim Robinson of Fresno.

On the site, Free Republic is introduced as "an online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web."

According to the commission's news release, "The information on this group's website clearly indicates threats of violence toward any minority groups that interfere with their rally or picnic."

Reyes said she wrote the news release, with help from another commissioner, because, "there's a link on the website that refers to this group as anti-gay and anti-immigration. When intolerance comes to the table, we need to answer that call."

Autry said there is no evidence that Free Republic is a hate group, adding that the commission is "using the city of Fresno as a tool to attack people without cause. This is just something that has to stop."

Autry plans to meet with Fresno's city manager and city attorney to discuss suspending the commission "until we find out how this happened, who was involved with the press release and the reason behind it."

Human Relations Commissioner Cary Catalano said it was decided last week that the commission would not issue a news release about Free Republic.

"Due to the nature of this event I will personally be asking Chairwoman Debbie Reyes for her resignation," Catalano said Saturday. "It's just important that the community knows that this is not a reflection of individual members."

In response, Reyes conceded other commissioners should have been told of the release.

"He's right on that," Reyes said. "It happened at the last minute of the midnight hour."

The news release was sent with a city of Fresno cover sheet and stated Free Republic was planning a rally Friday.

About a dozen people met at Shaw and Blackstone avenues Friday. They listened to country music, waved American flags and held signs asking drivers to honk their horns if they support U.S. soldiers.

Those who gathered at the busy intersection said the commission's accusation was ridiculous.

According to the commission's release, "This group has also planned a 'Free Republic Hate Rally Picnic' " Saturday at Woodward Park. However, those who planned to attend said the picnic was a chance for dozens to eat barbecued tri-tip, talk and play.

Autry called the Human Relations Commission "politically intoxicated" and described its news release as "inflammatory, reckless, irresponsible and dangerous."

"These comments are not a reflection of the city of Fresno," he said. "It's one thing to say someone's a jerk or to say someone is off base, but the worst thing you can say is that they're a hate group."

Last month, Autry clashed with Reyes when the commission member accused city officials of making racist remarks. This followed the release of an e-mail message in which City Council Member Jerry Duncan said he wished he had a "dirty bomb" to kill every liberal in Fresno.

Autry also was upset that the commission used city staffers to send the release.

At their meeting Thursday, Nicholas DeGraff warned commissioners that the Free Republic was planning events "that had the potential for violence."

DeGraff, a member of Peace Fresno, said he read messages on the Web site that stated Free Republic members were armed and "extremely violent."

"We wanted the police to be notified that there was a potential conflict," DeGraff said Saturday. "It was my goal to avert any potential violence. That being my goal, it was accomplished."

After listening to DeGraff, the HRC decided to write a letter to police, Catalano said. And Reyes later decided to send the news release, warning of the "hate group."

"We didn't want people getting hurt. Period. That was it," Reyes said. "If the city didn't get any kind of alert we could have been held responsible."

Fresno council will consider resolution Tuesday.
By Pablo Lopez
The Fresno Bee
(Published Sunday, September 14, 2003, 5:16 AM)

The Fresno City Council on Tuesday will debate a resolution that condemns Council Member Jerry Duncan for sending an e-mail message in which he threatened to "eliminate all the liberals in Fresno" with a "dirty bomb."
The resolution also targets Council Member Brian Calhoun, whose assistant, Ann Kloose, sent an e-mail on a city computer that said if Human Relations Commission members got unruly, she would call police to " 'Cap' these guys."

Several members of the commission and other Fresno residents have called for a public censure since the city released hundreds of e-mail messages exchanged among council members and their staffers during the summer budget hearings.

Now, Council President Tom Boyajian wants the public to debate whether Duncan's and Calhoun's actions should result in a resolution rising to a public rebuke.

Boyajian also is seeking council support for a resolution that establishes a policy for council members "to conduct themselves with respect for the rights and backgrounds of everyone."

In addition, he would like the entire council to attend a workshop concerning "leadership, collaboration and having sensitivity to all the people in the community."

As council president, Boyajian said, he has a duty to bring forward issues from people who feel disenfranchised, particularly based on their religious, social, political or ethnic backgrounds.

Doing nothing, Boyajian said, sends a message that city leaders don't care or that they approve of Duncan's and Calhoun's actions. "I know I don't condone it," he said.

Duncan declined to comment. Calhoun said he would address the issue at Tuesday's public hearing.

If Boyajian is trying to set a new standard for council conduct, David Schecter, a political science professor at California State University, Fresno, said: "That's a noble gesture."

Too often, the public sees council members fighting among themselves instead of concentrating on serious issues.

Part of the problem, Schecter said, is that the strong-mayor form of government has caused a rift between council members who support Mayor Alan Autry and those who don't. Schecter also believes city staffers escalate the tension by sometimes giving the council insufficient information to make good decisions.

The e-mails controversy contributes to "a serious image problem for the council," he said.

"The council needs serious group therapy," he said.

City Attorney Hilda Cantu Montoy said the council doesn't have legal authority to censure or discipline individual council members.

The council can, however, express its view through a resolution expressing disapproval of certain conduct of council members.

In October 2000, the council approved a resolution that criticized former Council Member Chris Mathys, who was accused by his colleagues of misspending public funds and of political grandstanding. Boyajian voted to approve the resolution.

The current controversy began when the City Attorney's Office made the e-mails public in response to a request by The Bee. Though Calhoun didn't send controversial e-mails, critics contend, he is culpable because he received Kloose's e-mails and did not discipline her.

In one e-mail, on June 10, Duncan wrote to Kloose: "If I had one dirty bomb ... I could eliminate all the liberals in Fresno at once."

The e-mail was written during City Council discussion of the Human Rights Commission's budget for the current fiscal year.

Many HRC supporters are politically liberal and were present in council chambers that day.

During the same meeting, Kloose wrote to Calhoun: "If these HRC folks bring down a crowd and get unruly, I'm calling to send over some officers to 'Cap' these guys ;-) "

Another e-mail, between Duncan and Kloose, has caused a stir.

During a June 27 budget hearing, Autry scored big in his battle with the council over his $726 million budget, saving his signature programs.

Kloose wrote to Duncan: "I just heard Alan's remarks. How did the darkside of the council receive it? Were they respectful?"

HRC Chairwoman Debbie Reyes said Friday that Duncan, Kloose or Calhoun have never explained what "darkside" meant.

"Is it a racist statement, or something from 'Star Wars,' " she said. "I think we have a right to know."

by another freeper pipes in
Yep, it does look like the HRC has egg on its face now.

The news item on channel 24 Friday night was a riot.

They came out looking for white hoods and burning crosses. All they found were middle age folk waving flags.

I guess Ms Reyes will have to get a real job.
by Glam Queen
Freepers attempting to hide behind the flag was what I saw on TV. Well it won't work. The truth finally seems to be coming out about FreeRepublic. Good to see. They are an embarrasment to Fresno, nothing more. It will be easily proved the Freepers are indeed a hate group.
by Mike Rhodes
What: Support the Human Relations Commission (HRC)
Why: Because the HRC support the progressive movement and they are under attack by the mayor and conservative City Council members
When: Tuesday, September 16 - 4:30 PM

Mayor Attacks Human Relations Commission
The front page of the Sunday (September 14) Fresno Bee details an attack by the mayor on the Human Relations Commission. The mayor is demanding that Debbie Reyes resign because she sent a statement to the media warning the community about a potentially violent group that was going to hold a demonstration in Fresno. This group, the Free Republic, threatened to bring guns and other weapons to their demonstration at Shaw and Blackstone and use them to attack counter-demonstrators if they showed up.

The political right wing on the City Council are trying to use this incident to remove Debbie Reyes from the HRC and they are seeking to eliminate the HRC entirely. The progressive community needs to show their support for the HRC by attending the City Council meeting on Tuesday. There is a scheduled agenda item to discuss the issue of Council member Duncan’s threatening emails at 4:30 PM. If the issue of disbanding the HRC is going to be discussed, this will be the time. A large turnout in support of the HRC will make a big difference.

The HRC deserves our support because they are the main force behind organizing the MLK march and other events each January, they provide many of the resources to needed to honor the memory of Cesar Chavez, they promote cultural diversity and tolerance, and they are "the peoples voice" when grassroots organizations or individuals need to bring something to the city's attention.

There has been discussion in the Fresno media about whether Debbie Reyes did the right thing in her attempt to alert the community to the potential for violence at the Free Republic demonstration. Here are some of the messages we saw in the days leading up to the event. You can decide for yourself whether there was reason for concern about the public’s safety:


I have found that pepper spray works on pesky rodents. And remember, always spray DOWNWIND!

"Gee Officer...I was startled, it was reflex"


"Let's be there in numbers." More teeth to knock out.Assholes.


Many freepers are armed. I wouldn't do this.


Sounds like fun!!! Whuppin' some anarchist ass and showing support for America...


Maybe they'll "protest" much along the same lines as their slovenly (and little-missed) heroine du jour, the late Rachel "Speed Bump" Corrie.

Hey... I'm beginning to see a potential upside to this whole "protest" deal, after all... :)

(Note from Mike Rhodes: Rachel Corrie was murdered at a protest in Israel when she was run over by a bulldozer)


You forgot pro-gun. FR members are PRO-GUN. You guys need to remember that; it's very important. They are PRO-GUN! Some of them consider gun-laws to be unconstitutional. Disrupt at your own risk.


And their knees make easy targets.........


Stuff for picnic by this will be fun Thursday September 11, 2003 at 01:50 PM
Lets see... I got the sodas, the watermelon, fresh batteries for the stun guns, softball bats, pepper spray, my steel toed boots, arm bars, knee bars, chokes, neck cranks, wrist locks, shoulder locks...this should be a fun picnic...I almost hope that these uninvited guests show up.

Do I get to test it out!!!!!! by my new S&W 500 Thursday September 11, 2003 at 02:27 PM
(note from Mike Rhodes - this message contained a .jpg image of various caliber ammunition. Let me know if you would like to see the original)

and this message was sent directly to me:

To: MikeRhodes [at]
Subject: We have guns, lots of guns

I wouldn't fool


If you want to contact your City Council member about this issue, you can get their email, phone number or address here:

by is a human right
When people are threatening to cause trouble, we have a right to inform them that their behavior will not be tolerated.

The truth is that some cannot stomach others promoting view that they do not agree.

If people don't like to see Freepers on the corner, so what! It's a free country! You stand on your corner. We'll stand on ours.

The fact that the HRC had to stoop to name calling shows they have become irrelevant.
by Dwaine Miller
I have no doubt they qualify as a hate group. A simple read of older posts that have not been moderated on that site proves that. FreeRepublic is a forum where these people go to participate in violent hateful speech under the guise of "patriotism", it is a place where they go SPECIFICALLY to participate in violent, threatening, hateful discussion. They will have no way to disprove that, the proof is in the posts, and the owner of the site is quite aware of the comments that exist there. This could very well backfire on the conservative major of Fresno, he obviously has not done his homework or else he is politically impartial.

At no point in the original post on this thread did I hear Freepwatch advocate violence. Did anyone else read anything advocating violent behavior in that post?
by Diane Scott
The "westerner" who quoted the Koran deserves to be recognized as an intelligent seeker for truth. If all of us took the time to learn about everyone's religious teachings, we would find that friendship and understanding could replace the hate and racism and the other bad parts of our human societies and perhaps then the desire the peace could be fulfilled. Thank you sir. Diane Scott
by Another_Freeper (I'm not that crazy [at]
Do you consider IndyMedia a hate group? Well read your own following posts from this thread and decide. Inciting violence is a felony!

Attend the Freeper rally and picnic sept. 12th & 13th by Freepwatch Network Monday September 01, 2003 at 08:58 PM Activists: attend the Freeper Rally and Picnic sept. 12th & 13th Come disrupt the annual Freeper Rally in Fresno Sept. 12th & 13th 2003 by freeper • Monday September 01, 2003 at 12:40 PM ,p>... get some trucks and start circling around the park with pink and black flags hanging out and keep swerving and hooting out the window and accelerating and braking with a jerky sense of irritation and speed towards pedestrians as though you're not going to stop.

"LSD in the potato salad"

Especially don't mix e coli and LSD. Imagine what a park full of these poor souls would look like, all tripping, throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time. It sure wouldn’t be pretty. Funny, maybe, but not pretty. No sireee, not pretty at all.

Let's take a poll. How many people here would laugh their butts off if they saw something like that?

LSD and bacteria in Freeper food?

Hey, you know how Sherman Austin got sent to jail for a year because of a link that someone else uploaded onto his website ... Also, could we upload those links onto free republic and get the owner of the free republic sent to jail?

I am very concerned by this. A public park on a weekend day is no place for a pitched battle, with guns on one side and firebombs on the other. ...Dan

by just wondering
You mean like last April when Freepers incited people to run down protesters with their cars, and some people actually did?

Is that what you mean?
by EvieCat
Please provide valid proof where any Freepers incited or caused anyone to run into or over people.
by Ann G
Seems you need more proof. Just check out the posters that the "Freepers" are carrying on their website as they counter-protest in Fresno. Some are patriotic sayings...and some advocate violence. These are very sad people. Their responses advocate hate. their signs advocate violence. They have come over to Peace Fresno and screamed angrily into our faces. They have tried to bully us. Poke fingers at our face, at our chest. They have yelled threats of violence at us. How much "proof" do you need? Maybe once someone is shot or punched then you might saw that is proof but probably not. It will mostly likely be said that the non-violence individuals provoked it. Peace Fresno are not cowards, and many are vets from WWII, Korean, Vietnam, and Desert Storm. They are can fight but choose the path of nonviolence..(like Christ, like Dr. King, like Ghandi) .but do not doubt
their courage, their strength, and their conviction.
by another thing
Please provide proof that anyone who did try to run over people in SF was a FReeper and not just some pissed of commuter sick and tired of you leftists making their city a shithole.

I don't see any difference between the posts I see made by leftist here and any I've seen on FR. At least the mods over there make an attempt to delete the more incindiary remarks. But only leftists have the right to demonstrate, the right to free speech?

I'll say one thing, Reyes did get one thing right. There was a potential violence. But that violence would have been provoked by the leftists if they had made an attempt to directly harrass anyone in that rally. If they truely felt the need to have a counterdemonstration, they could have done it on their side of the street, as
they have done for nearly the past 2 years. But no, they had to stoop to under handed methods. Again, the goal is to squealch out any opinions that are not "correct".
by death to all fanatics
Were these Freepers? We don’t know for sure, but probably. They sure sound like Freepers. Were they*ssholes? Most definitely.




Car rammed

Photo of someone getting hit

by check it out
Click here:


To: Callahan

please please please let one liberal stand in my way of work or anything else!

time to call declare martial law, and then they can shoot them.... run them over in cars.....

4 posted on 03/14/2003 8:49 AM PST by hapy


To: LibFreeUSA

Just shoot em

13 posted on 03/14/2003 8:57 AM PST by geege


To: BlueLancer

Rodentia Domesticus Traitorus subspecies.

Not worth the FRepa protecting... I recommend exterminating the varmint, prior to its soiling our community with more spoor.

31 posted on 03/14/2003 9:29 AM PST by L,TOWM (Liberals, The Other White Meat)


by Fresno Democrat
The Freepers have had a very bad week. Not only have they been exposed as a hate group this week, it has been documented as well. They are deleting posts on their form at a rapid pace but more hateful comments appear faster than they can deal with it. City of Fresno officials have done a very commendable thing in exposing that they are a hate group.

I think due to his physical condition Jim Robinson will likely end up getting minimum security. Tom Metzger has been hired to take over Robinson's position.


Freepers having bad week
by Fresno Democrat Wednesday September 17, 2003 at 09:46 PM

The Freepers have had a very bad week. Not only have they been exposed as a hate group this week, it has been documented as well. They are deleting posts on their form at a rapid pace but more hateful comments appear faster than they can deal with it. City of Fresno officials have done a very commendable thing in exposing that they are a hate group.

I think due to his physical condition Jim Robinson will likely end up getting minimum security. Tom Metzger has been hired to take over Robinson's position.

First, Free Republic has not been exposed as a hate group because they are not a hate group.
The city of Fresno didn't do a "commendable thing in exposing that they are a hate group." What really happened is some crazy lady from the HRC faxed a lie to the media. It's web forums such as indymedia that need to be exposed to the public. Any site that has directions on building destructive devices and offers ideas on ways to disrupt the government need to be shut down and the WHACKOS that frequent it need to be investigated. God bless our troops and President Bush!
by just noting
They are deleting posts on their form at a rapid pace but more hateful comments appear faster than they can deal with it. City of Fresno officials have done a very commendable thing in exposing that they are a hate group.

Speaking of deleting posts, I've noticed a few around here as well. But it is your site, after all. Just don't cry about censorship later.
by indymedia suppresses free speech
It's not censorship. It's editing.

by liberals and conservatives make lovely bedfel (sabot [at]
the plaid/black bloc dont stand on the street corner, we fight in it. who misses the days of fighting fascists in the streets?all broken and bloodied, sharing a brew with the comrades. im sure some will say thats not right,who cares it's left.
beware of the black star rising
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